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Faction Good Chives Only [Plant Surge Training - Jedi]

Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto



"Although I guess I should start trying to encourage the seeds to grow," she admitted, flashing a wide smile up at Jalen. "Have you done anything like this before?"

"Perhaps similar," Jalen remarked. "I've borrowed the strength of plant life before, but influencing it to grow is a bit new. A similar wheelhouse, I assume."

And then the aura around them went dark. Zaiya noticed it, of course, asking of the Echani in question was someone he knew. While vaguely related to Braze, Jalen didn't know Valor. It gave him very little reason to hesitate on what he was going to do next.

"He most certainly is not," he noted, standing up. "Just one moment, please."

Was his master there? Certainly, but Jalen didn't care. He wasn't just going to sit around and let the fool twist something living to his liking. Jalen had a duty to preserve life as a medic and a healer, and he didn't see any reason to allow such brazen disrespect for life to occur. The young man approached calmly, reaching out to the vines that Valor hoped to use to wrangle his master with and seized control of them, interlocking his mind with the living force. He'd begin to push back the negativity, allowing life to slowly return to the vines. There was no spite. No anger. Only the Force. The vines would, at the very least, dramatically slow in their advance.

"I suggest you stop before you do something foolish," Jalen stated, walking up to and standing near Valor with little concern of any threat he may pose. "If you had any sense in that head of yours you'd realize you're killing your plant. I believe that's the conditions necessary for failure of the exercise. A shame for your first lesson."

He furrowed his brow, tucking his hands into his pockets. The younger padawans didn't need to be overloaded with his frustration, especially ones so susceptible to emotion like Zaiya seemed to be.

"The little ones don't need to bare the burden of your angst."


Valor's eyes surveyed Jalen. "Ah, what a noble display of heroism," he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Saving the poor, helpless plants while the younglings watch in awe. Must be quite the thrill for them, seeing a blind man play the hero. Makes you feel powerful, doesn't it? Worthy of their praise? Or maybe you just need to feel like you're in control of something, anything, to remind yourself that you're still capable of something."

He glanced at the younger Padawans with a look of disdain, his smirk fading slightly before he turned his attention back to Jalen. Valor's sneer deepened as he continued, "Forcing your will upon others under the guise of wisdom. Perhaps if one could peer in the mirror they could glean the irony. Preaching against domination while enacting exactly that. Quite fitting."

His eyes flashed with defiance as he finished, "You can save your sanctimonious drivel for the plants."

Valor's sneer deepened as he drew the wreath from his hair. The flowers' glow faded as the wreath shifted and entwined itself around his wrist and hand. The blossoms' glow faded before wilting, drying, and shriveling up before turning to dust that slipped through his fingers like sand. He looked directly at Jalen, his voice cold and cutting. "Then I will fail. Just like you failed to control your own fate."

Valor was in no mood to be playful. He didn't want to be here and struggled to adjust to life outside what he had been raised on. His view of things was warped, his perspective shaped by experiences that left him bitter and defiant.


Jalen felt the vine shrivel away, letting out a scoff. With some effort, Jalen stepped on the vine, severing it with his foot. The remaining living portion was encouraged to continue to do so, growing up his leg and making his way to his hand. He let the blossoms bloom, glowing with a light he could not see.

"Then I will fail. Just like you failed to control your own fate."

"Then fail," Jalen shrugged. "The will of a plant is to grow. I act to foster it. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want to want me to exact my will on the situation you're out of luck. That's not my style."

And, should Valor have a keen eye on him, his plant was still very much alive, albeit in Jalen's hand. By the metric of the exercise, he had yet to fail, though Jalen doubted his master had pleasant words to share. It wasn't really his problem. The plant was alive. Jalen had done his job as a healer.

Nothing more.

"If there isn't anything else, I'll be off."

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Satisfied that his makeshift root whip was long enough to help him navigate any obstacles within the building's interior, Carlo wrapped it securely around the cold, metallic form of his cybernetic arm. His gaze shifted momentarily, taking in the others attending the class. It was a rather colorful group, both in personality and appearance—some literally so.

