Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knocking on Forbidden Doors

"I can try to guide you, but my method might not work for you, Iturizu."

At the moment she was sitting on the floor with a small pillow under body. Nothing else was around her and since she normally travelled alone, there wasn't another one for him to use. Lifting up her rear end and taking it out, she offered it to him. If he didn't want it, then she would just set it back down. Might as well make things equal for them.

"Close your eyes and what I did when I first starting to meditate was listen to my heartbeat. It might work for you too. However, you are already in touch with the Force so might not need this tutorial."

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
"May not work? Is that due to my past dealing? or is your method more specific to your people and race"?, regardless it was worth a try, his hand reaching down to take the pillow offered by Seo, slowly Iturizu taking a position like the one she was in, ears open to the coming instructions.

"Though I am already one with the force it does not hurt to follow through the basic, who knows it could be vital information to pass onto any students I may have in the future". Keeping with the instructions he started to concentrate on the thumping in his chest, breathing slowly, calming himself as much as possible, concentrating on the light side of the force.

[member="Seo Linn"]
"You already have training to use the Force and most people use meditation to get in touch with that first."

The way Seo used the meditation was to listen to the Force. To hear and feel where it called her to go. Following the flow and will of it was what the Knight did.

"My way has nothing to do with my people, my race is human. This is what I was taught when I first learned about the Force. That is why I don't know if it will work for you. As you listen to your heart beat, you should be able to sense and feel the Force since you are already trained. When I reach this point, I submerge myself in the flow of the Force and listen to it."

If he paid attention to her words, he should be able to figure out this was how she knew where to be to pick him up.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
"Ture, but meditations can be used to deepen your connection and many other things", he had not explored all the avenues for it but knew of many, once away from the FO he could probably find a good teacher to fully instruct him on such matters. Keeping his eyes closed and ears opened Iturizu continued to listen to Seo and her personal instructions giving a short nod to her words, "I see, listen to the force, interesting", he'd certainly no heard about this before, not even from the Jedi he had met.

"The force, it speaks to you, you let it guide your actions right"? It reminded him of some stories about people letting the force control their motions in battle or when doing other task, allowing the force to quite literally assist them in life. Where those more true then he had thought? "is this how you found me? why you wander, just letting the voice tell you what to do"? If so this women was a very devote subject to the force, one that had a real connection to the ethereal power.

[member="Seo Linn"]
"What you say is very true. Meditation does allow you to deeping your communication and connections to many other things. Telepathy is just one of the many things that can be accomplished, some can even do that without any form of meditation needed. There are also certain Force skills that employ meditation to accomplish them."

She knew one such skill and had used it once when she wasn't in any condition to fight. Somebody else had been the one fighting for her and she used the Force to enhance him and allow him to defeat their enemy and escape.

Giving more of a mental nod than anything physical, he might sense that Seo approved of his words and lines of thought. Iturizu then asked if she allowed the Force to guide her actions and he hit a small block at that.

"I haven't had much need to rely on the Force for that just yet. Though I am sure it will happen."

When he asked if her method is how she knew how to find him, she nodded.

"Not a voice so much as feeling and yes, the Force is what guided me to you and why I wander so much."

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
"Yes I have heard of one major skill called battle meditation, from the name alone one can gather it revolves around, well meditation, allowing one to tap into the minds of their fellow soldiers and boost their moral". There was more to it then that but he guessed Seo already knew that. It would seem that she was already in agreement, through the meditative state sensing a sort of affirmative notion form the women, strange and new was the only way he could properly describe such a reply, something to get used to.

He continued to listen to her words about the force, keeping focus on meditation, slowly tapping into his surroundings and the power surrounding the ship,. This was probably the first time he had ever gotten so close to the force, as a Sith he was always taught to control and bend it to his will, use it personally, not this. No wonder the Sith could never maintain power and control with their shorthanded views, sitting here the past life of an inquisitor never felt so wrong.

"Though you have not needed to fully rely and follow the force, it is possible right? to have an extremely close connection.... I wonder if I could become like that"

[member="Seo Linn"]
"That is one skill, but not one I know personally. Valor is similar and enhances your allies only, that one I do know. Battle Meditation also demoralizes your enemies and I'm not that good yet."

