Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Wilds

Jairdain was glad to know there weren't any clouds in the sky and did not bring the tent out. Yurioc was also going to mention about them being able to look at the stars, but stopped himself. She smiled at the simple mistake a person could make or even forget about somebody that was blind. The handicap wasn't an obvious one so often for overlooked.

After she dropped the item she was taking out and he handed it back to her, she gave him a smile and if it was still light enough outside, he would see the blush deepen in color. The items wasn't one that was going to be needed for the night and she put it back in the bag.

"Do you want something to eat? I brought a few ration bars along and since it's a little late to try and a catch something it'll do for dinner."

She could tell his was thinking of her question and if he would grant her the vision of him she asked for. When he said yes, the butterflies that had been almost still in her stomach went into hyperdrive now almost made her feel giddy. This was not an experience she had ever felt before or if she had, it was beyond her memory. They had just met, but Jairdain really liked Yuroic. Was this what it felt like to fall in love? Other than the love of her parents she didn't know what love was, not in a romantic way at least.

Humor filled his voice after he answered and his comment about being as handsome as she imagined relaxed her and made her smile. She gathered up the items she had taken out of her pack and moved to set them out on the ground next to her when she sat down.

Jairdain started laying out her sleeping roll and set the pillow on top as well as the couple of ration bars she brought over and offered one to Yuroic. When she was done, she stood up and looked to her companion.

"Please stand here."

When he got to the location she asked, Jairdain walked over to stand in front of him within easy arms reach. She reached out with both of her hands to start her seeing of him.

Most of his hair was short except for a long, skinny braid that went down to his shoulder. He was clean shaven without any facial hair and a scar ran from above his right eye diagonally down to his cheek. He was lucky the cut didn't happen the other direction or go at a slightly different angle. He could have lost his eye.

His physical stature was taller than her by close to or more than six inches. She could feel the structure of his build and that he must have been close to starved when he was young, but was filling out now. Still a little on the skinny side, but his muscles had grown in definition and he was going to be well built when he reached full maturity. He was more than she expected and those little butterflies were a constant flutter in her stomach now and would not settle down.

After she completed her "seeing" of him, Jairdain stood back up and smiled at him still wanting to keep contact, she would place her hand again on his face.

"Thank you."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He noticed the blush, he wasn't sure what that meant. Was she warm? It as a warm night, could it be that she was interested in him romantically? Seemed unlikely, he had heard of Jedi marrying and being in relationships but he also learnt from the Code and holocrons on it that was not always a good idea. Especially for Jedi susceptible to dark side temptations, which he knew he was with such little training. Therefore he didn't think she saw him that way, but he wasn't sure how he saw her, he had felt attraction before but this felt more. Deeper. But he wasn't sure what it could mean.

He accept the food, he wasn't hungry that much but it felt rude to say no. He ate the food and thought on what they could catch and eat out here, he wasn't even sure he could do that now, knowing how all life is connected to the Force. Though put another steak in front of him he likely eat it without a second thought.

He moved to where she requested and took her hand to the top of his head. He hated the skinny Padawan braid but apparently traditions are important to the Jedi. When she touched his face, fingers tracing his scar, which was from his former master for screwing up. In fact most of his scars were due to the slaver.

When she finished seeing him through her hands, he felt her hand on his face once more. He wasn't sure what to do, he could feel something. He leaned and whispered You're welcome. He knew he was going in for a kiss but this time it wasn't just a kiss, he felt immense pressure.

Just as their noses touched he backed away and looked down at the ground. He didn't want to look at her, couldn't look at her to be more accurate. He felt ashamed, he was tempting her, he would break her heart. He never did love, romance was not an option for him. He had been intimate on a physical level with women before but this was just not the same. She had become more than a friend but at the same time he couldn't be more for her.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to kiss you like. I... I think I will go grab some wood for a fire. He left quickly to put some distance between for now, he needed to clear his mind for a second.

After Jairdain thanked him for allowing her to see him, he moved in closer, whispered his words and as their noses started to touch lightly, she knew he was going to kiss her. Did he feel the same attraction she did. Hers wasn't just a now very real physical one, but one that went deeper. There was no doubt in her mind what those butterflies meant. Even if she couldn't say she loved him, this was the start of what could be her first relationship. With this dawning realization, she would move in to welcome the kiss, but Yuroic pulled away and she could tell he wasn't looking at her.

