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Live Together, Die Alone (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Etti IV)

Nohemi Allaneh

Order of the White Current
At the Herd Ship

Nohemi would quietly continue to to weave the white current around the Herd Ship, deep in her meditation. By now there was a fine sheen of sweat over her brow, the manipulation of the currents showing its wear on her physical body.

Even with other Fallanassi to bear the load of the manipulation of the large Ithorian Herd Ship, Nohemi would feel the burden of such an intense immersion. But with practice and due diligence, she could broaden and expand her abilities to greater heights. It was a matter of training and constantly pushing the boundaries step by step. Like a youngling learning to walk, so was the same method of expanding one's skill in the Force, and more especially, in the immersion of the White current of such a large object.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Perfect harmony and peace. Clarity. Yes, that is what was required of her.

[member="Boolon Murr"]

It wouldn’t be long before the Gamorrean Nun would come waddling her girth with a protocol droid in tow. The Corporate Sector’s Medical resources had a wealth of resources, but having been cut off from the bulk of the galaxy and held under Voracito’s rule, they had no inkling of the new medical horrors that had bloomed in the galaxy.

The Dark Harvest strain, the Bando Gora Reavers, mutated sithspawn, and other twisted creations. It was a time of biological and chemical warfare, and one had to be prepared for the worst.

A small series of grunts would warn the Ithorian of her presence, as well as the click click click sound of the Droid’s metallic feet.
The timetable for the installation of the planetary weapons was going well, much to Alisha’ven’s pleasure. She would stand with her cerulean hands on her waist, big lavender eyes watching the progress unfold.

Arceneau Trade had delivered and installed two so far, and they were on the third site already. Key points had been selected that would most benefit a defensive structure. The spaceport, the areas outlying the capital, and garrisons and warehouses.

There were other secondary positions, but that will come in time. First and foremost were the key defensive outposts.
The beat of Mia's boots across carpeted floors seemed to draw eyes. She was escorted now by two security officers, more to show good practice than because she was a threat. They guided her through the complex's corridors to the corporate meeting. Business she could handle, politics less so, so so long as she thought of it like business she was alright. Still, she cursed Gilamar silently, promising to get him back somehow. They came to two large double doors padded with leather. One guard slipped through to whisper a word to the lady running the show, before beckoning Mia inside.

She stepped forward, single eyes flicking over those present. It settled briefly on [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] drawing a smile that softened the hard lines on her face before she snapped her attention back to the busty red head. Every business person knew her name, it was only courtesy. "Miss Arceneau," she offered her hand "I'm here to represent the United Clans."

[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Cade Lee "][member="Jaxton Ravos"]
[member="Jaxton Ravos"] was probably correct in his assessment that he would defeat Siobhan in a lightsabre duel. In her younger days she had been a bit of a duellist but truth be told she had not used her sabre against a serious opponent in ages, having sacrificed almost all other avenues of advancement for an apex mastery of telekinesis. Hence why she preferred to fight at range, using bolters, force crushing her opponents while repeatedly slamming them into the ground or chucking tanks at them. There was something stimulating about doing that sort of thing.

She gave [member="Danger Arceneau"] a bright smile. Siobhan's handshake was firm, though her touch might have lingered just a bit longer than was appropriate. She settled down on one of the luxurious chairs at the large oval boardroom table after it had been announced that the delegates were arriving. Siobhan was many things but she could not be considered particularly subtle by any stretch of the imagination and, well, she had a weakness for redheads, so she was...definitely noticing the curvy Trade Queen. A long, scarred but toned leg crossed over the other as she sat down, the bionic one, though its true nature would not be apparent unless one knew what one was looking for.

"Thank you. It's an honour making your acquaintance, Mr Lee. As a soldier I've been much impressed by your designs. Likewise a pleasure, Master Ravos," she glanced over to address the Zeltron. Now that their hostess had given a name to the face she could place him, recalling that he had been high-ranking amongst the Jedi Order once, back in the old days. There had been a big exodus in the wake of Roche.

The Butcher remembered Roche very well. That battle had shaped her in many ways, sculpted her one might even say. As had the war to eradicate the Bando Gora Reavers. She recalled having caught a glimpse of [member="Cade Lee "]at the big conference of business leaders and politicians Supreme Chancellor Popo had convened after the fall of Coruscant to the One Sith. She had really liked that cool walker his company had designed.

"We're also active in the mining sector, but contracting and arms are our primary business. We have experience fighting Sith and the like. Both with our company and before when my wife and I ruled the Protectorate. I've fought the New Order before," she said softly after their graceful hostess had spoken. She did not mention the circumstances that had led to them leaving high office. It had been all over the holonews when Tegaea had to step down due to the torture Kaelin had inflicted upon her. That was a very painful topic for Siobhan.