A few had already set off up the path, while others lingered behind, likely making their own preparations as he had. Once the whip was fastened tightly, Carlo reached into the folds of his robes and produced a pair of round, rose-gold-framed sunglasses, the lenses tinted a vivid pinkish hue.

With a quick push off his right foot, he slipped the sunglasses onto his pale features, a mischievous and joyful smile spreading across his face as he prepared for whatever lay ahead.


Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Ko really wasn’t too concerned with Valor’s little outburst. Other than how it might look for him as a mentor. He understood that the teen was going through a lot. The Kel Dor, being someone who’d always been rather deeply preoccupied with customs, and traditions just didn’t want this to look too bad for him. After all his friends were around even the head of the Order was here too. As a teacher he really didn’t want to make a bad first impression in that role.

Ko tilted his head some and let out a sigh as the teen began to attempt to tangle him. But before Ko retaliated in any way and possibly might’ve put Valor in his place for their little outburst Jelen stepped in. The younger prodigal sibling of Jedi Master Kai’el. Who seemingly halted the growing creep of the vegetation under Valor’s influence. It seemed like it had a much better knack for the ability than the echani.

But it seemed the two students started to have a verbal back and forth. Valor’s words being much more mean and spiteful. He observed as they took the wreath that they’d just made for themselves and had it crumble apart. Only for Jalen to save some of it as well.

Ko lowered his head for a second and took a deep breath. Standing between the two of them Ko raised his hands and placed his hands on each of their shoulders and spoke softly. “I’m sensing a fair bit of energy between you two, something I think might be able to be put to better use. Maybe something more fun and competitive.” As he spoke wrapped his arms around their shoulders and leaned in closer as if they were sports players in a huddle. “Since you two seem to have a certain knack for Plant Surge. You two ought to test your metal in the citadel. Also Valor, if you collect three fruits or peppers in there and bring them back safely without harming the plants within, you can be done here for the day. Sound good?"
Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

The plant in her hand was beautiful. Colette looked at it as it blossomed and felt a proud smile spread on her lips. But it would seem that it wasn't a smile that was meant to last. A commotion abruptly ended the otherwise peaceful lesson as one of the students wrapped their vines around Ko.

The instinct to engage had Colette wrap her fingers with a tight grip around the hilt of her lightsaber with an uncertain glance between Ko and Cora both before she figured that the tutors were more than well-equipped enough to handle an insolent little echani.

And besides the fact that a blind kid got there first, she was right. Ko tried to spin it into something better, but it would seem the insolent manchild amongst them didn't seem fit to listen, or fit to even be here if she was to be entirely honest.

The moron made for the Citadel, and Colette began to follow.

Someone had to keep an eye on them, and she figured the more the merrier. It was as good of a time to practice tracking someone through the force as any. Especially given this person's rather distinctly negative aura.

Valor stood in full display of haughty defiance, his tone laced with biting vitriol. Like a riled-up snake ready to strike, his very presence warned others to keep their distance. His mood was foul, his reluctance to be here evident in every scowl and harsh word. Ko Vuto had insisted on his presence, much to Valor's displeasure. Recent events had only soured his opinion of the Keldor, and every attempt to curb his sharp tongue only fueled his frustrations further.

Criticism of his first attempt at the task felt like water dripping onto a stone, slowly eroding his patience. His mood had darkened, transitioning into a combative state of mind that made every interaction a potential spark to ignite his simmering anger.

The spite-filled youth longed to retreat to a quiet, dark place to settle down. However, he couldn't do that until he completed the scavenger hunt test. With a flick of his wrist, he lit a small flame in the palm of his hand, casting eerie shadows and illuminating his path. He needed to find three plant pieces to be allowed to leave, a task that seemed both trivial and monumental in his current state.

Unaware, or perhaps uncaring, of the fact that he was being followed, Valor paid no mind to Colette. His drive was singular, his focus intent on locating the necessary pieces to complete his task.




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to encourage them, right? For your Mom?" She gave him the pleading eyes that she knew would be hard to resist. Aris wasn't someone to really pull others along and try and get them to do things they otherwise might not. But this was about family, so maybe he'd be okay helping out a little.

