Jorga the Hutt
When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Ms. Ventus wasn't present; deniability was a thing, and she didn't make a habit of visiting mobile black box projects in the field. Instead, Valik found himself conducted to a familiar face. Well, mostly. Intervening time had aged Rel somewhat, sharpened him some. In recent months his girlfriend had been kidnapped and maimed by Sith. But he could work with Valik again; he could do that.
"You're first chair on this," said Rel, because frankly, that was the only sticking point that mattered. "Silk's paying you five times what it's paying me; I'm support staff today." He extricated his sonic servodriver from the gravitic circuitry and straightened up to extend his hand. "How far have they briefed you on the project?"
Ms. Ventus wasn't present; deniability was a thing, and she didn't make a habit of visiting mobile black box projects in the field. Instead, Valik found himself conducted to a familiar face. Well, mostly. Intervening time had aged Rel somewhat, sharpened him some. In recent months his girlfriend had been kidnapped and maimed by Sith. But he could work with Valik again; he could do that.
"You're first chair on this," said Rel, because frankly, that was the only sticking point that mattered. "Silk's paying you five times what it's paying me; I'm support staff today." He extricated his sonic servodriver from the gravitic circuitry and straightened up to extend his hand. "How far have they briefed you on the project?"