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Here Comes The Freedom Train (The Republic Invasion Of Korriban)

The eager volitaile strikes of the padawans Form I strikes had the potential to be deadly, but the padawan it seemed lacked the experience a Knight had to tactically add cohesion and purpose to the strikes. Vinyata laughed as she artfully kept twirling her saberstaff and shuffling her feet, letting the padawan attack her, which was seemingly uncharacteristic of Vinyata. She thinks she is buying time for her master, when in fact I've already sensed he has gone off to fight a Sith more powerful than any of us Vinyata thought cruelly as the eager padawan kept coming at her.

Vinyata let the dark side nexus of Korriban continually replenish her strength and fuel her as she deflected the perpetual raw strikes of the padawan. Without any warning, Vinyata executed a violent parry, then dodged another of the padawans attacks and unleashed a steam of deadly saberstaff strikes in a blinding quick fashion. She felt the duel shifting in her favor.

@[member="Reela Witko"]

Reela Witko

Nautolan. Princess. Jedi.
Reela could tell this Sith was playing with her just as much as Reela was, more or less, doing the same. The dark side infested this planet like air making it harder to fight her since she practically saoked in what she needed to stay strong in the fight. But Reela wouldn't back down, not now when this was her first great test as a Jedi. When the Sith parried and began attacking Reela the nautolan did what she could block the on-coming attacks. With each stike she manged to block she neeed to act fast to block the next one. This was difficult but not impossible since this was her first attempt with a saber-staff weilding Sith. Reela waited for the moment when their blades locked before using her strength to push the Sith back. She used the force to push her back further before using it on the rock above to try and bury her.

@[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]
Gherron fought for his life as he was constantly barraged by the red Sith and the darkside demon, not sure if he would be able to take it any longer. While Vulpesen had been doing his best to take the demon off of him, the smoke continued to cloud around him, and he was losing vision. Suddenly, however, he felt yet another being enter the temple. Another Jedi! Coming in like a whirlwind, she moved swiftly to attack anything that moved and resembled the dark side. The smoke cleared away, and Gherron's eyesight returned to it's normal state, his mind became aware of his surroundings again. Now that he was clear, he needed to get as far away from the spirit as he could. Using the force to augment his legs, he leaped over @[member="Darth Naefas"], landing three feet behind him. Sending a massive force push at the spirit, he tried to aim it toward the other Sith so he could face his current enemy one on one. Perhaps it would finally be an even match.

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Saki"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
Arvis grinned to himself when the Jedi Knight defended his attacks. But he had turned a long time ago when the Jedi Knight had begun to flip over his head. To think that his back was still turned would be a mistake. He used the Force to push the dagger that was coming to him off course.

And then he watched as a third Jedi came into the mix. It seemed the Jedi liked to unbalance the odds. But all three of them together could only barely scratch the line that was the skill of the two Sith Knights. It was time to finish this before more Jedi came and tried to tip this little duel in the side of the Republic.

He glanced to the side and located one of the daggers that the Jedi Knight had launched, and he force guided it to the padawan in front of him. He didn't wait to see what had happened however. The new arrival of a Jedi Knight had sent attacks through the Force at the Sith, and since there was a Jedi Padawan in front of Arvis, the attacks that Saki had sent most definitely hit him since there was no action on his part.

But Arvis wasn't going to let himself fall to the same fate. Letting the force empower his legs, he stepped to the side of the padawan when he was hit by the strikes that the Jedi Knight attempted to deliver to him. He ran the distance between Saki and him quite rapidly, passing the other Jedi Knight @[member="Vulpesen"] and the smoke demon that @[member="Darth Avara"] had casted.

Until he was at the point where he leaped into the air and sent his hand forwards to the Jedi, and sent a force push that would have been powerful enough to crack the floor that she stood on. He was already angling himself to avoid any attacks that would come.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
Vulpesen refocused himself on his dagger. He had long ago learned to keep track of his toys adn feeling the force shift where on of them lay was enough to catch his attention. As it began to fly through the air, Vulpesen reached into his coat and hurled another, bouncing it off the rogue blade. Years of practice with one of his favorite tricks had made him especially accurate with this attack. As Darth Naefas dashed past, Vulpesen swept his lightsaber at his legs, growling as he leaped over the golden rod. "I ain't done with you yet!" This time, Vulpesen focused his power somewhere other than a dagger. He grabbed at @[member="Darth Naefas"] directly, using an invisible hand of the force to pull him back into an quick lunge.

