Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Roche OOC [GR vs Mandos]

Hello everyone,

Taggin the invasion FA and some folk I think are involved (but not sure). But the post is meant for anyone.
[member="Anija Betna"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Samael Rekali"] [member="Kana Truden"]

Unfortunately we have had some hicup in the invasion that some might have noticed...

It is no secret we dont share much agreement on how to interpret the reasons for this invasion. But the invasion is happening anyway. And it is just as likely (and has already happened multiple times) that IC actions inside the invasion will be interpreted by the opposing side to sound way off from what the other side had meant for it to be. We wont agree on these interpretations, but the fights will happen anyway.

One can argue that IC actions has consequences, absolutely. But before painting interpretations on your own without giving it some time to listen in on what was intended we will end up in a very poor situation. This goes for both sides and neutral parties alike.
I am sure everyone are very cautious about this already but I thought it was worth to mention.

If this invasion is not going to end up as the worst example of invasions in history, everyone need to keep the invasion rules for this particular invasion and not rush of doing your own thing.

I would like to remind everyone on that this is a pure PvP match invasion. What happens story wise outside of determined wins/losses will have no impact on the outcome of this invasion. If you wan tto do other stuff we have agreed to allow third party debates, and humanitarian aid workers RPing in the thread which is great. Join in there if you feel you dont want to be stick to the set PvP/invasions rules set by the RPJ for this invasion.

Do not make the story of each writer central in this invasion because it will mess things up. And clearly thats where we are headed atm. If its hard to do that, take a break, go drink some tea and return tomorrow. Then stick to the rules.
Note, I dont say dont flesh tings out. I am saying stick to your writing partner and PvP them because we will never agree on the "larger scale" actions taking place right now.

This invasion was set up by a RPJ, because both sides did not agree on the story and we are not agreeing on how things are developing right now either. Again, sticking to the rules will fix this, argueing against it and we end up in a spiral of doom and confused peace pigeons.
We dont want that. It is simply wise to not make the big picture of the story cental to this invasion. Stick to politely beating each other up instead.

I've already dealt with it.

It don't matter, I don't care. I can go wreck other people, I can wreck her. Makes more sense to wreck her IC. But I won't be waiting through the whole invasion. Find me an opponent that makes sense, that is willing to take a loss or a win based on the duel, I'll fight them. Otherwise I will find them myself.
I don't understand why I was tagged in this, lol

But that said,
Mantic Dorn said:
What happens story wise outside of determined wins/losses will have no impact on the outcome of this invasion.

I'm not concerned with the outcome of the invasion. I'm concerned with the story arcs of those involved. If I wanted to go "ha, Republic beat Mandalorians 13-10" I would be playing a video game.
[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Captain Larraq"]

I respectfully disagree.

IC actions DO have IC consequences, and at least from what i have read, the majority are reacting appropriately in character. We cannot dictate what people will do individually in the invasion. We can only give guidelines. People are reacting to a perceived threat as they feel they should. So don't tell me that IC actions have no bearing on the invasion or it's outcome. Yes, we agreed that the invasion was to be primarily PVP based, but there also has to be some flexibility. People will react as they see fit, and we shouldn't bar them from that. IF certain people are unwilling to acknowledge their OWN IC actions and accept the IC consequences for those actions, we will have a serious issue. Please do not create one.

This goes for EVERYONE involved.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

I can only speak for myself. Story is the sole reason I'm here, and why I asked for a dance battle in lieu of PVP. It fits my character, and allows the Mandalorians to not punch out a nine year old child.

Given the events that have taken place on Nickel One, however one chooses to interpret them, continuing the dance battle no longer makes sense for my character. He went out and learned Force Heal specifically to use in this kind of situation.

If you feel I am no longer adding to the thread or violating the rules, then as I'm taking up one of the Republic ally slots I will bow out of this thread and allow for someone else to come in and take my spot for the Republic.
Zak Dymo said:
If you feel I am no longer adding to the thread or violating the rules, then as I'm taking up one of the Republic ally slots I will bow out of this thread and allow for someone else to come in and take my spot for the Republic.

Unfortunately, there are no swap outs.

I'd say do what your char would do. This is epic char dev.

Go forth and grow up young nautolan!
[member="Ali Hadrix"] You brought this on yourself by your own actions. YOU committed actions that affected a great many of Mandalorians - including a great many of our PCs. That means you must accept the IC consequences.
Ryan Korr said:
I don't understand why I was tagged in this, lol

But that said,

I'm not concerned with the outcome of the invasion. I'm concerned with the story arcs of those involved. If I wanted to go "ha, Republic beat Mandalorians 13-10" I would be playing a video game.
So much truth.
Zak Dymo said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

I can only speak for myself. Story is the sole reason I'm here, and why I asked for a dance battle in lieu of PVP. It fits my character, and allows the Mandalorians to not punch out a nine year old child.

Given the events that have taken place on Nickel One, however one chooses to interpret them, continuing the dance battle no longer makes sense for my character. He went out and learned Force Heal specifically to use in this kind of situation.

If you feel I am no longer adding to the thread or violating the rules, then as I'm taking up one of the Republic ally slots I will bow out of this thread and allow for someone else to come in and take my spot for the Republic.
I totaly agree. Stick around and tell a story. But my advice is that you focus on what goes around near your character and less so about the whole verpine joint feelings on wether the Mandos or Reps are good or evil. That is a path we are chasing in a few posts right now and its close into turning into a poorer story and invasion setting then necessary.

