Vytal Noctura

S P I R I T S . A N D . G O D S . P R O T E C T . U S
Equipment: The Blood of Dathomir Armor | Nightmother's Ward | Water of Life Potions |
Raxus Relief Gas | Rings X X X X | Circlet | Jam Buster
Stored: Seed, Conduit of Souls, Nesmite Tree Seed Pods, Cryo Grenades,
Grapple, Rope, Survival Gear, Knives
Commanding: Army of Skeletons with Falyood Tree Enhancement
Location: Iskaayuma, Rodia
Allied: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile: Agents of Chaos
It was a bit surprising to hear the War Marshal's voice a second time. There was a customary hesitation following the use of her title, which wouldn't solicit a vocal reaction; though the Witch's dark lips may have twitched. Was she not the Mother of the Night? Perhaps the Agents of Chaos' own Katrine would contend she was not, but then their little battle upon the mount had hardly given Vytal time to conjure her true power. Lightning had its uses, but she had no intention of destroying the Altar herself. But here, on Rodia, where the people had been brushed away from the ravenous war machine... Oh, yes, here she would very much like to demonstrate why one should always keep one eye open on the Nightsisters in their midst. For no one, in their presence, was ever truly gone.
"Sewers?" Urban warfare was not Vytal's specialty. Fighting among towering buildings, soaring through the skies almost faster than the eye could reasonably track, and now crawling through sewers... She did not even want to think about what such a necessity of these enomorous civilizations scattered throughout the galaxy looked like. Open combat in a field, among trees, or over mountains Vytal understood well. Even a blaster could be seen as nothing more than a more effective energy bow. But this 'urban' warfare where the enemy might lurk around every corner was for the star-born.
Vytal would rather be in a study reading a book, or listening to a spirit moan about their outcast state. Perhaps hunting atop a rancor, or soaring among the clouds on Tarkona's back even.
Green eyes peered back at Shamira, Shalita, and Solana. Perhaps the latter two understood the tactical benefits of crawling among the sewers.
"I will have a number descend. Please keep me informed where in the city the effort should be concentrated," the Nightmother responded at last. "They are spreading out to drive them into your ranks along the streets. I will have them do the same below, but they are not soldiers. They will not delay the enemy long if they have any combat skills worth mentioning. However," Vytal's eye drew over to a nearby building, "I may be able to remedy that."
"One more thing, War Marshall," both related and separate from the matter at hand, "please be sure your supplementary forces are aware what they may face." Could it have been the Agents that'd blown upon the dome? Perhaps. Though Vytal could not fathom why they would do so except to taunt soldiers in armor with the outside temperature. Likely then an overzealous, allied force that sought to swarm the dome with numbers -- the sort more powerful than her own. Unexpected, but then Vytal was merely a humble Witch at the mercy of the confessions of those that commanded the soldiers. Nevertheless, if they were not informed of the Risen they might be needlessly distracted; though it was likely they would still shiver even told the skeletons were not 'hostile.'
Shalita's voice drew the Nightmother's gaze as the assassin asked her peace. "You and Solana are free to hunt these terrorists in the sewers, or advance on the streets. Though you are also welcome to join me as we add another unit to our army. Some of those with us now will descend below, else our prey will slip under our feet." Air, ground, and below ground there were so many places where this battle must before fought. It was well they had summoned so many as they had a dome to scour. Vytal did not offer Shamira to depart only because it seemed unlikely the young witch would desire to run off into the night on her own; plus she might learn more of the necromatic Art for her own pursuits if she lingered.
One more matter, Vytal added, "I am also open to your tactical appraisal." Shalita and Solana would know more about Urban Warfare than she. Perhaps they would have thoughts on how best to proceed.
Shortly thereafter Skeletons that moved through the city began to pull and tug on hatches to get them open into the lower depths. Small and sludge mattered not to their senses. Pursue the intruders. Coral and force them back into the blasters and bombs of the Living. It was their sole purpose in returning to this Realm once more. No matter how simple their new found unlife, it was purpose that drove them onward.
Vytal turned off her original course and headed toward the City mortuary. There were a few there in particular that may compliment their numbers and be of stronger ability than the long-dead. "The risen are rarely stronger in Death than they were in Life," the Witch said as she walked, "without more or stronger rituals intended to bestow upon them great power. It is a dangerous act. Like spirits, you should not take what you conjure for granted. Find those that believe in your purpose. Understand what desires they may have left unfinished in this world. These may serve you well in battle, for a time." How well faced with blasters and bombs? Perhaps it was high time the Nightmother found out. Those raised by nanotechnology on Castange had been surprisingly effective, though they were also of the recently departed. A matter that Vytal hoped would benefit them in the place they now set upon.
Shalita Verd
Shamira Karuto
| Solana Arasne |
Luna Terrik
Haastal Haran
Daegon Corvinus
Gerwald Lechner
The Monster
Draconis Sederius Wolf
| Safira Varad | Caedyn Arenais |
Asaraa Vaashe
Rann Thress
Shuklaar Kyrdol
Muad Dib
Valeria de la Vallée
| Felurian Malvern |
Aurelion Nova
Typhan Berrezz
Scherezade deWinter
Madalena Antares
Malerina Ka
Sasmay Cull
Gabriel Volturi
Zaldros Sabolte

Skeletons started on the other side of City Center from the factory. They began fanning out through the streets from there. They will seek to spread out and form a concave 'net' to try and keep Agents of Chaos personnel within the factory district or nearby regions.
Recently they have also been tasked with entering the sewers, which they will begin doing so, but they only move so fast.
The skeletons won't soak a lot of damage before collapsing, nor are they armed with more than fingertips and teeth, but they will gladly grapple, slash, and bite given the chance. The fayood fibers help keep them in one piece, and will let them put up a fight, but their strength is in numbers and their appearance -- not brute strength.