The force was strong in the Torrevaso line, and having been born to a sith and a jedi, Vulpesenw as something of a force child. It had been the reason he had been dropped on the doorstep of Zarro's home. It was that day that his training began. From early age he had been taught to use telekinesis, and his master Daella had improved upon those teachings with her exercises. Constant battle had honed his skills. Hidden behind the sharp daggers, Vulpesen's true power was rarely seen upon actual people. He was not a master by any means. Not yet at least, but he was proficient and unlike his enemy who practiced multiple force abilities, Vulpesen had generally practiced only the one. Combined with Naefas' recentness to the level of knight, Vulpesen had little doubt that he could overpower him in the force.

The actual effect of the attack had several goals. Goal one, stop the attack on the master to simply frustrate his enemy. Goal two, create a disorienting whiplash effect with a sudden stop and retreat from a committed attack. Goal three, try to impale this mother karker on his blade before he could spew one more insult and distract Vulpesen from helping @[member="Gherron Vael"]. He was getting tired of being underestimated and thus he focused ounce of the force he could muster into this one attack.
He felt his sudden halt in the air. His anger flourished when he was stopped and he was turned. But that didn't matter, he simply turned himself and angled his body in a way so that he would stop on the Jedi Knight's open side. But there was still the problem of the lightsaber, so he brought it around his body as if he were doing a Makashi salute, but instead he smacked the blade to the side in a parry.

The defense would have no doubt opened his flank up even more, and by clenching his free hand, the retractable blades within the gauntlet extended out to about ten centimeters, and were moving straight up to the chest of the Jedi Knight to try and impale him on the end of the blades. If it were to connect, the titanium blades would no doubt go through the man's chest and exit on the other side.

But he doubted that would happen, so with his weaponhand, his left hand, he swung down low to the Jedi Knight's chest to try and distract him long enough.

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
Vulpesen grinned as his opponent turn against him, using the pull to his advantage. He loved a challenge. As @[member="Darth Naefas"] swatted away his main saber, Vulpesen used a similar tactic, using the strike to help him turn around. With this new position, the blade of Naefas would pass rather harmlessly past Vulpesen hitting only air as the jedi continued with the strike, bringing in his left blade for a wide sweep across the sith's midsection while his dominant hand flipped to clash into the descending lightsaber. One blade was midway through a miss. The other had been halted by one of two. And the other golden weapon was on a course straight for the sith's mid torso at a range even Vulpesen would find difficult to avoid. From the jedi's point of view, odds for the sith had definitely gone south and Vulpesen was rather sorry for where his path had led him.
It was almost a shame that the Jedi Knight hadn't blocked his retractable blades. By just ignoring his blades, he let the blades be left open to strike. He brought his hand back, still moving with the aide of the Force speed, and he brought the retractable blades back around to clash against the lightsaber blade that was attempting to catch Arvis's own lightsaber.

But at the same moment he deactivated his lightsaber, so that the Jedi Knight's lightsaber would strike nothing, and would be force to be grappled by the gauntleted hand and it's retractable blades. He sent a heavy boot towards the Jedi's shins to try and break his leg underneath the Force of it, his strength was always amplified by the Force. And then he ignited the blue lightsaber again, straight down, just as the golden lightsaber got through the first layers of the titanium armour. He felt the heat of the lightsaber, though it hadn't passed through his armour yet. And he twisted his wrist in a way that would have his blade attempt to split the Jedi Knight in half. His lightsaber was on the inside of the two.

He growled in pain, and he stared into the eyes of the Jedi Knight, before sending his helmeted head to the Jedi Knight's to try and headbutt him to make him dizzy. Since his helmet was titanium, to be hit by it would most probably crack his skull or at least force the Knight to disengage for a few moments.



Came in like a wrecking maul
The beauty of a shadow strike was it was a compressed strike of force energy not a push. Meaning Gherron wouldn't just be safe from her attack he would be able to see the distortion and not be controlled into taking a hit by another player. Her eyes rolling when the strikes were ignored. She had a force battery designed by Velok one of the more dangerous people in the galaxy, the gift from fighting the harvesters and all the extra power it bestowed on her. She moved near @[member="Gherron Vael"] and spoke standing at the ready. The fight with Vulps and the sith a joke almost while she thought to invest in some more waves of her hand. "Come on Gherron, Dragonsflames student isn't going down on my watch now." That was all she needed while staring as the two before popping her knuckles and clenching her fist. The knuckles and glove so tightfisted it created another two distortions she fired off at the two sith.

