Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi And Sith


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace would examine his apprentice. He would slowly walk around her, he wondered if the former jedi had what it took to be a sith or if this training would destroy her fragile mind, he would place his hand on her shoulder, "before we start, what is haunting you? why were you crying earlier? what ultimately led you to the darkside my apprentice?"

"My former master Mace windu his death had lead me spiraling down a dark road and I was frozen in Carbonite. I guess they thought I was dead." She says as she begins to tear up again.

[member="Darth Atrace"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"I see....I'm sorry" He would hug her before turning towards the statue again "The Sith code is probably the most important thing you will ever learn from me" He looked over to [member="Quinncolson"] "Peace is a lie, there is only passion, what do you think that means young one?"


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"Very good my apprentice, Peace is an impossible goal the Jedi promise, but tell me has any jedi ever truly attained peace?" He would pace around his apprentice once more "Through passion I gain strength....explain"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"You are getting the just of the concept my apprentice." He would sit down at the base of the statue "Through power I gain victory, explain" He would look at the woman awaiting her response"



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"through victory my chains are broken" He chuckled looking down at the ground "I think that line is self explanatory" He would stand up walking over to his apprentice



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace was surprised at the sudden display of affection "what's with that" He laughed returning the hug


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"well that is your newfound code my apprentice I will ask that you study it, find its true meaning." He would give her a look of encouragement.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
He looks into her eyes surprised, "what exactly was that all about?" He asked hoping for some sort of explanation.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
"well ok then" He smiled at her before pulling away "well now that we have that little surprise out of the way we can continue" He sat down, motioning for her to sit down and begin meditation.



Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace' mind was wandering in different places after the events that had just transpired yet he was still trying to maintain a certain level of meditation at all times. however he could tell Quinn was having trouble.

"Just try to clear your mind Quinn, don't think about anything else just think about the code and it's meaning." He would then resume his meditation


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