On Etti IV
Corporate Sector
Objective: Make fake money!
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Jaxton Ravos"], [member="Valeria Aetani"]
Free Trade Capitalism was a beautiful thing. Its amazing reach had spread across the Galaxy, binding the innumerable stars and connecting them through the power of the credit. Even through the countless wars, disasters, zombie apocalypses and planetary exterminations that had shaken this Galaxy for [insert number of years] since the end of the Four Hundred Year Darkness could not overthrow it. Capital endured and expanded, ever on the lookout for new markets to open up, new opportunities to grasp, for fortune favoured the bold. At times the process was painful, some would wonder whether it was worth the price for worlds not able to cope with change when it was ruthlessly forced upon them, but this could not stop the process.
Here on Etti IV one tread upon the ground of what could be called a temple to capitalism, for it was the capital of the Corporate Sector. Now freed from the grasp of the Sith Empire its leaders sought to keep things profitable and unregulated by outsiders, though the ailing New Order was just a stone's throw away, along with the Mandalorians, now busy tearing down that attempt at a new Sith kingdom. Under these circumstances it was perhaps fitting that one of capitalism's newest converts, Siobhan Kerrigan might find her way to this world, on a mission to help spread the gospel of peace through superior firepower. Truth be told, having fought the New Order on Aurum, the Silken Asteroids and Dromund Kaas before she was sceptical about them being a serious menace, but she could appreciate the leaders' desire to bolster their sector's defences through immense firepower.
The solution to so many problems lay in
Lots of guns. Solved any Sith problem neatly and efficiently. As the old saying went, if you want peace, prepare for war.
Firemane Industries was primarily a weapons manufacturer and private military contractor and the transport ships that had descended upon the atmosphere much like a little kid upon a chocolate cake came loaded with shiny toys...those of the sort that made things go boom and caused unpleasant experiences such as maiming, serious burns, death and such. Just in case there might be some misunderstanding! Having secured good relations with the Mandalorians and established themselves on the mercenary market, the company desired to expand the reach of its operations.
Of course, the firm was nowhere near the level of giants to giants such as Blas-Tech and Silk Holdings, but it had a wealth of experience especially when it came to combating force-users. Besides, their Vice President was a 'Chaos Goddess'...according to a death cult of mad chaos worshippers whom she had exterminated. Now that was totally a ringing endorsement! Likewise it could provide experienced military advisers. Such as the Hottest Redhead In All The Land, [member="Delila Castillon"].
Speaking of everyone's favourite explosions-loving redhead, she would receive a transmission from her brunette pseudo-sister while she had fun watching things get blown up.
"I hear you're having fun. Don't scare too many of the recruits away. We'll talk about you...taking two tanks without asking me first, but nice to see you're advertising the company merchandise. Want to go out for drinks later?" Presumably this had been said in Siobhan's usual terribly chipper tone. If it was any consolation, at least Dells had not been asked to go shopping with her, since that experience tended to drive Sio's attendants nuts!
And so it came to pass that Siobhan arrived at the ATC building where a grand convocation of business moghuls and Levantines was supposed to take place. Calls and such had been made beforehand, so she would be let in. Naturally because this was Siobhan she did not get to the building by driving speeder or walking, like a sensible person would do. However, instead Siobhan came from above, surging down from the sky as a hot breeze washed over her and whipped her dark brown mane, which was for a change not worn long but elegantly done up. At first she was but a tiny blip in the sky, then gradually solidifed as she swooped down at tremendous speed before she slowed her descent to a more controlled pace and landed upon the ground before the building with probably more grace than she usually possessed in her movements and daily interactions, descending like some angel from the heavens.
Or maybe just like someone who really liked showing off, since Force Flight was very energy-intensive and perhaps not that practical. Presumably the display caught the attention of the security guards who were professionally seeing to their duties outside, making sure the VIPs would be safe and sound, and whichever guests were arriving at the moment. Equally it could be presumed that Siobhan felt rather smug about that and so, having shown her credentials, she walked through the door and soon arrived at the grand hall where the meeting was taking place. Presumably she was a bit late but as Silaqui had told her there was such a thing as being fashionably late!
Siobhan wore an elegant black coloured women's business suit that was sleek and...fit her rather well, complete with a skirt and comfortable flat shoes. Vicious scars were etched into her features, showing how she had gotten where she was, though she was still quite attractive and her form was voluptuous. It probably came as no great surprise that her eyes fell upon Danger first when she entered the luxurious room. Once she would have felt out of place among the opulent surroundings, the clear display of wealth and power, given that she had been born abject poverty and come from the gutter like her wife, but she had changed and so those days were gone. As for the magnificient redhead, well, she was obviously very eye-catching, since nature had been most generous to her figure! However, whatever carnal thoughts Siobhan might have entertained would go unfulfilled.
Two unknown men were there, one a Zeltron, the other a tall blonde guy who looked...rather awkward, judging by how his cheeks were flushed. It did not take a genius to figure out what - or rather who - had caused that! She could sense their presence in the Force, which was strong and indicated mastery, and so she presumed they represented the Levantines. She gave them polite nods as she took in the room.
"Greetings, gentlemen, Miss Arceneau. I hope I'm not late. Countess Siobhan Kerrigan. Representing Firemane Industries on behalf of Countess Tegaea Alcori, CEO. Thank you for the invitation. It's a pleasure to be here," she said warmly as she extended her hand to the buxom redhead. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the the Padawan she had met on Sigma Station. What was her name again? Val...Valeri...ah right, Valeria! Important things had been discussed on said station, though Siobhan had been mostly oblivious to it since she was busy lifting Muntuur stones.