Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light, Overshadowed (Nickolas)

Aerin waited tensely for the woman to make the next move. Her blue lightsaber glinted off her sea blue eyes as she glared defiantly upward. "Back away, child," The pompous woman spat at her, "That's my slave, and I have a right to punish her!" Nar Shaddaa's Red Sector seemed to freeze suddenly, merely to watch this spectacle unfold. Aerin shook her head. "She's a person! She's not some prize possession that you get to just show off to all your sick little friends! She has a right to be free!" Aerin yelled back at her. The tiny child cowered behind her. The woman sighed, annoyed. "Well, it appears you've left me no choice, Jedi." As she said this, the woman snapped her fingers. Two rather large men came through the crowd, making their way for the little girl. Aerin charged at them. She fought the men off, killing them fast. The woman slowly started backing away as Aerin came at her. "Now, now, let's.....Let's be civil...." She said nervously. Jen was now in control of Aerin, her eyes glowing red. "Ah, yes. The slave owner says, 'Let's be civil'." She laughed. "Alright, darling. I'll be civil. By ending your pitiful existence quickly." Before Aerin could stop her, Jen shoved her lightsaber through the woman's chest. Aerin regained control of herself and deactivated her blade. she turned to the little girl. As she reached down to her, the girl backed away from her, her eyes filled with fear. The crowd looked at her with similar expressions. Aerin blushed. All she had done was try to help. But Jen couldn't even give her that. Ashamed, she ran from the scene.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Time and time again, it seemed that people fought. it was happening now in fact.

I was taking my time off in Nar Shadda, doing a little bit of Gambling here or there, maybe even fight a few people myself! I mean, I was being really close to the promotion of Knight, so I had something to look forward too. I was walking when I heard a hum of a lightsaber, with people around two women. as I was coming up, a little girl was running away, as well as the woman with the lightsaber.

As she turned around to leave, she smacked straight into me. She was running away for a reason, and well, she just killed people. before she could react to running into me, my left arm grabbed onto her right wrist that was grasping the Lightsaber. Currently off, I didn't want it to be used against me. Looking into the eyes of a killer, Only as I looked into them, The were changing. it was a deep red color, and shifting to purple and then to green. Before anybody could move to get her like I did, I pulled out my wallet, Flashed a simple card for a discount store, and spoke, "Police, I have this under control. No need to rowdy yourselves up. Go home and go along your lives." I flashed it only to make it seem like it was a badge. people began to leave.

I looked down at the woman, and spoke in a small soft and extremely cold voice. "Do what I say, and this incident will be forgotten."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin stared straight into his eyes with surprise. Jen came through, her eyes glowing red again. "Right. Or what? Some meddling little brat like you is going to detain, maim, or kill us?" She chuckled darkly. "Don't make me laugh, boy."

Aerin forced Jen back in, her eyes going back to normal. "Jen, SHUT UP. You're just making this worse," She murmured through her teeth. She turned her attention back to the man holding her. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to....... kill........" Aerin said, spitting the last word from her lips like it was poison in her mouth.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
This woman was completely strange. She threatened me, calling me a boy when she was really my age, and then she said that she was sorry about it all. I shook my head. Sure she may have been sorry, but I had to deal with her now. I grabbed the lightsaber from her hand, and then started to lead her away. "You are not safe here with whoever Jen is. Keep her sedated." I led her past people almost dragging her to an alley. No one was there except for us now. I then looked directly at her and spoke, "What is the Feth wrong with you?"
[member="Aerin Summers"]
As soon as they stopped, Aerin ripped her arm from his grasp. "I'm sorry, is it a new fad going around to tell complete strangers your life story!?" She yelled, her eyes flickering from red to green. She turned her back to the man, crossing her arms. "Look. It's... complicated, and I can't just talk about it. This is a personal thing. Everyone has their demons, and this is mine. I don't expect you to understand or forgive me. Just know that I'm leaving, and I may never come back."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as the lady pulled from me. Shaking my head as my left arm was covered from her. Not letting her see my own "Demons" I shook my head as she was not wanting to share. "And like you have something worse than me. All you have is another person in your head." I smirked as she was trying to leave, "I know someone who may help you. But you have to trust me. Even if Jen is going to come out, I think I can handle her." I moved the cloak slightly to show that I too had a lightsaber. I then lifted her own saber for her to see. "and I don't think you would leave without this."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin looked over at the man. So many people offered help. But when they tried, it never worked. "Do you know what it's like to never be alone?" She asked quietly, her voice edged with sadness and exhaustion. She took her saber, staring at it in her hands. "I was a Jedi once. I like to tell myself that I still am. But it's a lie. Jedi don't have two minds. They aren't haunted by the thought that they murder people, and can't do anything to control it. They can have friends, allies, lovers. I can't. I'm literally losing my mind. If I could've, I would've just let myself die..." She said this so quietly that it would be hard to hear her.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
She spoke to me. Taking her lightsaber from my hand. Asking if I ever knew what it was like, never being alone. Never having time to ones self. I shook my head. While she had a problem of always being stuck with someone, I had the exact opposite. Stuck being completely alone. she continued saying that she was once a Jedi, but after what happened to her, that she wanted to die. But I had a feeling that she didn't want to die. because if she did, then she would already be dead. I shook my head as her whispers ended.