Somehow he felt ashamed or wrong for trying to kiss her. She wasn't sure if it was her or something else. He had allowed her one of the greatest gifts anybody could have given her. Jairdain felt it wasn't an issue within herself, but something within him that drew him away.

He apologized and said he would gather some wood for a fire. Before she cold stop, he had almost ran off into the nearby woods to gather the wood.

Did he even know what size and kind of logs to look for? The though went through her mind, but there was no way she could show him now what to look for. Hoping he didn't come back with green wood, she went about making a fire ring on the ground and gathered some rocks from nearby to make a circle around it.

Near the middle of the ring she set a fire log and some loose kindling. Her job at the camp done, she sat down on the ground and waited for him to return with the logs.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Thump. Thump. Thump. Yuroic repeated slamming his fist into the tree, he was working through his emotions. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, he could feel the attraction she felt for him but that only made things worse for him. The way she felt for him meant that she wanted more than he had ever given before and he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He shook his head firmly before looking around and giving a deep sigh, he had new problems.

First, he didn't even know what firewood looked like. He just spurted out something to escape what became an awkward situation for him. Why did he say firewood? Could have said he needed to use the toilet or something simpler. But there was a bigger second issue, he was lost. Very lost. He had no idea in which direction he came from and how far he had run. It was also night as well. Yuroic sighed annoyed at himself. He had ruined a good camping trip.

He wandered through the trees aimlessly picking up various pieces of wood. He wasn't sure what he was going to say when he got back to her but he needed to get back. He finally wandered back in and dumped the wood near the neatly constructed fire. He looked very briefly at her.

Is any of this okay? I kind of remembered when looking that I had no idea what firewood looked like... He laughed hoping to ease the tension he felt.

After Jairdain felt nightfall, she started to get a little concerned for Yuroic. He had been gone longer than she expected, but she kept her ears perked and listened for his approach. She was about to go in search of him, when she heard him coming back.

He dropped some various sized pieces of wood on the ground and admitted he didn't know what firewood looked like with a laugh.

Whatever had been bothering him had subsided and she smiled up at him.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Since we don't have anything to actually cook, I'll take you around and show you what to look for next time."

Standing up and walking over to the pile he had brought, she sorted out what would burn easily and fast, setting that into a pile. In another pile she placed the logs that would burn the longest.

Looking over at Yuroic, she called him over. Pointing to the smaller sticks, she asked him to place them on top of the small pile she had made. She lifted and carried over the larger ones and made what would look like to him a small building around the smaller ones already there.

Taking her lightsaber off her belt, she adjusted the setting to a lower on, ignited the green blade and set it to the kindling within the tower of logs.

"This should last a couple of hours."

Turning her saber off, she clipped it back to her belt and sat down next to the fire, hoping it would stay lit.

​"If it starts to go out, let me know."

Hoping to make him feel ​included in this part of the night. She laid on her back, with her hands above her head and gazed up at the sky. Though she could not see the stars herself, she knew they were there. Jairdain turned her gaze to look at her friend.

"What does the sky look like?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic helped with the tending of the fire and stared at her lightsaber as she ignited the blade. It was something else, the hum of the blade, the way it lit Jairdain up. He could feel goosebumps on his skin before he shook his head and focused on the task at hand. He grabbed a stick and gently poked the fire. Fire wasn't something new to him, he had seen plenty of fires in his time. But this time it felt different, he enjoyed the fire and the company he had with it.

He felt an ease from his stomach as he realised that he hadn't offended her earlier. Perhaps he had misjudged the situation or she knew he wasn't ready but was okay with that. He let a slight sigh out as he laid back and stared at the night sky. He heard what she asked and he struggled to even comprehend where one would start to describe it all.

It's beautiful. Dark yet spots of light. Knowing all the stars and planets out there makes you feel small yet not insignificantly so. Just so much out there to explore and see and do. The sky, its literally littered with stuff and we're involved in that stuff. I can't think of better way to describe it, I doubt anyone could describe the beauty the night sky brings. Especially out here away from all the lights.

