Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay


Location: Dirt side outside the capital
Task: Enter the dome and seek vengeance
Ally Tags: Millu Lee Millu Lee Rann Thress Rann Thress Felurian Malvern Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée Isalor Grathan
Enemy Tags: Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi
TDW Gen-3 Armor System, TDW HARM, TDW L-7, EBFAK, 30lbs of DEX and 6 DEX Satchel Charges, Various specialty munitions including two magazines of High Explosive Rounds, and two magazines of Smoke rounds (No non-lethal rounds), regular magazines are stacked with 1:1 Armor Piercing/Anti-Shield rounds, SYC Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs, 1 Dire Wolf's Fang blade
Theme: The Dire Wolf's Rage

Sergei would take the orders from Voph as they moved to intercept the offending party. He would do two quick signals to let the majority of his men know the plan. Fan out, encircle the enemy, prepare a killbox. Sergei was about to move into position as well, when he saw him. He saw the man’s face and something changed. Something snapped in Sergei’s head.

He started walking towards Gabriel at a deliberate pace. His head swam in the memories of all of his fallen comrades. All of the dead whose blood was on his people’s hands. For their inaction. Their apathy towards the plight of the innocent. How they’d forced his men to sacrifice themselves because of their refusal to intervene to keep their own in line. All of the honorable, valorant, and noble lives that were wasted because some people didn’t care about the truth. His droid, John, would start following him as he approached, and Sergei’s speakers could be heard as he approached.

“Petty Officer Samuel Jones, Private John Jenkins, Sergeant Eli Hatbev, Chief Petty Officer Robert Hawkins, Captain Maximillian Andrew Clark….. Two hundred men and women at arms, sworn to protect all who cannot protect themselves, dead. Lives sacrificed because you supplied, armed, and then emboldened terrorists on the planet to use innocent lives as a punchline to your agenda. Lives given for the greater good, when your own refused to care. When your people COULDN’T BE BOTHERED, to keep YOUR ALLIES, in line! And instead of stopping your allies from nearly glassing the surface of a planet, instead of demanding they cease hostilities, instead of forcing them to cease their potential MURDER OF ALL ON THE PLANET! YOU DID NOTHING! YOU SAT AND WATCHED! YOU WERE CONTENT TO LET US CLEAN UP THE MESS YOU MADE AND FIX THE DISASTER THAT YOU NEARLY UNLEASHED UPON EVEN THOSE YOU CLAIMED TO SAVE! Your people’s apathy cost me two hundred of the bravest men and women I have ever known, or had the privilege to call family. It cost us our home, and nearly our way of life. Lives that they willingly gave to preserve those of the truly innocent. Lives that should never have been lost, but you, you don’t care. You people never did. I swear upon the lives of the dead, and my own, I will have justice for all who were lost. I will have vengeance for those who live bearing the scars of your barbarism. Your inaction and refusal to neither condemn, nor act to stop the bloodshed, makes you guilty as those who spilt the blood on that day,”

It didn’t matter that the armor of Sergei hid his presence in the force. It didn’t matter that except for his voice, the man wouldn’t be able to feel a single thing about him. His voice dripped in rage. His posture absolutely radiated the hate he felt. He would continue to approach Gabriel, his demeanor barely under control as he had a death grip on his HARM. He would stop approximately twenty meters away from the man. His rifle would be leveled, and he would wait for Kyyrk Kyyrk to let him attack. He would wait with barely bated breath for Gabriel to make him forgo the need to do as much. He wanted the man’s blood. He wanted to string him up on a pike in pieces for the rest of the Agents to see. The Dire Wolf now stood before one of the main actors of the Agents of Chaos and demanded justice. Demanded answers. He demanded blood. The moment he moved so much as a hair, Sergei would end him. Inside the suit his rage was all encompassing, focusing his senses to a razor’s edge. He would have this man’s head, as a start. And unfortunately for Gabriel, Sergei wasn’t going to hold anything back. He had tried measured responses on Ryloth. He had tried to negotiate and plead with the enemy, and simply try to keep them at bay. Here on Rodia he was different. All of his Wolves were. The Agents had now unleashed something that may have in a different light, represented the pure evil of humanity. The depths of their rage, and lengths they would go to sate that rage. John was standing a few more meters behind Sergei, his rifle also raised as they both kept them trained on Gabriel. And around them, The Dire Wolves had them all surrounded, with enough firepower to demolish an entire battalion. There would be no quarter given, nor one taken. The time of measured responses was over. If they so desperately sought annihilation, then Sergei would oblige them.



LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
TASK: Eliminate Gabriel Volturi
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm
CIS: Felurian Malvern | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Isalor Grathan | Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn | The Monster The Monster | Rann Thress Rann Thress
AOC: Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi

Tell me, when you last stood among the ashes of your nation, did you for a moment contemplate mercy? Neither did I.

A clap sounded in the otherwise silent streets. Then another. Voph's hands emerged into view in the pitched black, applauding Gabriel after his display attacking the small strike team. "Bravo. Your parlor tricks have certainly improved since the last time we met." Voph's grip on his blade tightened as his hands fell back to his sides. Voph made no further comment, however, as Gabriel began pleading his case. That he was there for Justice. He wished to be given Maud Dib. Voph's head canted to the side. "You seek the man that bombed your people. That is fair, and understandable. And a trade I will gladly meet on two conditions." Voph held up his left hand, displaying a small datachit. After drawing Gabriel's attention to it, it was lobbed through the air towards him, directly towards his center of mass. An easy catch, even for the most uncoordinated people. "We conduct this matter at the agreed location. Not within the midst of war."
Voph paused for a moment, in case Gabriel wished to check the data within the stick. The location it led to was an uninhabited region of space near the border of the Outer Planets Alliance. Surely they would be able to combine business and pleasure, given the proximity, and launch an attack on the other great slumbering Empire of the galaxy. After all, what did these people know about empires? What did they truly know of the horrors that would have awaited them had they lived in the time of Vitiate. Voph did not move, save for withdrawing his arm back within his cloak. "The other condition is that I do not give what is mine freely. We have something you want, you have something we want. Discordia. If, and only if, you bring me Discordia, shall I bring you Dib."
Voph drew a breath, as Sergei stepped out onto the streets, screaming at the man about the fate of the Aegis. Voph waited until Sergei had finished speaking, tapping into the raw fury bleeding from Sergei like a flood. His own rage building and boiling over. "You are correct about one thing, Gabriel. I was not involved in the destruction of the HOPE. The decision was not mine to make. If it had been..." The darkness was shattered by the illumination of a brilliant violet blade, lighting arcing and spraying from its surface. The Dark Side surged forth from Voph as his offhand drew his cloak back from his body. "I would have bombed them all."
The signal had been given. It was time. Voph's off hand came up, fingers splayed apart, and a decaying energy shot forth, seeking to ensnare Gabriel and slow his movements. He may not have been responsible for Ryloth. But Discordia was. And he worked for her. And it was all the same to Voph. He would not rest until the Agents heads hung from the walls of the Citadel. And for the first time in many years, a darkness gripped his heart. Voph pushed himself forward, sprinting directly towards Gabriel now, Lightning now arcing from his off hand. In all normal cases, Voph fought for peace. But in this case, Voph fought for blood. The blood of a man who sought to destroy the very freedom that Voph had fought and died to protect.