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
When he saw his apprentice attacking @[member="Vulpesen"], he essayed to assist him. First he had to deal with @[member="Saki"] and her odd form of fighting. He wrapped a bubble of safety around his body, and turned his attention away from her, allowing his smoke demon to disperse into smoke and cover @[member="Gherron Vael"] and his female accomplice in a cloud of corrupting smoke. Empowered by the nexus, their connection to the Force should have been weakened. He hoped it would stall them long enough.

With that done, he looked back at the Jedi Knight attacking his apprentice, and so he lifted a singular hand out, raising a Force stasis over the man as he assaulted @[member="Darth Naefas"] so openly, and without a care for the master that lurked behind. In conjunction, he threw his lightsaber blade through the air, sped up by the Force the blade spun and twisted, guided and aimed for the Knight's legs and arms; a triple cho mok, as it were. If it didn't take all three limbs, he didn't care, his apprentice would certainly land a blow. But if he was maimed, and lost an arm? Well, the Sith Lord would certainly be pleased.
Vulpesen tucked his legs up to his chest, avoiding the crushing feet. As for the descending saber, he was a bit curious as to what the gauntlets were supposed to accomplish as his blade slashed through the inferior metal rather easily. Cortosis would have stopped the blade outright. Beskar may have held. Neuronium would have taken a while to melt, but titanium? No, instead Vulpesen simply had to feel a thud as two shards of metal fell with a clink onto his armor before rolling uselessly to the ground while his weapon stood true against the oncoming weapon of Naefas. The next curious action came when he tried to deactivate his saber and go in for a an unorthodox strike. He had to give it to him, it caught Vulpesen off guard. Still, he wasn't out of tricks yet, and he was quite thankful that his saber wasn't melded to his hand. Dropping the blade in favor of speed, Vulpesen tucked his arm in to catch Naefa's wrist on his elbow, slowing the blade down and stopping a direct slash. A wrap would hurt like hell, but he was sure he had managed to stop it from easily being fatal.
As for @[member="Darth Avara"]'s attacks, Vulpesen steeled himself against the paralysis, using the force to protect himself as he worked to keep his opponents weapon from cleaving him in half. His own blade had been halted, but that was no concern as @[member="Darth Naefas"] had already allowed the weapon to sink into his flesh. The lightsabers of Azara were less terrifying than the sith lord might think. Three of his limbs were currently hidden under the torso of the sith's apprentice, one arm was under the sith's body, stopping his blade from moving, unable to ever get out of that position due to the earlier attacks, and the two legs were tucked under to avoid the sith stomp, which had conveniently brought the sith's legs into the jedi leg attack zone. Vulpesen's daggers would have hurt, but a sith's lightsabers would do a bit more than that.

As for @[member="Saki"]'s assistance, Vulpesen was rather pleased to feel the force stir by the extra knight. Again, his motives changed. He no longer needed to move his attacking arm, he just needed to make sure that Naefas didn't move his body. . A sith sabers coming in from the side, Vulpesen's saber in the side, and saki's shadow strikes coming from behind... Vulpesen was starting to wonder what would be left of the sith after this ended. Then again, he was a bit close to the attack zone, in fact for three of those oncoming attacks, he was the attack zone so he was a bit nervous as to what would be left of him as well.

@[member="Darth Naefas"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Rasu Gan"], @[member="Ordo"], @[member="Iella E`ron"], @[member="Ronin Wendigo"], @[member="Talon Vosra"]

A small smirk came from the surprise she seemed to have. It was always nice to have tricks few others did and his ears picked up the sound of the engine room as the thick door came into view. With a snap hiss a second blade silvery with the faintest of ble going through it dug into one side while the golden one like liquid fire dug into the second side. Turadium was something the sabers would be able to melt through eventually as neither moved just let the metal heat up to a bright red. "Commander @[member="Karen Roberts"] we are at the engine room of the Acerbatis and preparing to disable what we can."

The jedi master pulled the sabers out when the sound of slag going onto the floor gave way to slightly louder machine sounds, he sneered for a moment and pushed with the force until the door buckled and went inward. Then he was off and moving while looking around. "Knight Gan you disable the systems and I'll hold them off." With a smirk under the the hood he looked about the engine room with his senses and searched for other while walking slowly. To buy the girl time to shut down what she could so the ship wasn't going to jump away from the planet.


Came in like a wrecking maul
Saki looked at the smoke demon and raised an eyebrow. Problem was it needed to take a physical form to be dangerous first, running around as a pillar of smoke did less since to paralyze the target it needed to be your worst fear. Then there was the other factor as she stood near Gherron and spoke. "Don't worry kid, sith magics have a cost you got to be strong like a master to use them properly. Now Gherron move and fight. ONly problem you have in this fight is what you bring with yourself." Her eyes remained on the sith, and once her threw his blade she lashed out against at a high speed towards him and now brought her arms back. Down to the side and fists clenched.

