Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi And Sith


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
The sith knight motioned for Quinn to take a seat, "There are multiple opportunities to learn many different things from Knights and lords of the sith, my apprentice." He smiled at her "There is currently a group training taking place in the valley of the dark lords, here on korriban. If you are to truly understand my training and I am to truly understand you, I think you should take part in this training as my apprentice" He would walk over to Quinn placing his hand on her shoulder gently "If you take part in this I can get a better idea on what to train you in....get a better idea of what you want to learn" He would then begin to meditate as some form of rest on board his ship.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
After a few hours of straight meditation Atrace would stand, "It is time I arm you with the weapons of the sith my apprentice" He looked at Quinn examining her gear "You still look like a jedi but I know where your allegiance lies, you must look the part of a sith." He turned walking over to the command console of the Daisya "I'm taking you to my flagship, there you will have a selection of gear to choose from, you are welcome to pick out anything that you see fit.

He sat down at the command console typing in coordinates into the navicomputer, he would then access the ships Holocommunicator trying to reach the captain of his flagship "Captain prepare for my arrival." The captain would respond with a simple "Yes sir!" after he was done with the transmission the Daisya would begin it's journey towards Atrace' Star destroyer.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
The Daisya approached the star destroyer as a transmission appeared on the ships Holocommunicator, revealing the captain of the The One Sith ship that they were approaching. "My lord all preparations have been made, you are clear for landing." Atrace would simply nod as the transmission ceased.

The Daisya would land with a small thud as imperial soldiers rushed to formation. Atrace would stand turning towards his apprentice "What's troubling you?" He said withe a concerned look on his face. It wouldn't be long until the Daisya's exit hatch would open revealing a small legion of men all awaiting The sith knight and the new acolyte to make an appearanc


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"so they hold alot of value to you?.....Alright fine, you can keep your clothes" He would look at her lightsaber "we do need to do something about that however" He would lead her into the hangar of the star destroyer where he would turn to face his apprentice

"so what do you think?"


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