Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[3:47:11 PM] Sha: REMY!
[3:47:16 PM] Sha: THAT A CLONE JOKE?!
[3:47:16 PM] Remy: Yessir?
[3:47:21 PM] Sha: -hulk throws a desk-
[3:47:32 PM] Remy: Maybe it is
[3:47:38 PM] *** Remy old-man glare intensifies ***
[3:47:46 PM] *** Sha gives back his own old-man glare. ***
[3:47:54 PM] *** Sha 'cause Kix is also old ***
[3:48:40 PM] *** Remy chews on cigar as tumbleweed blows by ***
[3:49:20 PM] LT Colonel Stealth Archer: Banders: Your two characters are what teenage tumblrite write smutty fan fiction about.
[3:49:31 PM] Corey the Mako: it really is
[3:49:53 PM] *** Sha watches the tumble weed blow buy with his Blue T-visor, a hand on his pistol DOO-DO-DOOOO Do Do DOOOOO! ***
[3:49:56 PM] Remy: Oh god... It's true, isn't it?!
[3:50:16 PM] LT Colonel Stealth Archer: Banders: Both old, both single, both suffered great losses, both trying to be dominant.
[3:50:27 PM] Corey the Mako: that is Tumblr
[3:50:30 PM] LT Colonel Stealth Archer: Banders: You're supernatural on overdrive boys.
[3:50:44 PM] Sha: Both Mandos and Vong-shaped.
[3:50:48 PM] Sha: Don't forget that.
[3:50:48 PM] Remy: flexes
[3:52:32 PM] Sha: I'm sorry Remy but I think Kix would be the top.
[3:52:54 PM] Corey the Mako: lololol
[3:53:22 PM] Remy: Yeah... Whatever helps you sleep at night











#Freethekeeper #FIFA2016 Facebook messenger c&ps real weird
Background Info: Earlier this morning, my dad and I went deer hunting. About an hour in, he decides to take a potty break and then try to rustle up some deer. I am stuck sitting in the stand. 15 minutes later, I get bored and text both my mom and my friend. I will post my friend's conversation first, but keep in mind that both happened about the same time.

[Me, 7:53am]: Hey wake up I'm bored. I'm deer hunting and my dad had to go to the bathroom.
[Her, 8:23am]: Haha I'm up I'm up.
[Me, 8:24am]: My fingers are numb and its oo foggy to see much
[Her, 8:25am]: Why aren't you wearing any gloves
[Me, 8:26am]: Because they don't help
[Her, 8:27am]: That really doesn't make any sense. Gloves help keep your hands warm. Get ones for Antarctica if need be
[Me, 8:28am. At this point my fingers are REALLY cold]: M fingers don't give off enough bofy heat for thm to be effectigve
[Her, 8:30am]: I feel so sorry for your poor frozen fingers
[Me, 8:30am]: Ner frozen. If they ere realyl froxen i woujldn+ be abt to text at all. But my spellign errors ar giving me aneurisms
[Her, 8:34am]: Haha I'm laughing really hard right now. Dude your spelling
[Me, 8:36am]: Don't make fun f it. I cn't help it the buttons on here are reallt tin anf not emant dor cold eather.
[Her, 8:37am]: Lmao XD I'm sorry! Just reading each message
[Me, 8:40am]: Ok, it's a litle funny. But sill
[Her, 8:43am]: Haha well I'm done laughing chicka
[Me, 8:46am]: Lol ok. I'm prpobaly going to lt yo go so i cn kep my ha,nds in my sleebves

My mom, at the same time (no formatting cause I'm lazy now)

Me: It's really foggy
Mom: Lol, I just sent [my stepdad] That same text! How's it going?
Me: It's ok. I haven't seen anything yet, my toes are tingly, and dad's in the bathroom. Lots of geese, though
Mom: R u not hunting?
Me: I am. He went back to the clubhouse. I'm still in, the stand
Mom: oh ok. Thought he made u come in too
Me: nope. He said he was gonna try and scare some deer my way when he finished; he's been gone for almost a half hour, if not longer
Mom: As foggy as it is, u may not see anything. [My stepdad] killed one duck. No
Me: that's one more than me
Mom: a lot more than me!!
Me: Lol
Mom: good thing we do not depend on me for killing the food we eat
Me: at least you can cook, right?
Mom: so they say
Me: Too bad I'm. Not goos hunting. Every few minutes there's a. Big group that flies over
Mom: Lol, that has to be the most spelling and grammatical errors in one text that I have ever received from u!! :)
Me: my fingers are getting numb. It's breakky hard to type hen they get stiff, and my eyes keep watering
Mom: reason #2 why I don't hunt. If it were me, I would say enough and go back to the warm clubhouse
Me: Clubhouse isdnt that wrm. We'r the only ones here
Mom: put ur hands in ur pockets and dont get them out till u see something or quit. Try to huddle inside ur clothes as much as u can. When u get home, warm shower
Me: Ll that's hat I'm trying to d. Das cave me a hothands thing but it's quit getting warm
Mom: then be careful, good luck, I love u, and stop texting me so ur hands stay warm! :)
Me: Lol ok. Love you too. About 9:308 if dad isn$td back I9m gona aks him if we can go. He's walking the treeline somewher to try and scare deer towards me.
Mom: Ok sounds good.

