Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Live Together, Die Alone (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Etti IV)

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Jaxton Ravos"]

She was late.

"Kriff, kriff, kriff!" she muttered under her breath. She moved quickly through the building, avoiding the guards and others who watched her in bemusement as she hurried past.

Finally she followed the sense of her Master and came to a room where he was meeting a woman with distinctive ginger hair. There had been something going on here before she arrived, she could feel it, but she wasn't sure what.

Walking in, she approached the scene and waited for someone to notice her.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Once again Kal had gone against the grain and found something for himself to do. He didn't like to fight and he was not interested in business or the human woman he had heard some people mention. But Etti IV had mossy plains and that was something he could stand to see. The large neti walked along as alone as he usually was draped in a yellow and tan robe. His walking staff set down periodically as he walked along looking for a good place to begin.

He stopped in the middle of nowhere and took a seed from his satchel and knelt down. With deliberate slow movements he dug a small hole and dropped the little seed inside. Then with the care he had taken making the hole he filled it back in.

Kal sat in front of the small mound and held his gnarled woody hands over it, quietly and slowly he began channeling the force through himself and into the seed. He was not akilled at this and he was not afraid to admit he had little ambition for being powerful but with enough time and effort he would get the seed to sprout and then someday it may become shade for a weary traveller.


An Honest Man
Orbit of Etti IV

Hundreds of transport vessels, all purchased from Santhe and Silk all materialized from hyperspace. None of them were armed, but they were being flanked by vessels that would protect them in a moments notice. All of the transports were loaded to the gills with Blas-Tech's weaponry, droids, and mechs. Every product they carried was available, and other vessels carried materials to start building a production facility. Everything was in place thanks to the whispers that had reached his ears from the other business owners that formed the Hegemony. Cade had mobilized a good bit of resources to help defend the world, now he had to hope others would be willing to deal with him. "I've never personally dealt with these people before, lets hope this goes well." All of his secretaries nodded in agreement before another individual came up to him.

"Sir, it's Geico Galactic Insurance. They are trying to get in touch with you about your premium increases after the Druckenwell incident." Cade's head whipped around, and he had to fight back a laugh. "They can just have the credits, tell them to stop calling me. I don't like staying on the line for two hours when they try to get me to bundle all my coverages together. It's rather annoying." The assistant nodded before replying. "Yes sir, I'll tell them."

Turning back to the planet that was in view, he went to the holo-pad and opened a line to whomever would be listening.

"This is Cade Lee, Blas-Tech CEO. I come to do business and arm this planet and establish a factory. Who do I need to speak to?"
[member="Romeo Sin"]

And they say I yell too much.

Watching the new comer and his tactics, Delila didn't agree with easy on the bolts scenario. Then again, she blew up things for fun. Overkill sometimes was her middle name. If it was there to be used why not bother using it? Echo Unit was getting back in formation, their target was Alpha. Tanks rumbled back into position on either side, tearing up the plains with their tracks. Delila hoisted her blaster onto one shoulder and moved well off the battlefield, standing in tall grasses to the side.

Yawning, she watched the beginning barrages of fire start once more.
Etti IV - Planetary Shield Location 1A

Crunching through tall grasses, a group of five or so were picking their way to a massive shield generator location. Off in the distance, the shallow and ultra-salty sea could be seen, looking like a mirage. The point person in the group hacked through the grasses with a machete, their speeder long abandoned at an access road roughly a kilometer back. The group was entirely made up of Salacia Consolidated employees, including Judah himself. The small group contained some of the most talented employees based out of his Ceto location, ones that were crossed trained with years of experience.

Stepping into the cooling shadow of the ultra-large and up-to-date SLD-26 planetary shield generator, Judah craned his neck up. SLD-26s were good units, just large. They held enough power to withhold fire indefinitely, a certain plus for days long battles. Etti IV had a few more scattered to increase their range, overlapping at critical points. His employees - two Selkaths and two Mon Calamarians - were already making their way to the access door.

"Comin' boss?" A webbed hand motioned in the air, ushering him forward.

"Yeah, just admiring the scope of this thing." Judah picked up the pace, joining the employees as they entered the small and cramped hallways of the shield generator. They'd have to get to the control room and work from there. Hopefully none of them would have to climb on the outside of the tower. Last thing Judah needed was to fall and have [member="Thessa Kai"] smirk and say 'I told you so'.

