Hi. My name is Jay and I contribute to Chaos negative media image.
I joined this website to write Jedi fan service after having a bad experience on no less then three other websites run by totalitarian flower-power dictators. I joined as damaged goods, a bad rep, no friends, and zero talent. I was scared by my past. I was motivated by the future.
In my time on Chaos I have actively sought to change this website for the better while simultaneously disregarding some of my own personal responsibilities. I have been a public preacher and a private hypocrite. I have been a bad friend. Some of my contributions to this website have been exceptional, gold, and adamantium. However, my reputation for being a preachy selfish donkey-butt has often overshadowed all my gold stars.
I accept that. And I have repeatedly committed to do better personally. However, I understand and respect anybody who blocks me, avoids me, or declines to RP with me. You have that freedom on this site and I believe that exercising that freedom to avoid me is both good, healthy, optimistic, and inspired wisdom by the Staff. Yes. Even in PvP. Even in an Invasion. Even for all of us.
I believe silence is both a weakness and strength. That challenging the wisdom of fools is noble. That educating the teachable and offering nothing to the troll is divine. And I believe that Chaos and it's writers will keep on getting better, everyday, until that final day when Tef shuts the lights off for good and proclaims "Amen!" in thanks to the Gods above. Because he's finally had enough of your shit. Well. And probably enough of mine too.
And finally. I do not have baggage. I only have myself to blame.