Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay


  • Objective - Moving on
  • Location - Rooftops moving away the factory district.
  • Gear and Equipment - Armor, LMG, Sidearm, knife, rock, candle, twin lightsabers, various grenades, demolition charges.
  • Allies - Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell
  • Post 6

The heavy cannon fire when it came in would slam into Domino's Force Barrier, the first shot knocking her forward before the second sent her tumbling, from there it would get worse once the spread got lucky and hit her again. Were she on the ground, she could have taken it without a flinch, but she wasn't and so she dodged downwards. Boosting towards the rooftops over a kilometre from where she'd taken off and taking cover among them. At the last moment she flipped, and flared the ion drives of her jetpack to their max, even then she felt the impact from the soles of her feet, through her knees and up to her neck. That'd leave her stiff and sore come morning, but less so than if she hadn't been expecting to be shot at. Heck invited it even by flying away in a straight line.

Once the rounds stopped coming in after the dropship had moved on, unbeknownst to Domino who also hadn't noticed a shouted challenge that had come way to late, she dropped the barrier to rest a quick moment. Kneeling up there she really wished she could take off her helmet and catch a quick breath, maybe feel a breeze. Of course that was a great way to catch a sniper round, and the air was more smog than breath, and there was no breeze inside the dome. Well maybe a bit of one with the fires and the new holes it was sporting but that was also adding to the air pollution. This place really sucked.

Right, that was enough feeling sorry, she wasn't that old yet. The ancient Sith words came easily to her, practiced ad nauseam, now silent behind the armored wedge of her helmet. With the Spell of Concealment completed she reactivated her pack and set a more leisurely pace rocking side to side towards the dome now that she couldn't be detected nearly as easily. Those missed shots earlier had perforated the city's protective cover despite lacking a laser's power and now those holes were Domino's objective.

Dasmi Lindervale




ALLIED TAGS: Bella Salem Norongachi Willam Forlon Willam Forlon
OBJECTIVE: Talay Space
ENEMIES: John Locke Kiff Brayde Cypher Rage


The Monarchs were mid turn, generators finishing the last charge to the pulse cannons as another shot tore through another of the Monarchs. It erupted, and the remaining three were finishing their turn, and the charge on their own weapons as the proton pulse cannon came to bear against the Terrus Class Corvettes. Each one of the Monarchs fired their pulse cannon at a separate corvette. The remainder of their firepower, the dual hypervelocity cannons on each one of the remaining monarchs targeted the dual emitter. Six volleys from each gun lasting ten seconds before needing to break to cool in the void of space.

**The captains of each were barking commands, holding tightly onto a console while the rest of the crew had buckled in. They were receiving updates too late that a group of vessels had emerged from the waters of the planet below. They had not been paying attention and it had come back to bite them.

Lo-Notar had been here previously, and would have mentioned some lapse in the system. He stared at the engagement before him, numerous around him warning him to flee as the smirk appeared once more. “You do not run from a hunt. You take the hunt, or the hunt takes you. Another will pick it up though. Another will finish what has been started. Someone far more able to hunt this prey.” He hissed, refusing to leave.

The one hundred and twenty heavy ion cannons that all three monarchs wielded began firing upon the Victator, along with sixty heavy turbolaser cannons, and one hundred and eighty medium turbolaser cannons. The full brunt of their firepower aimed at the Victator now. It only lasted a short time however before each succumbed to the fire that was being poured into the backside of the ships. Each slowly bled bodies into space as holes in the hull was tore open, the slow ceasing of fire from the front edge of the ship a sign that the people behind the guns were being decimated.

The engines exploded, shortly behind them the ammo cartridges as the proton pulse cannons went wild at a half charge and sprayed beams in every direction as the Monarch's hull twisted from the internal explosions and sent the forward compartments into a separate trajectory than the rear of the vessel. The backside of the Sentinels were exposed, and the stray beams began to tear holes into them as their shields were focused mainly towards the Victator. Sections erupted with explosions. Damage control teams failing to respond in time as parts of the sentinels began to fall away and the three ships began to combust internally.

Missiles from the Victator were not swatted aside, a number of them reaching the shields of the Sentinels before exploding. An even greater number of them getting through as the shields and jamming failed.

The Needle Interceptors and Misery Spheres ignored the corvettes, taking the hits from them while continuing to assault the Victators defensive armament. The Misery Spheres did however turn on the Vulture Droids, using bait tactics as one would draw the swarm and the others in its unit would throw itself through the collective. Emerging on the other side of the twisted metal carnage, the Vultures learned quickly, but the Flak Repeaters from the Needle Interceptors assisting the Misery Spheres ripped through the non-shielded units.

The Disruptors were hefted, though they did not relent with the glitter tossing as those point defense cannons unable to turn toward the vessel behind it focused on a new target(Cypher Rage) that had come into the formation. The Sentinel point defenses also incapable of being used focused on the new target.
Farther away, the long range weapon vessels slowly folded to the onslaught that followed them. No defenses were placed with them, as overconfidence from Lo-Notar about their untested weapons system had been their undoing. The Sentinels would pick up their destruction as an afterthought, a crewman that had been assigned to monitoring the rear line, noticed their destruction and cataloged the data.
They sent an encrypted data transmission to William’s Fleet, marked for Dimitri in their final moments. The lot of the crews knew what was to come, had now begun to settle in to their final moments with silent acceptance. Lo-Notar was not one to back down from a fight, or hunt as the Trandoshan had called it. The members of the Ravager fleet had been warned of the Admiral’s determination. His drive, yearning for bigger and more dangerous hunts.

It seemed he had found the hunt that would do him in.

The Monarch crews had been scurrying throughout the sections that were breached, attempting to do their best to seal compartments as the battle outside raged. They could see glimpses through the severely damaged panels, temporary masks being provided to seal the smaller holes or secure frame integrity in smaller areas.

The lightning ripping through the exposed backsides however had tossed a number of the teams into space as panels and whole sections began to break away from the vessels as they imploded. The hulls of the Disruptors began to bubble from the incessant barrage, turbolaser fire and other damage slowly leaking through the shields.

The engines on the Disruptors were lifeless, having eaten what damage they could as the sentinels watched helplessly while their vanguard was destroyed behind them. The gunners throughout all the vessels were a mix of grim determination to do the most damage they could while they remained. They did not bother with trajectory data for the large vessel, simply following previous data as they poured the fire on.

The Mark VII had miscalculated, and with no weapons to defend itself, was quickly destroyed by the swarm of droids that came after it.

The ship began to explode around Lo-Notar, his smile never failing. "This hunt was to great for me. But I saw it to the end."

All Monarch’s Destroyed
-Had turned around and to face off with the Victator, fired pulse cannons at the Flak Corvettes, implosions beginning to take them.
Sentinels - Slowly imploding.
-Pulse cannons of the Monarchs ripped through the lightly shielded backside and caused internal combustion
Disruptors - Shields at 15%
-Still being held and a number of point defense turrets aiming at

LRAS Darts Destroyed -12/12

1/4 of the Needle Interceptors have been destroyed in their attempt to weighleigh the top defenses of the Victator


** Edit Begins Here - Made an edit to account for the arrival of forces from unexpected place, and the devastating effect it had.
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Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

She grinned again. She couldn’t deny his claim, but she had only experienced it second hand. “I can’t deny it.” Miseria shook her head to cement her agreement. “But in my view he’s extremely open, and willing to listen, if you’re worthy of his time. I can’t imagine anything you have to say has much worth to him. But I don’t think you want to talk.”

