Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi And Sith


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
He would look over at Quinn "What's wrong, is something bothering you?" He couldn't help but notice the conflicting emotions he could sense coming from his apprentice. "Don't try to conceal your emotions, that is what the Jedi do. It is what makes them weak compared to us. Use your emotions to your advantage my apprentice."



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"That's in the past now Quinn, You have a new life now new people who actually care for you, The life you had is's time you focus on what's coming in the future then to dwell on the past you have quite a bright future ahead of you Quinn I just know it"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"because I care about you Quinn. Can't you see that? I saw all the potential you had and I immediately knew you were the apprentice I needed you are the person I want to carry in my legacy, Quinn"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"no that's not what I meant! I just want what's best for you it's not about me I promise! just please listen to me..." He looked over at Quinn frowning "I'm sorry Quinn I shouldn't have been selfish"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace jumps up running after her, Once he caught up he would wrap his arms around her hugging her "I'm sorry, but you don't need to go Quinn just give it a shot please!"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"don't say that Quinn, where else would you go? you belong here Quinn, You and I could do so much together!"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace continued to hug her while receiving the kiss "so will you stay?" He smiled at her before giving her a kiss of his own "I really hope you decide to stay."



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"as long as your here I don't see why not." He smiled looking into her eyes "I think that's enough training for today Quinn, let's get some rest" He would take her hand as he walked towards the ship.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
they walked back towards the ship, as he held her hand "Im glad yout decided to stay quinn" He would put his arm around her as they entered the ship.


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