Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Wilds

After she finished speaking, Jairdain felt his surprising but tender touch on her leg. It led emphases to his words that told her they carried his true opinion.

"I've been told what color they are and that it's rare. Color is hard to explain to one that can't see. It won't be as easy as your showing me the sky."

She did not pull away from the warm touch of Yuroic and those little butterflies flew around again in her stomach. Reaching her own hand out, she laid it on top of his. His breath caressing her ear and sending those creatures in her stomach into higher speed. That was when the realization hit her that she was falling with him. While only having met a few days ago, she knew in her heart this was the case.

"Thank you."

Blushing slightly now, she took her hand away, but did not pull her leg away from him. She listened to his answer and understood him a little more. While she didn't have the same sense of being alone among people, she really had been alone through most of her life. Then she had found the Silvers and they had welcomed her as they had him.

She smiled at his words in full understanding and pleasure lit her eyes.

"Yes, they welcomed me as well and then after a time away allowed me to return. There's not been anybody within the Order I've gotten close to either except you."

Her time separate from the Silvers was when she was tested and a few other things. If Yuroic asked, she would of course answer, but for now would leave the details out of what happened.

His own line started twitching, but not as strongly as hers had and the fish he brought in was a little smaller, but it was still large enough to eat. Taking her knife out again, Jairdain would offer it to him to deal the blow to the fish or she would do it herself. An idea came to her mind.

Instead of trekking all the way back to camp to cook the fish, they could actually do it here. With the Force, you could make things move faster, making them heat and bring about a fire. It would be another opportunity to teach Yuroic a little more.

Laying her pole on the ground, Jairdain now stood up and gathered up a few twigs and leaves. Placing them in a pile, she picked up a log or two to burn once the fire was started.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic nodded his head, he gazed at the colour of her eyes and thought about what she said. Yes it would be near impossible to describe a colour to one who had ever seen it. However, he thought on what she said, he had used something practical when showing the night sky, it was an easier image to replicate. There was a deep thought as he attempted to create something in his mind he could send to her.

The idea came at once. He placed a hand on her cheek, attempting to create a connection he closed his eyes. His mind linking to hers, a brief moment of shared emotions before he sent an image of her. Yes, there would be some taint to the image, he would see her face slightly more perfect then realistically was, or enhanced her scent but it was unintentional doing so. However, the focus on her eyes, the detail of colour and description of their appearance was perfectly realistic. More so due to him actually looking into her eyes.

He then broke the contact and the touch, taking the knife as he held it tightly and sliced the head off with ease. He then gutted the fish and buried the innards. He smiled warmly to her as he watched her moved about curiously working on a new fire pit. He was curious to what she was doing so paused in his activity and watched her carefully.

Jairdain could almost see the gears turning in Yuroic's head as he thought about something. As if a lightbulb went off, he made a move that was unexpected, but not disliked. He placed his hand on her cheek and through their emotional connection attempted to show in her mind what she looked like to him.

What she saw, was likely influenced as it was quite a pretty picture, but her eyes stood out and showed their color. The violet hue clearly shown. Blushing only a little, she also wore half a smile. He took the knife from her after a few moments and the heat remained where he had touched her while he cleaned the fish.

Feeling his eyes as she went about gathering up the items she wanted to use, after getting them in place, she motioned for him to join her.

"We have some fish to eat, but we need to cook them first. Right? I'm going to show you another important skill for surviving in the woods or any place really where you might need this. It's called pyro-kinesis and basically everything is made up of little, bitty things called molecules. Master Jessica taught me this."

Almost puffing with a little pride, before she continued, "she explained it to me like dancing. You need to make these little things dance, hitting together, heating up and that heat will bring about a fire with which we can cook our fish."

She would help him if he had difficultly in catching onto what she meant, but somehow, Jairdain didn't think that would be the case.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He noted the half smile as he shared the image with her. Hoping that she could know be able to know what others meant when they said her eyes were unique colour. It did reveal how he saw her as well but he did not seem to mind that anymore. He listened as she described what they had to do next. Although he had often ate raw meat in the past, it was not a meal he would like to continue so he was grateful that Jairdain was going to show him a new technique.

