LOCATION: Iskaayuma, Rodia
WEARING: Red Wolf Armour | Jacket | Taozin Amulet
EQUIPMENT: Obsidian Lightsaber | Hidden Wrist Blade | Generic Throwing Knives

ENEMIES: The Agents of Chaos
Even though her icy blue eyes were fixated upon the growing abyss at their feet, she still heard the rocks clatter against the concrete slabs as they shook with the effort of maintaining their original form. The assassin also heard the bones that clattered within their tomes and the headstones that threatened to topple over. Yet through all of this she witnessed the additional components being added to the spell. Falyood tree fibers of which Shamira had said that it was to add armour to the bodies. She could only gather that they were raising the dead and not the transparent spirits that had been brought forth on Ryloth. Armor indeed for the dead, although they could only take a beating for so long; for although their non-existent hearts were already dead within their chest cavities, they still could only take so much. They could only take so many bullets and slicing.
It was as if Shamira was adding to a witch’s brew and in a way, they were. A brew that consisted of an abyss, fibers and a chant.
”Rise, people of Rodia. Rise, people of Rodia.” Shalita chanted herself with words spoken softly. Even she herself could feel the magicks that brewed within the cemetery, magicks to draw forth a power that could shake even the most strong willed of soldiers, for a witch never revealed their plans till the very end. They didn’t sit there and talk about what grievous harm had been done to them, instead they struck back with the added value of shock and fear. In a way it was captivating to Shalita and the very essence of the magick that she felt vibrating within the abyss, made her hungry to know more about the very path that she had begun to travel down. A path that she traveled with hesitancy, for it involved placing trust within the bodies that she would work with. However, at the same time it was a path that she hungered to know more of. To excel in.
With the words that Vytal spoke, the assassin moved slightly forwards to watch the undead climb their way up the steep sides as if there was little to no effort involved. She felt the magick that had imbued and woven the Falyood tree fibers into the skeletal figures that were driven not just by the magick that had seeped into them, but by the spirits of Rodia. Shalita crouched by the lip of the abyss to watch in awe as the skeletons doubled in number and then tripled until the steep walls were covered in an army climbing up to get out of the abyss. The power was simply riveting and slowly the woman rose and took a few steps back, only to look to Vytal to witness the wordless nod. A slow smirk curved her own lips then as she herself returned the nod with one of her own. It seemed like the two thrived on wordless communication and instead relied upon the body language of each other.
We have our army… Shalita intoned to herself, more in reflection of the Nightmother’s words as the skeletons of Rodia pulled themselves up out of the tunnel created by the very magick that had given the bones life. Indeed, the amount of bones pouring out of the abyss now, was definitely more of a numbers game; regardless of the fact that they were not like the living whose beating hearts could help their owner's to regenerate at different paces. Whether the living hearts were normal or supernatural, was only relevant to the different pace at which one could heal. Their army, however was made up of numbers to pad the fact that they didn't have that healing factor. So their overwhelming numbers, could easily swarm and exhaust their enemy into submission. To make them turn tail and run.
Her booted footsteps turned to follow Vytal, but her right hand rose to pull her lightsaber free from the belt around her waist. The weapon sprung to life in her gloved hand, emitting a purple glow as they began to make their way towards the factory district. That was when the lights went out and plunged their army into complete darkness.