Acantha Malvern


L O C A T I O N | Rodia, Ground - Iskaayuma
O B J E C T I V E | Land on Rodia/Watch Voph Kick Some Butt
E Q U I P M E N T | Knight’s Obsidian Side Arm - Armour [Painted Black] - Lightsabers
T A G S | Kyyrk Kyyrk - Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn - Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée - Isalor Grathan - Rann Thress Rann Thress - The Monster The Monster
E N E M I E S | The Agents of Chaos & Friends

A slow rumble began to build beneath the pod, starting off as a vibration that Felurian barely took notice of as she secured the straps around her chest. By the time she was settled, and comfortable with how tightly the straps were cutting into her ribs, the pod was now cycling up toward the cannon. Nervous did not describe what Felurian felt, she was never really nervous. She had faced far worse in her life than a pod being fired at a ship. Dying during this would have been a cruel fate, but what was the point in working herself up over that? She likely wouldn’t realise it until it was happening anyway. No, there was no point in any of that. Instead she cast her thoughts on the battle ahead.
The Hope pulled up to level out across the surface, Felurian could feel the force pressing her head back against the seat. That wasn’t the plan, weren’t they meant to be going for an Agent fleet? Just as she was about to open her mouth to question, Voph’s voice chimed in. Her face fell, just a little. All the work she had put into studying her task had been to attack their fleet, not play a game of chase through the streets of Rodia… but no matter. When Voph fell silent again, Felurian had already made her peace with it. She was adaptable, and if there were fights to be had on Rodia, all the better.
Suddenly, and with only the blaring alarm to warn her, the pod was fired aggressively toward the planet. Holding her breath, or rather being stolen of it completely, the sheer force and speed of their descent deafened everything but the rush of blood through her ears. When the pod began to enter the atmosphere, Felurian thought the worst of it was over, until the shoot deployed. It yanked the pod sharply in the air, throwing Felurian forward in her seat until she felt weightless, then slamming her back down against it as the shoot leveled them out. “Kriff.” The words sounded strange in her ears, even though she knew they belonged to her. Felurian let her head fall limply against the seat. Everyone else had been right to look nervous as they squished themselves into the drop pod.
Someone was talking through her comm piece, but she didn’t have the mind to listen. Though perhaps she should have… Because when the drop pod crashed into Rodia’s surface, Felurian was more than surprised. Once her brain had stopped crashing against the side of her skulls, Felurian made a mental note to tell Voph to kriff off if he ever told her to do this again. Then her fingers attacked the straps that had been crushing her lungs from the moment they had set off, but the metal had caught. On her suit, or on the parts inside, she didn’t know, but as the door to her pod hissed open and let a flood of moonlight in, Felurian only grew more frustrated. The fingers on both hands tensed, until they resembled the legs of a spider twitching furiously in an unwanted grasp. A soft bubbling sound came from the inside of the mechanism keeping her contained, the metal surrounding it began to heat up until it was glowing a dim orange.
A spray of molten metal hissed and fizzed as it landed on various electronics inside the drop pod, but Felurian didn’t care. She was free. She flung the straps off her shoulders, boots scrambling to find purchase on the slightly askew floor. When she popped her head out of the door and began to pull herself out, Felurian was more than disgruntled. “Never again.” She spoke to nobody in particular, though almost in tandem with her fellow apprentice Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn , as her rather shaky legs finally hit solid ground. “Never again.” At least now the worst of it was over. The adrenaline of battle held no candle to that of space flight.
Voph’s voice called out again, through the commlink in her helmet. Her fingers reached out to curl around her lightsabers, letting their comforting weight hang from both arms. “An audience?” Her tone was incredulous. “What does he think he’ll be able to do? Convince you not to kill him?” She rolled her eyes. What kind of fool attacks a planet then tries to negotiate their victory? Pathetic. Images of the man in question began to form on her HUD, followed by a softly blinking light in the middle of a map of Rodia’s capital. That was their target. Still holding onto her primary weapons, Felurian followed Voph to the target location, but broke a little before they bumped into the pleading enemy.
The shadow of the alley provided her the perfect place to follow in the lead of her fellow apprentice Rann Thress Rann Thress , though she picked a more opportune place behind their target. Even if she had to go a little further out to avoid being in his line of sight to do it.
Taking to the skies to have her boots land, almost impressively silently, on the top of one of Iskaayuma’s buildings. The moonlight was bright enough to see the exchange of master and enemy occurring below. Watching with an almost amused gaze as the man rid himself of lesser fighters, Felurian could only tut softly. She was closer, and could catch most of their conversation with little strain. “You have to have a special kind of ego to off yourself like this guy is doing. I’ve seen smaller egos on slavers. Do all the Agents sound like this? Entitled? Holier than thou?She asked of her fellow apprentices, assured of the privacy of the communication link between them. “We lost five idiots.” Felurian spoke in response to Rann Thress Rann Thress . “Who sends men with guns after someone who can use the force? It’s like sending a mouse to fight a cat.”
It came as no surprise to Fela that the man knew they were all there. Any force user worth their salt would have known. What irritated her was his constant and unneeded bragging. “I wish he would just shut up and get on with it. Does he think this makes him sound intelligent? Powerful?” Felurian sighed and shook her head, eyes still trained on the meeting below. “What a waste of everyone's time.” The conversation continued regardless, with Voph offering something that Fela would call… a deal. She scrunched her face up, grateful for the helmet that covered her expression from any prying eyes. Her thoughts were disturbed, by one of their own who came careening from the street to scream about something Fela didn’t know.
This was it, the pinnacle of the moment, the downward tilt on the rollercoaster that would end in chaos and destruction. The beginning of a fight.
Voph’s rage built up, until it was almost palpable in the air. Expelled as a bright violent lightning strike in brilliant shades of purple. Felurian fed. The anger and rage she could not feel for people she did not know instead came from her Master. It built up slowly, like a pot over fire coming to a boil, but she would wait. She would contain it… until she was needed.

Typhan Berrezz

someone who cares.

:: Location = Rodia, Iskaayuma > Weapons Factory District, CDC Avenue Objective = Survive, surround, reinforce
Equipment = Phase I armor, repeating rifle, heavy blaster pistol, commlink, WoL potions, relief gas, grenades
Allies = CIS ( Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , help) + friendlies ( Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , stop shooting);
Enemies = AoC ( Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi ) + baddies
Post = 03 ::​

There was chaos on CDC avenue.

Typhan heard rather than saw blasterfire start then stop, and the Force radiate through stone, as he led Dyarron and the scout behind them up behind a warehouse beside the street. They crept along meters at a time, from building and blockade to building and blockade. Between periodic gaps in the constructions, the lieutenant glimpsed the suppression teams' status: behind cover, knocked prone, subdued by the Force user.

Kriff. They hadn't known this arsehat had magic fingers - that headsup would've been much obliged. They could sure use their shark overlord and her relatively newfound Knight Obsidian powers now. But they could do this. ...Hold out a little longer, boys.

Typhan had lost sight of there when the whoosh of a bomber overcame any and all ambiance. He didn't stop his advance at first, assuming the bird to be friend even though its paint job was unlike any Confederate's he had ever seen as anyone without a CDF callout would have been shot out of the sky long before reaching atmosphere, let alone capital airspace. But a flickering glance cast up to the sky did.

Correction: the only surprise on the road was that bomber.


The nose of the bird lit up with reflections of red bolts as the gunner began his strafe. "Ancients, get down!" he shouted, voice lost to even himself under the reign of fire. He shoved the squad leader towards the wall and peeked around the corner. The majority of HEIAP rounds Gabriel hadn't caught; they whizzed past him, caught the ground, and exploded, kicking up dust all around. It further obscured his view, but he was sure the gunner had just added injury to insult for his men. Typhan rose his forearm but fumbled with the activation button on his comm, frustration furthered as her tried to patch into the local BWFC frequency. After what seemed an eternity of failure, he got both and barked despite the tremble in his fingers, “‘Ey, kark face, ya got friendlies down here!

When uproar and dust had settled both, Ty fell into shocked silence. He could see all five of his men half-cemented in stone now completely motionless, as they had been struggling valiantly before. When Gabriel threw the bolt back at the BWFC bomber, Berrezz's eyes followed their trajectory. Whatever the fate of the bird, he couldn't say he was too distraught. An awful reality, but a reality nonetheless.

More blunder as he tuned back to Confederate Defense Command. He typed out a message to avoid detection. ::Friendly fire on CDC ave. Advise heavy casualties. Requesting reinforcements.:: He hoped they were around the bend, or otherwise could sprout wings. As soon as the bomber was removed from the equation - whether it crashed or waved off - the hostile’s attention would surely turn back to Omega. The flanking teams were still hidden, but if Gabriel came to investigate as they stood by, they’d be made. If five commandos had been Force fodder, three and two more, separated by a stretch of road, would be even easier child's play.

