The problem, as I understand it, is that a number of individuals within the Republic want a victory at all costs. The Mandalorians just want a good fight. We're using this as a springboard for a Death Watch campaign for our faction and I have two characters that will be undergoing major plot changes shortly after this thread is over. Hell, losing this battle could end up being more fun and interesting than winning it. If Larraq gets taken out here, he gets to go all General Grievous and do the robot body thing with a false identity.
The Mandalorians are doing this because it's fun, drama and all, and because the story makes enough sense for us that we feel we should give it a shot and try to enjoy whatever happens.
Win, lose, draw. Mandalorians just want a fight. From Dromund Kaas to Wayland, all I ever want is a solid 50/50 chance to win and an opponent that takes hits, understands physical limitations, and separates IC from OOC.