She felt fine admitting to Iturizu this weakness. If there was a way to exploit it, she didn't know of it. Her own mental defenses were quite strong but she was far from a mentalist. Her own training was a mix of many things and Seo did not focus on any one skill that she was extraordinarily strong with. So far this had served her well.

Shaking her head at his question, she was quiet a moment before answering.

"It is quite possible and it takes practice. Just because it isn't something I have needed to do, that doesn't mean it can't be done."

Giving him a bit of a smile, she went back to sitting quietly and just feeling. There was the Force connection between the two of them and it spread out from there.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
"Interesting, so their are stages to the power", he'd liken it to force fear, which could then be amped up to force horror, the former being a sort of stepping stone for the latter. Seo made it sound as if Battle Meditation was a more advanced version of Valor. Two force powers he'd have to get around to learning in time.

Keeping a clam and meditative he continued to listen to Seo's words, giving a small head shake, "oh no I didn't mean it like that, but I thank you for the advice anyways". With their talking done for the moment Yuive sunk further into the feeling of the force, time seeming to no longer exist within this new space. The experience, neither light nor dark, just the force.. perhaps the Jedi were right about that part, their is nothing but the force.

[member="Seo Linn"]
"That is sort of correct. They aren't stages so much as different skills. Somebody might be able to do one skill, but not the other. I am such of an example. While I can provide Valor, I am not able to perform Battle Meditation with any real degree of success. Not for lack of trying either."

If she was exposed to more grand scale fighting, then maybe it was something she would be able to accomplish. Right now though, Seo did know Valor and that was enough. Since she was almost always on the move and not staying in one place long, her chances of running into a situation where Battle Meditation was needed was slim.

How much time passed, she did not know. The Force did not speak to Seo today and she opened her eyes as she came out of the meditation.

"What skills have you focused on learning?"

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
"So there is a decent amount of difference, hmm, still I would like to gain such skills, regardless if they require me starting over again, knowing such abilities would be very useful". Not just for military use, the ability to strength another persons mind and make them more invigorate had lots of other potential.

Not that he'd not lend aid to the military if needed, against the Sith and Ren moral was quite important, each orders tactics and brutal way of carrying out things being quite shocking. Any boost to a light side backed army would be something he'd be willing to supply, given the right circumstances.

He continued to meditate, lost in the trace, only being brought back into the relm of living again as Seo asked about his skill set. "Combat, lighting and other kinetic abilities, but my main focus as an inquisitor was with mind powers". "Things like probing, tricking, extracting information and other force teachings one could employ during torture, not the most ethical of things".

[member="Seo Linn"]
She had not intended to disturb his meditation, but that is what happened. Ituriza answered though and did not seem to mind.

They appeared to have almost the same training with the exception of lightning. Seo had focused more on general skills, he had gone into those of the mind. His desire to learn these wasn't a surprise then.

"There are some Jedi that know those skills."

This revelation might shock him, but it was true. She wasn't one of them, but she did know of this group of people.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
He broke meditation for a brief second, looking to Seo with a slightly confused expression, "Jedi that know dark side mind powers? I would not think the Jedi would delve into such areas, draining a person memories and altering the way they think is no safe task". All of said powers caused the victim some pain, during his training such 'pain' was apart of the interrogation.

It was a win win, get the information by force, or have them break without doing any physical damage to them that could cause problems. "The only one I'd recommend that a Jedi learn is memory walk since it does not directly cause pain to the user, even if the power is of the dark side".

Perhaps though it was those grey Jedi or shadows he heard of, one that delved a little into the dark side but did not submit to it.

[member="Seo Linn"]
Growing up, Seo had been exposed to different ideals and codes. Things had been hard on her, but in the end, she had turned out to be a good person. Following that path, she devoted her life to being a Jedi. Not an exceptional knight by any means, she wasn't unknown to the Order. She wasn't going to anything special to them and just a number in their ranks.

Her hope and goal in life was promote a better life for people and followed the call of the Force to accomplish that. It had brought the two of them together and provided the means for Iturizu to get to a better life.

"Since I am not involved with them personally, I don't have the training or know what skills they study. I have only heard of what they do. Do you think you can teach me that skill? One never knows when something might be needed."

