Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light, Overshadowed (Nickolas)

"Too sentimental?" Aerin retorted. Jen sighed. "It's nothing but a piece of your hair. There is no value in hair. Ugh, all you Jedi and your ridiculous traditions. What is the point of this useless braid?"

"It's a symbol. It marks a padawan who is still being taught. When their master believes that their padawan is ready, they are brought before the council. If the council deems the padawan worthy, they become Jedi Knights. As a testimony to this achievement, their braid is removed."

"So they're just a reminder of your adolescence? Oh, of all the pathetic and pointless things in the galaxy. Will you just get rid of it?"

"No, I will not. This is all I have from the temple besides my lightsaber. I'm not just going to throw it away."

"It's a piece of hair, Aerin. What purpose does it serve other than to remind you that you've failed?"

"It doesn't.....That's not....."

"Admit it. The only reason you kept that worthless trinket was because you can't go one day without wallowing in your own self-pity."

"You're wrong! It reminds me of my friends!"

"Say that as much as you like, dear. You can't hide the truth from me. I know that's a lie."

"I swear to God, Jen, I'm getting you out of my head. Even if I have to die doing it!"
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I sat there. In my room. thinking of all the things I could have done. Or should have done. really i was just sitting there breathing. By now I would have been working on my Double laded lightsaber. just taking it apart and messing around with it. but I just sat here. listening to my heart beat, and my breaths leave my body. I could hear murmuring outside and down the hall. back in the Cockpit? I thought Aerin was in her room?

Grabbing my lightsaber hilt in my hand. I walked towards the cabin to see Aerin talking to herself. I put the lightsaber away as she began to scream about getting Jen out of her head even if she had to die doing it. I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Relax. Yes she may be a queen, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to her." Not caring if Jen heard me, I wanted her to know that she was a little bitchy voice in Aerins head.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin brushed his hand away, not hearing his words. Jen was now speaking through her. "Oh, go right ahead, kill us both! I'm afraid you'll be doing yourself a disservice. I'm already dead. If you killed yourself, I'd merely take full possession of this body and your sacrifice would be for NOTHING!" The argument could now be heard by anyone.

"So I'll drag you out with me! At least you wouldn't be in here anymore!"

"Yes, yes, well I'm afraid your sweet Jedi Masters made that quite impossible. Since I am bound to you, I cannot be removed by mere death."

"They should've just let you take me! They should've let the corruption spread!"

"I agree fully! Then you would have watched without form as I destroyed all who knew you in that Temple!"

"I would've killed you again if you so much as touched them!"

"Hm, if only you'd had that kind of freedom with those who did die by the hands of your body! Or should I remind you that children's blood still soils your hands??"


Aerin punched the metal wall of the cockpit in rage. Jen smiled. "Yes, Aerin. Hate me. Let it run deep into your blood. Become what you were meant to become." Aerin fell to her knees, gripping her head. Her nails dug into her flesh. "No...... No......."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I looked at her in awe as she argued with herself. Saying once again that she was going to kill herself. With the power or force meld. I moved my mind into her own. Though both if them were too focused on one another to feel me. I shook my head as Aerin tried to slamm her fist in the wall.

I moved between her and the wall stopping her fists with my arm. And as usual I didn't feel a thing. As she clawed at her own head I grabbed the Padawan braid. Holding it out to her.

"Don't listen to Jen. She is not being very nice." with my mind still In hers. I used my skills of persuasion to try and block out Jens thoughts for a moment of what h I had been through over the years.

The countless battles against thugs even a Jedi Master. Not to mention my over 20 years in captivity to a Sith lord. I allowed Jen to feel my pain to back of and most of all, I used a recent pain with a Sith lord where he made me feel the pain of a thousand men all at once. I allowed Aerin to see it, but nit feel the pain.

"Don't listen to Jen. Only to the sound of my voice." I placed my hands on hers and removed them from her head to see blood under her nails. I moved them from her head weither she try to stop me or not, I was almost twice the strength of any man. I was in control here. "Come here." wrapping my arms around her body I rested her head on my shoulder. "Don't resist, because I can stay awake and fight you for weeks on end. Just relax with me. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin's muscles were taunt, her eyes squeezed shut. She was so busy trying to fight Jen that she didn't feel Nickolas holding her at first. But then, Jen was suddenly silent. She was replaced by someone else's memories. Were these... Nick's? They had to be. She saw the trauma, the heartache, the pain. She could no longer hear Jen. Her mind was silent, a feeling she had long forgotten. Her muscles relaxed. She leaned into him, her breath coming out in shudders. Her eyes opened halfway and she stared at his neck. She opened up her own memories for him now.

She let him see her life on Dantooine. Her parents, who feared her natural ability to converse with the dead, allowed the Jedi to take her away when she was very young. Learning to master the Force with them, she felt a love and respect she had never known before. She had friends, teachers. They were her family. And then, she met Jen in a dream. Jen pleaded with her, telling her that she desperately needed help that only Aerin could provide. Being a kind-hearted and naïve girl, Aerin agreed to assist Jen. But Jen was a dead Sith. She took control of Aerin's body and mind completely. Seeking revenge for her death long ago, Jen used Aerin to attack her masters. The masters knew that Aerin was still inside, trapped and dying from Jen's Darkside corruption. To save the girl, the masters caught Jen, and forced her to bond with Aerin's spirit. They did not realize how strong Jen truly was until they saw what was happening to Aerin. At all hours of the night, she would awaken, screaming in a half-crazed state. The nightmares were horribly vivid, and Aerin nearly went insane. finally, Aerin chose to leave the Temple, and her life, behind, to ensure the safety of her family. The next few years were filled with nothing but torment and pain as Aerin's battle with Jen never ended. Though she tried, erin could not contain Jen in times of turmoil. She let Nickolas see the faces of those she had slain. The innocent ones. she let him see her regain control of herself, only to find her body soaked in their blood. she let him feel the anger, the crushing guilt, the sadness, the pain. She held nothing back.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Looking through her memories I could see night after night of a sleepless dream like state in a war over Aerins body. I could feel her pain, but my pain tolerance was much higher than her. The physical pain that was brough felt like nothing to me, but I could still feel it as though I were getting the wounds myself.