It was then that she felt a familiar presence through the Force, which soon became a certainty as the most photogenic - even with the scars inflicted upon her by the brutal torment of a Sith torture queen - Mandalore entered the room, the beat of her boots upon the carpeted floors heralding her arrival. Siobhan had been a good deal less...girlishly dressed on the other occasions the [member="Mia Monroe"] had encountered her.

"It's good to see you, Mia," Siobhan said after the former Mandalore had addressed the Trade Queen, words spoken genuinely and with clear affection. The last time she had seen Mia she had been...brutally tortured, maimed and on the brink of death. She forced that gruesome image out of her mind as she tried to focus. It would only make her angry. At least her friend was on her feet again.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Keeping low key and low profile was the name of the game. That’s how an infochant made her bread and butter.

That and results.

One didn’t get to her position in the information trading scheme of things unless one kept their nose clean and their ear down to the ground.

Which is exactly what Siara Kai was doing on Etti IV.

A different name and alias would grant her passage, one she’d used before that would dub her a mere Corporate Authority blue collar tech worker.

That was alright by her. With the constant shifting and moving of different parts, it was to no surprise that simply blending in would allow her access to one of the main corporate towers. Business as usual, she would do her due diligence. Bugging the area with encrypted long range transmitters that would bounce against the system’s holonet transceivers would provide bits and pieces of information. While she would not be able to glean everything, having the bugs prompted for specific keywords could aide in keeping aware of the CSA’s movements.

Now all she had to do was place them.
The Admiralty
Sometime after Seydon and his merry band of misfits disappeared in the sewer system to kick the collective ass of the monster population, Michael’s writer decided it would be best to start off on his quest in a different part of the sewer. Simply because he couldn’t be bothered reading the various posts which had been made in his absence, what a lazy bum.

At any rate.

His steps echoed against the crampy unlit corridors of the sewer, the stench was nasauting. Filling his nostrils with the scent of the filth of a whole world, not a pleasant place to be that was for sure. Didn’t take long for Michael to realize that this wasn’t going to work out, this realization came after the fourth time he hit his head against the wall.

So he brandished his lightsabre, and with the infamous snap-hissss the passageway was lit up in a blaze of eerie blue light. Somewhere in the distance the Jedi Knight could hear the faint hissing and snarling of some strange creature.

Sardun pressed on though, he had fought many things in his life. Sith beasts would not keep him from his vow.
Danger would greet the representative of the United Clans with a welcoming smile, her own hand slipping against [member="Mia Monroe"] ‘s own in a firm shake.

With the Mandalorian Territory nearby, it made sense to invite their delegation to join in the discussion. She relayed this aloud once she greeted Mia, “Right on time, Miz Monroe,” she’d drawl out with a warm smile. “I am glad that the United Clans are here to discuss the promotion of Free Trade and the mutually beneficial perks of such an endeavour. With the majority of the Hydian Way under the Jurisdiction of the Mandalorians, it would only benefit Etti IV and all of us gathered for an assurity in the safety and protection of the United Clans.”

It would also mean an easier way to tug Arceneau Trade Stations further down the Hydian Way and into Corporate Sector territory, providing each business under SSB and that of the Mandalorians and CSA to spread the transit of their goods straight into the Core Worlds and beyond.

Just a matter of hashing out the details.
The Admiralty
It was getting increasingly more difficult to ‘press onward’ so to speak, the corridors were becoming more and more cramped. Which really wasn’t that much of a surprise, because these sewers weren’t exactly made for people to use as a means of transportation. You have roads for that, and starships. Hell, why not use a train. Doesn’t stink as much, and the other users are less likely to bite your head off.

Several beads of sweat were lingering on Sardun’s forehead, waiting for the most treacherous moment to fall down and inhibit his ability to see. Thankfully that moment hadn’t arrived yet, one needs at least two posts to set the scene before initiating an action scene. Otherwise the tension would be taken away too early.

So the stalwart Jedi Knight carried on, trundling through the filth and.. well.. filth of Etti IV. Waiting for an overgrown rat to appear out of nowhere, and bite his head off.
Mia smirked, certain that the person getting the most out of this deal was Arceneau Trade but she wasn't here for credits. "I'm keen to hear all about it." She wasn't, not in the slightest "The Clans have nothing against Free Trade and I'm more than certain we can come to an arrangement."

She moved away, squeezing Siobhan's shoulder as she passed behind her. "Didn't know you had legs, Sio." she mocked quietly as she took the chair next to her and waitied for the discussion to progress.

[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Cade Lee "][member="Jaxton Ravos"]
The Admiralty
Eventually though the time for an action scene arrived, and with it the intent of the treacherous sweat bead was revealed. A piercing shriek boomed through the hallway, which mystically had widened itself, almost as if the scene had demanded it so. Just as the rays of blue lightning washed over the shadowy form of a… goddamn it it’s a spider. A huge one, the blue light reflected itself in the hundreds of little obsidian colored eyes.