The idea of invisible tiny things dancing made Yuroic chuckle. He had no real understanding of molecules but he was intrigued to learn more. He thought on what she meant but dancing. He had never danced himself, it was not a luxury that he was granted when he was younger. He moved closer to the pile she had built and looked it over. He could feel the pride that Jairdain felt from being taught the technique by Master Med-beq. He gave her a warm smile in understanding.

He extended his palms and closed his eyes, he felt through the Force the molecules. He gave a deep breath in as he attempted to concentrate hard, allowing the molecules vibrate gently at first. It was tough, there were so many all around them that he couldn't concentrate on the ones he wanted to but when he could he dedicated all his energy into powering them. However, he gasped after awhile, surrendering to the fact he couldn't do it as he felt the warm air he had created instead.

It is difficult. There are so many, I couldn't concentrate on the few I wanted to "dance"... He wasn't upset with his defeat, practise was all that was needed here.

Jairdain sat and waited to see how well Yuroic performed the first time. When she had done this, it had taken her a couple of tries herself so she understood his failure. He had at least generated some heat his first try. She hadn't done and ended up stirring up a bunch of sawdust before she got it work.

"Here, maybe this will help. Separate some off from the bunch and just working on that little bit. You did great though and got some heat going. Just keep it up a little longer and you'll have it next time."

Feeling he was not upset he failed, she gave him an encouraging smile to try again and waited to see what he was going to do.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He appreciated Jairdain's kind words as he looked over the pile. He rubbed his hands together for a brief moment and focused his mind. He closed his eyes, extending his right hand with the palm facing the firewood. This time he ignored the molecules that surrounded them, narrowing his attention to the firewood. Air between the sticks was the area he pushed his attention to.

Vibrating the molecules gently at first. They bounced into other molecules and caused them to vibrate. Slowly he worked as he attempted to generate more heat. It took several minutes but there was a warm sensation coming from the fire. Not enough to cause a fire but it gave him renewed strength to try harder. He then clenched his fist then released the energy built in his fist.

A small fire lit the twigs in the firewood.

Jairdain observed him working in silence, his full concentration given to the task at hand. Even if it was just a small amount, she could actually feel his connection to the Force growing stronger. Each time he would try something, even if he failed, it would be much easier to get it the next time.

She watched as Yuroic made the fire come into being and heard the poof of the flame when it lit. Gathering up a few more leaves and twigs, Jairdain would set them near the flame in case it started to go out before the logs themselves caught on fire. When he completed this, she clapped her hands and gave him a large smile. Would probably have kissed him on the cheek, but he was on the other side of the small blaze.

Once she was sure the fire wasn't going to go out, she picked the two fish up with the Force and held them over it to cook them. It took only a few minutes before the air around them was filled the aroma of the cooking fish and the smoke from the fire.

"Your fish is probably done."

Sending it in his direction, she kept hers over the fire for another minute before taking it off and biting into it.

"It may not have the best flavor, but it's breakfast and just think of what might be caught in that trap for dinner."

She could see it, but could sense as a shadow flew over head, drawn to the fire possibly. Jairdain would look up to see if she could feel what it was and its location.

"I think we're going to have company soon."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He sensed the happiness that Jairdain gave him over the fire. A blush rose to his cheeks, he felt a pang of embarrassment as there was something deep inside that wanted to do more than just eat by the fire. However, he shook that idea away and watched the fish cook. The smell was heavenly, it didn't matter how simple the meal was, it was likely to be one of the best meals he had.

He took the fish and gave a smile to Jairdain. He ate the fish silently, careful of the tiny bones. After he finished the meal he looked over to her, ready to compliment on the cooking but noticed her attention was elsewhere. Company was apparently coming, something did not sit right with over that. He rose to his feet and pulled out his practice saber.

What should we do Jairdain? Are they friendly or not? He asked, his voice cold as his mind cleared. Ready for the upcoming fight. No emotion was shown when he fought, he couldn't let anger fuel his actions. He had heard of Jedi falling to the darkside over that.

Taking the time to eat her fish, they sat silently just enjoying the fire, food, company and nature around them. As they finished was when that shadow flew over them again.

