Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's shed some of this baggage.


You can, but that doesn't make it practical or a reasonable way to deal with the issue.

If anything, half of the board just blocking the other half is just gonna intensify the segregation and clique mentality already damaging the site.
I don't have any issue with this "clique mentality". Cliques are fine. You can have people you prefer to hang out with, it's normal. Wanting to force everyone to get along is what can damage the site.

I don't want to force everyone to get along. This is a big community. It'll never happen. You might as well sue for world peace.
You're right, it'll never happen.

But at the very least, we should be able to have those people who don't get along to avoid trying to sh*t on each other and ruining the fun for those who do get along.

And yes, cliques are fine but they have pros & cons. Such as when they become echo chambers and home to bad practice that's when it becomes an issue.
Even if you think people are just being whiny little ******* and should grow thicker skin or stop playing a game where losing is such a problem for them.
- [member="Captain Larraq"], 2019, Colorized.

Whiny, hypocritical, little asterisks to be precise but that's about it.

It's a game. Quit overthinking it and play.

Not everyone is going to like each other. And if you play the game stupid, you'll lose. But at the end of the day, it's a game. This, to me, is no different than popping a disc into my Xbox. You win some, you lose some.

But this philosophical kumbaya kick the site's on lately is ridiculous in my opinion. Play dumb and you lose the game. Play smart and you win. Get tilted? Take a break. Don't waste time getting salty or preachy - learn and do better.

It's not that serious.

It is really not that serious.
An apt response and good summarization, I believe you’re very correct on most of your points. This is a game. It shouldn’t be taken that seriously.

Perhaps, though, your personal situation of being a Faction Leader in this community warrants a little regard and respect towards others rather than a quick “gg noob”.
[member="Darth Metus"] I'm just gonna quote myself here.

I’ll say I’m middle ground here. Yes, being major opens you up to the map game, but it should mean that you have to be super competitive in how you handle the timing of counter invasion for alliance. Like, Faction A, B, and C are allies, and Faction D attacks Faction A. Is it better for B and C to plan invasions at the same time as A and D’s, bringing the total to three at once, or work out the timings OOC that are best for everyone involved? Just saying, the site is first and foremost an RP site, and the best invasions I’ve been in were because of have excellent OOC communication with my opponents. That’s the crux of the issue. Not “map game bad” but “communication isn’t happening.” Without communication it just turns into a salt feast, which most folks don’t want.
[member="Tefka"] I made that assumption from what i have observed and heard. Is it absurd, could be in some eyes. But that is how I saw it and those that have dealt with that and witnessed such through out the discords and on this site. But hey, its ok. Just dismiss because i am a lurking drama queen.

I don't want to be a lurker. I love roleplaying star wars. Close to 20 years of doing it. The Site you created Tef, in my mind, is probably still one of the best ones out there. Even with its faults. The "Me" Problem is I let the negativity and the toxicity get to me and that kills the muse each time. I will have to find a way to remedy it. I am taking notes of all that is being said in hopes that i will put such into practice for myself. The constructive words being shared are not going on def ears here for me. But, what people are trying to tell you is that its not just a individual issue. Its a community issue and your staff and those that are in leadership positions and even veterans have to get Proactive in quelling the Toxicity. As much as it can be done. ( And those that are responsible for toxicity need to find ways of stopping it themselves). The dismissive hands off approach is not working, not anymore.

Now its alarming that you guys look at this as a regular video game. See, in MMORPGs, especially in PvP servers number one tactic for guilds is to Grief the crap out of an enemy faction till they are wiped off the server. There is no consideration for longevity of said server, nor is their respect and consideration for the other players. Just go at it till one side caves. Sounds familiar right? I on the other hand look at this site as Play by post role playing. Something that is far greater than these video games because your imagination has no limitations. Threads, Story Arcs, plots are all stories that are written with other "writers", who co author through co-operation.

Maybe the attitude is that if you Want to play a "Game" then go plug that disc in and have at her. You want to rp write, play here.