"If you wanted to die, then you would have already taken your life. You killed people to protect a girl, yes. But there are other ways to go around this. What you need is someone who is willing to stand by your side. And that's your job to find that person." I shook my head. Not believing that she really was wanting to take her life into her own hands. But what pushed me to say such a thing to her, was that in her green eyes, I saw something else that was rarely seen. You could see it in the eyes of men who were sent to die, and that was hope. Hope that they may live to see their families. Only I wondered, Why did she have hope in her eyes, when she said that she wanted to be gone of this place?

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin thought for a moment. "I don't think that person exists, to be honest. And even if they did, I wouldn't let them come anywhere near me." She looked at him, eye to eye. "I'm a time bomb. I never know when Jen will come back. When she does, no one is safe. I distance myself from everyone because I want to protect them. I have more than enough innocent blood on my hands. Adding to that would drive away what little sanity I've been able to keep over the years."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
She was a time bomb? Sure. Did she have enough innocent blood on her hands? maybe. But she was wrong about when Jen would come back. Already I could see when times that Jen would come. In times of stress she would pop out. Using a warriors instinct to fight back but lusted after blood much more than should be allowed. I shook my head. Letting the woman, who I didn't really know, hell all I knew about her name was "Jen" who seemed to be her angry form.

"Then tell me, who ever you are. if you are a time bomb, why has she not already blown up?" I came closer to her so I could whisper. "I have a feeling that you want to fight it. I can help you with that. Despite my looks, I am not without an illness of my own." I lifted a portion of my cloak to show my arm. "it causes me immense pain, and I need to find someone. How about we work together on this. I try and help you control this Jen, while you help me search for this man."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin looked down at the man's arm. "She hasn't blown up yet because she's waiting for something. Something that she needs my body in order to do." Cautiously, Aerin reached down, lightly brushing his mutated arm. "It does look painful," She said softly. A small smile formed on her face. "Okay. I'll...I'll help you."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I could feel her fingers as she brushed them down my arm. They were not natural and she was looking at it as though they were a heavenly creation. But in Truth, I was a creature of Hell. Stuck with the Dark side of the force in my very blood pumping veins until they were cleansed somehow. But I knew that it would not be anytime soon. She said that she would help me. Know that I was not without a problem myself.

I grabbed her hand from my skin, Fearing that even if she were to touch it for too long that she could get infected. I cringed as I moved my arm away from her. Feeling the pain all over my arm. I let the cloak fall back over the arm to hide what I was. I let her hand go so that she could walk on her own. I hardly knew her, so why should I hold her hand? This trek would not be an easy one, and there was no way that either of us were getting to the end by standing here holding hands.

I pointed to the east, "My ship is that way if you would like to go." I pulled back away from her, now that she knew that I was different than most. Because with how she was already messed up, She didn't need SIth poison flowing in her too.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin noticed something on the man's face as he backed away from her. It wasn't fear, or guilt. It was shame. Shame for his arm, maybe? That must be it. He'd quickly removed her hand and hidden it once more. She understood shame for being different. Jen laughed in her mind. "How amusing. An arm practically radiating with Dark Side energy. And he won't even let a girl touch it..." Aerin gritted her teeth. "Jen, shut. UP. You are not getting any closer to him." Aerin said. No one but she could hear Jen at the moment, so it appeared that she was talking to herself. Aerin realized this, and turned away from the man to continue the conversation. "And just who do you think you are? Let's not forget that I far surpass you in years. It is most disrespectful to talk down to your elders."
"Oh, really? Well then let's not forget that you're dead, I'm not, and that this is my body. Until you realize that, I'm going disrespect you as much as I want."
"Oh, you and your adolescence. I can't wait until you grow up. Maybe then we might have more civilized conversations."
"Yeah? Thanks to you, I may not even live to be 20."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
As i was backing up, The woman started talking to herself. Saying for Jen to shut up. And that she was not getting closer to me. I looked at her and mouthed "Jen?" to ask if it was her talking to the woman. Then she burst saying that the soul inside of her was dead and that her body belonged to her. and that she would disrespect Jen all she wanted. I shook my head as I was already answered.