Both of them stood up and Yuroic drew his training saber, ready to fight whatever was circling above them. Jairdain reached out with the senses to find it in the sky. Raising a hand she would follow its path above them.

He asked what they should do, but even she didn't know the answer to that yet or his other question.

"It's not something I've felt before. Larger than any wild animal. I don't think its noticed us, but it did the campsite and fire pit here. It's just circling above right now. Maybe if it tries to attack us, I can try to tame it. If not, then we'll have to kill whatever it is."

She couldn't sense the creature's intentions, but she did Yuroic's. He was cold and calm. Any emotion he may have been feeling was pushed aside and he was not allowing them to surface at all.

"Watch and let me know if it comes in to investigate."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
On Jairdain's words, he put the fire out by kicking dirty into the flames. If the beast was attracted by their fire then they needed to move from here. A shadow from the sky meant it must have flying capabilities. A quick assessment would state that moving towards the trees would be the most sensible idea. Hidden out of view there, they would be safer. He reached for Jairdain's hand.

He whispered in her ear, unsure if it could be a sentient enemy or another beast of Voss. We need to move towards the trees, it won't be able to fly and attack us from above in there. Perhaps it might land nearby and we can check what it is from a safer distance than just standing here in the open.

He then moved towards the trees, hoping she would follow and if so, he would have remained holding her hand. It only occurred to him when in the trees to actually extend the Force and possibly sense what the being could be. However, he could only get a little bit from the being. Big and dangerous. That was all he felt.

Yuroic smothered the fire as whatever it was circled around. Jairdain kept her senses on it, but it had yet to actually appear to notice the two of them personally. He took a hold of her hand and said they should move into the cover of the trees. He pulled her along with him and at their movement, she felt the beast's attention drawn to them.


Moving with him now instead of him tugging on her arm, they took up a position where they could watch the area they had just been fishing and eating. Finding a place to sit, Jairdain sat on the ground to wait.

It didn't take long and a creature with wings landed in the small clearing. She reached out with her mind to feel for its mind. There was very little actual intelligence and it was clearly a hunter with a hunter's mentality. It appeared to sniff at the air and its gaze found their hiding spot, maybe by smell.

Reaching out with the Force to try and tame the beast, it let out a roar, but stayed in place. While not tame, it wasn't going to kill them for the moment.

Keeping her concentration on the beast, Jairdain would speak to Yuroic, "what does it look like and what is it doing?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic placed Jairdain behind a tree, out of sight as he held his saber ready for attack. When the beast landed Yuroic swallowed hard, it was bigger and more dangerous than he could have thought imaginable. He heard Jairdain ask him to describe it to her but how was he meant to describe it. He didn't even know what it was he was looking at. He closed his eyes and sent her the mental image of what he saw, the picture was mixed heavily with his fear.

When he opened his eyes, he heard a second roar, this time at him. The air from the roar pushed against him hard, he took a slight step back to hold his ground. Heat and stench was strong. Yuroic shook his head as he feared he would be smelling like that for weeks. He placed a hand on Jairdain's shoulder as he leaned in.

It's too big to take on myself, I dare not ask you to help. What shall we do? I mean, we could run but I'm not sure if it would follow us or not.

Jairdain continued to send calming thoughts and feelings to the dragon. It's little primal mind did not appear to comprehend what she was trying and let out second roar in their direction. However, it still did not attack.

Yuroic got the brunt of the roar and the stench would reach her behind the tree. She almost wanted to plug her nose from the smell of it, but figured the movement may catch its attention. He placed a hand on her shoulder, along with a mental image of the dragon.

It would be weaker on the ground since it was a creature of the air normally. That didn't mean it couldn't kill two Jedi though.

"Let me try to see if I can tame it before we decide it needs to die."

She stood up, set a hand against the tree and stepped out from behind it to face the direction of the dragon. The attention that had been focused on Yuroic was directed at her now. Letting out a third roar, it still did not attack. The animosity was dripping from the beast though and Jairdain wasn't sure if she could tame it.

Deciding to risk it, Jairdain took only step closer and focused on its mind. She sent it the feelings of home, comfort, sleep, calming...all of these feelings would be felt by the dragon. It started to work on the creature and the internal heat of its anger cooled off.