Another glance to the street and another yet player appeared, this time, boots to the ground. Corrected correction, Kyyrk Kyyrk and The Monster The Monster 's forces were the other only surprises on the road.

Pushing off from cover, finally convinced the flanking teams were not an air target, Typhan peeked out from cover as the sounds of battle resumed. "Friendly contact, Command," he updated Haastal. "Standing by."
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Location: Iskaayuma
Wearing: Robe and Clothes
Wielding: Phase Candles | Vita Stones | Glitter Grenades | Breathing Mask
Allies: Agents of Chaos + Allies | Nerium Nerium Madalena Antares Madalena Antares Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi + Open
Enemies: Confederacy +Their allies | Ishmael Verd Théodoro Théodoro Shukalar Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf Luna Terrik Luna Terrik


Eldoc had barely gotten back into cover in time for the hail of fire down on to them. Their foes clearly came to play and they just didn't have the firepower to keep up. So when Maldalena proposed going into the sewer, Eldoc jumped down with no time to spare. The entire fight he felt useless, his bellow had barely touched the gunships and now they were surrounded on all sides. The CIS was also causing more damage than anything they could do. It was rather incredible how indiscriminate they were being with munitions. He looked around the sewer, watching the top to see if anyone followed them. Ready to eliminate any foe stupid enough to follow them. The manhole had revealed, just as depressing and gross of suroundings as one would imagine. It seems that tonight was not going to be as much fun as he originally thought. Hopefully they could salvage the evening. That was when he swore he saw something move, that wasn't any of them.

Location: Rodia {Iskaayuma} - Weapons Factory District - CDC Command Post
Objective: Earth
Equipment: Armor, Assault Rifle
Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik , Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart , Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos , Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz , Safira Varad, Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Nighthaunter Nighthaunter
800,000 Dauntless Commando Infantry Units
4, 990 Rodian Peace Patrol Officers
Supporting Armor Units
Supporting Air Divisions

Outside of the command center, Haastal stood beside a speeder while one of the Dauntless Commandos held out a scattershot slugthrower to him. The man glanced over the weapon before shaking his head. "Nah, somethin' bigger."

The Commando turned back to the crates that laid on the ground, pulling out a hand held blaster cannon. Haastal looked to the weapon considerably before shaking his head again. "Bigger." He said. This time the commando turned back to the crates, kicking them out of the way to grab what laid behind them. The weapon was longer than the blaster canon, although it was a bit thinner. Haastal smirked underneath his helmet before taking it from the man's hands. "Perfect. Grab a couple more of these things and let's move out." Almost fifty men were standing by Haastal, a platoon made of Rodian peace officers and Dauntless Commandos. A few of the Rodian's made their way over to grab more of the rocket launchers, pulling them onto their shoulders whil Haastal made his way away from the command center and into the street.

In that moment the entire dome's lights and power seemed to fail, a faint flickering occuring before eventually they were covered in darkness. "Switch to night optics." Haastal said back behind him, his HUD automatically activating the night-vision to give his screen an off-green glow to it.

He hadn't moved a step when a communication came in from Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart . He looked up, before nodding. "Copy. I don't want targets, I want bodies. Take him out, Alpha." He turned the comm device back off before moving forward, still holding the rocket launcher over his shoulder.

The next thing to flash over his HUD was a report coming in from Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz . "Omega. Hold position, I'm on my goddamn way. Don't let the enemy move from your AO." He ordered the man before turning down the next street, moving into a run with his men following close behind.

Location: Weapons Factory District, Iskaayuma, Rodia
Callsign: Alpha Actual
Squad: Alpha Quad, 10 Dauntless Commandos
Equipment: Project Xiphos Armor | Modular Tri-Blaster | Micro Light Shield | Bayonet | Cryo Grenades | Fragmentation Grenades | Thermal Detonators | Comlink | Raxus Relief

Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile Command: Agents of Chaos

The dome going dark didn't slow down the Commandos pursuing their quarry. Their helmets had a variety of sensors that might pursuit even under these conditions possible. Nevertheless, the four fanned out one jump short of where Daiya and Nighthaunter had dipped out of sight. Better to assume cover and watch for them to spring it in one of three directions. No doubt the trio would be waiting for those chasing them to land in a battlefield of their choosing.

Slowly, Tiria's hand drew down and around to take hold of a thermal detonator. Yes, she knew quite well Haastal wanted them dead; the man had taken the time to emphasize that earlier.

"Take positions," the Colonel called back to those on the street. "If they duck out of the building, take them." Front, back, didn't matter. Even if those below were catching up they had a clear line of sight visually and for a clean kill.

"Colonel, movement."

Her fingers released the detonator at her belt and took hold of her blaster once more. Without waiting, she leaped over the low cover and charged toward the other building.

The grind of boots on the dusty roof sounded followed by the thud as she hit the other rooftop. Another Commando followed suit on the other side of the rooftop access, and together they shot forward ready to shoot. Of course, the trio had moved by then.

Muscles worked as she darted over to the side of the roof with the barrel of her blaster leading the way ready to surprise them if they were waiting near the top for someone to peek over. Just another corner to her to check before their forms could be seen descending to the alleyway below. "Freeze," she commanded. Not that Tiria hesitated in following that immediately by raining down blaster fire on their position, with three more Commandos soon to join in on the excitement.

The call to freeze was just an effort to psychologically manipulate them to think, in the heat of the moment, maybe if they did...? But the orders were clear. Haastal didn't want prisoners for interrogation. He wanted corpses to put an end to the threat once and for all. That was the mission.

Dropping a grenade wasn't in the cards. Tiria didn't want it stalling the pursuit. If the trio looked to be slipping into the sewers despite the heavy fire and the two ground-level teams converging on either end of that alleyway, then the Colonel would do the next logical thing... go after them. Didn't matter how dangerous the mission was. A grapple hook descent followed by a trek in the muck with some street-side making sure their moles didn't pop right back up to ground. Whatever it took; they were Dauntless.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz | Safira Varad | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Daiya Daiya | Nighthaunter Nighthaunter
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

GEAR: Morph Armor, Wolfsbane
Redd Redd
AoC: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Larentia Larentia

There was not much a stranger could know about the Lupine, Gerwald Lechner. Whatever she knew of the wolf she had heard from the likes of Katine or Scherezade, even Alwine was likely spewing untruths about Gerwald. No, Katrine, she would never lie about Gerwald, though their paths had parted it was not for any wrong doing on the part of the other. She had simply left, to where and why, Gerwald never knew, and in the loneliness his heart had grown toward another who paid the ultimate price in keeping the Confederacy safe.​
Eyes looked up toward the pair as his hand moved to stay the red wolf at his side. The growl which came at the confession did not surprise Gerwald. He had taught Redd to see the Confederacy as her new pack. Larentia Larentia could not have known how her admission would be taken by the wolf. Yes, Gerwald was upset, he wanted justice for their own. They had murdered a Viceroy. They had agreed to peace, and turned violent when their arrest had been ordered. No matter how anyone chose to paint the picture, the choice to remain peaceful had always been theirs. They had drawn first blood on Ryloth by opening the door for terrorism, and they had drawn first blood on Olanet. Had Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi not attacked the Aegis Guards, there would have been no fight.​
"What truth," Gerwald questioned, his face soured with an odd expression. "You speak in riddles. I have seen the reports, and I was on the ground on Ryloth." His eyes moved to the woman at Larentia's side. "The truth as you know it, perhaps, is not the truth at all."
It still did not change the fact he intended to see them arrested or dead. Gerwald did not care which outcome.​
Everything went dark.​
Gerwald had not been listening in the comms when the command was given, he was not Dauntless or CDF. HIs focus has been ensuring everyone had made it out of the city and be ready for an attack. Whatever their goals, whatever their objectives, they would not be successful. Liberation was only possible when a people were enslaved or forced. Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter had been among them when many planets and systems had been added. All of them entered voluntarily. Every entrance was negotiated. Whatever propaganda the Agents of Chaos were spewing, their loudest voices knew it to be lies. It was simply an excuse to enact violence and bring chaos, nothing more and nothing less.​
Scherezade grabbed Larentia and leaped into the shadow. Gerwald moved to attack, bringing his blade down toward the legs of the woman attempting the jump. Debris, solid, duracreet, flew after them, launching to flank them and strike them from behind as the traveled through the darkness. Gerwald was determined they would not escape.​
His thoughts pressed into Redd's mind. <"You cannot follow the way I must in your current form. Follow on the ground and do not lose site of where they go. You will need to be my eyes."
Pressing the force to his legs, Gerwald followed, leaping after the pair that had just appeared on the rooftop. They would have little time on the rooftop alone before the massive form of the Lupine would be seen flying straight for them. His lightsaber held forward, Gerwald made to land on the building as his blade slashed left to right aiming to cut them both in half.​
Changes due to misreading a post.
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LOCATION: Rodia, Capital City. Command Post Roof.
OBJECTIVE: Assault AoC Positions on Rodia
WEAPONS: Lightsaber / Robotic Right Arm
ENEMIES: @Gabriel Agents of Chaos and their Allies, Open