"Security is sub par on this door. Easily remedied with a few changes."

"Boobytraps are also an easy design, although we'd have to create a fail safe for friendlies to get in."

"Alik, where is this coming from? You need to get out more, I think you've been spending too much time under water. Boss, send this one on more business related travel."

"I don't know" Judah chuckled "Not sure our insurance will cover murderous booby-trapped rampages."
@Thurion Heavensheild [member="Jaxton Ravos"] [member="Valeria Aetani"] @Cade Lee

“I’ve reason to suspect that there may be a cell or two of scouts within Etti IV. Make no mistake gentlemen,” Danger would relay, the faint drawl of her voice pouring over them like thick Dantooine honey. “Them types ain’t the sort to back off a prize nerf at the galactic fair. They’ve been busier than a one armed Kowakian monkey lizard with two peckers.” she always had a way to paint her words, but that was just the Outer Rim in her showing.

“Now I’m a betting girl, and my momma done taught me right when to bet on a sure thing. Those Sith will be keen on making their movements on Etti IV soon… and a fire shall be lit up their hoodoo arse once they realize Free Trade be the new coin here.”

Green eyes would dart up at the sound of the hiss of the sliding door. A new arrival, a young woman. A cordial smile would grace Danger’s lips, before a questioning glance would shift over to Jaxton -- she’d didn’t bother with Thurion, the man was trying all he could to keep his eyes everywhere but her person.

So cute.

“Take it, she’s one of your envoy?” she’d ask, just as a small beep in her desk comm would prompt her attention.

“Excuse me gentlemen,” she’d relay with a brief smile, before turning to take the call. Her secretary would inform her that the CEO of BlastTech, Cade Lee, had arrived, her security having picked up his query. Amusement would light her feline eyes at that bit of news. Man was sure quick to the trigger. Then again, that was of no surprise.

“Send an invitation to Mr. Lee to join us here,” ain’t the first time she played the bridge for companies with other governments. Wouldn’t be the last.

With that done, she cut the transmission, turning back towards the new arrival, an expectant expression on her face in her wait for an introduction. In the meantime, she added, “The CEO of BlastTech Industries will be making an appearance… as one of the premier weaponmaking corporations in the galaxy, his products are of quality in the war of ensuring a proper defensive foundation.” What would line BlastTech’s pockets would line hers; giving her all the more reason to sway for her trade stations to be tugged onto Corporate Sector Space. She wasn’t the Queen of Trade for nothing. Corporations round here went by the rule of ‘if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.‘

And BlastTech wasn’t the only company she was going to showcase. Silk Holdings, Salacia Corp, AEL, Santhe, Cetus Cybernetics… all of the companies that had membership in the Southern Systems Business Bazaar would find Danger Arceneau promoting to the max. It was her job after all; networking. Promoting their products to the vast extent that Arceneau Trade and SSB could reach.
Romeo followed behind [member="Delila Castillon"] and watched the battle. Echo only needed to take careful shots, and work together to win. He watched as the tanks rumbled, and almost laughed to himself. "So where did these guys come from?" he sighed with his arms crossed over his chest. "Firing like its going out of style works when it comes to suppressing, but here they need to be able to take them out, and do it quickly. If their all firing, no one's going to know whats going on. Right? They're all just shooting at random things that they believe are shooting back, but if they take aim, take a breath, and make their shots count, then I feel they'll do better." Already you could tell that Echo was calling out enemy positions, and aiming for the closer targets. They were pointing out who was being aimed at, and from what direction from. Communication was indeed key. Alpha appeared to be falling back too. [member="Hayato"]
On Etti IV
Corporate Sector
Objective: Make fake money!
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Jaxton Ravos"], [member="Valeria Aetani"]

Free Trade Capitalism was a beautiful thing. Its amazing reach had spread across the Galaxy, binding the innumerable stars and connecting them through the power of the credit. Even through the countless wars, disasters, zombie apocalypses and planetary exterminations that had shaken this Galaxy for [insert number of years] since the end of the Four Hundred Year Darkness could not overthrow it. Capital endured and expanded, ever on the lookout for new markets to open up, new opportunities to grasp, for fortune favoured the bold. At times the process was painful, some would wonder whether it was worth the price for worlds not able to cope with change when it was ruthlessly forced upon them, but this could not stop the process.

