Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Wilds

As they ate, she considered how to go about making and setting some traps for the small animals. The fishing wouldn't be an issue. He asked what happened on the previous survival expedition and how many were involved. If he asked for the names of the students, she would give them, but Jairdain decided to keep it simple for now.

She looked in his direction as she spoke, "there were four other padawans involved. As for what happened, I stayed at the camp mostly and did the upkeep there and cooked what food they brought back.
"We were gone for almost two weeks and it was quite interesting and a bit of fun."

After finishing eating, Jairdain gathered up the packaging of the ration bars and placed them back into her pack. While she was in there, she took out several fishing hooks, some string, a knife and fishing line.

Sitting down near the campfire, Jairdain unspooled some of the string and started cutting it into small pieces. Setting them aside and walking over to the pile of wood that was left over from the night before. Feeling around for some of the thinner of the sticks, she found four that would be a good starting point for the first trap.

Holding out one to Yuroic to show him what she needed, "can you find as many sticks that are about this size and bring them to me?"

Not waiting to hear if he answered, she went back to tying the sticks together to form a square and would add more on as she acquired more sticks.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He watched as Jairdain tidied their campsite, she mentioned that there was four other Padawans on the excursion. He nodded his head as he listened, his heart felt uplifted knowing that there was unlikely anything between her and another Padawan during their time away.

Why did you remain at the camp? He was curious, he wouldn't have called her shy or timid. In fact she had been the one more talkative and sociable in comparison to him, though she might have been different as a Padawan.

I won't be long. He said once she finished asking him for more sticks to use as traps. He wandered into the woods, taking a look around. It was nice a quiet, still early so there wasn't much in the way of life moving around in the woods.

He picked up several sticks as he wandered, ensuring they were similar to the ones that Jairdain had asked for. He then decided to head back once he had around ten of them in his arms.

As Jairdain laced together the starting of the trap, he asked why she had remained at the camp. She chuckled a little before she answered.

"I was the only one that seemed to know how to go about the upkeep of the site. That and well, I'd never spent a great deal of time in the wilds and didn't know what to do."

After she answered, Yuroic went off to find the requested sticks. When he returned and set them down, she turned to him with a smile.

"Thank you."

Using her knife, string and sticks, Jairdain assembled something that looked a bit like a cage, but had an open bottom. If she wanted to, she could have reached out with the Force to feel where the wildlife was to capture, but felt this a time she could put her friend to the test.

"While you were looking for the sticks, did see any small animals we might be able to capture?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He watched as she construct a small cage from the sticks. Curious as to how that would trick an animal, he was watching fully enthralled by it all. When she asked if he had seen any wildlife he felt a meek blush warm his cheeks. He had been so fixated on finding the perfect sticks for her that he didn't even consider looking for any animals to hunt.

Well... I, urm... no? He stumbled over his words as he looked at her with his embarrassment growing a bit more.

He knew that he should have been more observant to his surroundings when he was out, but he found it difficult, especially when he was tasked to find something important. He looked around and gave a sigh, he properly wouldn't find any signs of life now that he desperately needed to find some.

He moved back away from the camp, deciding to go look for them. He climbed up a tree and decided to remain in the treetops, that way there was less chance of disturbing any creatures he found.

When Jairdain asked her question, she could feel the embarrassment fill Yuroic because he had not noticed any of the wildlife around them.

She chuckled a little and that turned into a laugh, not at him, but at the situation.

"To be honest, I wouldn't have thought of it either most likely. However, I'm not a good person to go looking for sticks."

He moved away from the camp and started climbing up one of the trees. Jairdain did her best to follow him with the cage and string.

Looking up in his direction, she gave him a look that would hopefully convey the message that his oversight was fine and all part of learning how to live in the wilds.

She tied the trap to the tree and set some of the ration bar under it, as well as a trip wire. This way if any animal decided to eat the food, it would set the trap off and catch it under it.

"It may not catch much, but if we can get some fish too, it should be enough to feed us both."

Standing up, she motioned him back to the ground and returned to the camp to get the fishing supplies she had thought to bring.