As if on cue, he confirmed her already solid knowledge. Miseria pouted, but it was an extremely dramatic show of sarcasm rather than a genuine one. “Let’s not ruin what's amounting to a lovely evening with pointless threats. Metus won’t be coming, so you can breathe easy.” She sipped rather more readily at the alcohol in her glass now that that was out on the table. If that was all he was here for, then Miseria wasn’t worried. There was no way that her father was going to waste his time travelling all the way to Rodia to fight Kaine. His attention was elsewhere, where it was needed.

Perhaps they weren’t so different after all. She offered him an agreeable smile, lifting her glass up to toast him for the rhetoric. Why do what people want you to do, when you can do as you please… Miseria was not so far off a similar train of thought herself, but she still didn’t understand.

“Why should you be out there fighting at all?” She narrowed her eyes at him, as though trying to get the measure of him from his appearance alone. Miseria had heard many, many stories about him. Who in the Confederacy hadn’t? Ever curious as she was, she had refrained from personal judgement. As a leader, as a viceroy, Dianah could not condone his actions in the slightest. He had been there, he had helped destroy the world she was raised on. He had caused countless deaths, untold destruction, and much pain. Miseria on the other hand…

She was curious.

“Why did you even fight in the first place? I know you’re no fool to believe that the Confederacy is an Empire. And if the Agents motives were truly to demolish empires then I would assume they’d go for the obvious first. You know. The Sith Empire. The Eternal Empire.”
She smirked. “The ones who use the term empire and flaunt it proudly. On the Agents side, I can only narrow that down to piss poor leadership, desire for petty revenge on the part of a few bad eggs, and a lot of sour blood.” Miseria paused for a moment or two, to consider her next words.

“From what I’ve heard, I don’t think you’re a piss poor leader. Sure, I think I may just believe you if you told me it was to exact your revenge on my buir, but we both know you’re smarter than that. What's more, we both know neither you nor my buir need a war as an excuse. If you sent him a message to meet you on some barren planet to fight to the death, he would meet you, and you know that. Why bring innocent worlds and lives into it? Why did it please you to help the Agents?”

WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons -(One has Glitter Bullets) 5/6 Verpine accessory shot ion tag round, 1 R12 LMG, (6) of Chaos Gas grenades, (4/6) of Elemental Grenades, Pouch of Vita Stones, A couple candles in separate pouches
Phase II Haywire Armor with no helmet on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit with helmet
Iskaayuma, Leaving the factory district
ALLIES: Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell
TAGS: Domino Domino Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

Her helmet pinged once in the seconds it had taken her to cover the distance between where she was and the space above occupied by the gunship. It alerted her to something entering the area via her radar and her aural sensors picked up the sound of something rushing at her, the nano-second passed as her head whipped around to see the turret on the rear of the gunship aim at her. She blinked, her hud display changing to plain vision as she watched the rounds come at her. In the split second that the rounds had of airtime, the woman was testing the ability of the Friction Grip on her boots, changing course rapidly and often as the feeling of dread in her gut remained.

The missiles detonated behind her, a few times causing her to tip forward as the rounds came dangerously close to hitting her backside.

Aural sensors picked up something else as the feeling of dread continued around her, the world in a slow spin around her that was making her stomach queasy, hand sliding behind her in time to grab an elemental grenade while the pistol and grenade came around in time to see the thing flying overhead. The grenade went ahead of the flyer, two disruptor rounds fired back with the aid of her targeting software as the lights dropped. The incoming rounds found purchase on the plates, a few creating supreme divots in one plating while another bit clean through and spent it's energy against the spun-plast layer beneath.

The woman doubled back with a dangerous tilt of her body, a strange sound almost like grinding coming from her as she saw the grenade explode with lightning in the path ahead of the flyer. She cut under him in the temporary light, lasting long enough to follow her path back out to the street and avoiding the group that had dropped from the gunship in the previous alley while still riding the tension that threatened to make her stop and throw up. Threatened to give her vertigo as she watched the world fly by in shades of various grays and blacks before kicking the nightvision on. She spotted the walker easily, another elemental grenade lined up as the hand cannon fired a disruptor shot at it before the grenade was tossed towards it, another explosion of lightning. Skirting the edge of the street, her eyes could barely process in time what she was seeing as she ran towards the broken wall of the city.

She had to get out. Her biggest mistake was not listening to Domino about the house. Fear was still riding her, and beginning to feel as though the entire planet was settling on her shoulders, the woman force sprinted away at high speed.


LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
WEARING: Red Wolf Armour | Jacket | Taozin Amulet
EQUIPMENT: Obsidian Lightsaber | Hidden Wrist Blade | Generic Throwing Knives
ALLIES: Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Effie | Alluria Ivalice | Solana Arasne | @CIS and Friends
ENEMIES: The Agents of Chaos

Shalita indeed understood the benefits of crawling around in the sewer, if one wanted to go from one place to another without being seen. To use them to get in and out of places but to escape when under fire and definitely outnumbered, wasn’t exactly a good tactical strategy. Sure, one would escape the overhead damage and the sewers had less chance of falling on one’s head. However if the enemy followed, there was less chance of retreat and movements would be greatly restricted. At best, it was the very definition of a Hail Mary. That it would end up with little no to success in the long run, for the enemy in a war scenario would most definitely follow them into the sewers. Unless…

Her booted feet continued along their current path as her thoughts continued on. The only advantage of a retreat in the sewers would be the possibility of a trap to lead pursuers into. However that would also be a Hail Mary, for the CIS could just use their own gunpower to collapse one end of the tunnel anyway. Either way you sliced it, they were better off just giving up at this point. For they started a war that they could not finish. The assassin was drawn out of her thoughts then as Vytal finished her conversation with the War Marshall and addressed those with her.

”Well, I don’t think that it’s wise to join the undead down in the sewers. With its limited maneuverability, one is surely to accidentally hit a few members of our undead army unnecessarily; when we could let the enemy either be overwhelmed or accidentally hit their own teammates. They have essentially trapped themselves in a spider’s web. Let them tire themselves out by spending their energy into fighting the undead and fending off attacks from above. That way, if they ever decide to pop their heads above ground, they will have less energy to attack the rest of us with.” She paused then to change her own direction and followed that of Vytal as the undead began to find ways underground.

This assassin was more interested in learning more about the new path that she was on, rather than seeking out those that were either dug in or running from the war that they had started. She was also curious about the seeds that they carried with them. Her gaze was drawn upwards every now and then to make sure that danger did not lurk from above while they made their way towards the mortuary. Shalita listened to the words that the Nightmother spoke and she wondered just as to how similar to strength would the dead be to that of their once alive body? Apart from the Falyood tree wood, the woman also wondered just as to what could strengthen the bodies of the undead. ”So what you’re saying, is that it’s better to respect the laws of balance when it comes to dealing with the undead and spirits? To not call upon more than what they can give for it can otherwise be deadly to the one who calls upon said power? Shalita questioned so then to otherwise better develop her knowledge upon the topic. After all, one couldn’t learn without questioning the theory and putting learned skills into practice.

