Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Wilds

Hearing Yuroic mumbling at the situation caused her smile. She could understand his hesitation though and in the same position would have probably felt the same way. In the end, he took her hand and when he stood up it was very close to her. It didn't make her uncomfortable at all and those butterflies stirred up again. He took a step back after a moment.

Another few moments and they approached the dragon together. He a little slower than her. The beast watched them calmly and blinked when Jairdain reached his side and started petting him. At the touch of her companion though, the dragon let out a sniff and huff, but allowed the attention to be given.

Its hunger sated for the moment, it was tired and this location was warm. These two small people wouldn't be able to hurt him (or he thought) and started to fall asleep. Looking between Yuroic and the dragon having made peace, she let go and thought of something.

"What do you want to name him?"

If Yuroic wanted to learn Beast Trick, this was a chance to continue practice. To take the dragon like she had.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic looked over to Jairdain as she asked that he give the dragon a name. He tilted his head and wondered what she was trying to do. Seemed that she wanted him to bond with the beast, to which he was dubious. It was still a creature that attacked him spontaneously and hand twitched in pain from still healing.

However, he felt that it was important to Jairdain that he establish a connection with the dragon so that is what he attempted. Although the beast was gently resting, he closed his eyes and opened his mind to connect with the dragon. He could feel the primal thoughts and emotions that the dragon felt. Desire to eat, drink and reproduce. All that the creature desire was basic and simple needs, there seemed little in deep thoughts.

Yuroic felt at peace sharing the thoughts that the beast had. To live such a simple life would be very tempting, to not worry about the galaxy at large and just desire to survive. He then shared his thoughts with the beast, attempting to link their minds together. There was a grumble and stirring from the beast, snorting smoke in annoyance at first. This caused Yuroic to flinch slight before, resting his hand once more and attempted to push his thoughts again into the beast.

Finally it caved and shared a connection between them, respecting Yuroic's stubbornness and appreciation for the beast. And Yuroic respecting that at a whim the dragon could kill him. "Ddraig, his name shall be Ddraig."

Jairdain knew he was hesitant to reach out to the dragon. This beast wasn't meant for her though. Eventually Yuroic picked a name and reached out with the Force to connect with the dragon.

Both resisted for a time, a fight of the wills. Yuroic came out the victor and the dragon allowed him in. The connection was formed and they were bonded.

She smiled at this and let go of the light touch she had through the Force with the dragon. Reaching out, Jairdain would wrap an arm around the dragon...or as much as she could and her other arm around Yuroic's waist, if he allowed it.

"Ddraig, sounds fitting for a dragon."

Just standing there for a few moments, Jairdain felt to see how much time had passed.

"We should probably consider checking that trap and returning to camp. If it caught anything, it'll need to be prepped for dinner."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He felt her arm around his waist. For a moment, he felt his desire for her rise once more, however he pushed those feelings away and focused on the present. It didn't stop him wrapping his arm around her lower back, his hand quite low down. His second hand reached forward and scratched the snout of the dragon. He heard Jairdain mention that they should head to the trap for dinner.

Something his stomach agreed with as it grumbled loudly. He gave an embarrassed chuckle and sent Ddraig an image of the Temple, with thoughts of home and welcoming him to visit. If he so pleased. Yuroic wasn't keen on having him as a pet, and he was sure others would think him too dangerous as one but he could tell that Jairdain wanted him to have something to look after.

He then reluctantly pulled away from Jairdain and moved towards the woods, he watched as the dragon took off and flew high above them in the sky. Perhaps he would go join the beast on day. He had never learnt to really fly, a ship not just flying on his own. Though he was curious now if that was possible...

Feeling the return arm of Yuroic almost made those butterflies flip, but they just flew a little faster before calming down again. The bonding done between her companion and the dragon, he sent it away to go about whatever he wanted to.

Jairdain heard his stomach growl and chuckled with him.

"Are guys ever not hungry?"

Her voice would clearly show she was joking around and didn't mean for him to take offense at the comment.

Gathering up the fishing things, making sure the fire was out and cleaning up the area, Jairdain fell into step with Yuroic. It didn't take too long to find the trail they had been on before and head in the direction of the trap.

"Do you think it caught anything?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He gave a good and hearty laugh to her comment as he gave her a wink. Believe you had a bigger lunch than me! So think you eat more than guys do! He teased light-heartedly back as he moved closer to the trees.

He took most of the heavier equipment from Jairdain and carried them for her, he watched her walk ahead. His eyes lowering to her hips as he slowly followed her. Annoyed at his behaviour, he rushed ahead and stepped by her side. Hearing her question, he pondered on what they could have caught.

