The Golden Rule
The U-wing slowly descended through the clouds for an endless expanse of forests, rivers, and mountains, completely untouched by technology.
"Here we are," Arisa reported as she aimed for a landing at a small clearing near a riverbed. "One of the most isolated spots on all of Voss, just like you asked."
Her two apprentices Vitha and Kayda had gotten it in their heads to have some survival training out in the Voss wilderness. She gave them the green light for the wilderness run, but only under the condition that she be able to monitor them at all times as their master. She wasn't so much worried about Vitha as she was Kayda, a pampered native born Corellian who didn't have all that much experience in such harsh conditions.
"Last chance, sure you want to go through with this? You'll be out here for a whole two weeks without any outside contact. Unless you're in dire straights, I won't pick you up until the time is up."