Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light, Overshadowed (Nickolas)

Aerin clenched her fist, but kept it at her side. "There is no emotion, only peace, there is no emotion, only peace..." She mumbled through her teeth, attempting to calm herself down. "You know, I could just kill him. Though, I must say, I am rather enjoying this little flirting game between the two of you..." Jen said to her in a mocking tone. "Jen, feth off, there is no emotion, only peace...."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Walking forwards with her hand no longer in my grasp, I could hear her mumble something under her breath, be it a curse out at me or not, I didn't turn around to find out. it was only a few seconds later when I could clearly hear her say to Jen to leave. But in a more rude manner. I smiled and shook my head speaking to her, "Jen probably want's to leave as well since you seem so childish." I said loud enough for her to hear. As well as Jen.

if Aerin commented or not, I ignored it to speak to a man, "Paying my fea for docking here." handing the man a few credits chips I then turned back to Aerin, "Now hun, don't you want to see the ship?" My eyes were giving her the look of "Go along or we wont get out of here." should she understand it. Because I really dont want to deal with the police running after me.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin's eyes bore into Nickolas's back when she heard his comment, almost like she was trying to burn holes into his pretty little jacket. If looks could kill... Jen just laughed. When he turned to her to continue the ruse, her fake and sickly sweet smile returned. "You got me a ship?? So you did remember my birthday! Oh baby, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!" She said in a chipper tone. To add to the effect, she threw herself at him, giving him a bear hug and a thousand kisses on his cheeks before she ran with mock excitement toward the vessel. She smiled smugly as she ran, knowing good and well she'd just humiliated him. "Oh, nice touch. And here I thought you were little miss goodie two-shoes," Jen said, genuinely impressed. Making her proud gave Aerin a sour taste in her mouth, but for once, se was at least happy that they weren't fighting like normal.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Once I had told her about the ship in character of a couple. I smiled at the man with a little bit of an apology for the rudeness of this woman. "Go on ahead and get inside." I turned to the man and nodded to him, saying a thank you for taking care of the ship. I then walked off to the ship after Aerin had jumped on me and gave me kisses and whatever else. Walking towards the ship as I lowered the ramp to the simple Light freighter. That was actually a few years old. It only looked in a good shape because I had taken care of it very well.

Walking up the ramp I spoke to her out of the earshot of the man as he himself was leaving. "I hope you liked playing that and that your lips and your jumping ass burns in hell Aerin."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin smirked, raising her eyebrows. "What? So it's only fun when you get to be all lovey-dovey? And besides, I can't go straight to Hell. I've gotta buy some snacks first."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I shook my head as she commented about not being able to be lovey dovey. I rolled my eyes and spoke, "I don't care if you would have kissed me and hugged me, but jumping on me? I draw the line." I acted though as I had drawn the line by pointing at the ground with my finger to mark a line between us. I then motioned to the open door, "ladies first, and yes literally ladies." Making fun of how she had a split personality. ​"Now lets find somewhere to go so you can explain all this, and I can explain about my arm."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin rolled her eyes with a chuckle, and went inside. The ship was small, but big enough for two people. She looked around until she found the cockpit. She sat down in the co-pilot seat, seting her backpack down on the floor next to her. She removed her jacket to reveal a tan tank-top underneath.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I watched her walk up the ramp and head straight for the cockpit. I walked behind her at a slow pace because of my longer strides. and as she sat down in the co-pilot seat I only shook my head. Flipping switches and pressing buttons the engines activated. And with a glance I noticed that she had taken off her jacket. I once more shook my head as she was already making herself at home. I fired up the engines and began our ascent into the sky. "Sure, make yourself at home. Its not like you are a guest or anything." I made the snide comment under my breath and didn't care if she heard me.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin glared at him. "Well, seeing as how we're gonna be stuck in this hunk of spaced metal for a while, I might as well get a little comfortable. It's been a while since I've been able to do that." She said. She watched as they left the planet, and jumped into hyperspace. It was true. She'd been constantly moving for years now. She'd never gotten the chance to get comfortable anywhere. Even now, with just the two (or three) of them in this ship, she couldn't get as comfortable as a normal person. There was too much at risk if she did.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I shook my head as she spoke back to me. Saying that she might as well. I shrugged my shoulders and set the ship to autopilot. I stood up and walked to the back of the cockpit only to stop and turn around. "While I would like to be with people and talk for a moment, I happen to want to be alone for now, I will be doing some stuff on the way to..... somewhere." I then turned around to leave and did so.