After a moment’s reflection upon the current topic, the assassin switched conversation to finally address the potential dangers. They were after all, heading into a war zone with multiple options for an ambush. ”We need to be careful of those that could very well be positioned above us, for one of our most fatal flaws is the fact that sentient beings don’t bother looking up because to them, there isn’t much to look at. So an enemy uses that flaw to gain the upper hand and as I listen to the reports, it appears we have a couple of snipers that could be trying to use that particular behavioral flaw to their advantage.” Her gaze also swept, to view not only the lip of the rooftops and window, but also corners where one might be lurking in. ”I also suggest being careful of corners and potential nooks and crannies. Places where someone might be able to crouch down behind to hide and gain the element of surprise. It goes without saying, but the walls have eyes.”

Shalita’s thoughts pressed upon Vytal’s mind as she spoke to the Nightmother so then to give a non verbal warning through the use of telepathy. <”The walls also have ears, so we must be careful to not give voice to too much vital information that could be used against us.”>
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Location: Rodia, Iskaayuma > Yesosko Cabaret Theater }
{ Equipment: Robes + scrubs, meditation amulet, diagnostic gauntlet / headset, basic medkit, sidearm }
{ Allies: Confederates; Enemies: Agents Terrorists; Immediate Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova + Nimue Nimue + Jason Farkas }
{ Objective: Earth - treat wounded CDF/RPOs } { Post: 03 }​
~ ~
The lights came back on. And then something else was in the air besides visible radiation.

Battle Meditation.

Prennis herself did not know the name, even if she had experienced it before. She most likely had, at one point or another, during her tenure at the Silver Rest. All its benevolent effects coursed her veins and danced throughout the theater like its usual, resident band of thespians.

Still, their sum did not offer her neither confidence or skill to help her sniper victim.

Instead, she turned and strode back over the stage, telling one of the medics more decisively this time that he should find a specialist or call in an airlift. She left feeling heavy with pity, but not enough to do the man harm. No attempt to save a life was worth it or a limb. A scuff to her reputation or pride was an emotional injury she was more that happy to bear if doing so meant protecting the integrity of her second taken oath.

Do no harm.

Not after what she had helped perpetrate on Sullust.

With a sigh, equally brooding for the past and present, Prenn retraced her steps towards her befriended, pointy-eared padawan. On her way, she discarded her current set of gloves into an erected biohazard bin. On her way, she spotted a man (Jason Farkas ) looking to be at a loss. Forgoing her target of Aurelion for a moment to slow at the other Force-user's side. "Come with me," she told him after a fraction of a second hesitating trying to think of a task he could complete. Nothing came to her. Her mind we preoccupied y the scene at the entrance.

One of the grand doors were open, bearing the gallery to the eerily silent battleground outside. Its stop was a slender woman, pale as ice. Meaning well as she approached, Prennis ran though possible causes of such a pigment, shock and or blood loss paramount. There was no blood on her person to be seen. A blast injury, then. Lack of melanin was far from her mind, as it was no combat affliction - though, unknown to her presently, it was an affliction in this case indeed. "Ma'am?" she began. "Are you wounded? Do you need assistance?"

Why else would she stand unmoving at a door frame?


S P I R I T S . A N D . G O D S . P R O T E C T . U S

Equipment: The Blood of Dathomir Armor | Nightmother's Ward | Water of Life Potions |
Raxus Relief Gas | Rings X X X X | Circlet | Jam Buster
Stored: Seed, Conduit of Souls, Nesmite Tree Seed Pods, Cryo Grenades,
Grapple, Rope, Survival Gear, Knives
Commanding: Army of Skeletons with Falyood Tree Enhancement

Location: Iskaayuma, Rodia
Allied: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile: Agents of Chaos
Vytal listened attentively to Shalita's words regarding the sewers. It reminded a Nightsister of pursuing prey into a cave or den. True, the prey might be trapped, but that only made them more desperate; and their own mobility would be constrained by the walls and ceiling that surrounded them. It would likely do well for the Witches to leave the Agents of Chaos to tangle with the risen dead. What benefit would there be to pursuing them personally? The Confederacy's soldiers and their ships that flew about in the air -- every so often Vytal could spy them in the distance between buildings -- would likely keep vigil and hunt the terrorists.​
Each side held their own reason for being there. The Confederacy promoted freedom and the individual (a planetary system), while the Agents of Chaos sought vengeance. Perhaps there was a loftier goal, but Vytal did not see it. Their crowing on about Ryloth rang hollow. The only ones that would be taking advantage of the Twi'lek now were the Agents themselves and all those they aligned with in the shadows -- the real Empires. Fortunately, Ryloth was not so abandoned as some believed. The Solanaceae (Mandragora) were still there, and the people of that world were still theirs to protect.​
To protect as one did Rodia. Only today's affair... Yes, Vytal was not as taken with the destruction as some might believe of one allied with the Confederacy. Still, it was not the Solanaceae's concern to meddle in such affairs -- the innocents of the world had been cleared she was told. The Balance would be preserved short of a calamity the spirits had not warned her of yet. While the strain of bringing spirits into this world weighed on her, the knowledge that Rodia was not in fact on fire was a welcome relief. Perhaps the energies that emanated from above from the Battle Meditation had helped; as did the knowledge it was a familiar face that conjured that power.​
Shalita had questions, which then drew Vytal's gaze. "Yes. A Witch must always remember the spirits are not tools. The Nether is not a place one wields or commands. It is wild, unpredictable, and does not conform to the laws of this world. Just because it is made manifest in this world does not change the danger it poses -- if anything, it is all the more dangerous. That is why we make sure others do not bring a great power into the Realm of the Living from that of the Dead. So long as you respect it, it will respect you." That was a simplified way of putting it. It was unlikely earning the respect of Nether denizens was so easy, but it helped get the point across. Always be prepared when it came to matters dealing with the Nether. Billions had been lost to it never to return in 844 ABY.​
"Reminds me of hunting on Dathomir," the pale Witch replied with Shalita reminding all present of the dangers they faced. "Beasts that crept among the... trees, and beneath the waters." Dathomir had trees. Though many of them didn't look like trees, but it was the closest word offworlders had to describe them. Vytal's right hand slowly flexed as she recalled the heft of her spear.​
As the women entered the morgue, Vytal led the way to a particular room that had been decorated as a place of honor. It was, however, still a place in need of sanitary conditions, but a few plastic or laminated banners and artificial decorations that would not shed fibers still honored the dead here. Three corpses, in fact, contained within plasteel covered chambers. Three Rodians.​
Founder's Day had been for the Twi'lek of Ryloth as it was their world, but the Confederacy was not made of isolated or insular bodies of people. Countless sentients moved among the many worlds freely, as was their right to do so. So it came as no surprise there had been Rodians in attendance on the day of the attack. Why shouldn't they celebrate? Perhaps they had family that had taken residence there. Perhaps they were on vacation. Or perhaps they sought to establish business relations when spirits were high and one's thoughts weren't focused on the details of a contract. Whatever had brought them there, among the over two hundred thousand that perished from the bombings, the lylek, and the heat there had been three Rodian whose bodies had been returned to their world. A few others had stayed, as their homes had been there and their family wished to visit those they had lost.​
Three Rodians heralded as brave and heroic. What tale their lives told few on Rodia could truly say. Perhaps every word of it had been made up. Perhaps they were scum, and the politicians and their family conveniently overlooked their troubles in favor of celebrating them as people. Their people. Men, women, husbands, and wives of Rodia. Any one of them could have been lying there. Might yet be lying there as the Agents of Chaos turned their eyes to Rodia. Rodia. To say there had been confusion and disbelief would be putting it mildly. For what reason would the Agents of Chaos attack a completely unrelated world? For their factories? The Confederacy was a broad assembly of many worlds with many factories. What made Rodia so deserving of their wrath? What justification had they? Or perhaps they thought to "liberate" them as they had Ryloth... through mass murder and sabotage of their communication network and starports.​
That the Confederacy proactively sought to relocate them, temporarily, was also met with mixed feelings. Who wanted to leave their homes defenseless before an invading force? And the Agents of Chaos were invading. Flowery speeches did not overrule one's sovereignty nor dispense with the righteousness of universal law of governance. Yet, none of the leaders desired to see the panic and the suffering of Ryloth revisited upon the innocents of Rodia; and so painstakingly they worked to leave and seek shelter as conflicting ideologies fought to cut off the advanced of terrorists. Free of civilians, the military might of the Confederacy would be brought to bear.​
If the Agents of Chaos had wanted justice they could have reached out on diplomatic channels, or even appealed to the galactic governments to apply pressure on the Confederacy to hand over Maud Dib. They had not.​
If the Agents of Chaos wanted to converse and for the Confederacy to only better understand them, and their desire to work together to oppose the Sith, they had only to reach out through diplomatic channels once more -- before the senseless and unauthorized descent upon Ryloth while simultaneously seeking to encourage Siskeen to succession. And, again, they had not.​
If the Agents of Chaos wanted to free slaves and liberate the oppressed, they could besiege the External Empire only one light-hop away or strike at the Sith Empire as they seemed so inclined toward the Confederacy. And, again, they had not.​
With all that held in Vytal's heart, from the reports she as Nightmother and Lord Obsidian of the Knights Obsidian had read and seen with her own eyes, she stood before the three eternally slumbering figures. "Come, Sister. Come, Brothers. I will not promise you righteous bloodshed. I will not promise you fulfillment of things gone undone or unsaid in life. What I will promise you, however, is a chance to stand upon Rodia once more, to face those that have come to deliver death and destruction to it, and to give back the peace that your people had once more. Come."
The green mist rose slower than it had before, and crept into the coffins where the dead lay. Soon, the lids were be lifted and the recently departed, still wearing their flesh until the long-since dead would rise once more. Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto and Shalita Verd Shalita Verd would once again have their chance to bolster the ritual in whatever way they felt was appropriate.​
Vytal smiled before her countenance faded for a moment. She forced her back to straighten before she turned to look at those with her. "They deserve a chance to walk upon their home once more. It matters not if they engage the terrorists in battle. That they had this moment is enough." Slowly she departed the chamber to return to the city once more in time to hear Redd's howl in the distance. The call of the wild, which caused Vytal's black lips to part slightly. There was need there, and she would answer. Even as the invisible hands of the risen clawed at her soul.​
Acquired: Three Zombie.​
Skeletons started on the other side of City Center from the factory. They began fanning out through the streets from there. They will seek to spread out and form a concave 'net' to try and keep Agents of Chaos personnel within the factory district or nearby regions. Recently they have also been tasked with entering the sewers, which they will begin doing so, but they only move so fast. The skeletons won't soak a lot of damage before collapsing, nor are they armed with more than fingertips and teeth, but they will gladly grapple, slash, and bite given the chance. The fayood fibers help keep them in one piece, and will let them put up a fight, but their strength is in numbers and their appearance -- not brute strength.

