Just a totally normal discussion about alcohol with [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
[5:09:56 PM] Sarge: What kind of whiskey should I get?
[5:10:18 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Tennesee Honey
[5:11:29 PM] Sarge: and why am I being encouraged in this direction
[5:12:08 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Ummmmmmm...
[5:12:16 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Because it's honey flavored?
[5:12:21 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: And.....From Tennesee?
[5:12:33 PM] Sarge: I actually lol'd
[5:12:49 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Welcome to the extent of my whiskey knowledge.
[5:13:14 PM] Sarge: I just pictured you saying it like it should be blatantly obvious as my only choice, like you've tried it all and have one clear favorite.
[5:13:17 PM] Sarge: "Well, why this one."
[5:13:20 PM] Sarge: "WHY NOT?!"
[5:13:26 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: hahahaah
[5:13:39 PM] Sarge: Maybe I'll give it a shot. I'm used to Irish whiskey. Should probably try some more American stuff.
[5:13:56 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Fireball Whiskey & Angry Orchard is goooooooooood
[5:14:05 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Angry Balls!

[5:14:09 PM] Sarge: Fireball makes me sad :[
[5:14:13 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Why :O
[5:14:14 PM] Sarge: I'm not a cinnamon kinda guy
[5:14:18 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: lol
[5:14:25 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: The first time someone gave me one
[5:14:32 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I had like 4
[5:14:41 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: And I got messed up before I noticed
[5:15:41 PM] Sarge: Let me explain to you how I get drunk, Jamie. Have a seat.
[5:15:52 PM] Sarge: First, I get whiskey. Sometimes tequila. If I'm feeling saucy, maybe vodka.
[5:16:11 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Wait
[5:16:14 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: If you're about to tell me
[5:16:23 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: That you simply pour it into a glass with a couple of fucking ice cubes
[5:16:28 PM] Sarge: LOL
[5:16:29 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: 1. I am gonna throw up
[5:16:37 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: and 2. I am going to ask if you're actually like...60 years old
[5:16:54 PM] Sarge: I only do that when I drink vodka tonics with my grandpa. Throw a bit of lime in there. That's his favorite, and I love that man.
[5:16:56 PM] Sarge: But no.
[5:17:26 PM] Sarge: I find a shot glass. And I pound back about eight shots in as many minutes, let it sit. Have a few more. Let it sit. Then I just take periodic ones until my body goes 'ugh, eww, liquor, no' and I call it quits
[5:17:48 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: That.....
[5:17:50 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Is like
[5:17:54 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: The exact same
[5:17:56 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Except
[5:18:07 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: No ice.
[5:18:14 PM] Sarge: Wow bro
[5:18:16 PM] Sarge: go throw up then
[5:18:21 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: How do you do that
[5:18:21 PM] Sarge: I see how it is.
[5:18:22 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: You may as well
[5:18:28 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Walk out to your car with a funnel
[5:18:33 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: And just drain the gas straight into your mouth
[5:18:59 PM] Sarge: It's funny, cause I spend most of my time with the foreign exchange students here. Mostly German and Belgian, and they like to think they drink aggressively, or whatever.
[5:19:06 PM] Sarge: But they call me crazy, so I don't know what's going on.
[5:19:17 PM] Sarge: But I do know I have a habit of playing Rock Band when I'm sloshed
[5:19:31 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: If I go out to like a restaraunt or something I usually get 1 of three things:
[5:19:57 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: 1. Green Apple Martini.
2. Strawberry Margarita
3. Long Island Ice Tea
[5:20:13 PM] Sarge: 2. Strawberry Margarita
3. Long Island Ice TeaBruh. Yes.
[5:20:27 PM | Edited 5:20:36 PM] Sarge: Strawberry Margaritas are my jam
[5:20:59 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: If I go to a friend's house, and I bring my own stuff to drink....I drink ciders, or the fireball/cider combo, or a midori & ginger
[5:21:10 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Other than that, everything to me, more or less tastes like rocket fuel
[5:21:21 PM] Sarge: I bring a battle of Jameson and call myself happy
[5:21:25 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: And I make the typical white girl face when it touches my tongue
[5:21:27 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Hold on, I'll find it
[5:21:30 PM] Sarge: oh god
[5:22:33 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: heeeere we go
[5:22:41 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah:
[5:22:53 PM] Sarge: If it's really good, I do the most guy thing ever
[5:22:58 PM] Sarge: and just kind of pound my chest a bit
[5:23:14 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: That's a reflex of your body checking to see if your heart is still beating
[5:23:20 PM] Sarge: LOL
[5:23:22 PM] Sarge: Hilarious.
[5:23:29 PM] Sarge: Admittedly I'm a walking male stereotype.
[5:23:39 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Whiskey, Gin, Rum....To me it all tastes the same.
[5:23:59 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: It burns every nose hair and my entire throat before settling at the bottom of my stomach in the most uncomfortable manner possible
[5:24:09 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Only to remind me that in about an hour, I am gonna taste it again in reverse.
[5:24:37 PM] Sarge: When you take a shot, do you keep your mouth mostly closed and like, vacuum it into your mouth? It's a stupid analogy but when you do it that way, you don't get all of that burn.
[5:24:42 PM] Sarge: Just kinda this warmth that seeps through your bones
[5:24:56 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I don't really know...When I am given a shot, I look nervously at it for a minute
[5:25:13 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: And then open my mouth and silently cry before I try my best to swallow it as fast as humanly possible
[5:25:19 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: It's like I am trying to race my taste buds
[5:26:11 PM] Sarge: And then open my mouth and silently cry Ok, that has to be the rapiest thing I've read in weeks
[5:26:18 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: OMG
[5:26:19 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: LOL
[5:26:25 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: WHAT THE FUCK
[5:26:30 PM] Sarge: I literally just said that
[5:26:35 PM] Sarge: like I'm sitting here laughing going
[5:26:37 PM] Sarge: 'what the fuck'
[5:26:47 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I don't think before I say things...
[5:27:00 PM] Sarge: Apparently you don't say anything, you just silently cry