I grabbed the woman's hand to get her attention, "As much as you two ladies want to argue, I ask that you don't so we can get to my ship in peace."

I then started to lead her out of the alley and down to the starport, speaking as I went along, "how about we introduce ourselves? I'm Nick, and you are?"

[member="Aerin Summers"]
"Aerin," She answered. "And... Jen." She said grudgingly. Jen smiled in her mind. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. She likes to talk smack. That's part of the reason why I can't be around people too often. They... Judge."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled and shook my head, I knew all to well of people judging me by my looks. "Looks like we are in the same ship there Aerin." Taking her down the street. I saw a police patrol coming. and I had to hide her. And well, No quick alleys to run into, and we were out in the open. Swinging her around to face me, I looked at her, "I apologize for his, but we need to hide in plan sight. and it might keep both of you quite." I then leaned down and kissed her on the lips before she could answer. I was not hard, but my head was blocking her face so the police could not see us.

And well, to say that her lips were not soft would be a lie.

As the police moved away from us, I let go of her and shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry but we needed to hide."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin was in the middle of saying "What should we do?" When Nickolas pulled her into a kiss. Her entire body went as rigid as a statue. Once the police passed and he released her, she smacked him very hard across the face. Aerin's face flushed red with embarrassment and anger. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" She exclaimed, though two voices could be heard. One of her eyes had turned red. "I will have you know, boy, that my mouth is not some docking pad you can just land your lips on whenever you feel like it!" They hissed together, though the words were more Jen's selection.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Now that was not surprising. I had a feeling that either she would blush and act like a little girl because a guy just kissed her, or slap me like she just did. I rubbed my cheek with my hand, as she said that her lips were not a Docking pad. Whatever that meant. I just saved her from having to deal with the police. I leaned down to speak to her in a whisper, "Keep this up and you will make a scene, and then we will never leave this God forsaken planet." I plastered on a fake smile as I spoke, "Oh come on you only know that I was joking with you darling." Saying words so any passerby would look at two lovebirds when really it was an entirely different story.

leaning down again, I whispered. "Either play along, or I can leave you here for the police, and trust me, I have dealt with stronger women than you." I kept my fake smile on my face as a flashback of my battle with a Sith Master, a different fight with a Jedi Master, and two other fights where I fought against two people at once. One happened to be a Sith Master and the other a Spec-ops soldier that could kick even the Jedi Grandmaster's ass. And yet I was still alive. Now that was something to behold.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin blinked twice. Oh, so that's how it was going to be, was it? She smiled sweetly. "I know, Nicky. I was just a little flustered and all. You know, because I already warned you that I had the most contagious form of mono." Her voice was so sickeningly cute that it almost hurt Aerin to use it. As soon as they rounded the next corner, she glanced around to see no one there. She gave him a hard punch on his shoulder. "Never. Call. Me. Darling." She said in a venomous voice through her teeth. "Next time, just tell me to pull up my hood," She said, gesturing to her hoodie.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I kept my fake smile on until we rounded a corner. I was not paying attention to the woman when suddenly she punched me in the arm. of all the things she could have done, she only punched my arm, and I was glad for not being bagged for the millionth time. I turned to her as she was clearly pissed about calling her Darling. I raised my left eyebrow as though I was questioning her. "Oh and Mono is going to kill me! Please tell me something else that I can't call you." I gave back with a voice so full of sarcasm that it almost appeared in liquid form and dripped down and out of my mouth.

I shook my head and pointed ahead to the shipport, "It's up there a little ways, Just relax until we get there...... Darling." I said with venom in my own voice, to point out that I could do just about anything I wanted.

[member="Aerin Summers"]

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