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)


Attire: This
Location: Orbit of Rodia
Equipment: Lightsaber, Mask, Ring of Splinters
Enemies: AOC
Allies: CIS
Ally Tag: Adron Malvern Adron Malvern
Enemy Tag: Rashae Rashae Willam Forlon Willam Forlon Alwine Daye Alwine Daye

The weapons fire from the resolved rained down onto the last location of the medical corvettes that had sought refuge below the waves of the ocean. They would find that waves were not suitable protection in the least as the very last of the barrage would be met with a series of loud explosions as those who sought to hide were obliterated in the volley of fire before sinking to a watery grave. ([Permission to Call Hits]}

Through the Force Sabine felt the ebb and flow of the situation on the ground, things were moving rapidly now and soon neither her nor the resolve would be able to assist them further. At this determination, she stood and tapped her comm once more. “Lieutenant, move the fleet away from the planet and begin advancing on the enemy at half speed; you are free to engage all enemies in range. Arrange all ships in a defensive screen around the Resolve. Weapons free, burn anything not under the Confederate banner. I am on my way.” As she departed the chamber the effects of the battle meditation would wane before they ceased entirely, the forces on the ground were now on their own as her attention shifted.

At her command, the guns of the resolve and her escorts at once began to pour fire toward the enemy fleet of @Wilam Forlorn, and any other unauthorized presence that may have found its way into the system. True to her words, anything in the system not using a Confederate IFF consistent with the orders of the Vicelord would be turned to dust.

As for Sabine herself, she moved quickly from the meditation chamber and made her way onto the bridge of the Resolve. She arrived just in time to watch another volley go out from the combined firepower of the Resolve and her escorts. Sabine came to a stop next to the Lieutenant before looking at him, “Very well done Lieutenant, and now let us remind them why the Confederacy is not to be trifled with.” she turned from him toward the view before her as volley after volley rained forward upon their enemy. “Ahead full, push them back, and launch all squadrons” her amber eyes narrowed while a small smirk touched her lips.

  • CDF Resolve and escorts are moving away from Rodia toward the enemy fleet and have commenced fire upon them.
  • Battle Meditation is no longer in effect on Rodia
  • All fighters being launched

OOC Note: Edited to link permission to call hits on the remaining corvettes

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Jason Farkas

Location: Rodia - Field hospital
Equipment: Obsidian Knight Squire Robes and a beautiful face
Tags: Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue
Objective: Help the wounded

Jason focused on the force, like his master once taught him, Gathering his thoughts, as suddenly his spirit got lifted. Something that has never happened to Jason. A feeling of courage surrounded him but he couldn't figure out, why this was happening. A surprise, but a welcomed one.
But this wasn't for long. He got interrupted, by a female voice, speaking up to him, ordering to follow her.

"Yes ma'am" Jason replied quickly, as he was standing up, preparing to catch up to the woman, who was obviously in charge of this here, since she was quite good at giving orders.

"How bad is it?" Was the first question, Jason felt the need to asked. He wanted to be updated on how bad the situation right now was. But Jason already figured, that the situation was probably pretty bad, after all, it was war, and war always leads to dead and injured people. A lot of dead and injured people.

"I can help, I have a lot of knowledge about medicine, but only in theory. I never did surgery or something but I can sure as hell help a lot" he added, looking at the stranger woman, who walked in front of him. Was she in need of help?

Suddenly they both stopped. A woman was standing in front of them. Jason went quiet. He wasn't in charge, so there was no way, this woman wanted something from Jason. She probably wanted to talk to Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli . So Jason just shut his mouth and listened. Maybe he would receive some useful pieces of information from this conversation.



LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
TASK: Eliminate Gabriel Volturi
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm
CIS: Felurian Malvern | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Isalor Grathan | Eenia Vahn | Sergei "Jack" Jachovich | Rann Thress Rann Thress
AOC: Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi

Tell me, when you last stood among the ashes of your nation, did you for a moment contemplate mercy? Neither did I.