If he returned with her, she would explain about feeling for the animals with the Force.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He carefully watched as Jairdain followed him. He hadn't expected that, he was just going to take a quick survey then report back but she had set the trap ready. He smiled. She was quick into action when she wanted to be, wasn't always about spending time to slow down and meditate. He liked that about her, she was flexible.

I am sure it will catch plenty. But fishing sounds fun, never gone fishing before... What is fishing? Yuroic asked curious. He had never done any of this, living on a city planet, there wasn't really any wildife. He grabbed his robes and adjusted them more comfortably as he jumped down from the tree.

He landed slightly harder than he would have liked to, causing him to buckle his knees and move unsteadily backwards on his feet till his back hit the trunk of the nearest tree. He then dusted himself off and attempted to pretend his trip did not happen. Though there was a slight blush as he hoped Jairdain hadn't seen what he done through the Force.

After gathering up the items for fishing and some water for them both, she turned to look his direction.

"Since we only have one trap, unless more than one animal enters at the same time, it'll only catch one."

Jairdain tried to figure out the best way to answer his question so he would understand.

"There are a few different types of fishing. What we will be doing is actually more akin to hunting, I think. We plan to bring the fish back and eat them. You can also fish for sport and whoever catches the largest wins a prize. Then there is relaxing kind where you don't care if you catch a fish and if you do, you just let it go. My dad liked that one best."

She gave a slight smile at the memory and gives him her full attention.

"Is there a lake or stream nearby? A lake would be better, but will deal with a stream too."

Again, Jairdain could have reached out with the Force, but wanted to give Yuroic a chance to shine.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic nodded his head as he listened to her explain fishing. To catch for a sport seemed a waste, to catch and throw back seemed an even bigger waste to him. Food was not something to play with from Yuroic's experience, however he guessed that she didn't grow up some days wondering if she'll even eat that day so fishing like that doesn't even cross one's mind as wasteful.

He could tell that the memory brought back happy thoughts so he remained silent on the matter. His thoughts were from a different time, a different life to either of theirs. Now he had plenty to eat, at times too much he would say. He looked back at her as he noticed she gave him her full attention.

Stream or lake. Water, he needed to know where there would be water. He closed his eyes and hoped his ears would be attuned enough to listen out for some rushing water. He heard a faint constant movement of water, a stream nearby.

There's one this direction! He pointed in the direction of the noise, it was slightly diagonal angle from where they were stood.

Jairdain could tell he was thinking something, but had kept his thoughts to himself after she spoke. While she didn't sense any strong emotions from him, which was good, she chose not to pry at him to give voice.

When she asked about the stream or lake, she could again tell he did something. It wasn't Force related though, but it did the job. He found a source of water and pointed in the direction of it.

It was a stream and she could hear it from the camp pretty easily. Sometimes being without sight had an advantage and her other senses were heightened for it.

Giving him a smile, she would want to walk with him to the stream he indicated, but wasn't sure how to express she wanted to hold his arm or hand. At least not without coming across in a bad or pushy way. His reluctance to kiss her the night before, gave her reason to pause in acting on it today.

"Let's get moving, Yuroic."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic took her hand for a moment and guided her the way he heard the water. He held her hand, thinking it make sense to hold her hand even though she could likely follow him through the Force. It felt right, comfortable but he wasn't sure why. After they neared the stream he released her hand and looked at the water. It was a slow moving stream but clear, transparent. He moved closer.

Wow... Just amazing to see this... His words left him and he realised how child like he must come across. Everything around here was new and in a way that most would think it shouldn't be. He touched the water, it was cold but not freezing. Not enough to stop him pushing his head in the water and trying to look around underneath the water.

He pulled his head out and shook it, beads of water flung all over the place, his braid whipping around wildly.

It was obvious to her they were connecting more since he took her hand and guided her to the stream, picking out the easiest route to take. Even without his guiding hand, Jairdain could have found the stream easily. Their hands fit nicely and even though it wasn't a chill morning, kept their fingers warm.

As Yuroic expressed his joy with the stream, Jairdain sat down nearby and constructed their makeshift fishing lines. She smiled at him as he shook his hair off and laughed when the water splashed over to her.

"Quite refreshing isn't it? Did you see any fish while you were in there looking around?"