Sardun blinked once, twice and then a third time. Before finally coming to the realization that the thing was not a simple mirage, and was in fact trying to kill him. Which was the exact moment the dripple of sweat decided to slip itself into his eyes, and in one swoop his vision blurred.

Again, coincidentally, this coincided with an incoming attack of the spider. Which practically threw itself at Sardun, trying to bite his head off with its mighty… scissors? Whatever you want to call those thingies on his mouth. Our heroic hero would have been done for, if there wasn’t a puddle of.. well I ain’t going to describe what kind of puddle it is.

Anyway, without that puddle his head would have come off. Instead, he slipped, ruined the remnants of his clothing and saved his life through the inability to stay grounded to the floor. The Spider swooshed over him, and fell into the muddy, dirty water.

Doubt he is dead though, probably will attack Sardun some more later.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="Romeo Sin"]

Listening to the masked man, Delila shrugged. Most often she was used to working with soldiers who trained day in and day out under her command. She supposed it was easy to forget the appropriate times for excessive fire. Tanks rumbled across the field, shooting off shells at pre-designated duraplast targets. Mainly building mock ups or little outlines of ground vehicles. While some may not see it useful, it was giving the chance to learn how to properly fire whilst on the move. Plus, the ground soldiers would have to learn to stay out of the way, head up and such.

"Measured fire is great. Until you're getting swarmed and you're going to have break up your squad into suppression and measured fire. Especially when holding a line, which no doubt if a war came the opposing forces would land in these plains and move towards the cities. While the city is getting bombed mind you."

Hearing the chime of her comm very faintly and feeling the buzz in her pocket, Delila took it out and read the message. She snorted back some laughter before typing back a reply.

I didn't take, merely borrowed. One can't properly train soldiers without explosions occurring all around them. Drinks? Do you ever think of anything else besides a social nightlife? I suppose I have no choice but to go.
Etti IV , Shield Station 1A

"You've got a lock on our location, correct?" Judah depressed the comm button on the control panel, waiting for a response. The last thing needed in their test was firing a bolt of energy down at the wrong location and the wrong time. Since they were out in the fields, the Salacia ship in space would fire close to them, in an open area. Judah didn't expect too much damage. The ship was designed for carrying cargo, not a firefight. It was more or less checking the planetary shield could block it.

"Roger. Firing in 4.....3.....2.....1...."

From just beyond the atmosphere, the cargo ship fired, angry red beam of energy zooming down towards the planet. It suddenly stopped, spider-webbing like lightning across an invisible barrier. More shots rained down in the quadrant, each having the same result. Back on the ground, Alik poked his head outside, looking up into the sky. No laser fire had rained down near their location. His eyes were too weak to see the bolts being stopped by the shield, yet he knew it was happening.

"Testing complete from our end up here."

"Nothing to report down here. We're going to tweak the shield power a little, judging from our readouts on the control panel down here. After we install the backup generator I think everything will be good to go." Judah ended communication with the vessel. "Alright, two of you get down to the underground maintenance room on this thing and hook up the backup power source. We'll tweak the shield levels from up here."
The Admiralty
While laying in the filth of a thousand worlds Michael Sardun, the former General of the Army of Light, was wondering where things had gone wrong. It seemed as if he had missed a beat, or the train, or any other analogy you want to use for this situation. His inner voice, in the form of Morgan Freeman for some reason, was asking pointed questions about the meaning of his existence and all that stuff.

His self-pity did not last for long though, because the spider mutant thingie finally decided to slitter out of the literal river of crap and restart his efforts to kill the Sardun. Now, if before the Spider was pretty ugly, now.. he was really astonishingly ugly.

At any rate, the thing tried to jump at Sardun’s prone form. Which elicited a less than friendly response from our Jedi Knight, namely in his Lightsabre to lash out in a slash over the spider’s belly. Opening him right up, and unleashing even more filth over our Hero.

Lucky guy.


To be continued.
@Ia'raklane Beorht [member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Jaxton Ravos"] [member="Mia Monroe"] @Cade Lee

A portcullis hatchway sealed behind the cloistered, steely roundtable irised open with a metallic whine. Folding tongs of inter-locking teeth curled back into recessed jambs. Two figures were admitted through by guarding security mercenaries, fully vetted. Seydon looked terrible. His suiting was splotched with still drying rainwater, mud swabbing up his boots, caking over knee-guards and along his leggings. Gentle hums of glowlamp light coloured him with odd tints. Seydon said nothing; he drew off his hood while he took a seat aside the negotiation process, picking at dried blood stuck around his nose and ears. The Beast's psychic rage had left a kind of false-lesion across his mind, pain slowly tapering off. He ran through Rosa's mental exercises and soothed a portion of his headaches bite. A pale, squirmy thing about the size of his forearm and four times as thick, liquid-grey with fusion scars and smelling horrifically, idled in one hand.
[member="Rosa Gunn"]