As Voph pushed forward towards the yet-motionless renegade, he felt the world around him slowing to a crawl. The eyes of his suit began to glow a bright green, indicating that the sensor package within had activated. At the same time, a transmission issued forth from Voph's armor, connecting to the other combatants. From this connection, a simple packet was downloaded, and unpacked into the software of the armor. The HUDs on each began to display information about Gabriel as gathered from the recent firefight on Siskeen, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and more. Most notably, the fact that he had died. Not that it mattered now. Voph could hunt him and kill him time and again. Over and over.​
At the same time, Voph felt the benefits of Sabine's Battle Meditation begin to wear off. A breath of concentration, and suddenly the aura was reignited, alongside the feeling of valor that permeated Voph's companions. Voph's very energy seeped into the air about them, bolstering and empowering his allies, but turning sickly and horrifying to all else. Voph grinned in anticipation. He might have broken a sweat against Gabriel on his own. But with a team, he would fall in a matter of moments.​
Voph moved with an amazing speed for a being of his size, lightsaber coming up to lash out at Gabriel as his lightning barrage ceased. Lightning spilled from the blade, seeking to consume the man in a net of electrical energy. As one strike concluded, Voph spun to thrust his fist towards the man, a glancing blow at best, but enough to allow the Bondar crystals inlaid on his knuckles to stun the man. The deal had been made, and the trap had been sprung. After all, Voph didn't need Gabriel himself to deliver Discordia. Not that the Agents would ever surrender Discordia willingly...​

Location: Underneath Iskaayuma, Rodia
Goal: Use the sewers to get out of the fight
Equipment: Phase I Powderpunk Armor, Phase I Powderpunk Facemask, Raven Knife, 434 Blaster Pistol, Dissuader KD-30 (Loaded with Glitter Bullets), Deactivator Hold-Out Blaster, JH-70 Glitter Grenades, Vita Stones, View Masker, Interference Box, Holojournal
Allies Nearby: Nighthaunter Nighthaunter , Tawrrowaldr, Agents of Chaos
Enemies Nearby: Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart , Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 , CIS

The cover of night and the abrupt power outage offered a mask of secrecy for their actions, purporting to hide against their pursuers. Making little noise among the rusty cityscape of Rodia's capital was not easy, but Daiya's twinkle toes were honed on the unforgiving streets of Denon.

She shouldn't have expected it to be so easy.

Nothing ever was.

Her proper descent on the ladder was foolhardy now with blasters pinging down over their heads. From below, Tawrro's growls echoed up the shaft, urging Daiya down faster. He wasn't unfamiliar with those sounds or what they meant, but the girl didn't really need him to tell her to book it. Uttering the command inside her facemask, Daiya raised her left arm over her head as she hooked her boots around the outside of the ladder now.

As the energy shield snapped into being, absorbing any blaster bolts that flew in her direction, the teen released her grip on the ladder rung that held her. She plunged downward like a rocket, feeling far too many of the vibrations from impacts on her shield as she slipped down. Daiya nearly tumbled off the ladder, teetering away from it as the inertia of her descent bled off just a step away from tumbling back into the sewer contents.

Large, hairy hands grabbed her arms, pulling the girl back to an upright position. Daiya nodded a quick acknowledgement to Tawrro, a silent prayer of thanks for his rescue from the muck. The facemask might be keeping her from breathing it now, but the teen still didn't want to be swimming in the oozing contents of Rodian filth. A shiver slid down her spine as her mind contemplated the thought.

She turned off the shield, checking her suit's battery level at the same time. "Chit, that cost me half the battery!" Daiya grimaced at the output, that little trip down the ladder had been far too expensive. Tawrro growled something her way, then laughed in his little barking chuckle. She eyed the big Wookiee, who barely even needed to squint in the blackness of the sewers, "Yeah, fine, when I'm as big as you are I'll carry more power packs. At least I won't be going around naked."

Her insult only tickled her partner's humor, and he barked back a short reply. Daiya scoffed, "Yeah, but that shiny coat of yours is going to need about five baths to get all the stink out of it now."

The sounds of the sniper's feet hitting the damp floor of the sewer walkways pulled the girl and her Wookiee back into the moment. For a second, the dreary underground tunnels with their quiet rush of putrid water and occasional drip of some kind of ooze, had felt a little less creepy and their situation a little less dire. Daiya gave her head a little shake as she set her jaw. There was no more time for levity, they had to get ahead of the soldiers chasing them, a simple ladder wasn't about to stop them!

Just as she turned to start heading into the depths, Daiya was stopped by their sniper friend gripping her shoulders. Tawrro growled, but the girl waved him off. Even though she couldn't see a face behind that mask, as if she could anyway in the bleakness of the underground, something about him told her that their new friend was sincere about his intentions. As if to prove her right, he pledged to slow down their pursuers so the pair could get away.

"But..." she started. They had only just met, what did this shadowy figure care about them or their mission? They hadn't even introduced themselves, not that the Confederate troops were giving them the chance to stop long enough. Daiya didn't even need Tawrro's guidance here, the sniper was right. She just didn't have to like it! "Fine, but do me a favor. Try to find out if they bleed purple, too."

Daiya started to giggle at her own joke, but she abruptly stopped when the sniper vanished from sight. His hands left her shoulders, leaving her unable to tell if the figure was still there. Something at the back of her mind told her that he was, though. Still there, still ready, just out of sight. As she rejoined Tawrro to head deeper into the sewers, the experience prompted the girl to turn on her own camouflage tech, the interference box and view masker that Luminous Sun had provided for her last excursion coinciding with the Agents of Chaos.

Now she should be practically invisible, and with Tawrro close within range, he would be too.

The worst part of the sewers was not their stink, which she could somehow smell despite her facemask's stored air blowing on her face. It was not the refuse that flowed past them and coated the walls and floors of the narrow walkways they traversed. It was the darkness. Darkness permeated every step the girl took underground, even as her armor's HUD revealed the surroundings for her. Tawrro seemed to be having no problem with it, his Wookiee eyes adapting in the bleakness as easily as if they were strolling in his home forest. But the darkness surrounded her, more intimidating than their Dauntless pursuers. It clung to her, refusing to shake loose even if she —and ignoring Tawrro's odd looks her way— physically tried.

After a while, Daiya gave up, and turned the lights on her facemask on. They had taken enough turns now, put enough distance between them and the soldiers behind them. She couldn't even hear the sounds of any scuffle behind them anymore. It was totally safe now. Besides, the relief she felt when they clicked on, illuminating the path ahead of her, was immeasurable.

Just as she was managing to relax a little, relaxing sore muscles that she didn't even know had tensed, the girl heard a soft growl from behind her. She rolled her eyes, whispering back, "We're way too far for them to see." A quick, low bark was her only reply, prompting a sharp exhale from the teen. With a click, the lights died again, leaving them alone again in the pitch blackness.

Her muscles tensed again, uncertain. Just before the lights had gone out, had that been a shape in the shadows? The girl wanted desperately to turn them back on and quell her fears. A sound echoed in the darkness, not the plop plop of dripping water, or the low gurgle of the running sewage river. This was something different. Her facemask's display showed her nothing out of the ordinary, only the same greyscale walls of the tunnel and the walkway punctuated by sewage flows. It didn't matter, Daiya was sure of what she felt.

A shiver slid down her spine as her mind contemplated the thought.

There was something down here with them.

Something wrong.


LOCATION: Rodia, Capital City. Command Post Roof.
OBJECTIVE: Assault AoC Positions on Rodia
WEAPONS: Lightsaber / Robotic Right Arm
ARMOR: Apprentice Armor
Voph l Sergei "Jack" Jachovich l Valeria Sempronia l Felurian Malvern l Eenia Vahn l Isalor Grathan
ENEMIES: @Gabriel Agents of Chaos and their Allies, Open


Rann was determined to end this fight now. In coordination with Lord Kyyrk Kyyrk and Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée , Rann engaged Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi .

After concluding his first swing, Rann followed through, allowing the momentum to rotate his body and he fell back ever so slightly while shifting his lightsaber into a defensive stance to counter any attack that came his way. He backed away slowly, disengaging combat to allow the attacks of both Voph and Val, lightning and a cryo blast respectively, to conclude before he followed up his attack. After they had, he stepped forward reentering combat, looking for any opening in Gabriel's defenses.

Rann realized, looking back, that he probably should have launched a range attack first as they both did before charging in. Doing so placed him in danger of friendly fire, but he thanked his lucky stars that he didn't get hit with either.

Now that Voph was engaged in saber combat, Rann didn't want to have to worry about accidentally cleaving him in two, so he decided to focus more on thrusts instead of slashes. He twirled his lightsaber once, ending with it facing towards Gabriel in an aggressive stance, and charged back in. He went for a sudden, quick thrust at Gabriel's abdomen. A quick, hail mary attempt to end the fight and claim the kill. A longshot but, if it connected, debilitating if not deadly attack.
As he engaged, Rann was made aware of Gabriel's dossier popping up on his Hud. Abilities, Bio, and apparently, his deceased status apparent for Rann to see. He chuckled.

If he died once, Rann would just kill him again. He just hoped no one else would claim it didn't count this time.

Following Rann's last post. Rann attacked Gabriel with a horizontal slash, the result of which is left ambiguous.
Following that, Rann stepped back, withdrawing from the immediate engagement to allow both Voph and Val to attack, before Rann stepped back into fray, attacking Gabriel with a thrust.

I'm trying to be as accommodating as possible, but I needed to post something. If this is a problem, please send me a message and let's figure this out!

  • Objective - Get a sense of the battle
  • Location - Dome exterior, moving to the top
  • Gear and Equipment - Armor, LMG, Sidearm, knife, rock, candle, twin lightsabers, various grenades, demolition charges.
  • Allies - Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
  • Post 7
Up close the perforated dome didn't seem to be in that bad of shape, but from those explosions earlier Domino knew better. The entrances hadn't just been blown in, stress would have traveled out causing more problems. Fixing it wouldn't have been a project she would have ever wanted to take on even if she'd gotten to set the price. Not that the CIS would have ever contracted with her companies. Well, not after today if they ever discovered her identity.

Shooting the gap through the dome wasn't fun, but it was a far sight quicker and easier than landing on the lip and working her way through. From there she trusted her spell of concealment to hide herself from the troops undoubtedly holding the perimeter. That and hoping that they would be guarding more from external attempts to get in, or to get out of one of the demolished gates. Once at the apex of the dome, she let her penetrating radar pulse once at it's maximized settings before she began settling into the city's infrastructure positioned up there. A quick look-over revealed it to be mostly communication and air-flow stuff, likely to let lighter than air pollution and other gasses out. Still no fresh air.

Taking a kneeling position, Domino gently extended her senses outwards, trying to match up what the Force was telling her with the snap-shot her radar had delivered. Most of the air traffic was right out as little of it was staying still for long, but she was adding to her little mental map with every moment as she picked up more threads to add to the weave. Then she found them, the hollow spaces where the Force seemingly did not touch. There where the negative spaces swirled closer was one dot of brightness. Sasmay.

Reaching out, she brushed the other woman's mind with her own <Domino here. Would you like me to get you out of there Cull?> The answer was rather obvious to Domino, who liked being surrounded and hunted by more than a few dozen Mandalorians each packing more weaponry than most tanks? Halting the rest of her search for Agents, Domino deepened her meditative study.

Location: Industrial part of the Iskaayuma
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite | Generic Breathing Mask
Allies: Agents of Chaos + Allies | Larentia Larentia + Open
Enemies: Confederacy | BX-72967-RAZOR Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Redd Redd +Their allies


Again Scherezade found herself in bad timing. Larentia's comment about her world being full of Lupines made her want to ask questions, made her want to sit down with the woman and poke at about what she knew, but there was simply no time - for Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner landed on the roof at that moment.

Redd Redd wasn't with him anymore. Scherezade raised an eyebrow, and figured she just hadn't been with the Confederacy for long enough to actually be properly trained for this sort of terrain.

She left Larentia Larentia where she stood, sending only a quick message to her mind - Move! - and took a step back, avoiding Gerwald's lightsaber as she jumped backwards into the shadow, exiting a moment later from a shadow behind him, releasing a powerful Force Push towards the male.

The Sithling's blades moved from her body, all but her lightsabers, spreading around her like a fan, all the pointy edges focused on Gerwald. In her hands she ignited her lightsabers - Fire and Smoke. How wonderful it was, that they had been made for her by a Jedi who had put silver on the hilts as a symbolic gesture for protection against lycanthrope.

She supposed, Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor had always known there would be a day in which Scherezade and Gerwald would end up battling each other. She was still going to punch him in the shoulder for it next time she saw him.
Location: Iskaayuma
Wearing: Armor (tinted deep red)
Wielding: Meymad | Elemental Grenades | Glitter Grenades | Generic breathing mask
Allies: Agents of Chaos + Allies | Nerium Nerium Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi + Open
Enemies: Confederacy +Their allies | Ishmael Verd Théodoro Théodoro Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf Luna Terrik Luna Terrik


"Really?!" was the only response Madalena had to Théodoro Théodoro as he jumped down after them and challenged her again, bellowing at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, no one had been shishkabab'd when he came down with his spear ready to stab someone to soften his landing.

Had he completely missed the fact that she'd basically just saved his life when they were a few feet higher? His insisting on their duel to take place right here right now did not just put her or her battlemates in danger - it also put him in danger. There wasn't just one dingy squad after them, they had all seen the numbers amassing around them while they were above ground.

But if he wanted to go about it like this, she couldn't really stop him. The hilt of her Meymad slid into her hands, coming in not to just block the pike, but to push against it to try to divert its path away from her.

Noise was coming from the street level, causing some debris to come dusting on them. It didn't take a genius to figure out that someone ( Luna Terrik Luna Terrik 's post) was trying to collapse the ground above them. It was almost mind boggling how the Confederacy was more than willing to destroy an entire city, bring so many numbers, and all of this for what? Madalena's squad numbered six people all together, and the numbers weren't much bigger than that for the less than a handful of other squads dispatched to Rodia.

And while the thought of aid that the Confederacy was lending by volunteering to also bury its own forces in the feces smelling sewers was a welcome one, it wouldn't do them any good if they were part of the death count as well.

Grinning, Madalena released an illusion into the sewers - an illusion of more people in Agents of Chaos gear, standing right between Théodoro Théodoro and Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol 's forces. Any shot they would attempt to take at them - would pass right through them and land against the Thrysian if he did not move in time.

That still didn't take care of the danger directly above them though.

L O C A T I O N | Rodia - Iskaayuma - Field Hospital
O B J E C T I V E | Earth
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Rings [x] [x] [x]
A L L I E S | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova - Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli - Jason Farkas - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | The Agents of Chaos

”He is.” Her sharp voice had taken a plain tone for Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura . The two had quickly become friends since Nimue had ventured from Illyria to visit, and Vytal was now one of the only few people who Nimue readily expressed emotion too. The Nightmother would likely feel her trepidation and irritation at being forced to involve herself in this fight. What's more, she would likely be party to something strangely uncomfortable, something that did not sit well in someone of Nimue’s position. ”Remind me to tell you the story, once this mess is cleared up.”