Here on Etti IV one tread upon the ground of what could be called a temple to capitalism, for it was the capital of the Corporate Sector. Now freed from the grasp of the Sith Empire its leaders sought to keep things profitable and unregulated by outsiders, though the ailing New Order was just a stone's throw away, along with the Mandalorians, now busy tearing down that attempt at a new Sith kingdom. Under these circumstances it was perhaps fitting that one of capitalism's newest converts, Siobhan Kerrigan might find her way to this world, on a mission to help spread the gospel of peace through superior firepower. Truth be told, having fought the New Order on Aurum, the Silken Asteroids and Dromund Kaas before she was sceptical about them being a serious menace, but she could appreciate the leaders' desire to bolster their sector's defences through immense firepower.

The solution to so many problems lay in guns. Lots of guns. Solved any Sith problem neatly and efficiently. As the old saying went, if you want peace, prepare for war.

Firemane Industries was primarily a weapons manufacturer and private military contractor and the transport ships that had descended upon the atmosphere much like a little kid upon a chocolate cake came loaded with shiny toys...those of the sort that made things go boom and caused unpleasant experiences such as maiming, serious burns, death and such. Just in case there might be some misunderstanding! Having secured good relations with the Mandalorians and established themselves on the mercenary market, the company desired to expand the reach of its operations.

Of course, the firm was nowhere near the level of giants to giants such as Blas-Tech and Silk Holdings, but it had a wealth of experience especially when it came to combating force-users. Besides, their Vice President was a 'Chaos Goddess'...according to a death cult of mad chaos worshippers whom she had exterminated. Now that was totally a ringing endorsement! Likewise it could provide experienced military advisers. Such as the Hottest Redhead In All The Land, [member="Delila Castillon"].

Speaking of everyone's favourite explosions-loving redhead, she would receive a transmission from her brunette pseudo-sister while she had fun watching things get blown up. "I hear you're having fun. Don't scare too many of the recruits away. We'll talk about you...taking two tanks without asking me first, but nice to see you're advertising the company merchandise. Want to go out for drinks later?" Presumably this had been said in Siobhan's usual terribly chipper tone. If it was any consolation, at least Dells had not been asked to go shopping with her, since that experience tended to drive Sio's attendants nuts!

And so it came to pass that Siobhan arrived at the ATC building where a grand convocation of business moghuls and Levantines was supposed to take place. Calls and such had been made beforehand, so she would be let in. Naturally because this was Siobhan she did not get to the building by driving speeder or walking, like a sensible person would do. However, instead Siobhan came from above, surging down from the sky as a hot breeze washed over her and whipped her dark brown mane, which was for a change not worn long but elegantly done up. At first she was but a tiny blip in the sky, then gradually solidifed as she swooped down at tremendous speed before she slowed her descent to a more controlled pace and landed upon the ground before the building with probably more grace than she usually possessed in her movements and daily interactions, descending like some angel from the heavens.

Or maybe just like someone who really liked showing off, since Force Flight was very energy-intensive and perhaps not that practical. Presumably the display caught the attention of the security guards who were professionally seeing to their duties outside, making sure the VIPs would be safe and sound, and whichever guests were arriving at the moment. Equally it could be presumed that Siobhan felt rather smug about that and so, having shown her credentials, she walked through the door and soon arrived at the grand hall where the meeting was taking place. Presumably she was a bit late but as Silaqui had told her there was such a thing as being fashionably late!

Siobhan wore an elegant black coloured women's business suit that was sleek her rather well, complete with a skirt and comfortable flat shoes. Vicious scars were etched into her features, showing how she had gotten where she was, though she was still quite attractive and her form was voluptuous. It probably came as no great surprise that her eyes fell upon Danger first when she entered the luxurious room. Once she would have felt out of place among the opulent surroundings, the clear display of wealth and power, given that she had been born abject poverty and come from the gutter like her wife, but she had changed and so those days were gone. As for the magnificient redhead, well, she was obviously very eye-catching, since nature had been most generous to her figure! However, whatever carnal thoughts Siobhan might have entertained would go unfulfilled.