The question wasn't meant seriously, but this was the first time for him being out here so he may answer anyway. She stood up, placed the extra string and hooks into one of her pockets and held the string and hook she had made for him out.

"This a fishing hook," she pointed to it. "This is your fishing line." Dangling it and showing him how to hold it. "Now you really just sit on the edge of the water and wait."

She had forgotten something and remembered it just at the moment. Among the items she packed, bait wasn't one of them. Blushing slightly Jairdain turned to her friend.

"I forgot to bring bait needed to catch the fish. We need to find some worms or slugs. Little bugs that live in the ground."

Jairdain wasn't sure if he knew what they were but hoped he would pick up on it quick enough. He had the other things she taught him.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He gave a mischievous grin to her as he splash some water in her direction. He wanted to have a little fun before they jumped into the fishing, he had lived a fun almost entirely void of fun that when he found it, he had to take it. He sat upright and looked at her with a friendly grin.

Unfortunately no, couldn't really see clearly under the water. But it tastes so nice. He had remembered drinking rainwater from Nar Shaddaa, that was not a pleasant experience.

He shook the memory away and gave a grin to Jairdain. He knew she was teasing him about the fish so he gave her another splash of water with a teasing wink. When she described what a fishing hook was and what they needed to do, he shrugged. It seemed that fishing was a pretty boring task, required no real skill it seemed at least.

He listened about the need for worms and their description and location. He had seen bugs in the urban life of Nar Shaddaa but they were flies, cockroaches and such. He grabbed a handful of dirty and ripped it from the earth. He then rubbed it between his fingers and felt it crumble away until he was left with a couple of worms wriggling around. Desperate to be freed.

Fish eat these? But why? How if they are buried in the earth, how do fish eat them? He asked curiously as he studied the worms closely.

Jairdain laughed and giggled as Yuroic splashed her with the water. Her being on dry ground was unable to splash back, but then an idea sprang into her mind. Using the Force, she toss some of the water onto him and hopefully return a few of the splashes.

She could tell he was having fun with this and enjoying being able to play around. Eventually though he brought his mind to their little dilemma and pulled up a handful of mud which luckily enough had a couple of worms in it. He asked if fish eat them, why and how. Shrugging her shoulders slightly as she thought of an answer.

"Actually I think fish eat other bugs normally and maybe the worms are delicacy they aren't often treated to. I'm not sure, they actually work though."

Plucking the worms out of his hand, she went about setting them onto the hooks and handed one to her friend.

"Ready to give this a go?"

She sat down on the side of the stream and was already holding her string into the water. The current tugged at it, but soon enough Jairdain figured out how much pressure was on the string normally and would wait for a change in that to pull the hook up to see if anything was caught. Each time, she cast it back in, it being empty of fish.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic was now soaked in water but it didn't seem to phase him as the warm sun kept him from shivering. He watched as Jairdain added bait to their lines. He absorbed the knowledge as if it was one of his lessons with Arisa or another Jedi. He realised that skills like this were practical. This was things he could use to survive if alone because there would come a time he wouldn't have food bars in supply. He took the rod and followed Jairdain by casting the line into the water.

He sat patiently as the hook bobbed gently in the water. He closed his eyes, feeling no real pull yet and just soaked in the warmth of the sun. He thought on the day's events and the previous night. A slight shiver as the memory of the almost kiss racked through him. However, he paused and closed his mind, deciding to give himself something else to think about. Perhaps talk to her about something Force related.

How can emotions such as fear and anger lead one to the dark side? Just curious, what is the dark side? Is it something to do with the Sith? It was an area he was now becoming more interested in with the increase in his powers.

Jairdain observed the actions and reactions of Yuroic as she placed the worms on the hooks and then as they fished at the bank of the stream. She would real hers in now and then or make little movements and adjustments in placement of the bait.

She listened to the stream and the sounds of nature around them. The small animals that were curious and scampered around nearby. Reaching out with the Force to feel the forest, the life around them...even some of the tiny creatures emotions.

Sensing her companion thinking about something, Jairdain let him be to his thoughts. If he wanted to talk, then he would break the silence. Not long after doing this and pulling her scouting mind back to herself, Yuroic broke the comfortable silence between them. He asked about fear, anger, the dark side and the sith.