He looked over to her and smiled simply, stroking a strand of her hair gently. Thinking privately how much she reminds him of the night sky. Beautiful, excites him and makes him want to be someone, do something with his life.

For just a moment after igniting her blade, Jairdain could tell he was distracted. Was it her saber or something else? His attention quickly came back to the task at hand and he helped to tend the fire while it was getting started. When she had gone on the survival retreat with the other padawans, they had a fire similar to this. Tonight it was different though, she was in the company of one person instead of a handful and had recently shared a very intimate few moments with.

Whatever happened after she saw him though, he had come to terms with. However, she was interested in his feelings on the matter. Why hadn't he kissed her? They were both young, her guess is he wasn't ready for a relationship other than that of friendship and support. Deep in her heart, she hoped that was the case and while Jairdain wished the kiss had happened, when the time was right (if it ever was) it would occur.

In all her memory, Jairdain had never been disconnected from the Force, but she knew what darkness was. Since she could "see" with her hands and fingers, she actually got a comprehension of what he meant in his description. While not exactly on the same level.

"I understand though."

For the moment, she knew they were looking at each other and she felt his touch on her hair. If only the night could last like this. Laying side by side, content in the company of another person, no real worries or concerns.

"When I was little, I would fill a bowl with water and put leaves and other things that would float. I would then run my fingers through the water and feel what I imagine what the sky looks like."

Her voice sounded filled with the contentment she felt and comfort he brought to her.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He listened to what she imagined the sky to look like, he felt a pang of guilt that he could never help her see the sky or see him for that matter. He instead moved his hand away from her hair and sat up. He studied the sky, seeing each little dot in the sky. He looked around for something suitable for the task he decided to take one. He found a medium sized flat piece of wood.

He took out a dagger he kept on him at all times and started making markings into the wood. Each mark was the location of a star in the sky, this way Yuroic thought she could see what he saw. He then drew constellations that the stars made on Voss. These were ones he learnt from his studies and personal interest when he first started wandering outside.

It took several minutes but by the end there was a part of the night sky carved into the wood, he took her hand and guided it over the wood. Each dent and line would be felt by her as he watched her carefully. This is so you can see what I can currently see in the sky. I made the night sky with stars and constellations for you. Now it isn't perfect, as on different planets the stars will look different and have different constellations but you will know that this piece of wood is now Voss's night sky.

He hoped that this made up for his reluctance to kiss, he wanted to show that he still cared for her. Yuroic then waited to see what her reaction would be to his gift.

After she spoke, Yuroic sat up and she could hear him scratching on what sounded like wood. This went on for serveral minutes, but she remained silent and let him do whatever carving he was doing. When he was done, he took her hand and guided it across the wood.

She let out a surprised and happy breath and in the light of the fire, her eyes took on a far greater understanding of the sky. Her fingers glided across the wood and she traced the images and thought she picked up on a few of what the pictures meant.

"Thank you, Yuroic. Nobody ever did something like this for me and it's quite good. I will cherish this."

It may be just a simple piece of wood a carving, but it indicated to her more than just that. It showed her, he cared. She gave him a smile and placed the wood on her chest, not wanting to part with the gift yet.

"Maybe you should look into enhancing your artistic skill."

Some might take that as insult to their work, but she didn't intend it that way. For a spur of the moment creation, it was good. Given the right tools and materials, Yurioc could turn into a really good artist.

"I wonder if I have any artistic skills?"

It wasn't something she had ever thought about and was now curious.

"Like singing, playing music or even crafting with my hands. I have to look into it when we get back."

Maybe they could explore this together, but Jairdain decided not to push that thought onto him. While she knew he cared, she wasn't going to push her presence on him strongly or too fast. A solid relationship grows naturally and isn't forced. A foundation was started a few days ago, now that just needed to built upon. Time would tell and nature take its course with them. She was patient.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He could feel the joy that she felt from his gift and he was glad that he could give her that feeling. He wasn't sure on how he felt about her but he knew there was something more than just friendship between, that much had always been clear to him. He smiled as she said he should work on his artistic talent, while he agreed the carving was raw, he felt it meant much more, it was an honest reflection instead of overthinking how to make it perfect.