If they said no, that'd be fine too.

On the topic of theme parks, Valery smiled, "I'll look at some options and-" She paused as soon as Sazo Vass Sazo Vass zipped past them, ensnared by vines. She blinked, perked a brow, then rose to place a hand on Aris' should to stop him from going after his fellow Padawan. She understood his desire to help, but she wasn't going to let him.

"It's fine, this is part of the lesson," Valery assured him. "She'll be brought back down and she can choose to rest or rejoin the lesson to try again." Turning to her son, Valery smiled. "It's important we don't interfere and allow them to make mistakes or perform well."

"That way, they learn and don't get too comfortable relying on someone else fixing their mistakes."




In the midst of helping a struggling Ithorian Padawan to grow his flowers, Cora peered over her shoulder as a conflict arose between Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and his student. The adolescent blossom beneath her hand halted its accelerated growth. There was a palpable shudder in the Force as Valor challenged his master with a tangle of vines, but Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el was quick to intervene. Steady as ever, Ko suggested that the pair funnel their energy towards the citadel's challenge.

Pip chose that moment to paw at her leg, and Cora smiled down at the little racyon. She crouched down to give him a quick scratch behind the ears.

Pacing was important during an introductory lesson, but plant surge was not a new concept for some of those who'd gathered here. Whether one wanted to take their time encouraging the growth of the flowers or head directly into the tower of vines, what mattered was becoming comfortable with this type of altering skill.

That being said, Cora nodded over to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Elias Edo Elias Edo before pacing her way over to the citadel. Individually, they were both supremely capable Jedi, able to handle overseeing this class with ease. The knight grasped a vine that was growing against the ancient stonework, then using her foot, wrapped it around the toe of her boot. Slowly, the vine ascended the outside of the spire, depositing her atop the narrow roof, where she settled against the tiles. Both hands pressed against the roof beneath her, and she reached into the Force to monitor the situation within.


The plant life within the citadel was largely still, but as more Jedi began to enter the building, it became more animated and...unpredictable. In fact, the tower had already claimed its first victim: Padawan Sazo Vass Sazo Vass , who seemingly accepted her fate as she went zipping towards the bottom floor.

As Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino made his way inside, the vines began to stir. One behind him shifted to brush against the Jedi's shoulder. It was a momentary distraction, and whether or not Carlo turned, a second vine would snake down from above and wrap itself around the bridge of his sunglasses and yank them from his face. Satisfied with its prize, the vine would retreat several floors up, dangling the shades at Carlo like some sort of taunt.

The vines seemed almost aware of Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken 's dark mood, but were eerily still as the young Echani made his way through the citadel. Without warning, and within full view of Colette Colette , one lashed out to wrap tightly around his long silvery locks. Smaller tendrils quickly burst forth from the surface of the vine, twisting and coiling tightly into a tangled mass of green flora and white threads of hair.

Things were a little different for Talsin Lota Talsin Lota as he entered the spire. The vines did not seek to ensnare him, but rather, one moved carefully towards the Padawan, curling like a thin, green limb as it offered him a glossy red pepper.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Ryana mina Ryana mina

(OOC: Feel free to enter the citadel and find fruits/vegetables at your own pace, no need to wait for me to post - I just like to harass you guys when the opportunity presents itself.)
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Tides of Change


[Interacting] Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Location: UKATIS


Few things in this galaxy made Elias feel connected to the Force quite like the natural world. It always fascinated him just how prevalent and necessary the Force was to all living things, from the humblest flower to the most complex sentients. The Force pervades everything, a valuable lesson that he hoped he could help impart on the gathering of Padawans and Knights here today.

His new role as Quartermaster of the New Jedi Council warranted his visit perfectly enough, though he hadn't arrived with a freighter full of supplies for an enclave. Rather, he came with a mind full of knowledge on the subject of a rare Force ability: plant surge. Elias had mastered the talent during his tenure as Grandmaster in the Rimward Jedi Coalition, but contrary to its usage here, he relied on the ability to rend and destroy a breed of sentient, parasitic flora rather than simply manipulating vines. Still, Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania found his affinity for herbalism and acute knowledge of the skill to be worth an invitation to instruct, and Elias was more than happy to oblige.