"It's hungry."

Taking another few steps closer at a time, Jairdain would eventually reach the side of the dragon. While maintaining the calming thoughts, it did allow her to lightly touch it. When her hand connected, it went peaceful under her touch and breathed calmly. Its attention now on Yuroic.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic watched as Jairdain stepped out of her cover and confronted the beast. He wanted to grab Jairdain's arm and call her mad, the beast was going to have them for its breakfast. However, she claimed to be able to tame the beast and it seemed that she had. Her hand was resting on the snout of the dragon while Yuroic was still overly cautious, something with that many teeth was never a good thing.

Yeah, hungry to gobble me up for breakfast! Yuroic retorted, he didn't like the idea of trying to make friends with something that could turn on them and have them for a snack if it decided it was hungry enough.

However, the way that Jairdain was able to pet the dragon and the simple connection that they had been able to form intrigued him. He had heard of Jedi being able to do such things, Beast Trick it was called. Similar to a Jedi Mind Trick, however, Beast Trick involved sharing a calming connection between beast and Jedi. It was a power that seeing used made Yuroic curious to learn.

He moved out of the trees and was close, he remained slightly more cautious than Jairdain, having not the same connection between the beast that she now did. Reaching forward he touched the dragon's snout gently and stroked it cautiously, avoiding being close to the mouth.

This, this isn't so bad I suppose. Definitely an ability I want to learn, Beast Trick, right? He faced away from the dragon to offer Jairdain a smile as he talked. That's when it happened.

A flash and the dragon bit into his hand. Yuroic cried out in pain, pulling his hand far away once it had let go. Moving backwards he bashed against a tree and held his sorry hand. A large bite hole from the dragon's tooth pierced through his hand.


The dragon unsure of what Yuroic's intent had bit out of fear more than anything. Just a nip though since his hand was so small compared to the mouth of the dragon. One if its teeth bit through though and when he opened his mouth to bite again, the padawan had danced out of range howling in pain. Only Jairdain's control kept him from going after Yuroic.

When she had physically connected with the dragon, Jairdain learned it was male and young. A little older than a fledgling really. He didn't have a name he could communicate to Jairdain and all he could think of right now was food.

Letting out another roar, he tried to break free from the control Jairdain had. She brought in more of her willpower and he calmed down again.

"Yuroic, don't move so fast. Focus on calming down. I will look at your hand as soon as I know he won't attack again."

Easier said than done, but she hoped he would sit down. ​His hand needed to be looked at and the dragon tamed. If the dragon didn't give in and submit, she wouldn't be able to let her guard down to heal her friend. Pursuing this line of thought, Jairdain focused on making sure the dragon calmed down fully and submitted.

Concentration showing clearly on her face, Jairdain touched the dragon again and sent the calming and soothing emotions and thoughts to him. It took longer than she wanted, but not as long as it could have, but the dragon eventually calmed down through her coaxing. When she was confident he wasn't going to attack either of them, she lifted her hand and walked over to Yuroic.

Holding her hands out to him and motioning him to sit if he wasn't already, Jairdain took a seat on the ground.

"Place your hand within mine, I'm going to heal your wound the best I can. I think you'll have a scar though."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He looked at Jairdain with an air of disbelief. She wanted him to calm down, he had a hole in his hand and she wanted him to just calm down. Pretend that the injury wasn't a big deal and that he wasn't in a lot of pain, which he was. A scar didn't bother him, he had plenty of scars, what bothered his was the blood pouring out of the hole. There was a lot and he rather it remained in his body not out.

This. Is. As. Calm. As. I. Get. He grunted, forcing himself to bite down on his lips not to yowl in pain. His heartbeat was racing and he thought back to his meditation techniques. Perhaps if he slowed his heart down he could reduce the blood lost. There was a decent size pool now on the ground by him.

Breathing slow and deeply, he closed his eyes, ignoring the large, evil dragon that attacked him in a vicious and near death attack. Drawing his focus inward as he listened to his heart and slowed the thumping down with his thoughts, timing beats he played in his mind with his heart's. From there he slowed the flow of blood, feeling it no longer shoot around the body but moved in a slow steady crawl.