I kept her against me, allowing all of my pain block out Jen. I knew that she would complain about it later, but I think with this little time that Aerin had her own mind too herself, would be like a weight lifted off he shoulders. The pain would knock out Jen for a while, even with the pain of a thousand men I had almost sent me to the hospital. As a spirit, Jen would be subdued until her thoughts could come back together. I gave an estimate of about a day or so.

"Aerin, you won't have Jen messin with you for about a day. While you saw what I had been through, she had felt it all at once. You have your own thoughts to yourself for a while." I rubbed my hand up and down her back to help sothe her.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin moved her head so she could look at him. "All....To myself? Are you serious?" She said, her eyes growing wide. "Is that even possible?? I can't remember ever having that kind of freedom..." She said, hope rekindling in her face. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly. "Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me Nick!"
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as she just could not believe that she had a day to herself. it was something that I could do and I knew that it would ease the situation for us. like if I were to say something wrong then she wouldn't just blow up on me with the Jen-gene. I hugged her back and smiled as she thanked me. "You don't have to thank me. You have dealt with someone for far too long, and you need a break."

I helped her stand up holding her hand to help her up from the floor. I then handed her back the braid. Putting it in her hand I closed her hand with my own. "Don't let Jen stop you from aspiring to become something. Try your hardest at getting to where you belong." Even though she could have a chance to return as a Jedi. I would never be able to do that. Always stuck with the Dark side of the force running in my veins. I had the guilt of telling her to be what she wanted to be, when I myself could never reach what I want. "You want to see something nice? it may take the load off of ya."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin stared back down at her braid again when Nickolas told her to be what she wanted to be. "I'd love to," She said, "But I can't." She slipped the braid into her back pocket. Jen was right about this. the anger in her... It was deeper than she realized. Not only that, but the corruption of Jen's possession was still very much active inside her. No. She couldn't be a Jedi. Not anymore. Keeping these thoughts to herself, she turned to Nick and smiled. "Sure. What is it you had in mind?"
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
As much as she said that she couldn't under her breath. I acted like I didn't hear it. Because I knew that things could change. I nodded my head as she asked what it was. Grabbing her hand. I led her to my room. "I have an egg for a bird that I won as a prize, and I thought you might like to see it. its a very rare thing to see one of these birds in an egg form."

I pulled out the chest after I let go of her hand. and proceeded to place my hand on the chest. With a few clicks the black and silver lined chest opened. Pilling out an egg that was about the size of a newborn baby. I held it out sat it on my lap. Sitting down on my bed. I then patted the bed next to me. Indicating to sit down.

I mean, I didn't want her to walk around with it and the Gods forbid that she have a spasm.......

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin raised her eyebrows at the enormous egg on nick's lap, taking a seat next to him. She lightly touched it's smooth shell. It was toasty warm. "What in the galaxy's name is it?" She said in awe.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as she touched the smooth dome of the egg. Asking what it was, I looked at her. "name wise, I haven't given it a name. Species wise? its called a Valrain" Fromt eh otherside of the room a datapad came up and was already to the page of the Valrain. "They are huge birds that grow to be about four feet tall and eat like three times more than humans."

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin stared at the picture of the animal on the datapad. "It'll be a magnificent creature," She said. it would be amazing to have a pet like that. She'd never owned an animal before, but she could imagine what it would be like.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled and nodded my head. Handing the egg to her. I could feel the warmth radiate from it as I gave it to her. "You should hold it. It's not that heavy so don't worry." As she got it. I watched her as she may just be looking at it. "I uh... I won that in a duel against a Jedi Master. It's a bird that would be your closest companion as it is said. Somehow when it hatches, if I touch it, it will mark me. It would be like I were it's mother."

I leaned back a little and allowed her to mess with the Egg. but keeping a watchful eye.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin smiled at the large egg sitting in her lap. She leaned down and placed her ear on it. Inside, she could hear a muffled heartbeat. She looked back up at Nick. "You'd make a good mom," She joked, smirking.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
shaking my head as she commented on me being a Mother. I smiled and decided to quip, "Yeah, maybe if I had someone else to work with. They eat so much that it's not even funny." I placed my hand on the egg for a second then allowed my back to hit the bed as she sat up and would be holding the egg. I was already getting tired so I thought about putting the egg up sometime soon. It still needed to incubate in the chest.

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin laughed. She stroked the egg softly, just looking at it. "I bet it would be nice to be a mother," She mused. "Looking at it every day with love, teaching it right from wrong. Raising it to be strong and free..."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I looked to her as she spoke. saying that it would be nice to be a mother. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she laughed about it. "That does sound nice." I then leaned up and looked at it. seeing as how both of us would be working together for a while, I decided to speak more, "What if you were to help me in raising this Valrain?"

[member="Aerin Summers"]
Aerin looked over at Nick. "Who, me? Oh, I couldn't do that," She said shyly. "I've never raised anything before in my life."
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled and shook my head. "No, I think you would do fine. All you have to do is not think about the bad things and not blow up at everything." I winked at her with a smile, "I can help you there Darling." mentioning back to where I had called her darling and where she had punched me on the street. Just as a joke really. "I think you would be better than all the other people that I have met."

[member="Aerin Summers"]

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