Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi And Sith


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"Come with me, I could train you all I know, You don't have to be confined to the Jedi code any longer" He put his hand out "Join me!"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"Freedom, dignity, and most of all power!" He placed his hand out hoping she would grab it "leave the Jedi behind, Embrace the darkness and no one can stand in your way" He began to form a concerned face "You will learn to embrace your emotions to draw power from....grief"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"people believe the sith are you believe I am evil?" He continued to hold his hand out "You don't have to change who you are to be a sith"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"Think of the pain the Jedi have caused you! They simply view you as a pawn. become a sith become powerful! you don't need to feel pain again." this time he placed his hand on top of hers "Come on." He smiled



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
he heard the sound of running coming from behind them "I don't have time for this!" He would send a pulse of electricity through the padawan knocking her unconscious.

He would then carry her to The Daisya Infiltrator, once inside he set her down in a chair before piloting the ship.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"you're aboard my apprentice" He activated the ships autopilot before walking over to her "you weren't cooperating so I had to take you by force."



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"You will fall to the darkside, do you really think the Jedi care about you? Your master left you alone on that horrid planet, do you think they are going to save you?"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"we shall accomplish great things together my apprentice" He looked towards his new apprentice "we will begin your training on korriban, the same place where I learned the ways of the sith."



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"I like your determination" He sat back down in at the command console piloting the ship to korriban "You will first learn the sith code to truly understand the force you must understand this code my apprentice."

The Daisya entered the atmosphere of korriban at a decent speed. The frame shook violently as the Daisya got closer and closer to the ground. The shaking would soon stop as Atrace pulled the ship towards the valley of the dark lords where their first lesson would begin.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would rise from his chair, he walked over to his newfound apprentice extending his hand to her "shall we start?" He smiled. he would open the exit hatch of the Daisya revealing the desolate wasteland known as korriban.

Atrace felt a strong connection to the force whenever he was on the homeworld of the sith, it felt like home to him, "lots of memories on this rock...lots of memories indeed." He would step out of the ship walking towards a statue of a deceased sith lord Naga Sadow.

"What better place to learn the code!" He said with excitement as he motioned his apprentice to come to his position. "Now we begin!"


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