“I imagine all agents do sound like this.” Rann said, hands on his helmet where his cheeks would be watching the commotion below. “You have to be. I mean. Listen to what he’s saying. ‘The way you kill civilians is worse than the way we kill civilians, therefore you are evil. And I’m a monster but not a monsterrrrr.” he said in a poor impersonation of Gabriel, mocking him. “I dunno. They’re terrorists who believe they have a noble purpose, while killing civilians. And then they have the nerve to turn around and say that Ryloth wasn’t under their control? That they had no say? I say sithspit. Those insurgents were armed by the AoC. They’re responsible, yet here he is saying ‘no, we hate those guys too. Give us your guy who blew up our guys because now we are suddenly filled with empathy.’” He shook his head. “As for those soldiers, It is what it is. They shouldn’t have been here to begin with. I admire the bravery though. If nothing else.” he spoke to Felurian Malvern over the comms. “Worth noting, at the end of the day it was a Confederate gunship that killed them. Not him. He’ll pay for it nonetheless.”
Rann sat, continuing to watch the interaction between Lord Voph, Gabriel, and now The Monster The Monster .
“Oh no.” he said, dropping his arms from his cheeks as he watched Sergei approach Gabriel and begin listing off the casualties of The Aegis
“Kinda rash there, buddy!” he said, hoping Sergei would hear him, but knowing in his heart it was too late. Serg’ had his eyes set on his target now, the rest of the world be damned. Rann sighed.
“Everyone, it's just about showtime I think. If you’re not here, get here.” the conversation between Lord Voph and Gabriel was going very smoothly, but that wouldn’t last forever. Not with Sergei there, ready to unleash two hundred souls worth of revenge upon Gabriel. If he didn’t make the first move, Rann was sure Voph would read the room and do it sooner rather than later.
Rann lifted up on his knee, readying himself. The fight was coming soon, he could feel it. His heart rate started to speed up and Adrenaline began coursing through him again. Then, there it was.
A violet blade emerged from Voph’s lightsaber, cutting through the void just as harshly as his words with what he would have done to the Scintilla.
"I would have bombed them all."
“Well… Huh.” Rann remarked. He rose to his feet. “I mean, fair. They’re essentially human shields of a terrorist organization, and they support this organization. So yeah, me too.” he said to himself, removing his lightsaber from his hip.
As if on cue, the lights in the city went dark. Suddenly, there was nothingness.​
He placed his leg on the low wall and ignited the lightsaber.
The yellow blade shot out from a finely crafted hilt, a single light in the darkness around him. One Rann couldn’t help but be proud to wield. A lightsaber he had made, one that fit his hand, one that represented him.
And Gabriel would fall to it, by the Force.
He leapt forward off the roof, front flipping through the air once before hitting the ground and beginning a sprint towards Gabriel as Voph shot Force Lightning at him.
As he approached, ever the performer, he twirled his blade and brought it to his side, lunging forward to slash at Gabriel.
At long last, Rann had joined the fight.

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Valeria waited, she heard Voph speaking about something but was less interested in what he was saying and what he was doing, watching him appear to conceal a hand, likely in preparation for what was to come. Valeria thought that all this talk was pointless, the Agents were terrorists and no one negotiates with terrorists though if anything she thought Voph had only decided to meet so that they could ambush the Agent. Valeria did notice what appeared to be a man in armor from head to toe, she believed this was a man named Sergei since the description fit and he did look like the "loves boarding pods" type of person which fit the description of what she had heard about Sergei, start to come up behind the Agent and soon he was also involved in the conversation. He also started listing some names, people that died perhaps? Regardless it was clear there was a grudge there and Valeria could understand that feeling. Soon enough she did hear Voph say: "I would have bombed them all." and watched Voph’s hand come up with a blast of force energy coming forth from it and he then ignited his lightsaber as he began his attack, following it up with the crackling and brilliance from the lightning coming forth from his fingertips. Valeria decided that now that the signal, though really the signal was also the attack, had been given and the ambush sprung, would be the time to begin hers as she saw another lightsaber ignite and a man move forwards towards the agent, probably not the best idea but she respected it. Valeria used her cryokinesis force powers in order to form ice underneath where she saw the Agent standing and then simultaneously barraged the position with razor sharp and rock hard shards of ice. Valeria then stood on to the edge of the window and ignited her lightsaber, the brilliant ice blue blade casting a glow over the immediate area surrounding it and the clouds of frost coming off of and permeating it’s blade. Valeria channeled the Force in to her body and using Force Jump she leapt from the window towards the agent, though with more of a focus on jumping over him to his other side, however she kept her focus on the air in front of her anticipating that perhaps he might jump vertically to avoid what was going on at ground level and Valeria was prepared to intercept and attempt to strike him if he did.

OBJECTIVE - Helping and.... Hunger?

Where: CIS FIeld-Hospital
Why: Tending the Wounded
Wearing/Wielding: Fate & Robes
When: As needed
With: Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli Jason Farkas Nimue Nimue

As Prennis encouraged Aurelion's thinking he felt a soft, warm feeling spread through his chest in the same moment a soft blush flower over his porcelain features. He mumbled something small and sheepish in response, before nodding as he fell into step behind her, finding Prennis to be both warm, wholesome and... familiar? It wasn't until she began to instruct him in medical practices that it clicked for him. She reminded him of his mother. Aurelion would get Prennis whatever she needed and, watching her work, would nod in understanding before assisting in whatever way he could or was needed to. In the end, however, even she was called to perform a task she was not familiar with and, evidently, did not wish Aurelion to see whatever had befallen them.

He nodded, hesitantly, before beginning to walk up to somewhere he could see..... until the lights went out. This made him sigh and droop his ears, fumble around blindly for a bit, before he stiffened. He could feel NImue's arrival even before she had done anything to announce it. While they were separate across the galaxy the sensation's he experienced from her were lessened now that she was on Rodia Aurelion's stomach gurgled hungrily and he found himself instinctively stepping toward a badly wounded patient. Not even needing to see them to smell the blood from their wound.

He shook his head, reminding himself of what he was trying to do, when soft white lights illuminated the hospital and he sighed in relief. Knowing it had been Nimue that had conjured and, even more-so, KNOWING she would be highly upset with him for being here. Despite this Aurelion drew his shoulders up, bit his lip, before he moved up to an elevated position where he could see almost everyone. Vague senses of Deja-Vu rang through him as he was reminded of what he had shown his mother but now this..... this would be on a much larger scale. There were many more people here, and many more wounded, and Aurelion felt his throat go dry as he stared down the prospect of trying to help them all. Even so..... he would.