Other than guiding him through meditation, Seo didn't know if she had any skills he might want to learn. Not having been a person to focus on anything specific, her skills was broad and varied.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
Yuive peaked his head up and looked towards Seo with a pondering look on his face, finally giving the women a short nod. "I can transfer the knowledge of both skills to you via memory walk, it was actually how I learnt the skill myself, the teacher giving my the knowledge on how to use then skill, then performing it on them to gain memory drain". "It is an ideal way to learn as one is exposed to how it feels and is able to use said powers to then understand more about it".

Not that it wasn't risky, the master that instructed him being a witch with perfect memory, able to somehow back up their mind in the event something went wrong during the transfer of knowledge. It meant extra care would have to be taken, "if you are ready now we can begin, the process is rather quick, should be done in but a minute or so... I could also teach you some other powers in the process if you wish".

[member="Seo Linn"]
The idea was certainly interesting to Seo. She listened to what Iturizu said and nodded.

"That manner sounds most intriguing and I am quite interested in learning how to perform it. What other skills can be taught or learned this way?"

They were still sitting and she assumed this would probably be the best position to accomplish this passing on of knowledge.

It didn't really matter to her how long it would take to teach or learn what he offered. They still had another couple of days before they arrived at their destination.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
He had to think again, besides that one time he had not used memory walk or drain to learn new powers, it was ideal to get information quickly but it did not make someone a master of said skill. You still need to get practice before fully understanding it. Still mental force powers seemed to be the easiest to transfer over, "anything really, but mental powers that do not fully rely on a persons strength in the force are best learnt this way". He turned around to fully face seo, looking the women in the eyes, "also I can only transfer skills I know, so the number of powers I can give you is not a large list unfortunately". ​That as some skills that required the use of the dark side, something he did not think the Jedi was fully capable of

[member="Seo Linn"].
It took a few moments to think on the skills she already knew. Nodding at what he said, she gave it another few minutes to think on what he might know.

"I already know telepathy and psychometry. Not much else in terms of mental powers."

Looking away a moment, she had pushed the boundary of light and dark before and used some dark powers. Not admitting this to him, he might pick up on that from her aura. Seo might be a Jedi, but she was no angel.

"Let's work on getting these first skills done and we can go from there."

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
He should have guessed as much, said powers were often taught first among all the other basic force techniques, "I guess we shall begin, sit facing me, keep yourself calm and mind clear, this will take a minute or two". Waiting for Seo to get comfortable Yuive placed his hands onto her forehead and temple. Keeping a careful concentration the Mirialan slowly delved into Seo's mind and her memories, though refrained form looking into them, picking out a section that had her simply waiting around and doing nothing. During that instance he changed her memory, altering it so during said waiting period the women learnt the technique he was using upon her, making the past thought seem clear and simple for the women, it would seem as if she had only just learn it, but at the same time had a long time understanding of how the power worked and how to perform it. "There, that should have worked, you feel okay"? he replied, pulling his hands away from her head.

[member="Seo Linn"]
It did not take Seo long to get comfortable again. She allowed Iturizu to place his hands on her head. Her mental fortitude did nothing to stop the former inquisitor from getting into her mind. If he had sifted through her memories, she wouldn't have known. Not feeling any pain or intrusion, this surprised Seo just a little and when he backed away, she opened her eyes.

He asked if she felt fine and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, nothing wrong up in the noggin."

Smiling slightly, she was getting to know him and trust him a bit more. Allowing herself to show some emotion and indicate that she was indeed human and had them. So far, Seo had been more or less pretty stoic and kept her emotions hidden. Not that she opened herself entirely, but he had just been rummaging around in her head, so that was something.

Not feeling he had done anything bad in there, she stretched her legs and arms out.

"Thank you."

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
That had been, well a little more nerve racking then he would have liked. In the past the chance of damaging someone mind and causing problems for them probably would have never really bothered him. Now though he took much care when using the force on someone due to the small amount of fear that something would go wrong. So far nothing had, but it was always good to keep a careful hand when going about the use of such power, powers that would be dedicated t helping people from now on.

His little internal though was brought to a slight halt as he watched Seo smile of all things, the Miralan cocking an eyebrow in interest, "hmm did not think your people showed emotion, perhaps you should do it a little more". He replied with a small chuckle, standing up front he ground, giving his arms a nice stretch. Meditation was all nice and good but prolonged sitting down could became a tad uncomfortable for someone not used to it, a small ache running along his lets as they were put back into work. "How long until we get out of hyperspace? I kind of forgot were we where headed".

[member="Seo Linn"]

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