Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Livna Zios said:
Agreed and to that point, a Master/Apprentice storyline is ultimately about two characters and their relationship in whatever form that takes (ex. Abusive hedonistic Master meets Young exploitable student). If two writers don't work out or agree on what the relationship will be, there could be trouble down the road.

This is just food for thought, but IMO layering the "one size fits all" promotions system over extremely different types of relationships that Masters and Apprentices have doesn't really do the story arc justice. Because our characters are anything but "one size fits all."


Fixed that for you.

I always liked flexible criteria for Promotions. Especially when certain aspects such as Dominions and Invasions are not and may not be available as an option for an extended period of time. It seems people like to use a thread number threshold which has always irked me.
Livna Zios said:
Thanks @Braith and yes I'm aware of the rules.

However, we should be able to debate this as we please in the forum for discussions called Role Play Discussions. :)
I'm not saying you can't debate it. I'm saying that your reasons for the three-tier system of promotions being bad is faulted by the reasons you state.
Braith Achlys said:
There is no requirement for any kind of master/apprentice relationship, no requirement for training threads, no requirement for half of the things that are being listed as "issues". The only thing that you, as a character, need for promotion purposes is activity, writer maturity, and, depending on who would represent you as your OOC master for promotion purposes, maybe character development.
If you read my responses I only said I thought alternative tracks should be explored, I never said the system was "bad" or "flawed."

Only that it didn't always do a story arc justice and that's only in my opinion.

[member="Braith Achlys"]
[member="Livna Zios"]
A misunderstanding, then. I was under the impression you were unhappy with having to do a master/apprentice story with someone who wasn't willing to let you do other storylines and saw that as a crutch for promotions.
Not really. I was more commenting upon Vengeance's remark of the Master's request to have him be the slave.

But I can see how it may have been misinterpreted. :)

Because in that circumstance, I was promoted by another Master eventually.

[member="Braith Achlys"]
(ex. Abusive hedonistic Master meets Young exploitable student).



PS: That's our little secret. ;)

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