Sitting up to look in his direction, it took her a few minutes to put what she felt to be an adequate answer together for him.

"I don't think it is the emotions themselves that lead to the dark sire, Yuroic. What leads to the dark side is allowing the emotions to control you. Like if you met your former slave master right now in this forest, you would kill him out of anger. No thinking involved, just pure emotion.
"To me it is natural to feel all the emotions. Even those that are considered dark in nature. We are human and we all have them."

When Jairdain said her last sentence, she motioned to the two of them with one of her hands and the tip of her fishing pole swerved down. Turning her attention back to it for a few moments, she got it back under control and started bringing the fish in that was on the end.

As she set the hook and reeled it in, she considered his last question.

"The sith as a theology are basically the opposite of the Jedi and our code. There is a wide spectrum of Force users around and they vary from one to the other. Zealots to moderate. My own people would have been considered more on zealot end of things if the truth be known."

She gave half a chuckle to realize just how she herself had changed since she left home. Jairdain finished bringing the fish in and held it up to show Yuroic.

"Dinner for one of us."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He listened to the words that Jairdain used to answer his question. Zealots, interesting choice though he wasn't convinced he understood its meaning. His education was sub-par in a lot of areas still. Though his writing and speaking skills were improving. He looked up at the sky and thought about the emotions he felt and how he should embrace them, not fight them like always had. It was a considerable change for him, and he wasn't entirely convinced that he would be able to surrender himself that much. He had been hurt too much from being open.

However, he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that Jairdain had caught something already. He gave her a grin and a wink before he recast his line. He had watched Jairdain do the process but it was little to do with skill and more with sheer luck. At least that was what he could see, he bet if he was to truly study fishing there would be hidden skills that outsiders couldn't see. However, he was content with just hoping he would catch something.

Breakfast for one you mean. Yuroic chuckled, it was still early morning. I wanted to ask about one other emotion. Love. I don't think I have ever loved someone, can a Jedi love? Have you ever been in a relationship? The last question was his not so subtle attempt to get to know her better, to see if she had any experience in relationships.

He reached out and stroked her face gently, then her hair. It felt out of place and sudden but he could help it. He wanted her to know that he did care and she was on his mind. However, his inexperience with love meant that he couldn't take it further. What if he hurt her? What if he could never love someone? He just heard his slaver taunting him, saying no one could love him and he could love no one.

Jairdain held the flopping fish up and took out a knife quickly, slicing the head off in a swift move before the creature basically drowned. While the action may seem cruel to Yuroic, it was a mercy to the fish and the food it provided would give one of them a meal that day.

He pointed out it was more likely to be breakfast than dinner and she chuckled slightly, the smile would show in her eyes. Yuroic then asked about love, if a Jedi could love and if she had been in a relationship before.

She nodded her head before speaking and set her fishing pole down. Reaching into her pocket again, she went about putting together another hook for her line as she thought of how to answer him. The first question would be far more difficult to answer, but the second quite easy so picked that one first.

Turning her nod into a shake before giving her answer a voice, "no, I've never been in a relationship." Even when she was with her people, there had not been anybody interested in her. Who would? She being blind, they were unable to accept her weakness and look past that to the person inside. The fact she herself didn't know love in the romantic sense was not something she thought of much. It just never crossed her mind.

"Of course, the Jedi can love. All emotions are natural, Yuroic. What isn't is allowing them to control your actions."

He said he didn't think he'd ever loved somebody. With what she knew of his past, this didn't surprise her really. Tough times made people hard and sometimes lead them into feeling some things weren't meant for them. In time, she hoped Yuroic would come to terms with his own emotions, accept them and expand from there.

Yuroic reached a hand out, lightly touched her cheek and ran his hand from there to her hair. Those butterflies stirred up again in her stomach. What did those mean? When they met originally they weren't there, now a few days later they were. The only time they were there though was when the two Jedi interacted. Was it part of the connection that had been established when they met? A different thought happened and while the prospect did not disturb her, she wanted to give it time before she gave voice to it. What if they were falling in love?

Trying to shake that thought off for a moment, Jairdain turned her attention back to the fishing.

