[9:27:44 AM] KC (Ana): Meep
[9:31:50 AM] Jason (Orick): Get some sleep Kacey?
[9:32:03 AM] Andrew Ryan: what is sleep?
[9:32:22 AM] Maya (Seanna, Bria, Neph): yes what is sleep
[9:32:49 AM] KC (Ana): I did

[9:33:04 AM] KC (Ana): I finally fell back to sleep
[9:33:19 AM] Jason (Orick): It's that thing that your body does after you've spent all night crying into your pillow, Andrew
[9:33:28 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): LOLOL
[9:33:50 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): brbdying
[9:34:25 AM] Andrew Ryan: that only happens after you fail to deliver to your bed-promises again, Jason
[9:34:33 AM] Jason (Orick): Hey
[9:34:38 AM] Jason (Orick): It was ONE time
[9:34:44 AM] Jason (Orick): And I was drunk
[9:34:51 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): [9:34 AM] Andrew Ryan:
<<< bed-promises againwhat are these and how do I get them?
[9:34:52 AM] Maya (Seanna, Bria, Neph): It's that thing that your body does after you've spent all night crying into your pillow, Andrewso got to quote this in that chat thing
[9:35:02 AM] KC (Ana): LOL
[9:35:02 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): It's really good, Maya
[9:35:09 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): MADCHATS
[9:35:13 AM] Jason (Orick): I have my moments