[member="Darth Veles"]
Okay fair enough. I already told [member="Toxarien"] to lock the place down.
[member="Darth Praelior"]
Perhaps the unseelie could be used to boost Albrecht's abilities of perception in order to help him more precisely locate the bomb and disable it? Of course, this will only give him a vague idea of the room that it's in. He'll need something extra to actually find the device itself in time.
Of course, if all else fails, he could simply take the unseelie out of the armored box he had put them into and put the bomb inside of it, so that when it goes off, it wouldn't harm anyone. Of course, doing so would be a last-resort, because it would render a multi-thousand credit repulsor sled unusable, not to mention that the box would be unable to contain the chemicals on their own, forcing Albrecht to hold it together with the Force to prevent it from escaping into the air, and last I checked, holding back an explosion isn't exactly an easy task.