Going to my quarters on the ship. I made sure to close the door behind me. I then pulled out a box from under the bunk of the bed, and set it on the bed. Looking at the many locks on it, I activated all of them to unlock. And after opening it, I pulled out an Egg. it was a Valrain Egg. of a prize when I had fought against the Jedi Master Ashin Varanin. Even though I had lost, I had survived an encounter with her, and well, that was a rare thing to happen with the woman.

I sat on the bed and used my powers of Fire shaping to keep the egg warm as I would hold it. I was ust looking at it before I would go and take my shower. And I had a feeling that something was strange about it. but I would have to deal with it later. Putting it back up, I locked the box once more, and left it on my bed as I started my shower.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin stared down at her hands. So long had she been running. Hiding. From the galaxy. From herself. She began to think about her home. The Jedi Temple on Dantooine. All of her friends, her masters, and even a little bit about her parents. Oh, how were they? She hadn't seen them in the longest time. If they saw her now, what she'd become, would they even claim her as their daughter anymore? After the ritual that bound Jen to her, the Jedi masters always looked at her with pity. Her friends barely wanted to be around her. They were always afraid of her. She'd hear them talking about her behind her back. "Is that Aerin?" They'd say, "The possessed girl? Why do they let her stay here? She's a danger to all of us." They never understood what she was going through. Jen was a lot more talkative back then. she'd always talk to Aerin in her sleep, force her to have nightmares over and over again. She'd always make her angry when there wasn't a reason to be, and make her say things she'd never say to anyone. Aerin nearly lost her sanity before she decided to run away. She couldn't live in fear that she'd hurt them, she'd told herself the night she left. It was better this way. But that had been before Jen had made her kill. The men, the women. The children... Aerin wiped tears off of her face. If only she could tell them it wasn't her. She wanted so badly to say she was sorry, to go back and save them from herself. To save herself from herself...
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I pulled off my clothes and turned on the water. Thinking on how I had come across this woman Aerin. how she had changed her eyes. I only began to think about how she had gotten such a thing. Was she born with it. or not? I let the water run over my body as I noticed the blood vessels near my left arm were dark black and spreading out like a fracture in glass. I shook my mind and let my arm reach out and grab the handle on the door. I closed my eyes and I just.... I know how it feels to be ridiculed about being different. and I had made fun of the girl. I was mad. Not mad at her, but mad at myself.

I clenched my fist and shook the handle, and surprisingly I broke the door handle! I shook my head and opened the door by sliding my hand across the panel and setting the broken and after looking at it, I found hand prints in the dented handle. My hand had literally crushed it! I set it down and dried myself off with a towel. Putting new pants on, and a tanktop, I let my arm be visibe I decided to make up for it.

Opening the door I yelled out, "AERIN!" I walked towards the cockpit to speak to her.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin looked up from her hands toward the door. Nickolas wasn't there yet. Why was he calling for her? Was something wrong? Jen crept into her thoughts once more. "He'll want you to leave the minute we land," she hissed in Aerin's mind, "He feels that you are an unnecessary burden, and won't want to deal with you a second more than he has to." Aerin looked down at her backpack and her jacket. Jen was probably right. And besides, she didn't want to overstay her welcome and put him in more danger than he already was. She took a rubber band from her jeans pocket and put her hair up in a ponytail. She stood up and leaned out of the cockpit door. "Yeah?" She called back to Nick.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Walking to her, I was breathing in and out slowly. because well this was the first time that I will ever do this. I could see that she had put her hair up in a pony tail, and now there seemed to be red rings around her eyes as though she had been crying. my left arm was also out in the open completely for her to see now. I walked to her, and stopped about a foot form her. She had something on her mind, I could just tell from how she was standing there.