Aurelion knelt there and crosses his legs, drawing in the Force about himself, before he took a deep breathe. He had only begun to do so when his eye snapped open, and Aurelion found himself look up the long, slender legs of the High Priestess, a faint sense of nervousness and trepidation obviously able to be felt from him between their bond and, perhaps amusing to Nimue, a brief flickering thought of how beautiful she looked, though Aurelion steeled himself, and unlike the first time he had touched her hunger.... this time.... he had purpose. A sense of purpose she would no doubt be able to feel as his eye met hers and he answered without any hesitation to his voice. "I'm here to help these people."

Aurelion would glance down and swallow thickly, before sheepishly drooping his shoulders "I'm.... I'm sorry for...being here and at risk. But.... this is all I can do so... I'm doing what I can. So please....." Aurelion trailed off, his eye slipping shut, "...... help me... help THEM..... if you want me to leave quicker." It would be obvious to Nimue that he was.... different or at least more determined than he had been before. If only a little bit and only for the sake of others. Maybe that was good enough for her, maybe not, but Aurelion didn't seem to be dissuaded either way.

Instead Aurelion returned his focus to gathering the Force around him, to him, and as he finished centering himself and drawing in his concentration.... he released it.

-- Using: Adept Battle Meditation --

Unlike with his mother he felt he had grown enough with this ability's use to spread it out to every person in the field hospital. The effect would be most pronounced on Nimue herself due to their bond, allowing her feel absolutely wonderful, even more fulfilled and reinvigorated than a large feeding would cause her, amplified by their bond as this was. If she wished to accept the sensation, of course. To others in the field hospital the medics would begin to feel their stresses lifted, their senses heightened, staff performing normally difficult procedures noticeably more easily while the wounded themselves were calmed and reassured. Thrashing, screaming victims were calmed and soothed, bathed in a reassuring presence born from someone who knew what it was to suffer and wished for no one else to ever experience what he had.

This extended even to Prennis whom would be able to identify the sensation as coming from Aurelion, Force sensitive or no, as she would be able to feel his presence there. Reassuring and encouraging her, looking up at her as she was a role-model and a mother, a rush of sensation that promised to be there for her even as she was there for others. As with Nimue however, this sensation waited for permission, promising to help, but making no move to do so unless she allowed to bolster her mind and body.

To every other being in the field hospital, whether they were troopers moving through, other Force users, should they accept the bolstering effects Aurelion offered they would find their step quickened, their spirits risen and hope and vigor restored anew. Without reservation, without exception, as Nimue would be able to feel the strain he put upon himself doing this. A tear rolling down his cheek from his eye as his arms shook softly upon his lap, he would not be able to hold this for long.
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Captain Maxiulis’s POV

Objective: Cut off the road - LAPW’s now position
Time: 0020
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, XIPHOS Armor
Ally tags: | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | The Monster The Monster | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | BX-72967-RAZOR |
Enemy Tags: | Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | Madalena Antares Madalena Antares | Domino Domino | Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi |

Maxilius knew what Operation Nightfall entailed. Complete and utter darkness throughout the dome. It would be unable to come back online unless someone had a massive generator towed to the location and hooked up, which meant for the duration of the fight, it would be in darkness. Those were all the details he knew, and they were very well laid out in the briefing.

What was not mentioned was just how quickly everything would go dark. It was like watching a tidal wave approaching them from the beginning of the main street. What looked as though someone was flipping a light swtich on city block after city block, speeding toward them, quickly encompassed their position in complete darkness. Although the cabin of the walker had lighting of it’s own, the darkness outside practically bled in, illuminating the faces of the crew in green and red blinking lights reflecting from the consoles.

“Get our searchlights online, Chance..” They had to know what was going on out there. While it may reveal their position to the enemy, they still had the superior firepower to overcome that. But without thermal vision on these walkers, and oversight by the designers, they were severely hampered by the darkness that had overtaken the city. With the floodlights, however, they would be able to see the enemy. And if one could see the enemy, they could kill them.

There small problem.

Where the enemy used to be…they were gone. Just..gone.

The captain’s brow furrowed at seeing this. They couldn’t have just..completely disappeared. He whipped his head around to the sensor bank, coming close to slamming his forehead against the pipped ceiling in the process. A group that big couldn’t have just disappeared. So either they were now above their heads, on the rooftops, which the sensors seemingly didn’t agree with, or…

Sir! Could they be using the sewage tunnels underneath us?”

Maxilius’s eyes grew wide at Chance’s question, quickly looking over the sensors one more time. If they weren’t above them, they must be below them! “By’re right! They must be trying to use the sewers to get to the factories!” His head turned from the sensors to instead move back to his small space, patting the pilot twice on the shoulder. “Duo! Move us down the street 10 meters! I have any idea. And chance!” The comm officer looked over his shoulder the captain, expecting his next order. Underneath them, the walker began to backtrack as Maxilius had ordered, with the that were flanking them following closely behind.

“Get a comm to the War Marshal ( Luna Terrik Luna Terrik ) and the Grand Marshal ( Haastal Haran Haastal Haran ). They have to know what’s coming if my plan fails to work!” Hopefully, Haastal would not have to worry about the rats in the sewer. If Maxilius had any say about it, they would never leave the hole that they had chosen to crawl into.

Objective: Contain and control
Time: 0025
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Ally tags:| Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Maeve Archeron Maeve Archeron | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | @Sergei “Jack” Jachovich | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | Safira Varad | Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | BX-72967-RAZOR | Ishmael Verd | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura |
Enemy tags: | Daiya Daiya | Nighthaunter Nighthaunter | Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | Madalena Antares Madalena Antares | Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Domino Domino | Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi |
Post: #5

“Witches and their mysticism..” Luna had just gotten off the comm with the Nightmother, and while perhaps hoping for a straight answer was too much, Vytal’s had been just a bit…too insane for Luna’s taste. “Enough to blot out the sun. You would’ve thought that the woman had brought an a full army of these reapers…I know these witches are powerful, but a full army is..slightly unbelievable.” Her mumbling wasn’t loud enough to be heard by any of the others. No need to question the obsidian lords in front of everyone else. Probably not the best look for the War Marshal to be doing something like that.

Operation Nightfall had seemingly gone off without a hitch. Their backup generator for the command tower was running smoothly, and even if the red lighting was bit off putting, they still had power. That was the important bit. Comms could be sent out and broadcast in, and most of their sensors and command functions were still available. There was just a bit more mood lighting. Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran would have approved, knowing that chiss.

The battlefield updates were coming in a bit slower now. The enemy was seemingly getting slowed down. It still didn’t make sense to the Marshal how few soldiers this group had brought. Or why they thought they could walk on the streets so freely after announcing they would be coming. The arrogance of these terrorist dogs was…baffling at times. That didn’t mean they weren’t smart, nor that they were not slippery, as she soon found out.

A comm from one of the officers of Rancor Platoon proved that fact very quickly. Going to ground, into the sewers. A tactic she would’ve thought they would use from the very beginning. Perhaps they did this to draw out their forces above ground. While this may not have been their intended effect, the Confederacy had possibly overplayed it’s hand for the moment. It was time to adapt and move forward.

An unconventional play would be the more straightforward one this time. Luna reopened the comm to the Nightmother, knowing that Haastal Haran Haastal Haran would start to handle the sewers on his end, and the possibility of an army of the dead hunting the terrorists at every turn in the sewers seemed “Nightmother..” She started, pausing for the slightest of moments. Despite their numerous interactions at this point, she still had trouble figuring out how to address the witch. “Our unwelcome guests have decided to turn rat and go to ground. If you would be so kind as to meet them in the sewers while my men prepare to cut them off down there as well…it would be appreciated.”

Whether or not the Nightmother took Luna up on the offer would be key to the next few moves the War Marshal made. If she was lucky, the terrorists hadn’t made it too far yet. Knowing Maxilius, there was a certain play that he had been known to make in situations like this that was seemingly hinted at near the end of his comm. If Luna was lucky, his plan would go off without a hitch and the witches wouldn’t be needed.

