“No thanks.” The defiant padawan retorted as the pair continued to duel, their lightsaber blades slicing through the air. Vinyata had as much expected this reaction, it gave her pleasure to see someone so weak foolishly turn down the prospect for power. A sadistic laugh left her lip-stick covered lips as she continued to strike at the padawan with her saberstaff.
Abruptly, the padawan started changing the pattern of their strikes and parries, catching Vinyata off guard. The padawan was starting to deviate from Form One, and was focusing on more fluent lightsaber patterns and attack combinations. As Vinyata tactically backed up to avoid being overwhelmed by this new occurrence, she realized that the padawan had shifted her form. Makashi, the most elegant style, no weaknesses because it possesses no strengths Vinyata thought as she started to adjust to the Form Six style the padawan had started to employ. Once Vinyata had recovered from the shock of the form change, she realized that this padawans Form Six was very manageable.
The padawan then kicked Vinyata in the torso area, and lifted two rocks out of the ground to flatten her. After recovering from the kick, Vinyata used the force to jump over the oncoming rocks; the weak attack was slow enough for Vinyata to avoid. After landing on the ground, Vinyata was rushed by the padawan. Now being prepared to face the padawan utilizing her skills in Form Six, Vinyata started to deflect the Makashi strikes with ease, her saberstaff intercepting each elegant stroke of the padawans blade.
Despite the form change catching Vinyata initially off guard, it quickly became apparent as the two dueled in front of the academy that the padawan’s lightsaber strength lied in Form One, which was ineffective in single combat duels and had proved easy for Vinyata to overcome. Now this padawan was trying to compensate for the weaknesses of Form One by using Form Six. She is running out of options. Vinyata triumphantly thought as she sensed urgency and desperation rising in the padawan, which the abrupt form change had proven. Now Vinyata was able to take the offensive again, putting together combinations of disorienting strikes that came down upon the padawan’s lightsaber like a cascade. In the hands of an expert, Makashi was lethal. This padawan was no master in Form Six however. The lack of training she had received in Form Six was starting to show. The padawan was not able to effectively counter-attack Vinyata, which she had shown minimal capacity to do while using Form One, and her defense was unimpressive. The brutal shower of strikes was proving to much as the padawan tried to put more distance between herself and Vinyata to allow for the protracted elegant swings of Makashi to take full effect.
The padawan’s aura was corroding, her connection to the light fading, even if she morally was holding out. The dark and corrupting forces of Korriban were draining the padawan’s strength while invigorating Vinyata. All the chaos and havoc of the battle, the duel, the sensation of combat, the drive for victory, the hatred of the Jedi were fueling Vinyata and complementing the nexus of Korriban into a seemingly infinite well of dark side energy for Vinyata to draw on: her senses were heightened and her reflexes blinding quick. As the padawan had proved by the unguided form change, she was desperate and the revelation of that further strengthened Vinyata’s will.
Vinyata didn’t need to do anything different. She kept up her assault that had the force of a tsunami and the lethality of an assassin’s blade while constantly checking for signs of counter-attacks, which she parried away with ease. Sooner than latter this duel would prove to be unsustainable and the padawan would be force to retreat. Farther and farther Vinyata pushed the Jedi back.
@[member="Reela Witko"]