That said, I hope you can stick around and enjoy the invasion. :)
[member="Mantic Dorn"], [member="Ali Hadrix"],

Mantic Dorn said:
If this invasion is not going to end up as the worst example of invasions in history, everyone need to keep the invasion rules for this particular invasion and not rush of doing your own thing.

Outside of a few issues being taken with the IC actions and OOC methods of Ali, it's actually going very well. So, I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from with this. But.

Mantic Dorn said:
I would like to remind everyone on that this is a pure PvP match invasion. What happens story wise outside of determined wins/losses will have no impact on the outcome of this invasion. If you wan tto do other stuff we have agreed to allow third party debates, and humanitarian aid workers RPing in the thread which is great. Join in there if you feel you dont want to be stick to the set PvP/invasions rules set by the RPJ for this invasion.

Do not make the story of each writer central in this invasion because it will mess things up. And clearly thats where we are headed atm. If its hard to do that, take a break, go drink some tea and return tomorrow. Then stick to the rules.
Note, I dont say dont flesh tings out. I am saying stick to your writing partner and PvP them because we will never agree on the "larger scale" actions taking place right now.

This invasion was set up by a RPJ, because both sides did not agree on the story and we are not agreeing on how things are developing right now either. Again, sticking to the rules will fix this, argueing against it and we end up in a spiral of doom and confused peace pigeons.
We dont want that. It is simply wise to not make the big picture of the story cental to this invasion. Stick to politely beating each other up instead.
The conditions laid out by the RPJ stated "PVP Victories". Not "Matches" or "duels" The only limitations set on number of writers engaging other writers is "No ganging up on others. Try to keep the bets on equal levels and avoid outrageous numbers such as 1v6+ and so on." There are no restrictions on requiring writers to agree to pre-arranged duels. That was simply a voluntary action that a number of writers desired to participate in. If someone digs a hole, they cannot hide behind rules that do not exist to avoid dealing with the IC consequences of their actions.

Let me remind you, the Mandalorian Invasion of Empress Teta was agreed upon to be determined by number of PVP victories. This included ground forces, NPCs, dogfighting, individual duesl, and a number of nasty ganged-up-upon fighting. In the end, an RPJ ruled that the Mandalorians lost the invasion not because they failed to achieve more PVP victories than the Sith, but because the commander of the Mandalorians used the word "retreat" when ordering them to fall back.

So no matter what you may believe, should the story obviously point in a single direction, no number of private duels can change that. And since you seem unclear, let me remind you of the terms set about by the RPJ.

20’000 meters ship each.
2 alts per writer.
The invasion runs for 3 weeks
24 hour grace period unless otherwise agreed upon.
Victory is determined by whoever accumulates the most PvP wins.
5 Allies each
Always contact the one you write with in order to lower the amounts of reports and Faction Admin disputes. Thank you.

The Republic may spawn within the Asteroid Field bases from the start, but for the sake of storytelling it would be prefered that they at least write a post about arriving there first.
No ganging up on others. Try to keep the bets on equal levels and avoid outrageous numbers such as 1v6+ and so on.

Faction has the most PvP victories.

20’000 meters of ship duke it out across the asteroid field in the hopes of emerging victorious.
Individual dogfighting is allowed in squadrons of 5 + the writer in charge of said squadron.

No opposing ships left
Opponent withdraws from the battle
Faction has the most amount of meters left once the end date has passed.
I'm in this for the story. And I have to say that there are some very interesting developments. I hope that those continue.

But please be conscious of your IC actions and the effects they will have on others around you, for you very well could face IC consequences. That is NOT a threat. It is an expectation that each person will consider their actions carefully and act accordingly and appropriately. Please be respectful of your fellow writers and the fact that your own actions could bring IC consequences your way.
[member="Anija Betna"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Gir Quee"]

[member="Ali Hadrix"] executed an IC action that was meant to vent the Mandalorian hangars. She meant it to be a thing that would effect a group of mandalorian invaders in the hangars, a military hangar.

Then it turned out to be something else because folks started to write stuff.

It happened, but the effect was intepreted by others entirely. It seldom leads to good stuff. I can invent a few things myself that you would just laugh at but the GR side would claim is the "truth" - and so forth and so on.
To draw a parallele - If we were in a PvP match, yes I can write that I swing my saber at you. You decide wether I hit you or if you duck. But you cant write back that I miss you and by doing so hits an innocent child that happened to be standing nearby.

Thats not a productive way me thinks and we are seeing the consequences of that now.
I dont say ignore the Ic actions, but I ask to not over-interpret them into something that was totaly off what they were meant to be.
As the writer of Abigail, this is a great story that is shaping p. I am enjoying it almost as much as a novel from my favorite authors.

That said, Abigail is borderline switching from active defense to 'Get the Civilians out'. That would leave the Republic 2000 meters shorter. PVP is all well and good, but it would go against everything I am as a writer to force a character to ignore what they would do. The naval battle isn't in a closed zone, we know what's going on in the base.

If many more bodies fly out of airlocks, Abigail is going to turn into Honor Harrington when she fought the Masadan Blackbird Base. ;)

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