Knowing how pain was felt and dealt with differently by each person, Jairdain was pleased Yuroic stopped moving frantically about and keeping the dragon's attention. Once she had it calmed down, she turned her attention to her companion.

Moving slowly over to him and giving him a look of sympathy, she held out her hands to take his injured hand within hers and sat down next to him. In his calming attempt, he had slowed the bleeding and almost stopped it.

"I can heal this and make it almost as good as new. You will have a scar though. On the bright side, you can hopefully watch and see how to use the Force to heal."

Her voice was soft, caring and confident. Looking at the wound and drawing the Force into her, Jairdain mended the internal hurt as best she could. That would take time to finish healing on its own and would be sore for a few days. The surface wound was easier and under his eyes he would see the flesh appear to grow back. Now the only sign he had been hurt at all was the blood and fresh, pink skin on his hand.

"That may cause you a little discomfort for a few days, but you're not going to die from blood loss anymore."

Giving him a smile, she continued to hold his hand, for the moment because of the situational stress, those butterflies had disappeared.

The dragon let out a little huff and appeared to be laying down calmly. It's green eyes looking at both of them not in a hostile or mean way though. It had a look of patience, but was still hungry. It stood up and went over to the stream to both drink and try to eat something inside.

"He's tame now, Yuroic. Let's go introduce you again. No biting involved this time."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He felt Jairdain take his hand and he looked into her eyes for a moment. He found himself calmer looking at her than he was when he was trying to do it himself. Watching as the Force mended the hole in his hand. There was a slight wince at the discomfort that such sensation gave. His fingers traced over the scar tissue before interlocking fingers with Jairdain. Feelings rose once more, deep within him as he looked at her but he set them aside. He shook them away before she could sense them from him.

He looked at her incredulous, she wanted to take him back to the beast that nearly killed him! Wait, what? No, no, no, no and no. That thing tried making my hand a chew toy! Yuroic heard the dragon sigh hard through its nostrils. Nope, that thing wants to make me a rag doll and I rather not be risking my health. He shook his head in defiance.

Of course, he knew that if Jairdain was to tease him and use her charms then he would crumble within an instant and risk his "life" to impress her. However, for the time being he was standing firm. Or at least as firm as one can be before crumbling for a girl of his desire.

As she used the Force to mend his hand, Jairdain grew more confident in her healing ability. It took less Force to use it now and maybe someday, it would be a skill she was a master of. A spike of pain came from him, but that passed as the wound healed. Yuroic took a hold of her hand when she finshed and with their fingers interlocking gave it a squeeze. She let a small gasp, the butterflies twitched again, but figured the squeeze was more in thanks than anything else.

When she suggested he approach the dragon, he dug his heels in and expressed what might be considered fear. Trying not laugh at him, he would probably feel her humor within her though.

"Trust me, he doesn't want to turn you in rag doll or chew toy. Wait until he's done eating something and go up to him."

She heard the dragon splashing around in the stream. Reaching out with the Force, she would attempt to draw some extra fish into the area for him to catch. Eventually, he wore himself out or found enough food, but he came back up onto the beach and laid down again.

He was entirely calm and his green eyes focused on the pair of Jedi again.


Holding a hand out to Yuroic, she waited to see if he would take it before walking over to the dragon again.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic grumbled and mumbled as he sensed the light-heartened humour coming from Jairdain at his worry. Her outstretched hand seemed to be mocking him in his mind as he pictured himself being throw about silly by the dragon. Though the image itself cause him to release a light chuckle. From that chuckle, he sighed, he had lost the war now. Taking her hand with his non-scarred hand he raised himself up.

He stood dangerously close to her once he was on his feet. Looking down at her, he found himself inhaling her intoxicating scent, something that grew his desire for her. But he blinked and took a step back, calming himself down. Constantly reminding himself that she deserved better, she needed better and he was not it. Words of his worthlessness echoed in his mind.

He cautiously moved towards the dragon, taking slow steps forward like a deer approaching a wolf. Since when did prey go towards their death, it seemed so silly but he had faith in Jairdain's knowledge of the beast. Reaching out he gently stroked the scaled snout of the dragon, watching carefully for sudden movements. He wasn't having two hands with holes!


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