At this point Haven's men would have done something that never seemed to be a good idea, splitting forces apart; even more so when the infantry was pulled from their armored cover. Though it would be difficult to get through along the upper pass. The amount of rubble was more than enough to cause a delay of a few hours, even with tanks attempting to blast through it. The men that rushed towards the fortress though were along the lower path, somehow managing to make it through. Through with those that stepped on the mines it caused another smaller landslide. After the first mine went off a series of rocks and boulders came crashing down onto the lower path. This would cut off at least half of the surviving forces from each other with the other half forced to hug the walls of the lower compound.
The problem now though was that they had just wasted their frag grenades and cryoban grenades by throwing them into an already evacuated and cleared area. No one was in the lower side of the temple. Any doors leading into the under section of the temple fortress were also closed off by blast doors. Even the entrance itself was a locked down blast door which could take quiet a bit of time to cut through without the proper tools or equipment to do so. Thus the surviving men were trapped and separated from one another by an unplanned landslide and a mine field. For now they could be left alone, as the larger problem was the tanks firing on the shuttle.
Tasgetius motioned for his men as they pulled out their defenses. The temple fortress itself had no turrets to speak off, the tank seemingly taking off the top of the burial memorial which held the names of the fallen Knights. That act alone would cause the other Knights to become filled with a burning desire to react. Which they would. The quiet thumping sounds were quickly turned into loud whistling as the rounds for a series of mortars came tearing out of the sky and slamming into the ground around the tanks. With their positions zeroed in on, there was only one way for them to go, back.
@[member="HK-36"] @Haven
The problem now though was that they had just wasted their frag grenades and cryoban grenades by throwing them into an already evacuated and cleared area. No one was in the lower side of the temple. Any doors leading into the under section of the temple fortress were also closed off by blast doors. Even the entrance itself was a locked down blast door which could take quiet a bit of time to cut through without the proper tools or equipment to do so. Thus the surviving men were trapped and separated from one another by an unplanned landslide and a mine field. For now they could be left alone, as the larger problem was the tanks firing on the shuttle.
Tasgetius motioned for his men as they pulled out their defenses. The temple fortress itself had no turrets to speak off, the tank seemingly taking off the top of the burial memorial which held the names of the fallen Knights. That act alone would cause the other Knights to become filled with a burning desire to react. Which they would. The quiet thumping sounds were quickly turned into loud whistling as the rounds for a series of mortars came tearing out of the sky and slamming into the ground around the tanks. With their positions zeroed in on, there was only one way for them to go, back.
@[member="HK-36"] @Haven