Well-Known Member
Livna Zios said:Agreed and to that point, a Master/Apprentice storyline is ultimately about two characters and their relationship in whatever form that takes (ex. Abusive hedonistic Master meets Young exploitable student). If two writers don't work out or agree on what the relationship will be, there could be trouble down the road.
This is just food for thought, but IMO layering the "one size fits all" promotions system over extremely different types of relationships that Masters and Apprentices have doesn't really do the story arc justice. Because our characters are anything but "one size fits all."
Fixed that for you.
I always liked flexible criteria for Promotions. Especially when certain aspects such as Dominions and Invasions are not and may not be available as an option for an extended period of time. It seems people like to use a thread number threshold which has always irked me.