One could never have too many aces in their hand, however. The army of the night was just another to add to the every increasing stack against the tiny band of terrorists.


Location: Iskaayuma

Wearing: Merc Armor

Wielding: I.M.D Axe Blaster | Heklorkok R-2 Assault Rifle | Glitter Grenades |Basic Breathing Mask

Allies: AoC + Allies | Nerium Nerium , Madalena Antares Madalena Antares , Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat , Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi , +

Enemies: Confederacy + Their Allies | Ishmael Verd, Théodoro Théodoro , Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf , Luna Terrik Luna Terrik .

This was getting worse if you could even use worse to describe it, it seemed there were about a thousand things happening at once. He tried to ignore most of it though, keeping himself readied and alert in case something went wrong, seriously wrong or if he was given an order. It was likely neither of those would happen, everything was under control...right? Yeah, yeah, everything was under control. Or well that’s what he hoped, nothing seemed to be faltering, not yet anyway, but of course, only time would tell how it would turn out. Still, he couldn’t help but think about how time always runs short, and because of that, it wasn’t very reliable.

There was a question to ask though, why send out so many gunships? After-all there were only a couple of them if they were just regular soldiers they would’ve been taken out so fast, to the point they would just turn out to be a misuse of what could be, precious ammo. Of course, they weren’t regular soldiers, besides after their previous victory he should’ve suspected it, it was necessary for them to go full-lengths to prevent another loss. Yet from what he’d seen so far, everybody in AoC was more than just capable of pushing forward and winning regardless of the measures the Confederacy have taken to prevent it.

Now that, that was out of the way he could get back to supporting, or at least trying his best at supporting his teammates. Rather than saying things were getting heated, it seemed as though everything was just fanning the flames of a large fire. As such, they were told to retreat to the sewers, probably a smart move, after-all ships, of course, can’t follow them into the tunnels and they were hopefully all equipped and ready to face off any soldiers that could be sent down. So Zaldros didn’t wait but a second longer to jump down, as disgusting as the tunnels were maybe they’d be able to catch a break, that might’ve just been wishful thinking though.​
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// FOCUS // Madalena Antares Madalena Antares // Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat Nerium Nerium Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte // Ishmael Verd Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
// REGALIA // IN BIO // 2x Wrist Rockets

Madalena sidestepped and the Sun Guard slammed into his opponent, forcing her to give ground. And yet she absorbed the shock somehow -- he didn't think about it. The Force was a mystery to him. It was then that he realized further study of it may be warranted. Portals had sprung up all around them, obscuring his vision of the Mandalorians and presumably their vision of him. Their weapons kept firing but he saw no impacts. It was some sort of shield, yet something more at the same time. Madalena must have created them right before they made contact. Even now she strained to keep them up and to order her forces.

It was an insult, and a most grievous one at that.

Yes, she was far more powerful than he was. Theo had known this going into this battle. And of course she needed to protect herself from the Mandalorians, and she had a duty to those under her command. But to be engaged in combat against another and still not have their full attention was disheartening.

The Sun Guard growled in an almost feral manner, a new anger -- a new fire -- coursing through his veins and raising his heartbeat. He pulled back and swung his pike at the woman, but just as her allies had escaped to the sewers she went to make her exit through the hole in the ground. Theo roared in rage. He would not let her slip away. This was an opponent he had deemed worth fighting, yet all she had done was insult him and run away. A coward. And if there was anything Theo hated in this galaxy, it was cowards.

No. This dishonor would not stand. He would pursue her across this planet until she proved herself worth his time, or not. Either way he sought to claim a true, final victory against her. Most he let live to improve in the future. This woman? It was all or nothing.

The young warrior leapt after his quarry, hopping into the sewer grate and falling all the way down. He slammed into the old duracrete, bringing his pike to bear on whoever had come down before him, presumably Madalena, though there was not quite enough time to process his rapidly changing surroundings. With a moment of respite he glanced at the dark, round tunnels of Iskaayuma's sewers. A putrid stench clung to all who had come down here, and to the murky water that flowed in the center of the sewer.

His gaze snapped to Madalena. The lights had gone out and they were far from the sun, but the warrior's golden armor still glowed, just as his eyes blazed with fury behind his helmet's visor.

"NO MORE GAMES! NO MORE RUNNING! NO MORE DISTRACTIONS! FIGHT ME!" Theo screamed, lunging forward with inhuman speed towards his opponent and aiming the point of his pike at her chest once more. The others were none of his concern. The light hum he'd focused on in the back of his mind had grown to become an great roar, like the crashing of waves against the coast. Just like the sea he would crash against Madalena Antares until she broke. Even enraged his technique did not suffer; powerful slashes and thrusts came down in an endless barrage at his enemy.
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Objective/Location: Seek and Destroy - Talay System
Fighter: Phase I “Ballerina” Star Interceptor - Aurora Seven
Onboard Equipment: Phase IX Anti-G Suit | X-8 Night Sniper
Allies: AoC ( Willam Forlon Willam Forlon Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi Dimitri Lindzinsky)
Enemies: CIS ( Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde John Locke John Locke )

It was only moments later that Bella, and by extension, Aurora Squadron was immersed in the harrowing violence of the turbolaser lightshow between the Armada and the Confederate fleet. All of her training, down to even the most seemingly insignificant details, became instinct in the chaos and confusion of battle. After the aggressive head-on passes between the assembled squadrons of Armada and Confederate Naval small craft, Bella quickly found her first targets, a pair of Vulture droids which she quickly maneuvered behind in an aggressive lead pursuit angle as she designated the targets over her HUD. Salem, her wingman would immediately see the targets that Bella had marked out as he flew adjacent to her position, and by silent implication, he would know what to do.

Squeezing the trigger, a barrage of six accelerated particle bolts discharged from the twin cannons of Bella’s Ballerina, each of which were aimed slightly ahead of the droid fighter on the left so that they would strike the fuselage. In the next instant, Vulture that Bella had targeted went off in a fiery blaze which Bella flew through in an almost careless manner, knowing that her particle shields would protect her hull against any fast-moving fragments from the wreckage.

Upon detecting another pair of droid fighters, Bella designated the two craft in her HUD, before shooting down the one on the left in a rough repetition of the same process.

It was all instinct.

The Vulture droids were a swarm, but by isolating them and staying close to her wingman, Bella could quickly thin them out. However, there were bigger, more dangerous targets entering the pocket of the battlespace that her element was assigned to defend that she needed to engage and destroy. Bella quickly designated the targets on her HUD, a pair of two fast gunships ( John Locke John Locke ) which would almost certainly prove to be more of a challenge than the Vulture droids from before.

Nevertheless, the fundamentals of the strategy would remain the same, one which Aurora One had briefed them on in the ready room an hour before. The wingmen would stay close to each other and attempt to isolate their targets before moving to engage. To that end, Bella angled her interceptor in a pure pursuit curve with the gunship on the left while approaching it from a vector that aligned her nose with the undercarriage of its hull, before firing a single unguided diamond boron missile directly ahead of its flight path in an attempt to draw a panicked maneuver from the pilot.


LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
WEARING: Red Wolf Armour | Jacket | Taozin Amulet
EQUIPMENT: Obsidian Lightsaber | Hidden Wrist Blade | Generic Throwing Knives
ALLIES: Shamira Karuto | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Effie | Alluria Ivalice | Solana Arasne | @CIS and Friends
ENEMIES: The Agents of Chaos

As darkness shrouded the assassin in a familiar dark and comforting blanket; Shalita drew upon the force so then she could tap into the force senses to see through the darkness that shrouded them. Darkness was an old time friend, one that Shalita had grown rather accustomed to and she wouldn’t have been a very good assassin if she couldn’t be able to navigate her way through the darkness. The darkness and her were like best friends; it knew her secrets, but kept it quiet, for dead men told no tales and neither did the shadows. Unless of course witches got involved and then they were summoned to appear either by their ghostly forms, or to rise up and walk as shambling bones reinforced with Falyood tree enhancements.

