Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Harder than I originally thought

Hello everyone :),

The reason I am here is because I cannot seem to find a Faction in which Nybbas would fit properly, and indeed I would like her to join a Faction so I come to you for help on this matter (?).

You see, though Nybbas clearly leans towards the Darker side of the spectrum (and in my personal opinion, enough to rule-out Light-sided factions), she also lacks the...let's say passion to join the Dark-sided Factions that I have researched. Furthermore, she is pursuing the further development of her Force usage.

She is a "very neutral" Dark-side Force User, and she is giving me a headache with this!

Thank you!
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

Sith, in my opinion at the very least, can be very flexible. Their philosophy can be interpreted in many different ways, allowing you to steer your character in the direction you're looking for.

Then what a fantastic thing it is that there's a Sith Empire! The faction is very open to different kinds of darksided characters and we would love to have you on board as well. The people are really friendly as well and are glad to help you if you need anything. Note that your character doesn't have to be a Sith to be part of the faction, we also have a subgroup of non-Sith Force users. Inclusion is key!

We also have a Discord server, so feel free to hop in and talk to us!
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

You might want to look at the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they appear to have a sort of neutrally Dark-Sided group of Force users called the Geonosian Knights. I haven't seen much information around, probably hidden in their non-public Forum. [member="Tmoxin Temi"] might be the person to talk to.

Given the first couple of lines of your character's description, you're probably right that she doesn't fit well with the Sith. Emotions are what they run on and what fuels their Force usage, so if she just doesn't feel strongly about stuff, the whole methodology won't work for her. If you ever want to have a thread to explore this issue, let me know.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"], we have non-Sith Force users?! But... but... they're doing it wrong!
The CIS does lean towards darksiders - mostly Dark Jedi and some rogue Sith. We are a small but growing faction.

Feel free to check out the faction page:

Or join the discord:

Happy to answer any additional questions you have via PM if you're so inclined.

Likewise, the Masters of Ren would also fit your character concept. That can be found in The First Order:

[member="Nybbas Dremine"]
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

The Collective, who recently went major, welcome any alignment between neutral and darksided - the focus is on advancement and progression, so you'd get plenty of chance to develop force powers and such like. There's also a lot of us who'd be more than happy to come up with a fun story for getting characters to join the faction, since ICly the Collective recruits in a whole number of ways.

Feel free to check out the page or join the Discord - we'd love to have you. You're also more than welcome to PM me if you have questions.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

Although I am by no means an expert on the lore, I will suggest at the very least seeing what the First Order has to offer. Our Knights of Ren are an elite military machine, which have been consistently kicked Jedi ass across the Galaxy.

The Knights of Ren don't operate as openly as the Sith do, and are more so a secretive force cult more than anything.

If you wish to learn more, pop into our discord here to have some bants and ask any questions you have. Or if discord isn't your thing, contact the following experts on the subject.

[member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Torian Pierce"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Ara Zambrano"] or [member="Asharad Graush"]. They'd be more than happy to answer your queries on the topic.
Thank you [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] :)

We also have non-Ren Force Users if the Ren seem too militant or rigid for your purposes. You can read up on them here. Feel free to reach out with any questions and we'd be happy to have you join.

If you are a discord user, join our channel and introduce yourself as Carly said! Looking forward to seeing you a round. :D
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]
Hi there, from my personal experience (a lot). Chaos is 0% as fun without friends, I suggest jump into a few faction discords; make some friends and go from there. I've lost muse countless times because I didn't have any friends. Friends make Chaos 100% more bearable.
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

Greetings I am Kyrel Ren I would have to agree with @Carlyle Rausgeber and [member="Ara Zambrano"] we can accommodate Non-Force Users. If you are interested you can also read up on the lore here

As for the Discord as they said feel free to come by and introduce yourself. Other than that good luck and hope to see ya around. :)
[member="Nybbas Dremine"]

The Commenor Systems Alliance is a neutral faction focusing more on diplomacy and democracy rather than militant expansion. We don't hold a particular force alignment (don't let [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"] fool you on that!) and welcome individuals from all walks of life. Considering I'm at least 1/3 of the admins and also very much a darksider that shouldn't be too surprising. Furthermore Commenor itself has a school that teaches both sides of the force freely, which means you shouldn't face a large stigma for seeking particularly dark knowledge.

Obligatory offer to join my faction aside, whatever you pick you really should talk around, plenty of fun people in most of the factions. Find some friends, experiment, and find a place you enjoy. Here's hoping you find a little slice of peace in the chaos~

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