Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi And Sith


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace walked out of his ship, The Daisya Infiltrator, he pulled his hood over his head, he was deep in republic space the last thing he wanted was to be noticed. He was only on this planet to trade holocrons he had found on an abandoned ship near Nar'Shadaa.

He made his way to what appeared to be a trading hub, walking up to the man he assumed was in charge Atrace would flash a holocron to the man, leading him to a secluded place to do their business.
Quinn was keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity as her master had instructed her when she went into town. She was head to a parts store to grab some parts for her ship when she came upon the two men looking suspicious she stopped.

[member="Darth Atrace"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would lead the man to a safe place to conduct business, showing the holocron before quickly shoving it back into his cloak "Listen we need to be quick! I don't want to be on this planet any longer than I have to."

The man would show some credits, Atrace would give them man a look of distaste before giving the man a stern shove "You think I'm Stupid? This is worth much more than that!" He would stomp back towards his ship no longer willing to make a deal with anyone.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"It doesn't matter. Just bad business" Atrace felt something strange coming from the girl before him "Why do you care?" He would slowly raise his hand to the hilt of his saber



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would ignite his saber, the Crimson blade revealing where his true loyalty lies "Listen I just want to get out of here, please don't get in my way" He would stare at the woman holding his saber waiting for her too either make a move or let him go



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would get into a defensive stance looking at the woman, it reminded him of the first battle he had with his apprentice. she was long gone now "I'm telling you this doesn't have to end violently!" He said looking directly into the Jedis eyes "don't do this" He would wait for the first strike.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"I won't let you take me down so easily, jedi!" Atrace slashed with his saber towards the padawan "I warned you!" He would have a stern look on his face as the sabers clashed "You remind me of my brother, he too uses a saberstaff." He smirked.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"So much confidence! Keep on this path and I will soon be calling you apprentice!" He laughed as he pushed hard against her saberstaff allowing him to get her off balance which in turn allowed him to get behind her with a simple spinning motion. He would then get into a defensive stance once more.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"Don't be so sure, I was once like you." Atrace would remember his childhood with Urak, he had been thinking of one particular memory. Urak was chasing Atrace throughout a field of wheat on the planet of Nabuu. "But things change!" He yelled as he would use the force to send a Shockwave towards the padawan.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace let his sabers beam of pure energy dissipate, he walked tonwards the padawan "You should have let me leave, now I'm taking you with me" He smirked "You should join me on my journey" He would wait for her to wake up.

While Quinn was passed out on the floor she had dreams of what her life was a long time ago she saw herself alone on Panatha being teased she saw her early days with master Windu she saw the day he died and finally she saw herself being frozen. Then after that she woke up in a cold sweat.

[member="Darth Atrace"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would look at the padawan, "What's wrong, jedi?" He would ask as he removed his hood revealing Pure yellow eyes and a scarred face "I'm Atrace, I don't think I caught your name when you were trying to kill me" He laughed.


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