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Invasion of Manaan - Objective 1 - Ahto City Generators

Cordelia deWinter

Also, please don't share my list of fights in OOC. If anyone has requests I am more than happy to fulfill them with -limited- amount of information.

I do this to keep our faction organized and it takes me a lot of time to do it. If the Republic wants to keep their own fights organized, they can do the work to do so.


Oh, how you will love me when I am done [member="Darth Vitium"]
Would ya'll like for me to leave this..or?
[member="Darth Vitium"] well not much, objective 2 has been literally the sith skipping since the only order the jedi gave was "fall back to the rift station" so they cleared out all locations we were to take, went under the ocean (the order was the first post from the republic for objective 2) and we flooded the way from rift station to the sub bay... so all those forces that fell back are trapped under the ocean.

We've had no pc or npc resistance this objective and been doing whatever
[member="Darth Vitium"]

We're raising an undead army with resurrection, sending them to objective 1. You as the magic user would be in control to throw them at the enemy lines. You said in the one thread you were another sorceress.
[member="Darth Praelior"]
Unless they're already reanimated, there isn't much I can do. While I am a sorceress, I do follow a strict guideline of what abilities I can use as noted in my biography. Ever force ability I am capable of performing is listed in my character sheet, this includes their level of mastery and also includes a breakdown of what spells I am knowledgeable on.

I do know how to control things, though.
Is anyone lost or needs direction?

1. ONE SITH GROUND OBJECTIVE: Hit the generators that keep Ahto City above water.

  1. [member="Darth Vornskr"]

  2. [member="Nick Gamastar"]

  3. [member="Skorn Draclau"]

  4. [member="Arkia Zinn"]

  5. [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]

  6. [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

  7. [member="Reverance"]

  8. [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

  9. [member="Khallesh "]

  10. [member="Darth Vitium"]

  11. [member="Darth Helios"]

  12. [member="Invicta Zambrano"]

  13. [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]

  14. [member="Ludolf Vaas"]

  15. [member="Darth Kentarch"] -
ATTN ALL: The Republic are basically holing up at the generator at this point.

The way I see it, this is basically siege warfare.

What we need to do is surround them and capture the city proper. Also, we need anti-air support to prevent them from getting reinforcements. This should be our mission, especially for anyone who commands troops, in my opinion. Obviously if you are a Sith engaged with a Jedi at the moment, that's your top priority.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Skorn Draclau"] [member="Arkia Zinn"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Khallesh "][member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Invicta Zambrano"] [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Darth Kentarch"]
ONE SITH GROUND OBJECTIVE: Hit the generators that keep Ahto City above water.

Team R: Ahto West
Republic Forces
10: Skotcha Class Main Battle Tanks
2: Devastator class gunships
260: Republic Marines outfitted with Tenloss tech.
1: badly beaten Agent

Fight 1
Reverance VS Kana Truden - Jedi Knight
Matsu Xiangu VS Aaralyn Rekali- Jedi Master

Fight 2

Fight 3
Logan of Little Coruscant VS Patricia Susan Garter-- NFU Agent
Ludolf Vaas VS Patricia Susan Garter-- NFU Agent


Team V: Ahto east

Fight 4
Darth Vornskr VS Kiskla Grayson- Jedi Master
With Glitter/ Kzaevas

Fight 5
Darth Vitium VS The Shadow King

Fight 6
Invicta Zambrano VS VlPER- Jedi Knight
Ire'Rain Sekairo VS VlPER- Jedi Knight

Fight 7
Khallesh VS

  1. Ta'mur Rokar - Jedi knight - OPEN TO FIGHT

  2. Whisps- Jedi Padawan - OPEN TO FIGHT

  3. Haytham Kaze - OPEN TO FIGHT


Team H: Ahto North
Fight 8
Darth Helios VS
Skorn Draclau VS
Bellona Vel VS Odeyseis - Jedi Knight
Vrag VS Nefertari Sovint - Jedi Knight

Fight 9
Nulgath Zardai VS Korsan Rung - Jedi Padawan

Fight 10
Xhexania VS Seraphina Shel'tah

  1. Reid Anaxoid - Jedi Knight - OPEN TO FIGHT

  2. Ket Van-Derveld- Jedi Master - OPEN TO FIGHT

  3. Slate Estrada - NFU Soldier - OPEN TO FIGHT


  1. James Mathison - Neutral Apprentice
Also been on an unofficial LoA for the past day or two. Any updates since what's been outlined above? I was planning on fighting Shadow King but I'll leave that to Darth Vitium for now. Is there anyone or anywhere in specific that could use some help?

Cordelia deWinter

[member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]

Location West has the republic soilders pushing back to the actual blast door, they retreated.

However, there are some NPC's there RP'd by Patricia. [member="Ludolf Vaas"] has been dealing with them.

10: Skotcha Class Main Battle Tanks

2: Devastator class gunships
260: Republic Marines outfitted with Tenloss tech.
1: badly beaten Agent

If you can help out with NPC's and start moving forward to attack the first two turrets protecting the blast door, it would be great!

Once we can get through that first blast door, we have one more and two other gun turrets to deal with.
Ok. I'm at the pub HQ causing trouble. I'm not going at this head on, instead I have another idea. [member="Ludolf Vaas"], I just knocked out the ground forces comms and shut down the command center, this should give any men you may be leading an upper hand in the fight for a few minutes. Use it.

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