Two unknown men were there, one a Zeltron, the other a tall blonde guy who looked...rather awkward, judging by how his cheeks were flushed. It did not take a genius to figure out what - or rather who - had caused that! She could sense their presence in the Force, which was strong and indicated mastery, and so she presumed they represented the Levantines. She gave them polite nods as she took in the room. "Greetings, gentlemen, Miss Arceneau. I hope I'm not late. Countess Siobhan Kerrigan. Representing Firemane Industries on behalf of Countess Tegaea Alcori, CEO. Thank you for the invitation. It's a pleasure to be here," she said warmly as she extended her hand to the buxom redhead. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the the Padawan she had met on Sigma Station. What was her name again? Val...Valeri...ah right, Valeria! Important things had been discussed on said station, though Siobhan had been mostly oblivious to it since she was busy lifting Muntuur stones.


An Honest Man
[member="Danger Arceneau"] sure was right, she was scratching his back. So he would most surely do the same, it was how corporations of this size continued to thrive. It was how they were able to divide such large markets yet co-exist peacefully with each other. Peace and harmony were only possible through this kind of networking, which was something that he didn't particularly specialize in. That was why he had branched out after receiving coaching from those in his inner circle, and from a few within the Hegemony that wanted to see him grow further. So when he received a response from the South Systems Bazaar he immediately jumped on that. It didn't take a genius or a CEO to know that if someone of that stature was asking you to jump, you didn't question it.

You merely asked how high and showed up.

Nearly half an hour later...

His vessels landed quickly, and he was folllowed by his entourage as he walked into the building where he was supposed to meet Ms. Arcenau. Strolling quickly, kept his shoulders slumped as he filed in behind her and said nothing.

Cade would let her bridge the connections, and he would reward her later.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Valeria Aetani"] @Cade Lee

A young woman came in, a bit late, and though he hadn't met her before he had heard of her before. An apprentice of Thurion's, should memory serve correct. What was her name again? Aetani . . . Valreria! Or Valeria Aetani. Yes that would make more sense.

"This is Valeria Aetani, a student of Thurion's." Jaxton introduced the two, praying that he had remembered the girl's name properly. "Thurion, why don't you take Valeria and investigate any potential New Order infiltration with Ms. Arceneau's head of security?" He suggested. Some leaders might have used such a tactic to get rid of a middle man, or get alone with a charming business woman, but that wasn't what Jaxton was trying to accomplish. Most of all Jaxton was trying to get Thurion out his embarrassment, especially in front of his padawan. That wasn't something he should have had to explain.

Then they were joined by a brunette in a fitted business suit and flat shoes. Normally Jaxton didn't really care what sort of shoes a woman was wearing but it was difficult not to notice when said woman chose to fly her way over rather than walk. It was quite the display of power and in stark contrast to the zeltron's ability, being able to lift perhaps fifty kilos a few centimeters off the ground with significant effort. He'd bet that he could best her in a saber duel though.

Not that would likely matter as she could simply throw things at him and a business meeting wasn't a brawl anyways. He guessed sizing somebody up was just an old Jedi habit. Or maybe he was just odd. In anycase she-who-need-not-ground went to introduce herself to Danger first, and Jaxton didn't want to interrupt with his own introduction. So we waited his turn, like a youngling in school at the nuna nugget line. Hopefully a little less antsy than that, but he supposed one could only hope.
[member="Jaxton Ravos"], [member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], @Cade Lee

And so more people arrived! The Zeltron who she knew from description as Jaxton introduced her, then suggested she and her Master go somewhere else.
"Great," she muttered. She'd only just gotten here, then she was off again.

She did however recognise the latest arrival. She knew her! Thankfully there were no one-tonne stones whizzing around this time. Minor advantage.
Caught up in the moment she waved to Siobhan, then realised she probably shouldn't have, and coughed, trying to regain composure in front of all these important people.
No wonder they were dismissing her and her Master, was it because of her?!
The Resol'nare was by far, Mia's favourite transport ship. She'd spent a lot of time behind the controls of one, and even though the double blind cloak was out of date the thrill of flying blind and still being able to sneak up on your enemy was far greater than anything else. Today though, the cloak was unused and she used the transport for simply that. Hopping from Dromund Kaas, to Etti IV to offer help. The Levantines were the closest thing to a 'true' Jedi Order, and they were waving a big flag at the New Order by making a move to secure Etti IV under their protection, her job was to better relations. To offer a hand of support.

Not exactly Mia's strong point, and had it not been for the fact that these people were friend's of Jorus, she would have told the Manda'lor to stick the job up a strill's backside, but, any friend of Jorus deserved her attention. They might not like it, but they had it. The ship slid into atmosphere, following a trajectory given to her by the planetary control and set down on an assigned landing pad, powering the ship down she climbed out and found herself face to face with a small group of security guards, weapons levelled at her. She sighed and raised her hands "This can go two ways, you lower your weapons and let me get to my appointment. Or, you fire your weapons, to no effect and I get to my appointment after breaking a few noses."

