It was two sentences, actually. You didn't need anything more.Darth Vulcanus said:[member="Ignus"]
Just like giving a passive aggressive, one sentence response to a serious discussion?
It was two sentences, actually. You didn't need anything more.Darth Vulcanus said:[member="Ignus"]
Just like giving a passive aggressive, one sentence response to a serious discussion?
Id.Boethiah said:Correct me if I am wrong, but do knight votes even get vetted? In my experience someone just says. "Bam, you're a knight." Then you get the tag. So if anything I don't see how removing the requirement lowers the quality of a knight. People stay apprentices for as long as they want to, not as long as they need to. AKA I don't see why not.
That sounds like a fair middle ground to meSoeht said:For people generally against the thought of removing the restrictions on Knight, how would yall feel about a Legacy system instead?
A Writer's first Force User has to start as an Apprentice/Padawan. Then once that character gets promoted to Knight, the Writer is then able to freely apply the Knight title to their other characters.
I'm offering this alternative because it seems a lot of arguments against removing the restriction are because of a fear having brand spanking new (as in, never roleplayed ever before) Writers becoming Knights.
Ignus said:Great. Johnny the terribad RPer is gonna be a Knight now.
This is honestly why I'm fine with removing the restrictions completely for Knight (I'm even open to doing this with Master). Concerns about subpar Writers getting high ranks don't address the fact that this happens anyway - and it'll always happen.Suravi Teigra said:There's going to be bad writers regardless