Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you feel about this?

[member="Ignus"] [member="Creepella"]

The dark ages are over. They lasted 800 years or whatever, it's been long over and we've had a bunch of other events pushing time forward. There can definitely be unprofessionally trained people. There are religious texts left over from multitudes of dead factions, dead force factions, not even including old. Training oneself is legal here, as well.
[member="Eddak Manod"], There are many reasons I have. However, we come onto this site to write. So I would like for people to actually write. I know many writers who write very little, but still push the story forward in a way that I deem acceptable. I know that they can make long posts if the want, but they choose to, or find it difficult to write at the time.

I know I cannot raid threads and call people out on how they write. I know I can avoid people. In fact, there have been a few times where I have talked to the person and told them that I can help them improve their writing if they would like.

I don't ignore people. As you said, its' selfish and rude. I do however extend my hand to help those who want to become better at writing.

Its kind of obvious and is considered common sense of what you mentioned. So I have no clue why you are telling me to to that? lol

Either way, I stated that I didn't like the idea. I stated ONE reason why I don't like it. If it passes as a rule, then I will deal with it. If it doesn't, then great. My opinion held some kind of weight in this discussion.
Another thing:

Even if this becomes a thing, nothing's stopping those that WANT to progress through the ranks from doing so. I've seen several people now state that they would prefer to go through the ranks so the rules shouldn't change. But how you write and how others wish to write is vastly different. If this rule was removed, you'd have people able to write how they wish, in the time they're given. Not everybody has hours and hours each week to pour into grinding toward a promotion. Some people have story ideas that they want to write, but they have to wait for Mr Admin in their Faction to rubber stamp it. And that's only if they have a Faction. There are also characters that don't have Masters, which means it then falls to the RPJ's. Everyone writes differently.

TLDR: Don't stop people from writing what they want, because you want to write differently.
[member="Nick Imura"]
Nick Imura said:
However, we come onto this site to write. So I would like for people to actually write.
That's out right insulting someones ability to write. You know, you're very lucky I can write as well as I have. I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm professional, but I'm very up there in style and etiquette, but I say you're lucky because right now? I'm only able to use three fingers, three fingers that don't work very well. I never really had any formal education. I hunt and peck every individual key, but because I am physically mute, it's this or writing, physical writing. So obviously physical writing was an incredible difficult skill to learn for me, and I still can't do it well. I forced myself to learn the keyboard, although my learning abilities had also diminished. Someone very near and dear to me decided to spend their days helping me learn language and how to use a computer. Good people.

Now, while not every individual may have something as extreme as myself, that doesn't mean it gives you the right to dictate how someone should or should not write. Yes, of course, I hate text/chatspeech in formal writing like this. Although I blab it up and get funky because I don't care when I speak over a messenger to people I don't know nor need to know with messages that don't matter, because its a strain for me to write this much, although I fight through it because -I- enjoy it. And if another member enjoys writing one-liners, that is their prerogative, you don't have the right to call that non-writing. That's called arrogance.

Writing is about freedom and expression, not restriction or form. If you can't even get the point across, why does it matter?

"Well what about puzzling poems."

That's, well, puzzling poems. It's probably writing a short story with no more than 15 small sentences. Limericks, Riddles, etc., not writing characters, not their story, not collaboration.

The point of my post was to say you can't dictate that this is not writing.
Eric jumps over the fence and aims his pistol at you, "hold it right there!"
You can express your opinion, but you don't dictate how someone enjoys their creation. Not even CHAOS does this, and in fact they are trying to destroy the restrictions they have to improve the quality of creativity and freedom for someone so they actually enjoy writing.
I, personally, am against this. Or I think their needs to be some way to balance it.

Being a relatively new member, it was difficult at first to consider reasons to have an adult/older character who had not been trained or discovered in the ways of the Force, but I found a way to make it work and am extremely glad I did. Having a character start from scratch was wonderful since I've never RPed in a SW universe and it gave me a chance to learn from my RP partners and Master the different ways to write the force and the powers associated. It also gave my character TONS of opportunity for character development. Most of Ara's powers were discovered through dueling/training with other characters, not only building my confidence as a writer on how to use those powers, but creating dynamic relationships between other characters.

I'm going to drag [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] into this because I love her way of incorporating the acolyte/disciple designation with an older character. Having Kaalia be a former Jedi who has fallen to the Dark Side made it possible for Kaal to have saber skills and Force skills, but still be in need of training in the ways of the Dark.