Before she had met Vytal, the woman wouldn’t have thought it possible, but more and more she could see that not only were the witches a different breed of power, they were a strong force of power that could perhaps rival that of the force. In any case as they marched, the woman listened to that of the comms as they walked through the darkness of Iskaayuma.

Now that raising the dead had been completed and they were leading an army of undead to flood the factory streets, how then were their enemies going to fair? Would the Rodian's killer still be lurking within the shadows of the buildings? Or had he moved on already? Did he run like she thought that he might; only striking from a distance or when a person’s back was turned? Shalita couldn’t lie, even she herself had deployed such tactics when it came to completing a stealth mission, but this was war. War had different rules and it played them with a certain kind of finesse that even she herself wasn’t completely sure of. Which was why even as her icy blue eyes shifted to view the Nightmother, she wondered about their current goal.

War usually meant a battle that was fought on more than one front, but it was supposed to be fought with a code of honor. It wasn’t meant to be fought from the shadows and she wondered if the assassin who had lurked and killed many of those who worked for the military, would show. Would he cower in the shadows, clinging to them for life because he couldn’t hold his own in a multifaceted battle? Or, would he come out and fight, fight as if his life depended on it? Because his very life would depend on it if he was ever found. One who used fear tactics had less tact then someone who signed their kills with a calling card. When she killed from the shadows, the only sign that she was ever there, would be the fact that her target went missing and was never to be found again.

When she killed, the bodies would never be found and there would be no lead up to the fact that she was ever involved. It was why being a Shi’ido was so damn perfect for her job. She could be anyone she wanted to be; whatever face she wanted, she could take and use it for her own purpose. However, she had grown rather accustomed to the one that she currently wore and so only shifted her appearance whenever a task needed to be completed. This wasn’t an occasion that called for such.

”So tell me Nightmother, are we to go into the sewers like rats? Or did we want to use some of our army to flush them out?” Shalita asked as she looked upon their current course..

Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

Miseria rose an incredulous brow.

Something about this smelled like trouble. Beyond the fact that he wasn’t on a civilian ship being flown to safety, he was incredibly calm, and expectant? She couldn’t have imagined he was waiting for her specifically, how many people knew Miseria? Not many. A few more knew Dianah, but not enough to send someone after her. His offer of a drink forced a bemused expression on her soft features. Alright then. Miseria said to herself, whilst offering the stranger a teasing smile. Let’s see how this plays out.

“That's very kind of you.”
Miseria nodded eagerly and took a step toward the table, choosing a seat directly opposite him. “Funny I should find you here, I was just thinking about a drink myself. Nothing like something fiery to ease the adrenaline of… well, something fiery.” She grinned at him as she sat and tucked her chair in neatly. A force of habit from her politician days. Glancing down at the table, Miseria realised there was only one tumbler set aside, already half full of his choice of poison. Without breaking her gaze she lifted a hand, making a come hither motion with one of her fingers.

A tumbler standing against the back wall of the bar shuddered momentarily, before lifting into the air and floating into Misteria’s waiting hand.

“You still haven’t answered my question.” The soft trickle of alcohol crashing against cool glass walls filled the room, mostly drowned out by the gentle thump of music. When it was at least four fingers full, Miseria placed the bottle back down carefully on the table… and then lent back in her chair to stare openly at him. “What are you doing here?” She paused for a moment, as if she were going to let him reply, and then quickly followed with a shake of her pin tight chocolate curls. “Wait, wait." She spoke with a soft titter, intended only at herself for the sudden interruption. "I have a better question.”

Taking a short, quick sip of the booze to punctuate her sentence, her friendly smile turned inquisitive. Who are you?”


Location: Rodia
Objective: KILL ALWINE DAYE (closing in)
Wearing: xxx
CIS: Muad Dib Muad Dib | open
AoC: Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | Rashae Rashae

Much was happening. More fire from the sky rained down upon their position. It was clear those forming the defensive blockade above were wishing to be thorough in their job. How the ships had made it past the blockade itself was a marvel that puzzled Daegon. The only explanation had to have been someone got caught sleeping on duty. Whoever that had been, Daegon hoped they were already being berated for it. It was truly no real matter however. They had made up for their indiscretion, and Daegon got to kill those that remained, however, they needed to move as the air strikes were getting closer and closer to their position.​
Eyes scanned the area for the Mad Man Muad Dib Muad Dib , who seemed to be out of sight. That was when Daegon heard the screams. It seemed the man was enjoying the fine art of extracting information from one of the survivors. A smirk twisted into a wicked grin as the Demon listened on. This one would give the man a run for the title of who the true demon was. Daegon was dark, but this Dib was insane. They needed the chaos today, but Daegon still prefered the other brother, Derek. Maud did not strike him as one calm, or patient, enough for a game of chess.​
Muad emerged from the tent, a satisfied look on his face.​
"Did you enjoy your snack," Daegon asked as it was clear the man was still chewing. It was not a thing Deagon would have indulged in. While he was slipping, and the darkness desired to overtake him the imagined threat coming from his sweet Seraphina to never kiss him again if he did such a thing kept him from even attempting something gruelish.​
It seemed Muad was ready to press the attack, a difficult task if the bombardment did not stop. Daegon made a call out to the ships above. ( Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn , Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix )​
<<< "This is Viceroy Corvinus. Give us a two kilometer buffer on those air strikes. We are in pursuit on the ground." >>>
He turned back to Muad with a nod and began to run into the forest where it seemed the rest of those who were still walking ran into. It was going to be hard to track them through woods, at least without the force. Stretching his senses out, Daegon pressed forward until he was able to latch onto a force signature.​
It was familiar.​
Alwine Daye.
Daegon looked to his partner.​
"She is this way."
Extending a hand, the Demon pointed to where he sensed her. The force was pressed to his legs as he began to speed ahead to where he sensed her. Revenge was close, Daegon could taste it, then suddenly, she was gone. Pressing further with the force, Daegon searched the surrounding area. They should have been right on top of her.​
The ground began to shake. Reaching out with the force, Daegon sensed nothing, however the ground told them something was approaching. Daegon ignited his lightsaber once more as his eyes flickered over toward the Mad Man.​
"Do something."
  • Objective - Moving on
  • Location - Iskaayuma Wroker housing outside the factory district.
  • Gear and Equipment - Armor, LMG, Sidearm, knife, rock, candle, twin lightsabers, various grenades, demolition charges.
  • Allies - Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell
  • Post 5
Tags - Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 Alwine Daye Alwine Daye

Sasmay was gone, not in the house she'd opened up for the other woman to take cover in and Domino wasn't picking her up on the radar with its range cut. A moment went by that felt like eternity. Well chit. An explosion sounded off in the distance, bassey and muted before all the street lights shut off in sequence as their grids lost power. That hadn't been on the list had it? She'd wanted to do that on her own initiative after writing off the factories. Then from the back of the enemy ship she had an excellent view as the gates of the city were blown open in near unison. And there went her other self-given objective. Zooming in with her infrared macrobinoculars she could just make out the heat signatures of what looked like hundreds of troops if not more poured into the city. That was her second self-given objective out the window then.

