Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judas Zambrano

Jack Rand said:
Kaine needs to make a calender and each picture is wife of the month. Then they die at the end of various circumstances.

He's like Henry the 8th
Except ol' Henry only had five kids (right?)

Lara Zambrano

The Lost Princess.
Invicta Zambrano said:
Or let them get murdered :p
This got awkward. This issue will need to be solved on The Jabba Kyle show. The caption will be "Husband left me to die.. I also need proof he hasn't made his ex wife pregnant.. if so..we're through!"

Invicta Zambrano

[member="Lara Zambrano"]

*laughs* Ohhh no. We're not through.

I'll be back.

And I'll make his life...miserable ;)

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