He watched with a smile as the Ukatian Knight ascended the citadel with east, shading his eyes from the sun as he watched her rise to the top. "How freeing, this place," Elias remarked to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto once the Knight was finished with the pair of Padawans before him. He caught himself partially signing his words along with speaking them, a small gift -or curse, depending- imparted to him from his time spent with Efret Farr Efret Farr on Jakku and beyond. Elias reached for a bit of training seeds and practiced raising small green sprouts from them, idly summoning life from dormancy while he conversed with the Kel Dor. "That pair reminds me a lot of myself," Elias said. "Headstrong, determined. The Order could use more of that, if set on the right path."





She could feel it as she held the flower.

The Heartbeat of the Force.


It was a simple ask, and yet it felt as if she was asking for life itself to persist. Not something she was unfamiliar with asking, admittedly. But it felt strange. Asking the Force to allow her to persist was as natural as breathing now.

But asking something else to?

Suddenly, her focus shifted back to the flower, as slowly...

It's vines grew. It began pushing outward onto her palm.

It was working...


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Watching the interaction unfold between Jalen and the other Echani was…interesting, to say the least. However, what was more startling was seeing just how much Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken seemed to look like Braze Braze . Were they related? The Lovalla teen was unsure, as the only other Echani she’d met was Astro, and she had similar features as well.

"Master Vuto, are you alright?" Zaiya asked, coming up behind Jalen. Another ripple of pale yellow tones highlighted in silver would glimmer over the patterns of her face and the constellations along her bare arms. The Lovalla teen recognized Knight Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , and she gave him a small bow and nodded in agreement.

"Is he going to be okay?" Concern would continue to bloom as the mired cloud of turbulent emotions seemed to follow Valor like a tiny storm. There was the awareness that she should get going and encourage her seeds to grow, but she also wanted to make sure things were ok.

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The vines seemed almost aware of Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken 's dark mood, but were eerily still as the young Echani made his way through the citadel. Without warning, and within full view of Colette Colette Colette Colette , one lashed out to wrap tightly around his long silvery locks. Smaller tendrils quickly burst forth from the surface of the vine, twisting and coiling tightly into a tangled mass of green flora and white threads of hair.
Valor was halted in his tracks. The audacious asparagus ambushed him, proving to be a cunning chlorophyll captor. The leafy leash lassoed his locks, the botanical bandit binding him in a verdant vise. The sneaky shrub subdued him swiftly, its tendrils triumphing over his tresses. The vines seemed almost vindicated by vanquishing him.

Valor's startled reaction was laced with frustration. He tugged at the vine, but its grip only tightened. "Of all the indignities," he muttered, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. He struggled against the vine's hold, his movements becoming more frantic as he realized he couldn't free himself easily. Each pull only seemed to make the plant tighten its grip, its tendrils winding tighter around his hair. Desperation began to creep into his voice as he continued to wrestle with the relentless greenery, his efforts proving in more ways than one fruitlessly futile.


Aris paused as he was grabbed, frowning ever so faintly. The urge to help was still very much there, how could it not be? But, as Valery said, this was part of the lesson. Was it part of the lesson to not help others, though? Then again he wasn't technically here for the lesson itself. The conflict was clear as ever in his face before he let out a sigh.

"Alright, alright. I won't chase after them. .. What sort of things are you thinking of, though?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Something felt wrong. It was hard to pin it down but it was there like a bad rumbling in her stomach. Colette was barely aware of the first root's grasp before she jumped into action. Just because she didn't care much for Valor's attitude didn't mean she would risk anything bad happening to him. Not that she suspected the mentors would either, but it'd be foolish to rely on them for help right now.

"Hey. Hey!" She shouted at Valor. "Look at me. Stop."

She raised the shining flower towards the man's hair in the hopes that it's weak sheen would let him go, but given how much he squirmed it seemed that not much would change.

"Deep breaths, okay?" She said and sucked in a demonstrative breath. She exhaled. "And out."