Triggering her jetpack again, she began a sharp diagonal climb, they could still win this if they just took out the right people. Mandalorians were usually mercenaries, who almost be definition, were the wrong people. Domino checked her self-precog again as she began building up a Force Barrier around herself. That dropship probably wasn't done with her and those walkers were still out there along with the occasional flyer. Keying her comm channel to the encrypted AoC-all band, she sent out a status update. "Bluebell Lead to all. Massive numbers of the enemy have breached the dome and are encircling the city. recommend getting into deep cover before they start pushing in. Utility tunnels may act as choke points but will likely shield you from scans and air attack." Hopefully she'd kept that short enough and she was moving fast enough that the CIS wouldn't get a location on her, hopefully they hadn't cracked the encryption yet.
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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Shuklaar Kyrdol, Iskaayuma worker housing outside the factory district.​
Objective: Hunt down two terrorists.​
Ally Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
Enemy Tags: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Domino Domino
Friendly Forces: Two squads of Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade, 1 Vuhyr'galaar Gunship.​
There were two things that were instantly tagged on Shuklaar's HUD when they made an appearance. One was a fast moving humanoid target which thanks to the conveniences of HUD based sensor linked targeting systems, the back mounted weapon systems on his and the rest of the Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade turned to track. A-03S Verpine Shatter Autocannon rounds and Type-12A Anti-Personnel Rockets from the MML-02S Miniaturized Missile Launchers streaked toward the target.​
None of the Mandalorians however, needed to be told twice to get the haran out of dodge when they saw the very obviously thermal detonator shaped object hurtling toward their midst, even without the aid of their enhanced reflexes and the suite of sensors in their armor. A quick burst from their rocket packs sent both Shuklaar and the others rocketing into the air on wings of fire, repulsors keeping them there as hover mode was engaged.​
In the meanwhile, their gunship didn't sit there as Domino Domino came flying at it. Repulsors engaged, it put space between itself and its new target. The turrets on the gunship were fast track turrets, and their droid brains were particularly quick to fire on hostile targets. Both the front two turrets as well as the dorsal turret turned to track the incoming target. While a humanoid with a jetpack was considerably smaller than the average starfighter, they also moved at considerably slower velocities than the average starfighter at combat speed.​
Aware of the fact that they could be hit by stray rounds thanks to the gunships targeting systems being synced to the Manda Tactical Battlenet, Shuklaar and the Mandalorians with him utilized another quick half measure of thrust from their rocketpacks to move out of the way. That was when the gunship fired. Twelve RHM-04 Repeating Heavy Mass-drivers spat rounds at the incoming target Domino Domino as the gunship itself continued to back away to put some distance between itself and the incoming dini'la di'kut trying to land on their hull.​
Shuk watched the spectacle momentarily as the gunship's ion shields flashed to life, taking the full force of whatever hit and as far as the Manda tactical battlenet let him know, still intact though at 88% integrity. Whoever they were, they were bold, he would give them that. Not smart, but bold. He saw no reason to waste the gunship's time now that they'd ascertained there couldn't be more than four of them. "Ragar, take the squad and find the other one, watch for additionals. There can't be too many of the shabuire. Rammikad Bravo 6, Beroya 1-1, pull out and wave off. We'll handle things here. Resume patrol pattern. Oya, ner vode!" he breathed into his helmet mic.​
Far able to outpace the jetpack clad combatant even on reverse thrust, the Mandalorian gunship began steadily rising in altitude before turning lazily laterally and flying off to assume patrol pattern. Likewise, only Ragar and his squad remained with him now. Dropping down slowly with the aid of repulsors, Shuklaar couldn't quite tell what had happened to the dini'la di'kut that had charged their gunship, and while he was almost sure they were probably dead, he didn't want to take anymore chances. As the gunship pulled off to go continue it's patrol, he called out with his helmet annunciator at full volume, "If you wanted to commit suicide, there are far easier ways to do it."
Jare'la took his place at his back, skittering around on sixteen limbs in the eerie manner as he always did. Though he was disinclined to let the droid help if the shabuir who'd tried to charge their gunship showed up. Oh no, he was going to deal with that particular brand of crazy on his own.​
Al'verde Ragar Nihut'tyr, Iskaayuma worker housing outside the factory district.​
Objective: Hunt down two terrorists.​
Ally Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
Enemy Tags: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Friendly Forces: One of Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade.​
Adrenaline, battle stimulant and adrenal flowed through his veins, his implant package kicked him into high gear as he and the Mandalorians under his command surveyed the area. One lifeform signature was below them. Ragar surmised it was the one that had managed to run past them as they made themselves scarce to avoid the thermal detonator hurled in their direction earlier, by the dini'la chaakare that had tried to attack their gunship. Using their repulsor packs to stay airborne and agile, Ragar motioned for his commandos to move forward.​
Their repulsor packs were relatively quiet all things considered, but at this distance they were still plenty audible. With a quarter strength burst from the rocket thrusters, he flew forward and over the position of Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull at high speed and fired down at her with a quartet of two-round SLAP round bursts from his RR-03 Repeating Ripper. "Vho'ika, you're with me. Cut her exit off! Rest of you fan out and clear the area. There may be more of them, watch for stealth tech!" he ordered over the comms.​
The Mandalorian in question, armed with a DR-03 Class-D Disruptor Marksman's Rifles took position on the other side of the alley, still airborne, waiting, daring @Sasmay to even try to come that way. "You picked the wrong day to show up. Drop your weapon and I'll consider turning you in! Or don't, that'll be more entertaining," he called out to his opponent as he positioned himself and fired again. Rinse and repeat. He wasn't sure if hew as dealing with someone force sensitive or just enhanced like he was, but either way, he wasn't willing to let them close the gap to find out if they had a jetii'lkad with them.​

Alor'ad Ukran Nihut'tyr, standing near the sewer grate Madalena Antares Madalena Antares and company have escaped through.​
Ally Tags: Ishmael Verd | Théodoro Théodoro
Hearing what Théodoro Théodoro bellowed out at them, the Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade were about to respond when things went to haran almost immediately, as they usually did. Amped up on adrenaline, battle stims and adrenal, the Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade that Madalena Antares Madalena Antares hurled the grenade at were quick to react. Their immediate reaction was to fire a gauntlet mounted pressor beam at the grenade, which then flew through the portals that she'd opened to defend her. Confused, but not immediately phased, the Mandalorians immediately ceased firing once they realized their ammunition was going nowhere, or rather somewhere, a somewhere that was giving off extremely strange readings.​
"Karyatr Charlie 6, we've lost sight of primary targets. Targets pulled up some kind of strange portal, just takes everything we throw at it, going to see if we can go around," crackled the voice of that squad's commander over the comms. Ukran wondered for a moment if he'd heard them right. Portal? Just what the shab was going on here? They knew how to deal with force users, but as far as he knew they couldn't just summon portals that ate everything a unit as heavily armed as unit like his could throw at it.​
"Negative, Charlie and Delta 6, resume patrol. Targets have entered the sewer system. We'll handle this. Oya, vode!" he ordered. He could feel the disappointment in the acknowledging 'oya' that answered him, but he knew that his men knew that to fill the sewers with bodies was a fast way to find out just how quickly a well placed explosive could kill them all. Their aural amplifiers easily picked up the sounds of Théodoro Théodoro 's challenge to Madalena further in the sewers, and so with a shared look they dropped down into the sewers after him.​
Sprinting down the tunnel, Ukran knew what would be on the Thyrisian's mind and so was quick to say, "Relax, Thyrissian, you can have your duel. The others are still fair game, though." Ukran kept his AR-2CQB aimed at Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat , intent on not letting the jetii shabuir escape this time, approaching from Theodoro's rear left, with another of his men approaching with a PBHR-01 Particle Beam Heavy Repeater from Theodoro's rear right, also aiming at Eldoc.​
Pilot of SB-06 Ram'ser-class Super-Heavy Bomber Ash'amur 1-1, on station above factory district.​
Objective: Wave off.​
Enemy Tag: Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi
Most of the incoming rounds missed the bomber. Stopping the rounds and turning them around was one thing, but hitting a bomber with shells that probably weighed a significant fraction of the shabuir who was throwing them back at them's bodyweight was something else entirely. The bomber's particle shielding took the three rounds that actually impacted at low velocity without much issue. The crew were about to pull off when they heard the call over the comms.​
There were friendlies on the ground? What the shab? There weren't supposed to be friendlies on the ground that close to the shabuir. He checked and rechecked the sensor reading, about to lose it at his gunner when he realized as pilot and commander of the craft it was his job to make sure this hadn't happened. He'd failed. "I...shab....Ash'amur 1-1, waving off," was all he managed to let out as he steered the bomber off their predesignated flight path and away from the current objective. He left his WSO to answer his confused fellow Mando'ade as he tried desperately not to think about what he'd done, both to his allies and to his fellow vode.​

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