"Who are you?"

Mia removed her helmet in response. Someone in the group swore as recognition dawned on them. The weapons lowered. "We done here?" she asked. The lead officer nodded, and Mia went on her way, tucking the helmet under her arm as she went. The last time her face had been plastered all over the holonews she'd had both eyes and was commanding a fleet above Coruscant, for their actions against this very planet. Safe to say, she wasn't here today to ask the Levantines to back off.

Word no doubt would be heading [member="Danger Arceneau"]'s way that Mia Monroe had landed and was on route to the meeting.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Silk had a couple of potential ways to connect with the mad genius of the Fringe. For one, he had collaborated with Eshan Drive Yards' in-house technomancer on the Shev'la Kal project, and Silk not only owned EDY but kept the Bard of the Hyperlanes on retainer. And the Bard never forgot a phone number.

The Pathfinder-class was heavily automated and incredibly modular, and this one was as close to being the perfect Valik ship as Silk could make it. Its ownership had not been offered, but the potential offer was implicit, pending success. The frigate-sized laboratory currently contained the guts of a capital grav well projectors and a couple of pulse-mass mines, along with very, very powerful artificial gravity projectors and gravitic amplitude modulators. Every incarnation of powerful, variable gravitic technology was present here.

The objective was asymmetry. Randomized and widely variably asymmetry, on a grand scale, with an omnidirectional pulse-mass mine base rather than a unidirectional Immobilizer 418-style conical configuration. Valik would have access to every lab assistant and piece of testing apparatus known to man.
Thank. The Force. When Valeria walked in through the doors just as other buisnessmen and women began to gather around the table of the red woman, Thurion finally found a reason to leave this... emotional debacle. Jaxton mentioned something about New Order agents roaming around. Good, good - something to focus on. Not that he had anything against the bodacious lady Arceneau sitting behind her desk, but her presence made him feel... uncomfortable. Never had a woman made him feel so confused and hesitant about his actions. It was not love, for that he felt for only one particular young woman in this galaxy, but rather something more animalistic and carnal. Apparently the blonde had not yet experienced all that life had to offer, after all.

Rising from his seat and issuing a stiff bow towards the red woman, his blue eyes met with her green eyes once more, but this time there was far more confidence behind his gaze. She would not make his knees pass out on him a second time. "I take my leave of you, my lady red. Until next time." He turned to Jaxton with a small nod, before finally stepping towards the exit where Valeria was stood waiting. "Padawan. Shall we?" He smiled at her as he passed her and beckoned for her to follow him outside the office.

[member="Jaxton Ravos"] [member="Valeria Aetani"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
'Every lab assistant known to man' included one man who most definitely should not be there. Officially, he was meeting with a campaign donor -- Selka Ventus. Who just happened to require a technical consultation, as many donors did. Suit jacket sprawled over a GAM assembly, shirtsleeves rolled up, he would be found sonic-servodriver-deep in the guts of a pulse-mass mine.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] [member="Selka Ventus"]

Warren Valik was not often one to travel all the way across the galaxy to meet a man, especially after that one experience he had with [member="Seydon of Arda"] on his homeworld crafting a certain Sithspawn, but the project had definitely intrigued him. Gravity was one of the few things he had little in the way of manipulating through Sith Alchemy, a project to overcome it, bend it to man's will? Fascinating. Thus he arrived in a simple public fighter, notably under-armed in comparison to most military models, as a sign of goodwill, and then docked with the Frigate upon receiving permission.

Leaving his ship a small droid was there to greet him, and escort him to Ms. Ventus, his employer for this job by the looks. He was interested to see if this ship, and the help she offered, were up to the quality she promised.
@Ia'raklane Beorht - (NPCing Ia'raklane Beorht with author permission.)

It wasn't precisely six clicks when they encountered 'It'. Not quite. Ia'raklane heard its biometric wavelengths shuddering with awful, asymmetrical rhythm. They were passing above a slash of smooth-domed minor basilicas, dedicated to a local denomination of sectarian theology neither of them were versed in. Seydon gripped to a high sparred cupola, peering ahead into an industrial garden of refuse stacked back-lots. Tall, silver bricked exhaust stacks belched smoke up into rapidly darkening clouds. The air felt stifled with moisture. Rain began to patter.