"I will help, but you need to be calm."

Valor's initial panic began to subside at the sound of Colette's voice. He glanced up, his eyes narrowing in confusion before focusing on her. The fire he had previously held had been extinguished.

"Stop? How am I supposed to stop when this blasted vine has me in a chokehold?" he snapped, though there was a hint of desperation in his voice. He forced himself to follow her instructions, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly. His movements became less frantic, but the frustration was still evident in his eyes.

As Colette raised the shining flower towards his hair, Valor's tension eased just a little. "Alright, alright, I'm trying to stay calm," he muttered, his tone softening. "Just... please, get me out of this."

He took another deep breath, following Colette's example. He was perhaps begrudgingly beginning to realize that relying on someone else, was his best option at the moment.



Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Ko observed through The Force as Master Edo approached. He wasn’t all that familiar with the man. But he imagined that they were adept with Plant Surge. Watching how they aided the speedy growth of another plant. “I suppose, the place has more of an ebb and flow to it. But freeing wouldn’t be how I’d describe it.” From his time on Ukatis he’d either been tasked to deal with some threat or enjoy some local festivity. It made him think of his friend Cora. Having just a patchwork of knowledge about her time here. He knew that she’d endured much here, as for what exactly he wasn’t really sure. Yet that didn’t seem to leave the young noblewoman bitter or spitful. Still showing great care and loyalty to the planet and her people. It was inspiring. To say the least.

That duality also felt connected to what Elias said about the two padawans. Ko knew there was a good metaphor for it. But I couldn't remember exactly what it was. Something along the liens of there being two beings inside of someone. Padawan Jalen and Padawan Valor possibly exhibiting each one respectively. “I feel like the Order has plenty of firecrackers within the order.” Ko replied with a slight chuckle. Thinking back to his own master Jonyna Si Jonyna Si as well as Valery Noble Valery Noble . Finding it a bit funny seeing the two pyromancers here. “Maybe that’s why I like plants, they’re slowness conceals a good deal of wisdom. Even the most volatile algae bloom is rather methodical.”

Ko then heard someone else address him. Turning towards her, recognizing the girl to be Zaiya. A girl he remembered back on Myrkr. “Oh yes I’m quite alright.” The Kel Dor replied. “Valor will be as well, he’s got a lot on his mind I’m sure and had expressed a desire to avoid this lesson before we got here. He just needs to understand the importance of working in harmony with The Force and nature instead of against it. I'm sorry if what he said was upsetting." Ko said, not worried about whatever botanical danger Valor might find themselves in at this very moment. "Now, if I may ask, how are you finding these lessons today young Ceti?”
Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

"Of course, of course." Colette nodded along with Valor's pleas for help. "Just keep breathing. Focus on that."

She kept the flower around the back of his head. It would be difficult for Valor to see but most certainly not to feel as the vines slowly began to loosen its grip on his hair. Colette herself had to admit that she had absolutely no clue whether or not it would work, but given the state he was in there was no need to scare him like that.

Colette then waited for the worst of the vines to get out of his hair both metaphorically and physically before she took a step back from him to give him some space.

"You good? Any injuries? Bruises?"
Tag: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Aris Noble Aris Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Pip smiled at ko as he felt ko looking at him almost seeming like he knew ko had as pip then looked to cora for attention getting it. Ryana smirked the site cora was trying to be a teacher yet she had a small racyon basically looking for attention. Ryana listened to valor he was certainly not the typical jedi and she hoped ko was up to the challenge of teaching him as she began walking up to the citadel she used plant surge to grow a planter out of plants and grew a few more of the glowing plants as she wrapped her lekku around the impromptu planter making sure the roots where getting nutrients inside the soil.

Ryana felt that pip was staying behind which would make this goal cora set before them easily ten times easier for the lethan twi'lek padawan. As she walked into the citadel with the various blooms giving off light ryana began looking for stairs up to the upper levels.

Pip looked around alone as he saw ko and cora where busy talking to other people the small racyon wasn't sure what to do. Pip wondered up to where Valery Noble Valery Noble was and layed down near her still awake the small racyon watched people train in plant surge.

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