No shadowstrikes this time around, just the force coming from her hands in distorted crescents as she lashed them once.... twice making rivulets in the ground where it went forward. Both at him and his chest to try and send him back, then a small leap and double kick as two pushes released with another set of distortions to try and smack his face. When her feet touched the ground the small brush of energy flared off into impacts as the combined momentum, speed and force body pumping through hr muscles brought the turadium bracers forward wwith a grin ejecting the knuckle plate vibroblades. The vaapad create Darron Wraith and Josiah's form was named after could hit hundreds of times a second but her punches and strikes while only a fraction of that could still be near impossible to see.

Her masters had taught her well as she punched letting the attempted flurry of impactful strike try and ventilate the sith. The blades were used long ago by commando's to pierce droids and finish them quietly that only made it more fun and the black saber resistant metal gleamed emblazoned with the symbol of the jedi order. The sigil continued to glow around her neck providing more then enough energy and shielding from mental effects. Hell all fighting these sith did was close that metaphorical loop of combat that she needed. The wanting to fight and the thrill of the moment while she was in it. Letting every inner dark though be expelled in her strikes but not touching them herself. Made them stronger, made Darron Wraith able to fight several sith at once including the conqueror of ten thousand world.

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Avara"] @[member="Gherron Vael"]
@[member="Darth Tyrana"]

Balaya got through the canyons and looked at Eruna as she finished, her face one more of caution as the tav-pad alerted her to the ship and she got in. "There is room fro the astromech and use just barely, get a helmet and suit on." Balaya moved fast, the cockpit was going to be a tight fit and much like all the other ties this wasn't made for comfort it was made to missions. She was just lucky it was Kaines which meant there was space inside for the two of them in they crammed. Their equipment was going into the one crate with the rest of the gear as she stripped to nothing and put on a pilots outfit. The helmet sealing and going over the hair that had been forced inside.

Balaya moved fast and expected Eruna to be just as when she got itno the seat and started it up letting her apprentice inside before activating the cloak as they disappeared from sensors and her focus on concealing them in the force became more of a chant. Just enough as the ship went on course towards the Apotheosis and Balaya had a smile on under the helmet. The tac-pad secured on her wrist as it flicked through all the information she wanted and the data when they got into the hanger. The ship decloaked and Balaya spoke. "Move us out of range and jump for the corporate sector we'll hide out there." There was a moments pause as she moved with looked and then the ship was moving to escape the grav fields created by the pulsemass generators. The Apotheosis jumped to hyperspace.
@[member="A'donari Cinn"]

The only thing worse than an alien Jedi invading the homeland of the Sith was a cocky alien Jedi. Was this what passed for a Jedi Knight these days? Aretine wondered to himself.

"Arrogance doesn't suit you, Jedi," The Count said, and ceased his lightning. The last bits of purple electricity recoiled and disappeared into his fingertips. Thus there stood only two men with lightsabers.

Aretine could see that the Jedi was fatigued. He was nursing wounds from his previous duel. He would thus waste no time in pressing his attack on the Jedi, and the skilled Form II master would be perfectly content in whittling him down little by little. He crouched low in his fighting stance and immediately sprang upon his alien foe, thrusting in light economic motions at his midsection.
@Darth Praelior

As tight a fit as it was Eruna had just enough room to be able to maneuver as she needed. She through the equipment on before launching the fight. She shot upwards into the air and climb further and further up and away from the valley, the battle, from Korriban itself. "R7, punch in the coordinates." she ordered as they entered into space where a number of fighters had already picked up on their presence. The droid beeped in response before using one of it's devices to put in the coordinates. Meanwhile Eruna had to deal with the fighters, one she was able to blow away while the others she maneuvered and flew away from in order to not be shot down. R7 beeped and weed when he was finished making Eruna hit the hyper drive to take herself, R7 and her master away from Korriban. Once they were safe Eruna took a relieving breath and said "We did it, master. We're safe."

Carn Dista

From his position upon his parachute, he watched as @[member=Saki] and @[member=Vulpesen] engaged @[member="Darth Avara"] and @[member="Darth Naefas"]. For a time he was content with watching, and waiting to see what could happen, yet then he saw it. It was in the way Avara moved. The feints, the attacks, even the footwork. There had been minor changes, yet he could tell without a doubt, even though he had not drawn his lightsaber yet, who Avara really was. Carn knew it to be true now. Avara was Adamus Straife. Jécht had been right, so many years ago.