Now not everyone will want such backstories and honestly, if everyone did them, it would get boring quickly. But it is an option for someone who doesn't want to start from the very beginning.

As for coming in as a knight? It does take away from the feeling of accomplishment that comes with truly earning it. I have LOVED writing my character on her path to becoming stronger and getting that promotion was extremely satisfying. I don't think I stopped smiling the entire day. But, that's just me. I am about the character's progression and the journey more than the end result. Not everyone else is.

I like the idea of having to work your first character up to knight and then being able to create new knight characters from then on.

Okay, so I'm torn. I like earning it and removing this requirement doesn't mean we can't still do that, but it might also open up the field to more powergaming and godmoding than we already see crop up. I also don't want to dictate what someone writes because it's not my business.

Doing this will take away from the respect a rank will earn your character and as a few others have pointed out, most ignore these anyways. Find some way to make the ranks mean more than a colorful tag and then build a way to start out as more than just a disciple? Maybe. Do I have any clue how to accomplish this? No. :-/
[member="Eddak Manod"],

That was not an insult.

I never mentioned it as one, or used it as one. I completely understand someone who has problems, or who may speak a different language, or even have limitations. Everybody does what they can to write. However, throwing this story at me does not change how I feel about the site. its a written, post by post roleplay forum. It requires you to write in some shape or form.

If you come to me before writing and saying you are having trouble writing, and will take it slow, then I understand. I broke my arm and could hardly type myself. I was considered retarded in school until I forced myself to learn. You are not the only one who has past problems. I don't expect, or want walls of post. I just ask for people to think about writing enough to drive forward the story. EVEN IF IT IS SMALL POSTS.

I did not intend to insult you. Nor do I feel like I have to. There is no need to. However, if you feel insulted, then maybe you should follow your own advice.

Ignore my post.
The Ranks are purely an IC tool, to show where your CHARACTER is up to. Yet people seem to be confusing this with some OOC prestige. Which it isn't, and shouldn't be. It's not a reflection on the writer.

Lethia Morow

Mysa Snowstrider said:
The Ranks are purely an IC tool, to show where your CHARACTER is up to. Yet people seem to be confusing this with some OOC prestige. Which it isn't, and shouldn't be. It's not a reflection on the writer.

So much this.

Rank not only doesn't reflect OOC prestige or respect, it shouldn't.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
We clawed, we chained, our ranks in vain
We jumped, never asking why
We trained, I fell under your spell
The force no one could deny

Don’t you ever say I just walked away
I will always role play
I can’t live a lie, writing for my life
I will always role play

Tef came in like a wrecking ball
Then he came and changed it all
All I wanted was to break your rules
All you ever did was change things
Yeah, you changed things

My posts are now up in the sky
And now, they're not coming down
It slowly we know, just let this go
And now, you're telling us why

Don’t you ever say we just walked away
We will always role play
We can’t live a lie, writing is our lives
We will always role play

Tef came in like a wrecking ball
Then he came and changed it all
All I wanted was to break your rules
All you ever did was change things

He came in like a wrecking ball
Yeah, changing every single rule
Now knight might meaningless
All you ever did was change things
Yeah, you changed things

I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in
And instead of using the force
I guess I should’ve let you in
I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in
I guess I should’ve let you in

Don’t you ever say I just walked away
I will always role play

Tef came in like a wrecking ball
Then he came and changed it all
All I wanted was to break your rules
All you ever did was change things

He came in like a wrecking ball
Yeah, changing every single rule
Now knight might meaningless
All you ever did was change things
Yeah, you changed things

Yeah, you, you change things

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
On a serious note though

If you look at nfu's they can claim any rank in the selection and it's fine. They do it in moderation of what suits that character. Sure doing this will have a negative for a while. But hey it can't be as bad as the new starship template that I keep planning to stick my little pony friendship is magic stickers on.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] wanna help?

Nick Imura said:
its a written, post by post roleplay forum. It requires you to write in some shape or form.
Correct. However, there is no rule on amount. So even just this sentence is one form.

Nick Imura said:
You are not the only one who has past problems.
I didn't say I am the only one with problems, nor am I saying having problems matter. My point is you can't control peoples creativity. Your stance was "I expect people to actually write which implies their meager sentences aren't writing, which is wrong.