Perhaps it is something to work on. He said in agreement before he closed his eyes and laid back, picturing himself drawing and being creative. The idea never fully appealed to him before, but then he was doing a lot that he never thought he would end up doing.

If you want, we could do the art stuff together... He said quickly, the thought entered his mind and he couldn't think of a reason they could not. It wasn't overly intimate, it was just enjoying each other's company.

He seemed to enjoy the fact, she liked his gift and laid down again next to her. Rolling onto her side to face him, Jairdain held onto the carving and listened to him speak.

"It's good to find something to concentrate on besides studies all the time."

Then again this little excursion wasn't about studies for either of them. Maybe a little more for him as he was just learning about nature and its connection with the Force.

"I would like that."

She gave Yuroic a smile, the fire showing it to him and her eyes looked gentle and honest.

"I have been thinking that as well."

The admission was given, where it go from here only the gods knew. Jairdain trusted in them and the Force.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic hesitated slightly before he answered, unsure what to say. Instead he rose to his height, removing his clothes from his upper torso and started working on Form V technique. He had heard that there was once a great Jedi who could fight very well using this Form but it was filled with anger and rage that weakened him to the dark side.

I have been learning Form V and VI, have you heard of this Jedi called Anakin Skywalker, was a master of Form V. Could defeat a Sith using Form II... He sounds really impressive... He paused for a second or two, thinking on the next move and the control and precision that was required, moving carefully with better stances than he showed before.

What made you decide to become a Consular? Was it your choice or chosen for you?

Jairdain heard when Yuroic stood up, but couldn't tell he removed his upper clothes. Just moving around made the same sound. At first, she couldn't tell what he doing, but it soon became obvious. Though she did not sense he was upset, maybe he was having a hard time feeling the Force though.

When they met, she had tried to get him to meditate and instead had used the lightsaber forms to help him focus. That wasn't what he was doing though, maybe it was a routine for him to practice moves before he went to bed. Shrugging these thought from her mind, Jairdain sat up and listened to him speak.

"I've done a little research into history, so know only a little. Why do you ask?"

Tipping her head to the side to show she was really curious. He then asked why she wanted to be a consular and she smiled slightly. She sat up straight and looked his direction.

"At home, my parents worked with people from all over the planet. So I got an interest from that. Being blind, made it difficult for me to learn how to be a good fighter, so I worked on learning about the Force over that. Of course, I know the basics now and rely on the Force to guide me if a confrontation happens. I'll never be a blademaster though."

She shrugged her shoulders as she finished. Fighting wasn't her strongest skill and she knew it. While her deep connection to the Force was.

"When I learned there was a branch specifically for diplomacy, while rather small, it's the direction I took my own lessons."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
His practise was not for calming of his mind, he just felt that it would be soothing to his soul. Yuroic listened as Jairdain explained her choice in the disciplines of the Jedi ways. He hadn't thought much of what would he like to study in. He turned to face Jairdain after completely part of Djem So, his preferred style of the Form V.

I am not sure what type of Jedi I want to be. I mean there is Guardian which is focused on combat over the Force but at the same time part of me wants to explore more of the Force. He gave a slight sigh as the weight of the decision hung over him.

He then gave a deep breath out before settling down on the ground next to her. It was getting late and he could feel tiredness seeping into his muscles and his brain. He rubbed the bridge of his nose before laying back down, giving a slight yawn.

In her own mind, Jairdain went through the movements of the saber form Yuroic was moving through. She watched him through the Force and while he did not go through all the moves, he did them well. He would be a far better fighter than she could ever dream of being.

"Give it time. When I found the Silver's here, I didn't know what I wanted to do or be either. As I said as soon as I learned about consulars, I knew that was where I belonged."

Her voice became slightly animated as she spoke, not loud, more excited than anything. She felt Yuroic was feeling like he needed to decide right now what he wanted to do.

"When the time is right, you will know what path of training to follow."

He sat down again next to her and a wave of tiredness from him washed over her and she realized it must be getting late. Gazing up at the sky, she would reach out with the Force to get a gauge of the time. Turning to look at her friend again, she smiled.