I dropped my head and decided to get it done now. "Look, I have uh... I have spent almost all of my life alone, and so I am not the nicest person I could be." looking up at her I held out my hand to her as though I were giving her a handshake, "I um..... I want to apologize for how I acted." my hand clenched up in a fist and back to an open hand, and if she couldn't tell I was nervous. "When I saw you there, I felt as though I had to do something, but I didn't know what. and making fun of you was not a good way about going over it." I need to shut up now, Alright I have said enough, I need to shut up, "Would you forgive me?"

I wanted to start over because how we met was not the best way to do so. I mean, I grabbed her and kind of forced her to listen to me.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin raised her eyebrows. "Oh, um...... Okay." She said, a little surprised. She shook his hand. "You know, you didn't really have to apologize. I've dealt with smart-asses before." She turned around halfway, looking back at him with a playful smirk.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
She looked confused as I spoke to her. saying that I didn't have to. I cringed as she said that. I shook my head, "You see, I wanted to start off differently usually people don't meet while one is running away from killing another." I ended the handshake, and decided that I needed to do something, Reaching out and grabbng her hand, I started to take her towards the quarters, "I need to do something." I then brought her to a room that was across from mine. Opening the door, I let go of her hand, "This can be your room, and there is a shower and bathroom in there, Clothes are in there as well, but, most of them are guys stuff."

I then decided to continue, "And I was apologizing because I feal guilt for saying those things against you. And I don't want that to be your view of me. I have lived my entire life getting looked at like a freak, and so, I don't want to look like the bad-guy to you."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin looked around the small room. She'd never had someone openly offering her their own things. Like she wasn't a stranger. She looked at him seriously for a moment when he apologized again. She reached over to him, and flicked the center of his forehead. "You're not a freak. And you're not a bad guy, either. A bad guy would've let me run away instead of trying to help me." Then she hugged him. It was a brief, strong hug, and as she was giving it she whispered, "Thanks." When she pulled away, she had to blink back tears. It had been so long since she'd had someone to call a friend.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I did not expect the flick to the forehead, nor the Thanks from her. I almost completely forgot about saying that I was not a freak, and well, that coming from someone with an extra voice in her head. It was like a Leper saying that another leper was not one. There was something about her, and I just shook my head. Trying to not think about it too much.

"Well um.... If you feel like.... well if you feel like you need to talk to someone, I'll be here." I offered her as she was looking at her room. Once she had said something I returned to my room and started to open the egg again. I wanted to maybe let it hatch, but I can't just force it, and I didn't know when it would. I just hoped that it would be someone else that I could talk to.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin smiled. "Same here. If you want to talk..." As he left, she went and got her things from the cockpit. As she was rummaging through her bag to double-check what she had, she came across something she hadn't seen in a very long time. It was a tiny braid of her hair. Her padawan braid. She'd cut it off when she left the temple. Even now, many years later, it still felt heavy in her hands. A small laugh escaped her lips. Jen scoffed. "You kept that worthless little thing? You're too sentimental..."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I pulled open the chest once more. I don't know why, but I would look at this egg over and over again. Wondering when it would hatch. All I wanted was to have somebody that would be at my side. Regardless of how I looked or acted. ANd well, My Master had been spending more and more time off somewhere else instead of training me. I guess that Allowed me to have more time then. I held the dull gold egg in my hands as I just imagined what this creature would be. A bird that would eventually grow to be almost 4 feet in height, and with a huge wingspan.

He would need to eat, I knew that he would eat alot for that, and I could supply the food. I just wondered if I could take care of it. Setting the egg in the box I rested my head in my hands. Thinking of how Aerin had offered the same. She must know that I will rarely be talking to her about my problems. Most of them I could solve or just deal with like I always have, but I also thought about what in the world would I talk to her about?

[member="Aerin Summers"]

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