It pained him.

To realise it so late. To have been so blind.​
It pained him.

With a roar of what could have been seen as anger, Carn pulled his lightsaber from his belt, and ignited it through anything holding him to the parachute - he was easily five stories off the ground, yet the force was his ally. He decended rapidly, yet his landing was remarkably clean. And better yet, he had landed within charging range. With his eyes set on Avara, Carn sprang forth. He gave no heed for his safety during this, and onoy sought to close the gap in order to enter lightsaber combat.

A single thought ran through his head.

"I'm coming, old friend."
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Location: Acerbatis
Objective: Block the Sith

Iella's blade came up to take the lightning .. she held it there as she blade sang with the darkside humming and crackling with the fusion of the two. She could sense it hunger for more, but in that moments he spoke to her, not of any condescending words but almost a plea. No fear for his life in the plea but more of a sickness for the fight, a mental fatigue of the hate and constant need to prove power.

The lightning broke off and he moved into stance. Not coming for her with a strike as if waiting for her to lower her guard and let him go.

She spoke out loud, "You know I can't do that", she said. "You either surrender or we fight, I can not have you walk away to live to cause harm to others".

The injured trooper still on the floor moaned with pain as he began to come round again. Iella noticed his blaster on the ground near him, she was in a stale mate with the Sith, and needed a distraction. With one hand coming of the hilt she reached for the blaster and using the force she threw it toward the Sith aiming for the back of his knee, if it was to hit, the force of it would break his stance and injury him enough for her to move in on him.
When his attack seemed fruitless, Avara growled in derision. His crimson blade spun back through the air and into his hand, just in time to see @[member="Saki"] deliver powerful punches upon his bubble of safety. They struck, one after the other, threatening to weaken the sphere of protective energy that he encased himself him. The barrier was formidable enough at first, but it flickered, showing signs that the Jedi Knight's relentless barrage had affected it enough. The smoke demon twisted and churns as it transformed in its smoke form. Already within the minds of every Jedi present in the battle, it began to twist into malevolent form, shaping itself into the worst fears of his enemies; each Jedi saw something different, but it seemed real, tangible, and almost too much to bear.

As the Jedi Knight stood there, he made a chance to attack her with a few sweeping lightsaber strikes, carefully using feints and angled, seemingly awkward lunges and slashes to her limbs to immobilise them. Makashi was good against a single opponent, the speed in which he moved made his blade appear as a red blur of plasma. He thought he had the upper hand, until someone took him to the floor completely by surprise. He tumbled with the large figure, and his strength seemed like a freight train. Avara tumbled across the ground, and caught his hand upon the sandy stone floor before looking upwards at his assailant.

Of course it was him. "Carn. How lovely to see you!" His fingers twitched in excitement, hatred, and anger all at the same time. He brandished his lightsaber, and for the first time in the battle, he set himself into his master form; Djem So. No doubt @[member="Carn Dista"] would utilise his Juyo, but Adamus had seen much of his bladework, when they were comrades. "Come to watch Korriban burn, I see? Your Republic might win, but I will have the final revenge." He roared, leaped towards Carn and twisted his body in the air to lunge at the Jedi Master. Once his feet were grounded, he began a deadly flurry of powerful lightsaber strokes, all intent on disarming and disfiguring him.

@[member="Gherron Vael"] @[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

Talon Vosra

Location: Acerbatis
Objective: Escape @[member="Iella E`ron"] with most of my important bits

Talon was growing impatient and avoiding hurting anyone else was quickly becoming a lost cause. The Jedi was right she would have been foolish to just let him go. He had just begun drawing on the force, filtering it through his frustration and hatred. He hated what he had become, he hated the constant warring for territory, and he hated having to fight for nothing. The force welled up inside him as he pushed it into his body. If she wouldn't move out of his way, he would have to make her. He took a step forward but made it no farther as the man's blaster slammed against his knee. Though his anatomy was not the same as a humans, joints were joints and he fell to one knee. He shouted in pain as he dropped his offhand light saber and pulled off his helmet. He gritted his teeth as the bone deep pain radiated from his injury.

"Have it your way." he growled through the pain as he drew on the force to strengthen him and help him fight through the pain. He would not be able to maintain his draw on the force for long and he knew it. If he didn't leave soon he never would and his troops would foolishly ignore orders to find him. Anticipating an follow through he locked the silver blade in his main hand and through it high toward the ceiling just over the Jedi's head hoping to distract long enough to regain his feet and fight around her.

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