"I agree. Let's get some sleep and tomorrow, we can go exploring more."

Laying down next to him, she realized he was shirtless and the warmth of his body next to hers sent those butterflies off again. She was too tired to really think about them much though and Jairdain just snuggled up against that of her friend.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic listened to what she offered as advice. Though he knew she was right in that the path will come to him, he just felt it would be easier if he knew from the start what route he wanted to take. He knew that his Master was a Sentinel, a mix of most combat and Force, which could be the field he would take. To use the Force and be capable in combat.

He felt Jairdain move in close as she fell asleep, he felt a joy of warmth that her body gave off as he placed an arm over her. He closed his eyes and felt his mind begin the fall into unconsciousness. His dreams were littered with confusing meanings and weird images.

There was him kissing Jairdain, in a cave, dark. But he felt so happy, so alive. There was memories of his former slaver, whipping, calling him unlovable. He felt so lost, so ashamed of who he was, how weak he was. He needed to become stronger, fight the twi'lek back. But then the smuggler turned into a gigantic Sith monster, something only Yuroic could have pictured as being Sith. He was scared, fearful before he woke. A cold sweat clung to his body as he moved against a tree. Daybreak wasn't far away thankfully.

Jairdain's rest was one peace and quiet. Comfort taken in the knowledge nothing would harm her in the woods. When it got close to dawn, her internal alarm clock went off and woke her up. It may also have been the chirping of the birds in the trees.

Yuroic still slept, but he had moved away from her in his sleep and was now against a tree. For a few moments, she sat looking at him and wondered what filled his dreams. Even though he was asleep, it was troubled. In an attempt to be nice, she sent him warm feelings of love and being cared for through the Force.

After that, she moved over to the fire and started the process of bringing the now smoldering embers back to a flame. She took out of her pack a couple more of the ration bars and drinks for them both. It may not be much, but it was all she had brought along.

Today, they would have to go hunting and get more some food to cook and get more wood for the fire.

She sat in silence as she listened to the sounds of nature around her and waited for her companion to wake up naturally.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
His eyes were wide open when he saw Jairdain moving about, checking the fire and sitting in silence. His mind went over his dreams and he could feel them all start to fade in the back of his mind. He wasn't sure if they were important or not, something to look into. He could feel the slight grumble in his stomach as he realised how hungry he now was.

How shall we hunt? Yuroic asked, curious to see how she would hunt.

He had a dagger on him but that was all he carried in terms of something to hunt with, he couldn't think of using the Force to hunt an animal with. At least nothing he had learnt so far would be of any use. He stood to his full height and dressed himself. Feeling the sun glow on his face as the peeked over the horizon. He studied the gift he made Jairdain.

Perhaps he would make another one day, bigger, better detail. But that was a thought for another time. For now, breakfast.

Yuroic did well at hiding he awake and looking at her as Jairdain did not know he was until he broke the silence of the morning. Even though she knew he was there, she let out a slight jump when he spoke and turned to face him.

From her side, she pulled out the water she had and the ration bar and held them out to him. If he took them, she would then eat and drink her own that she had next to her.

"How to hunt. There are a couple of ways to do it. We could construct traps to catch something, lure a creature to us and kill it or go fishing if there's a river or lake around."

Her last time out, the others had done the hunting and she stayed at the camp. Preparing the animals that were brought back and cooking the food.

"I went fishing as a child with my father, but hunting I've never done. Just relaying what was told to me by the other Padawans from before."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic noticed her jump and gave a brief chuckle. Thoughts of his nightmarish dreams faded away. He grabbed the ration bar and ate it furiously before downing it with some water. He let out a sigh of comfort while he listened to their options. He thought on what would be sensible and practical.

Fishing sounds good, needs be we could set traps on the way there in case we don't catch anything. Yuroic said as he moved to one side.

So what happened on the last hunting trip? Was there many of you or just you and another student. Yuroic's subtly inquiring about her romantic interests, hoping there wasn't anyone else. Even though he knew part of him didn't want to put himself at risk of being hurt, there was something about Jairdain that pulled him towards her. A connection that they must share, and he couldn't refuse.


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