When Vytal asked for her aid, she was willing to accept. ”You have my word that the hospital shall remain unharmed.” There was no hiding the smile behind her words at the idea of the dead roaming the streets. Their use was one of the many things the Silmä and the Solanaceae had in common. However, her voice trickled from Vytal’s mind as her attention had now been stolen by the situation in the hospital.

With a steel gaze set on the boy who sat cross legged in front of her, Nimue focused in. A swell of emotion coursed through her like a harsh tide, still unwelcome but she was growing more and more used to it by the day. All the usual things flooded her mind. First the temptation all vampirika were plagued with, then his nervous demeanour, anxiety, and then… Purpose. Determination. When he looked up to meet her gaze with nothing but confidence, Nimue was pleasantly surprised. It was brave of him. The first brave thing Nimue had seen him accomplish since their journey to Dathomir. She was rather proud of him for it, even if it was to tell her no. Her face displayed nothing of the sort in regard to that, but he would likely feel it anyway. Anything remotely kind coming from Nimue would have most assuredly felt like a blast of scalding heat when you were trapped in an icy void.

A slender moon white brow rose in response to his words, but her reply was cut off. By the most unexpected thing. As though someone had thrown something heavy into it, the force around her rippled. Each wave that hit her grew stronger and stronger. Until the epicenter of it all, until Aurelion, glowed with a soft, white gold aura. She did not need to accept it to know what it attempted to do. It had been years since Nimue had felt a battle meditation like this. The Silmä had used it once, the very same day that Aurelion had witnessed when their bond was forged. For the very same reasons. They were under attack, not so desperate as to use the power of the omnivident yet, but desperate enough to do this. To bolster not only her power but everyone else’s too. Nimue welcomed it.

“I thought I told you not to apologise anymore.” To anyone else, it would have appeared a strange response. To Aurelion, coupled with a rare sense of pride emanating from the High Priestess, it was nothing but a compliment. A reminder that he was only as worthy and powerful as he allowed himself to be. After all, what he was achieving was quite a feat. The weight of such a meditation would have been a heavy one on such young shoulders, and Nimue was already keenly aware of a much stronger force further away doing the very same thing. Nimue knelt at the threshold of the door, knees only barely grazing the doorframe. “Very well, young Master. I will do my best.”

With her words, she opened the floodgates that prevented Aurelion from using the much more powerful meditation to strengthen his own. It did not use her own power, but it would not have felt too dissimilar to her own. After all, it came from someone of her own kind. Another vampirika. “Use it, Aurelion.” She coaxed, in an oddly soft tone. He would no doubt feel the overwhelming vigour of the other battle meditation, and of its presence in the force. Nimue was, in a way, allowing herself to be used as a siphon for the raw power. Allowing Aurelion to use as much or as little of it as he wanted to aid him in his task. Nimue did not want to help him completely. He was still attempting to find his own feet in the force, and this would serve as a perfect way to practice. A way to test his resolve. He was already powerful, he just needed to prove it to himself.

Before Nimue could do anything further, a sickly sweet tone flitted into her ears. Her gaze once again firmed, but she focused it on the source of the voice. Still able to maintain her attempt to aid Aurelion with little effort, it made no difference to Nimue whether she was looking on him or not. “No.” It was a short, sharp response. “I am neither wounded nor in need of any assistance you may have to offer. Quite the opposite, in fact. I am here to assist you.” Nimue smiled as she stood, a full five inches taller, to look down at the doe eyed woman. It was not an unkind smile, but it looked rather eerie on her hollow face. It was then that Nimue noticed the presence of another, Jason Farkas, with the same affinity to the darkside of the force that she and Aurelion shared. Another useful tool to help defend the hospital from potential threat that Nimue would no doubt utilize when the time came, but for now her attention remained on the woman. “Nightmother Vytal requested my presence. Would you be so kind as to invite me in?”

Location: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lupine's not doing any sleeping tonight
Wearing: Armor | Lupine Blood Stone | Gills of Destiny | Generic Breathing Mask
Wielding: WindWhisper | Vita Stones | GBG-7416 | Phase Candles | Panna Cake Batter |
Allies: Agents of Chaos | Rashae Rashae + Open
Enemies: CIS | Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus Muad Dib Muad Dib | +Open


Alwine looked to those gathered with her. They had agreed - they had to go and run for safety. With the help of her connection to the local flora, she opened two different paths for them to take. Both would have them make it further away from the capital city, but each would go in a slightly different direction. Rashae Rashae would be joining one of them.

As they sat to capture their breath, Alwine could not do the same. Her heart beat so hard in her chest that she could taste it in her throat, and she pressed a hand against a tree. Their network of roots connected in this great and vast jungle, and they showed her the battlefield. Not as good as a camera would do, but she saw the flashes.

She saw Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus , landing on a spot that looked incredibly familiar.

She saw the
Vagh Rodiek clash against forces that looked like those deployed on Siskeen, aiming their weapons at them while demanding their lie of a peaceful surrender.

She saw the ground, littered in corpses.

She saw the air, full of debris and dirt.

And she saw that the Confederacy would not give up.

Alwine released her hand from the tree and turned around. "You will soon be out of time," she said quietly, only loud enough for them all to hear her in the protected clearing, "Go. Now! I am their prey and it will be me they will be coming for. Save yourselves, the dawn approaches!"

Within moments, she was left alone, the people splitting into two groups and taking off, one of them carrying the former Confederate Minister of Science with them.

The petite woman looked to the ceiling of the protection she had made, and sighed. Her heart yearned to strip herself of her armor, to shift into the wolf, and to run away even more. The human in her reminded the wolf that if they did that, they would remain completely defenseless once it was time to shift back, for clothes did not shift with the Lupine.

But could she do it?

Could she stand against the faces she had seen in the tree's whispers, the man who had been at the meeting on Siskeen and the man she knew as the Dib that had killed the refugees and then magically disappeared from their hold?

One of them, maybe. The two, accompanied by those forces? No. There were many things that people could say about Alwine, things good and things bad, but she was not a liar - especially not towards herself. If she was captured, odds were that she would not get off this planet that the Confederacy hadn't cared about in all the years that it'd laid claim to it.

"Help me…" Alwine whispered, touching the tree's roots again, "Help me see dawn… Please..."

The ceiling above her opened, almost gently, and she climbed out, looking around. The ground was no longer shaking as it had - she guessed that meant the stampede was over, but how many of them had survived, she could not guess right now. The message, while wordless, was beyond clear. She had to open more distance between her and the aggressors.

Wiping the sweat off her brow, Alwine broke into a new run, picking a third direction that would carry her further away, her mind reeling as she tried to think of solutions. Because time would be all she had before they caught up - and it was ticking away without any mercy.
Talay, Ground
Location: Talay, underneath the station
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor with beskar plates around the left side of the ribcage (plates are under the armor) |The helmet of the Phase I clone trooper armor, colored black | The Gills of Destiny (already activated, but more in case of need)
Wielding: Phase I Sword of Eve | Phase Candles | Phase II "Dissonance" Particle Beam Rifle | Whimsy Knife | Comm equipment
NPCs: 15 Agents of Chaos Wild Hunters, half FU, half NFU.
Allies: Agents of Chaos + Friends | Open!
Enemies: Confederacy + Friends | Athena Athena Ares Stone Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque @Ciri Jade+ Open!


