Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How did you name your character?

@[member="Noxu Za'tire"]

I used for Voroll's name. The middle name was just an altered spelling of day (because I thought it would be a nice last name at first) but then saw Astar and changed it to Astaar.

Vereor is, as far as told me, is a Latin word for fear and respect. His original name was Adredi Tarrik. Adredi I got from the character's father (and my first ever Star Wars roleplaying character, Adrédi). Tarrik was a family I joined later on after roleplaying. The name changed to Adredi Vadith and that last name I made up myself. Eventually the name became Micah Tarrik (after he fell to the dark side) because I'd always liked Micah as a name.

Sralkai Kearraa I genuinely have no idea. I can only assume I used the above-linked generator because most of my new characters have generated names altered from those. I know I added the extra r and a, though. I think it may have come from a Zabrak name generator because she was originally used as a Zabrak politician.

Tauranov was mostly made up. It's a codename anyway, but went through a number of options like Odonata or Apinae, but liked neither. It was intended to be Russianised.
Donatos is part of my last name and also UN-intentionally is similar in pronunciation to Xanatos, the coolest anti hero - villain from the hit 90's cartoon Gargoyles, he actually has a similar ambition ;)
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn means fire in Mando'a, and it suited the character. I chose Ordo, because I fucking love Canderous from KOTOR.

As far as Preliat Mantis goes, Preliat came from an old RP I did called the The Dead Republic, and Preliat was a Mandalorian who later became Mandalore. It's also where Tracyn came from, and the Preliat there and the Preliat here are two drastically different characters.

Animus was given, Lancer was a generator-based name, and Doc, well, Doc.

Come on.
How I decided to name my characters depends on a variety of factors. Sometimes it's whatever fad I'm going through. At other times, they're inspired by historical figures, events, or even just throwing random letters together until they sound cool. That said...
  • Isley Verd/Darth Metus: I was going through a Claymore kick at the moment and liked the character Isley from said manga. Verd is Mando'a for warrior. Metus is latin for fear, which fits the intended build I have for this character: Ze Dread Mastah.
  • Jor'si/Josiah Denko: Originally, I threw my brother's name into the Star Wars-ify your name thing and tweaked the end result so that it was pronounceable. However, issues with tagging inspired me to name him after a Biblical figure that I was currently studying: King Josiah.
  • A'Bael/Abel Denko: Took the name Abel, made it SW-y in my opinion, then tagging issues so went back to the name Abel.
  • Dex Rostu: "Dex" was one of those random, throw letters together until you like it kinda deals. Rostu is a common Korun surname.
  • Ned Rostu: I was going through a Game of Thrones kick when I made this character. Eddard "Ned" Stark was easily one of my favorite characters at the time.
  • Genesis Rostu: Genesis is the first book of the bible and pretty much means beginning. Thought it was a fitting name for the first clone in a badass cloning project; in addition to being the guy leading a brand new faction.
  • Xos'Nulo: My Xehanort-inspired character. Xehanort's name is a scrambling of the words "No Heart" and the letter "x". I took the words "No Soul" and did the same.
  • Tyri Lsu: Lsu is an Echani surname, Tyri is short for Tyrion because GoT kick. 'Nuff said.
  • Thrash: I researched Dathomirian Zabraks and chose a name that was close to those in canon. Maul, Savage, etc. Meet Thrash. XD
  • Jacques Cavill: Always liked the name Jacques, nuff said. Cavill because he was Jacen's test tube clone son thing.
  • CC-308 Maverick: Character I'm working on now, basically decided to make a Dread Guard and buddy is making CC-309 Goose.
The definition of something that is very precious and both light and dark.

Onyx- a semiprecious variety of agate with different colors in layers usually ranging from very white to pitch black.

And so it fits my character. Someone who is torn between the good (white/light) and the bad (black/dark).

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