PS I also apologize for my grammar, have not had my first coffee yet.
Maybe all the Factions come together as a committee/council type with no one really in charge. It has it's pros and cons. You'll be able to communicate properly and with oversight from Staff. Something on Discord like Faction Hub or something. Major/Minor Faction Admins/Leaders will be directed to communicate all requests, Invasion stuff, etc that is pertinent to another Faction there.

Doesn't have to be this specific - could also just be something broad.

Of course this is only a suggestion to the communication issue. You could also - as Staff - direct specific individuals who hold the RPJ title and above to monitor faction cohesion, communication, etc.
Khonsu Amon said:
[member="Mira Rekali"] - That's already been taken care of in the SWRP discord. They've got a Major Faction Owner chat, and green names to make sure they stand out.
Then the track is going in the right direction, just people have to run it. Getting them to do so is another thing entirely. You can't force it obviously, you just have to find a way. It was mentioned prior that someone has to budge - the same is in this instance. Someone has to just make the change and try to set an example for everyone to follow.
Aye - which is why I ascribe to something that Tef mentioned ages ago. "Be the change you want to see."

You can't force people to follow your example, but when they see the results? They'll change.

Or they'll be left behind by those willing to try something new, lol
Khonsu Amon said:
Aye - which is why I ascribe to something that Tef mentioned ages ago. "Be the change you want to see."

You can't force people to follow your example, but when they see the results? They'll change.

Or they'll be left behind by those willing to try something new, lol
Sometimes all it takes is a push and a hard realization that you're not going where you need to be going. That is really all I can think of as someone who has fought with inactivity due to IRL, and again, as I mentioned I'm not privy to all this but it is the same thing time and time again. Chaos is one of the better places to write, atleast you have threads like this and the ability to air out your concerns and questions.

Be grateful and humble and go forth. Could always be worse.

Tefka said:
An apt response and good summarization, I believe you’re very correct on most of your points. This is a game. It shouldn’t be taken that seriously.
It may be presumptuous of me but I believe the reason that many people have opted to stay out of this thread is due to the above line of thinking. That this isn't a community problem, but the problem of the few.

When members start leaving the site however, that changes things, in my perspective. Members will always come and go, but I do care about the image and reputation of Chaos. We all love this site, we all want it to succeed or we wouldn't be here investing so much time and energy into it.

Tefka said:
The problem is how we choose to react to these things.

This right here is, I believe, half of the problem that's been occurring lately. It's also the solution for most of the issues that have come about. How we choose to react to things, can make or break our time and enjoyment in this community. There are times where I get frustrated with other writers as well, we're all human here, let's face it - people can be asshats. How we respond to these things however, and whether or not we let it affect us and bring down not only ourselves but those around us, is something that's within our control and what should be on the mind of every player hoping to enjoy themselves.

I do my best not to overreact, I don't always succeed but in my interactions with others around Chaos, I'm always trying to be civil, respectful and see things from both sides. There's always going to be two sides to the story (Our individual perspective, and that of others). It doesn't take much to say "Okay, they disagree with me, but that's cool. We think differently. Move on", as opposed to hating on each other for it.

People's emotions run high at times, and sometimes I wonder if things like Invasions are taken as personal attacks rather than a part of the map-game. This mentality is not what you want if you're in a major faction, sooner or later everyone gets invaded (Whether it's once, twice or dog-piled on. It's happened to the SJO too).

When things don't go our way, sometimes it's best to look inward, as opposed to spending so much energy blaming others and consider how our reactions are going to either better or worsen the situation.
Khonsu Amon said:
[member="Mira Rekali"] - That's already been taken care of in the SWRP discord. They've got a Major Faction Owner chat, and green names to make sure they stand out.
They hardly use it for the purposes of collaboration, everyone just kinda sits around staring at each other awkwardly.
Veiere Arenais said:
When members start leaving the site
People have been leaving the website for as long as they've been joining it, our door is revolving. Can I interest you in some $7 Factory Subs? Chaos clone? Fantasy RP, Game of Thrones RP, LOTR?