"Early warning system? Yeah, there's hyperspace early-warning beacons anchored in static positions in hyperspace all through this region. Omega uses'em all along the Mara Corridor, and the Fringe border; Fringe uses the same. It's what kept the Fringe/Rebel war so localized in the neutral zone. They're installing hyperwave sensors planetside, too. Not the most essential component of the system's defense, but pretty useful all the same. The best thing is, a modern hyperwave sensor setup can pick up reversions right away, and no ship can enter or exit hyperspace when cloaked. There's always a few seconds or microseconds between reversion and cloak, that's a manual shift on most ships, and if you get the gear set up right, you can have a pretty decent picture of at least what size of ship you're looking at, even if it's busy floating around invisible."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
In due course, when all the permacrete dust had settled, when the cables ran live and the test firing began, the old, old man clambered to his feet and beheld...nothing. An empty plain stretched out before him at the base of the mountain. Oh, he had the means to see through his own illusions and those of others, easily enough too, but sometimes he let go of that hold and let the illusion work. He perceived it as any Master might -- as nothing, not in the Force, not on any sensor. The hypervelocity cannon was now impossible to accurately target, and its duplicate lay a couple of kilometres away.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

Valik watched as the man pulled out a holo-white board and began drawing models, signifying the interdiction radius in comparison to the object's mass. He studied the diagram for a moment before speaking, working the problem out with his mouth as well as his mind.

"The gunship has the largest radius and is most well armored but is slow and more costly to produce or transport. The missiles are cheapest, still have reasonable interdiction range when using a resonance effect with each other or a planetary mass, are naturally unmanned and can be fired in orbit, allowing for a static path that a lead ship can transmit to the fleet, allowing the rest of them to know where it is at all times. The fighter, or even interceptor or bomber if you wish to be a little bigger or faster, has a larger range than the missile and a more consistent acceleration. While normally manned a droid brain could be implemented extremely easily, as the fighter doesn't have to engage in combat, only fly a predestined course to ensure maximum resonance and evasivness." He reasoned, going over all of the options.

"Personally I think the fighters give the most flexibility, especially in deep space situations. If these are only intended to be used for planetary defense however I'd recommend the missiles, due to the harmonic resonance increasing their potency and being able to maintain acceleration through attaining orbit. As well as being able to dedicate fighters elsewhere. In deep space it comes down to you can fire a concussion missile in one direction, but you can fly a fighter wherever."
The Admiralty
Eventually Sardun raised himself from his soothing slumber, which took him longer than you would expect from a guy his age. Then again, you don’t encounter an oversized spider decorated by crap every day. So maybe Michael deserved to be a little bit slower than normal, eventually he was on his legs again though.

With a small frown he regarded his robes, and couldn’t help but click his tongue. Or.. however that expression goes, he wasn’t happy with what he saw, that’s what I was trying to say. Anyway, he was on a crossroads, he could call it a day and head top-side again.

A spider vanquished is still one less Sithspawn to content with, but there was this growing sense of figural hunger in his stomach. Which was curious, considering the stench and the overall state of his surroundings. He mangaged it though, somehow.

Deep in his heart Michael knew that his job wasn’t finished for a post or two still, and as such he aimed his lightsabre again. Functioning solely as a flashlight, and descended into the pits of figural hell.

Hopefully there weren’t anymore spiders ‘ere anymore.
No power, no energy, no presence filled the room, but she found herself unwilling or unable to draw close to the Mindharp of Sharu. It lay beside what had once been the third adjunct dinner table of Darth Voracitos, in the centre of the room. Forgetfulness -- a brutal weapon, in the right hands, and an absolute terror to her. Velok would have run screaming.

She knew now what this was, remembered Quinis Asanis telling her of the Centrality and the Sharu, of the artifact powerful enough to induce forgetfulness across milennia and generations. She remembered the Sith Empire taking that territory under Desmius; presumably the artifact had been secured then.

She could use droids, but droids wouldn't have a prayer of handling a transdimensional artifact properly. Or, well, they could, but getting it out of the building and into secure containment served only the CSA, gained her nothing but their money - and she had money. Forgetfulness, fear -- what she wouldn't give to contain this somehow. To weaponize its relationship between transdimensionality and-

To weaponize its relationship between transdimensionality and-

To weaponize-

She drew back, slipped a finger under her collar. She was sweating, tired already. Whatever influence this machine held, it hadn't functioned quite like that in the tales. It might be broken, or someone might have switched it on by accident. Like, say, a gluttonous Sith Emperor looking for a way to eat more. Maybe all it needed was to be turned off.

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