Aiofe was glad she had the armor on, and that her fingers were covered. If they hadn't been, she might've started biting her nails. She loathed being there; though her species as accustomed to such locations, she still preferred the environment of a well lit and open windowed office that let the breeze in. She also preferred not to be underneath a crashed station and who knew how many Confederates standing on top of it.

But not all of them were standing on top of it.

She hadn't noticed it at first. Not until the first Hunter was already on his knees, and by then it was too late. Aiofe turned around just in time to see Damsy Callat Damsy Callat drag him underwater, and the few more that followed. It was only luck that stifled a scream in her throat, but the luck woudln't hold. If they had a murderous sea witch chasing them, then they couldn't linger.

"Faster!" she ordered the men who were working on the door, "Faster! Faster!"

She didn't want to be stuck there. She didn't want to be taken by the sea witch. She didn't want to find out whether she was a better or worse fighter under the water.

"HURRY UP!" she screamed now, hoping that there weren't any Confederates waiting on the other side.

The hunters who'd been working on the door screamed and cursed as well. Discordia hadn't sent her best on this mission. They were supposed to be quiet, fast, but not really leading combatants, because combat hadn't been expected here in these tunnels. They'd been wrong.

With a grunt, the hunter managed to complete the cutting of the door, and it fell inwards, letting a cloud of who knew how ancient dust and debris. Inside was dark.

Aiofe didn't care.

"Inside, everyone, NOW!" she ordered, and let her men go in first, staying behind last, hoping the sea witch wouldn't show again. But if she did… Aiofe her rifle ready to shoot in case anything came out of the edge of the tunnel.


LMK if I need to edit please

Location: Rodia - Near the Factory
Tagging: Caedyn Arenais | Malerina Ka Malerina Ka


He’d arrived.

Ok, so it was an entrance that could have been ripped right out of any superhero show on the holonet. If the situation around them hadn’t been so depressing, so desperate then the pink-haired Jedi might have burst out laughing and clapping. It had been picture perfect and everything she could sense off him was a sense of satisfaction in how he’d managed the landing.

To he completely honest, Asaraa wouldn’t have cared if he had walked up, come tumbling out of the sky or just appeared there as a manifestation of the force. All that mattered was that Caedyn had arrived.

He was here.

Asaraa wanted nothing more than to run upto him, to wrap her arms around the man, bury her head in his chest and just never let go. Let the world around them just fade away…only she couldn’t. Not while there were still people causing them issues, problems. Not while this gun-toting elf insisted on blasting away with their gun.

A spray of blaster fire from the LMG broke up what could have been a potentially tender moment between the two as Asaraa threw herself to the side, twisting in the air to interpose her shield between herself and the barrage of energy that burned through the air between them. The young Jedi could feel the bolts of energy smashing into her shield, sending her flying backwards through the air.

The shield was more than capable of blocking the damage, but that didn’t stop the kick from the impact driving her backwards, driving the Jedi into the ground as the air was driven from her lungs with an oof. For a moment the woman saw stars before forcing herself shakily to her feet. She was already weak, far weaker than she should have been, her lack of sleep leaving her shaky as she forced herself to take one step forward and then another.

“Careful with that, you could put someone’s eye out!”

With the reproachful warning, the Jedi dropped into a crouch, shield held up in front of her as her legs braced, throwing herself forward, boots lightly pressing into the ground as she deflected another barrage, closing in on the gun-toting elf blade held ready to cut.


Location: Iskaayuma, Rodia
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemy Command: Agents of Chaos

Equipment: Jackal Sniper Rifle | TDW L-7 Pistol | Cyberwarfare Defense Platform | Jam Buster Comlink | Thermal Detonators | Smoke Canisters
In Control of: NulCom Mini-Satellites

Click. Clack. Click. Pause.

When the lights of Daiya's facemask went out the slow clacking sound stopped. Perhaps it was nothing more than the echo of a leak as it struck an overhead pipe. Perhaps the shadowy figure in the distance was nearly a vertical drainage pipe or conduit for electrical cables protected from the damp confines of the sewer. With the dreary tunnels the pair found themselves in, and being pursued as they were, the mind was subject to forming all sorts of strange, creepy, and wholly inadequate delusions that could affect all five senses. These were, after all, abnormal times, which engendered abnormal physiological responses.

Perhaps. Until the clack returned, only now it had sped up twice as fast. And the intensity of the sound was growing. Clickclack, clickclack. Was that two dots of green that glowed in the abyss that stretched out before the pair? The flaring eyes of a hunter that grew ever larger as the sound grew increasingly intense? Did it carry a blaster? A club? Was it ten feet tall or only six? And what was that sound?

Closer and closer it came. If they shot at it they might hit it, or they might not. Even if they hit it, the clacking would continue. It was relentless.

Until the sharp, wet crackle and crunch of bone echoed in all directions. Several more rapid clacks and clinks followed as a bony figured slumped to the filthy tunnel tunnel. A plomp suggested something had rolled into the mess near by -- into a fluid made of substances and sights best not witnessed after all.

The tunnel grew silent.

"Do not fire," a synthesized voice announced before two, red eyes pivoted out from before the pair in place of the green ones that had been snuffed out. "You are in danger. Confederate forces have begun to collapse the sewers," bit of an exaggeration since how that effort was confined to the tunnels leading toward the factory. The two before her now would not need to know this. "You are already acquainted with their military forces; however they have also given life to the Dead, which now patrols tunnels and streets alike." A tactical update for those that were deep enough in to the factory distract that they hadn't the pleasure yet.

Now, for the sales pitch. "I can assist you in your escape, if you come with me now."

If Daiya's equipment was still on, Nyx wouldn't even be aware Nighthaunter was not with them. That was unfortunate... for him. In truth, she'd come here and extended this offer to the one it had been intended for. While it was true she knew little of those it was offered, it was enough. What the droid have was an alias or codename and an ever so vague description of her and her associates. A Wookiee, for one. Perhaps she was mistaken, in which case this would prove a fruitless move. However, there was sufficient circumstantial evidence Nyx was willing to take the chance. Gambling was a subroutine that she had coded from numerous interactions with organics.

If this was the person she sought, Daiya might prove an interested and worthwhile contact. After all, a droid that specialized in off-the-book activities could use all the unofficial contacts she could get in the deepest and darkest reaches of the galaxy. It would be a waste for Daiya to perish on Rodia. Yes, the Agents of Chaos and the Confederacy had their... disagreements, but Daiya was an independent contractor. Though, again, Nyx was making a supposition hardly knowing anything about the woman herself. From what information was available, however, it did not seem the hacker was an Agent of Chaos their self, which meant her motives were subject to realignment and adaptation unlike a 'true believer.' A flexibility that the droid could appreciate as she herself was... flexible.

Her activities benefited the Confederacy, but Nyx also had her own 'ambitions' that were more or less compatible with the Confederacy's. Taking over the Black Sites that would have otherwise dismantled in a political play for the ignorant and the arrogant had opened up new opportunities. They were all fortunate to have such a capable droid in their service. As Daiya and her partners may find a use for, and in turn Nyx find a use in them, considering how their interests aligned so readily.

Provided Daiya accepted, of course. Because if she did not... If she attempted to flee with the Agents of Chaos on her own... Well, Nyx couldn't say for certain whatever the organic would survive. There was a chance, slim as it was, but it was far, far lower than if Nyx personally escorted the woman -- and those with her no doubt. After all, the droid knew the movements of the Confederate personnel and had access to their communication network. What couldn't Nyx do for the woman?

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Daiya Daiya | Nighthaunter Nighthaunter
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