Ms. Beorht saw it first. Initially, there was only a suggestion of shape loping along an open-air narrow storm culvert. She palmed her blaster-guns up, sighting with easy, steadied precision. Against her steeled nerves, she still gave out a cry. Seydon saw it too.

It was thirty feet in total length. Three and a half tons, supported by a brawny frame stippling barbed keratin-spines. Garbed in tan-black striped pelting fitted with punctured lengths of plating grown into its flesh. Two meters of sinewy, skinless tail whipped back behind its flanks. There was no head. Just a suggestion of inky fog back-lit by cold light and a thousand-one eyes peering out from a constantly bleeding neck stump. It turned, sunk its paws against a tract of building wall, scaling rapidly. Seydon's Farwalker armour was calling it. Ia'raklane's pistols lit it up with a harrying salvo that blew off portions of meat and skin from its ribs.

To her horror, it didn't seem to notice.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Jaxton Ravos"]

No sooner had she arrived then she was being hustled out again! Had she not supposed to be here, or had she done something wrong?
Insecurities made her shift uncomfortably as she left.
“Master, I’m sorry if I did something wrong, I’m sorry I’m late,” she said. She always called him ‘Master’ when she was worried.
Then she peered closer at him. “Are you alright, Thurion? Your face is very red,” she said innocently.
Unlike others who had been in that room, Danger’s ‘assets’ had utterly no effect on her.

Rosa Gunn

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Rosa wasn't entirely sure any of this was a good idea. Etti IV had already been preyed upon by the Republic and the uproar had been beyond unreasonable. Now? Now the New Order rested on their doorstep and had launched a fresh war against the mandalorians. Etti IV was in the cross fire and had called out to the Levantines for protection, and they had responded without question. As she stood just behind Jorus, here eyes drifting towards a view port offering the a view of the vast expanse of space a cold feeling settled in her stomach.

The Levantine Sanctum was free space, free of oppression from large governments, free from dictators and those who wished to control a nations thoughts and actions. Free from war. This movement could place them in the direct line of fire. Make them a target of war for the New Order. She had no doubts that they would win the war, but winning wasn't the point. It was the cost of what might come that concerned her. She berated herself silently. Worry about the here and now, Rosa, not the future possibilities.

She snapped her eyes back to Captain Tarbill and Jorus, silent and watchful.
@Ia'raklane Beorht - (NPCing Ia'raklane Beorht with author permission.)

It scrabbled up onto storm washed roof tiling, jutting talon-claws for purchase. Cheap pre-fabricate materials, mostly rocksheet, sub-par ferrocrete, terracotta shingles, collapsed awfully under its pounding weight. The beast punched its paws up from a sink in the roof and began running up the minor basilicas, vaulting off a tilting minaret. Soot-fogged eyes morphed from ocular organs into obsidian jawbones snapping with teeth as long as short-swords, forged from a material glittering dead starlight. Seydon heard it's voice: like the roar of a bursting nova, cosmic and eldritch.

Ia'raklane was still vaulting up over a hanging gable when Winterfang spun and struck. Seydon cocked the blade, deflecting the jaws aside and twisting, turning round once to furrow a blow over its chest. He peeled a ribbon of flesh open. The Beast grunted and it sounded akin to stone writhing upon ice. Up came one paw. It bowled into his chest, swept the witcher back, crashing him through a flimsy cupola and down along a length of roof doming. Ia'raklane was atop an adjacent laundromat, winking hot spits of las-fire. Six shots cracked into its right shoulder and jaw, blowing off muscle and unreal bone.

The Beast turned to regard her. It didn't see Seydon hacking in, wrenching Winterfang deep through its ribs. The jaw disappeared and was swiftly replaced by the nest of eyes. All one hundred... Or one thousand... They kept winking in and out of existence. Somehow, their angling stares looked wrong. All eyes turned to him, searing lances of psychic rage into his brain. Seydon cried out, retching blood from his nose. Up came his hand in the sign of fire. Heat engulfed the head and sent the beast leaping away in visceral agony. Ia'raklane winged it with a keen shot to its left hind-paw, blowing out digitigrade bone and ligament gristle.

"You alright!?"

Seydon snorted gore from his nostrils. His head stung brilliantly. "No! Keep on it!"

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