"I need another worm."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic listened to what she offered. He had gleamed some information about her past but something in his head said that there was more to why she had not been in a relationship before. His feelings were conflicted, he wanted to be able to empathise with her, tell her that she needn't worry about it as neither had he. Perhaps it would have been easier if neither of them had been intimate with a person before. But he had and now he felt like he had to be cautious, even more, as he did not want her first time to be terrible and with a man who did not truly give her the love she deserved.

He blinked such thoughts away when he realised she had moved from his touch to focus on fishing once more. Yuroic sighed silently internally, perhaps he was being hopeful that there was a deeper connection than friendship. Her not knowing about love beyond family meant that she could just see him as nothing more than a friend. There not being a remote possibility of something deeper. It was all mind numbing in confusion. However, he smiled as she need another worm.

Having established what a worm was now, he closed his eyes and felt the ground with his palm. His mind extended out as he reached deep into the earth and felt the almost infinite number of worms crawling around the area. Such large numbers of life gave him a headache as he attempted to count them. Instead he pulled out another handful of earth with three or four worms wriggling around. He then looked over at the dead fish, another thing he now could connect with. His mind didn't find the killing of the creature horrid or cruel, he had done worse to survive and he knew others had as well.

Here is a worm. He offered her one before slipping the rest on a spare hook, out of the way. So, I could... Well I think I could sense that you thought your blindness was why you were single before. Is that true? He was hesitant to ask but he was trying to sense others better, as a Jedi it was somewhat important to be able to empathise with another he had learnt. Though it was not an easy skill.

Only reason I have ever been intimate with a woman before was to prove I could. Wasn't enjoyable, for a slave there usually is few options. So, really I rather be like you and have no experience. He confessed, it was carefully worded, as he didn't want to put down what must be a sense of loneliness that she could feel but to reassure her that it wasn't crucial life experience.

Delving back into her thought while Yuroic finds more worms for them, she tried to analyze what she might be feeling with the small butterflies. It wasn't anything like she had ever felt before, but other than the love of her parents she didn't know what romantic love felt like. Though she imagined it might be something like this.

He returned with more than enough worms for them and held one out for her to place on her hook and brought Jairdain back to the present. Picking up on her emotions or thoughts, he asked about her blindness and if that's why she thought she was single. She let out a small little amused snort before answering. Casting her hook into the stream before answering, Jairdain turned her head to look in his direction and nodded.

"Well, actually yes. Kids told me nobody was interested in me because I was blind."

Granted they were all young and kids would be kids. So she assumed that she would never know romantic love and didn't think of it again as she grew up.

"I can't imagine being with a person without love being involved, but it happens I know. To be honest, I'm glad you got to experience that though, it shows you didn't become addicted to passion or allow that to control you. Even if romantic passion may not be considered a dark or evil emotion, allowing any to control you can lead to a darker path. As for knowledge of the act, you know what to do for when you do find your love."

Her voice started out a little slow, but as she spoke and talking about allowing the emotions to control or not allowing them, she became more confident and by the end, she was tender in what she said. There was no conveyed disapproval in her voice and she somehow could feel that Yuroic felt lonely.

"You feel alone yourself?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He looked at her and was surprised that kids could be so cruel. Back on Nar Shaddaa, at least in the Refugee section, lost of limbs or disabilities were common. So to not find someone with a physical impairment attractive was near impossible. War often refugees to flee to Nar Shaddaa and they would be scarred, mentally and physically. His hand reached out and gently touched her leg, it was the most intimate touch he had done with her but he felt it was necessary.

To me you are beautiful. I think your eyes are your most attractive quality. He leaned forward and whispered gently in her ear before moving back. He had hoped that she would be grateful for his comment and that he thought the kids on her world were fools to ignore her.

Her question was a big one in his mind, perhaps one of his biggest issue. He had been around people most of his life, but just because you are with people doesn't mean you don't feel alone. I have always felt alone, I never really thought I belonged anywhere. No one but you and the rest of the Jedi have made me truly feel welcomed. And then it has only been you that I have felt especially close with. His honest fell out. He couldn't deny her an answer when she was always so honest with him.

He felt his line twitch and pulled out a small fish, it was smaller than Jairdain's but Yuroic still smiled, happy to have caught something. Seems like we have two breakfast fish!


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