Internet's a big place, and I'm the only one who's paying to be here.
[member="Tefka"] you are a hard person to read. You start this thread to get some shit offloaded. You even admit things can be improved than you go off and say the above as if you really don't care. So what is it Tef? Do you want to guide us in changes or you really just don't give a f$#%?

If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have started the conversation. I wouldn’t be here listening to you ask me to come down on people you deem toxic, nor tolerate you cursing at me on my own website. I wouldn’t be listening to everyone’s points and engaging in the conversation, regardless if I’m saying things that comply with your perception or not.

You seem angry, you seem frayed, and you come off as extremely irrational. If you truly value your faction’s reputation, this conversation and the diminishing of toxicity in this community, you need to step away for a bit.

I did say in the very same sentence you quoted, Members will always come and go.

But I might just take you up on those factory subs :p
[member="Tefka"] i have stepped away. Removed myself from discords and from factions few days ago. I am speaking on my own behalf. Trying new avenues. I do apologize for using profanity and I will cease doing so. I mean it, i am sorry and is an example of how i need to better communicate. Angry, yes. Angry that i can't enjoy a rp site like i use to. Been here since 2013, went strong till 2016ish. Now my activity is floppy at best for the reasons i have portrayed in above posts along with RL stuff. Sure, lot of it is my own baggage. Chunk of it is the mentality of this place and a few asshats with in it. Certain those people and more would put me in the asshat category as well. At least i am here partaking in the discussion and gonna try some techniques that you and a few others have mentioned. Time will tell if it works.

I am also not the only one asking you to come down on toxic people nor am I the only one asking you for more hands on approach in these dealings. Yes, it is your site. You are the "Owner" that gives us a free to play galactic size sandbox. And yes, ultimately it is you that will dictate if, how and when changes would happen. But you are also letting us have a voice and you confirmed you do care. So thank you for that.

Now threatening me about faction reputation for voicing opinion is probably why not many folks are partaking in these talks. Afraid that they will hurt their own faction some how in some way for being open. Which has happen many times in the past, where actions of one person tarnishes and entire faction unfairly in the eyes of this community and in the eyes of its staff.

Or better yet, posting in the Feedback and critique forum where "Complaints" are allowed where you allow members to express themselves. Yet if said member is part of a faction partaking in a invasion it gets use to penalize them under "Drama". Or get passive aggressive posts with in it, spammed in updates and everyone's favorite the Passive Aggressive Blog. Which in turn creates more Drama and toxicity. With out staff intervention, the cycle is just rinse and repeat.

but, this very thread has given me hope that something good will come out of it. How ever small it may be.


Disney's Princess
Hi. My name is Jay and I contribute to Chaos negative media image.

I joined this website to write Jedi fan service after having a bad experience on no less then three other websites run by totalitarian flower-power dictators. I joined as damaged goods, a bad rep, no friends, and zero talent. I was scared by my past. I was motivated by the future.

In my time on Chaos I have actively sought to change this website for the better while simultaneously disregarding some of my own personal responsibilities. I have been a public preacher and a private hypocrite. I have been a bad friend. Some of my contributions to this website have been exceptional, gold, and adamantium. However, my reputation for being a preachy selfish donkey-butt has often overshadowed all my gold stars.

I accept that. And I have repeatedly committed to do better personally. However, I understand and respect anybody who blocks me, avoids me, or declines to RP with me. You have that freedom on this site and I believe that exercising that freedom to avoid me is both good, healthy, optimistic, and inspired wisdom by the Staff. Yes. Even in PvP. Even in an Invasion. Even for all of us.

I believe silence is both a weakness and strength. That challenging the wisdom of fools is noble. That educating the teachable and offering nothing to the troll is divine. And I believe that Chaos and it's writers will keep on getting better, everyday, until that final day when Tef shuts the lights off for good and proclaims "Amen!" in thanks to the Gods above. Because he's finally had enough of your shit. Well. And probably enough of mine too.

And finally. I do not have baggage. I only have myself to blame. :D :p

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