Nick Imura said:
I did not intend to insult you. Nor do I feel like I have to. There is no need to. However, if you feel insulted, then maybe you should follow your own advice.
I am not insulted, I am perfectly content with writing my thousand word posts, or fifty word posts. I never ever made a pass at you, and this passive aggression is cute.

Eddak Manod said:
And if another member enjoys writing one-liners, that is their prerogative, you don't have the right to call that non-writing. That's called arrogance.
This sentence says if an individual feels there is a requirement, or minimum, for words or characters to be eligible for what is considered "writing" is considered arrogant. The only person in this situation that would feel insulted by being called arrogant is the individual who feels that they are putting requirements and restrictions on others. I would certainly hope you don't have absurd expectations and out-the-window requirements of another person without even considering their position or situation.

Nick Imura said:
Ignore my post.
Why would I ignore the post?
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

How will it be negative, realistically? Players moderate themselves. Just because you're a knight doesn't mean you master any ability. If someone tries to move a planet and say they can do it because they are a knight, the rules say we are supposed to contact this person and talk it out. But if it can't, we call for a moderator. Just like right now, just like tomorrow if we allow Knights without reaching certain "Feel Right" feats, it'll be handled by the players, for what is fair.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Eddak Manod"]

I was saying it would make things more how like nfu's are right now with the rank titles we see lots of verity with them and not all of them are admiral awsome. If it changes it will take a while to equal out and such. I was also I'm not a fan of starship template 4.0 because of the lack of numbers

As for the parody lyrics I did that for the lulZ
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

You like or dislike the 4.0? Sorry, didn't catch that. And "Admiral" or "Nobility" are just titles, just like "Dark Jedi Master" or "Sith Knight," and I don't mean in the sense of CHAOS titles. Titles are useless, they just help you identify what kind of character you'll be talking to. Like if you look at this person, they are dressed in some uniform, probably expect prim and proper, things to be ship shape. They lead bunches or dozens of ships (Admiral). While this person is high class, maybe, or they are from a culture where bloodlines or marriages mean a higher standard, making this person perhaps important, or vital, to where they are recognized as such, and perhaps expect or hope for respect or recognition outside of their home.

Knights and Master, still, are similar. Some reason they expect to be respected, and held to a higher standard. Because they earned it. In the movie, the only person we watched go from a young padawan to mother nerf herding Sith Lord was Anakin. Luke was just put into it, "make you great, I will, for the battle, that is soon to come." He didn't really have any rank except Knight or Master. "Technically" he was a padawan when he was being trained, but the title was never bestowed on him.

We respect Obi-Wan and hold him to a higher standard, so did we when we first saw Darth Vader before the prequels. Yoda, Qui-Gon Jin, Aayla... We never got the full story on a lot of Jedi, but they were masters, and what story they had was exciting and fun.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
I believe that some of the aspects that we may have overlooked is the conversion of NPCs to PCs. I realize that it is a thing, and often I saw people putting more work into a named FU NPC than other people do on PCs that get knighthood for it.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] You're right to be concerned with the loss of some ability of the community to police itself, should the move go forward, and so am I.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"] It is not to be an OOC reflection on the writer, but you have to remember that ranks often place a limiter on what makes sense for a character to do IC. In fact sometimes I'm inclined to say that, IC, prestige is a job skill as a FU, much like it is in the practice of law in certain real-world jurisdictions. Hence why some players, even talented ones, seem to want their characters to rush to masterhood IC.

Although it's true that some players seem to treat FU promotions as granting stuff like +X Force-energy, +Y (insert Force-attribute here) right off when it happens, I'm also concerned with the credential creep (IC and also OOC to a lesser extent) in the FU world... would the resulting credential creep make things better or worse?

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Eddak Manod"]

I dislike it lol. It will be harder to mix 2.0+3.0 Into 4.0

But it's what I'm saying. All they are is a title if you think about it. End of the day we will always get that super powerful person who no one wants to rp with because of that. It's not our problem if they wanna play God. Soon enough they will learn okay maybe i need to step back.

All Padawan and Knight is, is a title. I see a lot of characters at 25+ in age and by that point they'd have finished training before that age. Sith been an exception due to they can start any time. I agree with master been slightly restricted but Knight I say just let us have it.

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Again, I don't see what the issue is with the 'legacy' idea of allowing people who have previously achieved Knight to make their future alts Knights as well. It's almost the perfect compromise, really.

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