I think so, well, I hope so at least! He gave another chuckle as he looks over to where they built the traps. It wasn't too much further away before they would see what they could have potentially caught.

Sharing in the laughter, Jairdain led the way to the area with him following. She didn't know why she felt a slight sense of annoyance from him and gave him an odd look when he caught up. It wasn't long before he did that and was at her side. The humor they shared gave them a light hearted feeling.

They made only a little noise as they walked and she listened to the sounds of the forest around them. The birds chirping and scurrying of the small woodland animals. As they approached the trap though, Jairdain heard growls and snarls, but they didn't sound like they came from a large animal.

Holding up her hand, she set down the things she carried and turned to face Yuroic.

"That doesn't sound like a rabbit!."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He blushed when she gave him a strange look. She had sensed his annoyance but he wasn't going to tell her that he had been staring at her from behind. There was a slight guilty pang he felt in objectifying her, she was so much more than her body, her mind and the way she made him feel. She could look anyway she wanted and he wouldn't care. Hearing the noise as well, Yuroic looked over to her.

Jairdain stopped him with her hand. Placing their things down gently, he moved forward. Knowing that she would try to stop him, he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her. I'll be safe, just let me take a look. I can do this now, thanks to you. His hand gently touched her cheek before he moved towards the trap.

Once he approached he saw glints of bright violet, familiar to Jairdain's eyes that he paused. Continuing closer he saw the mewvorr, creature looked reptile, tusks and sharp teeth showed that one couldn't get too close unaware. Yuroic held a hand out and attempted to link minds with the creature. He could sense the fear, loneliness and sadness. Deep worries and a want for company, something Yuroic knew well from his past. He shared his good intentions and calmed the beast, showing only want to be friendly.

Yuroic set down the items he was carrying next to those Jairdain had set down. Even though she had held her hand up to stop him, he stopped her from moving closer with a hand on her shoulder.

She knew he was looking at her as he spoke and that he would be safe in checking out the trap. Those next simple words filled her with warmth and those butterflies flipped again. Before he moved off, his hand touched her cheek and he was gone.

As he requested, Jairdain stayed with the items and watched him through the Force. Whatever was in the trap wasn't like anything she had sensed before. Her brows furrowed, but decided to trust her companion when he went to see what it was.

Very soon, the growls and snarls stopped and Jairdain left the pile of stuff behind to approach Yuroic and the trap. She came up slowly as not to startle either of them and made enough noise to wake a sleeping dragon. She lightly laid a hand on her friend and looked down at the now calm creature.

"What is it?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Once the mewvorr calmed, Yuroic freed the beast and pet it gently. He could feel the warm feelings of happiness and contentment from the animal as his hand brushed on the scales. He looked over to Jairdain, giving her a warm smile, his feelings inadvertently transferred to the beast as well. The mewvorr nuzzled against her leg as he gave a smile to the two of them. It seemed that his deep feelings for Jairdain gave the mewvorr a strong connection to her.

It's a mewvorr, seems it has a strong connection with you... Yuroic was blind to the fact the connection stemmed from himself but he was happy that this animal was a lot friendlier and less bitey than the last one. It also meant he was success in using Beast Control.

Squatting down to pet the small animal, Jairdain felt the crest around its face of lizard like scales and on its body. It pushed against her leg and she just had to pick it up. It wasn't very big yet and nestled into her arms. The cat was already calm from the touch of Yuroic and the connection between the two of, Jairdain felt this kitten already liking her. Why confused her slightly since she hadn't yet tried reaching out to it.

She felt the happiness from Yuroic at him being a success at the Beast Trick and gave him a smile as she held the cat. Now she reached out to the mewvor to feel it through the Force.

"She's female and wondered from her family. I didn't know there were such animals here. I'm sure she's pretty, she feels like a lizard, but is also soft. I wonder how big she'll get."

Jairdain had made him name the dragon, even he had sent it off, so she would have to think of one for this kitten.

"What do you think of Tao for a name?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic smiled and rubbed Jairdain's back gently as he looked at the mewvorr. It seemed friendly and very adorable when snuggling against her, it pleased him that Jairdain was happy with the animal being so close to her. Scratching under the chin of the beast, Yuroic thought on what she said.

Sending an image of the mewvorr to Jairdain so she could get a look of the animal, before thinking and then carving a detailed image into a piece of wood. Here, this is so you can trace your fingers and feel the shape and look of the mewvorr. It'll allow you to always know and if it does get bigger or grow into a different shape then I can just carve another piece.

I think Tao is a beautiful name for her. Yuroic gave her a smile as he rose and gathered the fishing supplies, carrying it all himself so she could carry her mewvorr.


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