Note to self: dont text while cold. I sound drunk.
[5:17:13 PM] Draco Vereen: I crashed a wedding for lulz
[5:17:36 PM] Draco Vereen: show up to your ex's wedding with a grenade launcher, that, people will remember
[5:17:58 PM] Medicus Rex: My hero... I remember when you were just a little mando all new and shiny *sniff*
[5:18:07 PM] Draco Vereen: I know right
[5:18:16 PM] Draco Vereen: it was only like 6 months ago too
[5:18:20 PM] Medicus Rex: So proud ... Promised myself I wouldnt cry... Grew up so fast
[5:18:36 PM] Draco Vereen: its okay dad
[5:18:42 PM] *** Draco Vereen hugs Remy ***
Apparently, in the matter of [member="Draco Vereen"]........ I am the father...
When [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] and I discuss canon trinkets, this happens

[7:56:54 PM] The Tio: Do your characters have trinkets even?
[7:57:11 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): yeah Sage has a Sith Abbatar but there's apparently more than one
[7:57:17 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): but that's it
[7:57:30 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): i don't generally do the canon trinket thing, i usually just make my own stuff
[7:57:31 PM] The Tio: What's an Abbatar?
[7:58:00 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax):
[7:58:05 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): whoops i misspelled it
[7:58:12 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): it's basically like..a babel fish
[7:58:29 PM] The Tio: I thought it was an ABBA record :D
[7:59:30 PM | Edited 7:59:49 PM] Laura (Chevu, Sage, Cryax): it plays Mamma Mia if you rub it the right way
[3:13:34 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: You wanna hear my next big scheme?
[3:13:44 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: It's rather simple.
[3:14:25 PM] Andy Von Swaggington, King of Russia: shoot
[3:14:32 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: We're gonna
[3:14:43 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: c:
[3:14:50 PM] Andy Von Swaggington, King of Russia: you are going to kidnap the sandy claws?
[3:14:52 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: Yeh
[3:14:58 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: Lock him up real tight.
[3:15:05 PM] Andy Von Swaggington, King of Russia: you monster
[3:15:12 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights.
[3:15:13 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: c:
[3:15:41 PM | Edited 3:15:58 PM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: How the Vornskr stole Sithmas™
[2:22:06 AM] Smitty-sempai:

When Aleidis drinks, she goes a little straight. Because she isn't enough of a special snowflake.
[2:22:19 AM] Anna (Fabula): XD
[2:23:23 AM] Anna (Fabula): When Razelle drinks, it's alone, in a poorly-lit bar, with more smoke than air, and a guy with an eyepatch and five-o-clock shadow is sitting two stools down.
[2:24:50 AM] Anna (Fabula): Fable keeps trying to drink, but every time she walks into a bar, the jukebox immediately scratches and people start hitting each other over the head with chairs. The bartender pulls out a scattergun. The waitress is crying in a corner.
[2:25:58 AM] Smitty-sempai: Fable really doesn't see the appeal of bars.
[2:26:34 AM] Smitty-sempai: -as she gets hit with a table three steps into the place-
[7:17:29 PM] Seydon: (Blah blah blah... Insert Seydon being boring & Domestic). ...Freezing my toes, but not much I can do about that.
[7:17:48 PM] *** Remy lights your shoes/feet on fire? ***
[7:17:51 PM] Remy: See? I'm helping!
[7:18:07 PM] Seydon: Thank you, Satan, I don't know what I'd do without you.
[member="Seydon of Arda"]
[4:39:44 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I like Zonkeys
[4:39:48 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: ;)
[4:40:00 PM] Chris / Alric: The winky face
[4:40:01 PM] Chris / Alric: gave that
[4:40:14 PM] Chris / Alric: so many wrong connotations
[4:40:20 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: you're gross.
[4:40:20 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: lol
[4:40:25 PM] Chris / Alric: YOU SAID IT
[4:40:33 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: YEA BUT WE BOTH KNOW THAT WASN'T IMPLIED.
[4:40:35 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I DON'T FUCK ANIMALS.
[4:40:44 PM] Chris / Alric: I DONT KNOW YOU
[4:41:13 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: YOU GERMANS ARE FREAKS.
[4:41:19 PM] Chris / Alric: WELL
[4:41:22 PM] Chris / Alric: WE'RE KNOWN FOR THAT
[4:41:25 PM] Chris / Alric: SO IM SORRY
[4:41:43 PM] Chris / Alric: Being freaks
[4:41:45 PM] Chris / Alric: not fucking animals
[4:43:25 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Suuuuuuuuuuure
[4:43:37 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I think you were just looking for someone to talk to
[4:43:46 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: About your addiction
[4:43:47 PM] Chris / Alric: I do get lonely.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]
[11:22:02 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: Do I have to destroy you in a rap battle?
[11:24:09 PM] The Doge: I remember winning that
[11:24:18 PM] The Doge: As a matter of fact...
[11:24:19 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: Bullkark.
[11:24:55 PM] The Doge: I had a screenshot but I must have deleted it
[11:25:11 PM] The Doge: I think I made you cry
[11:25:13 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: Nuh-uh
[11:25:19 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: You are a fibber.
[11:25:30 PM] The Doge: Yuh-huh
[11:25:48 PM] The Doge: I'm telling my mommy you said that mean word
[11:25:55 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: Fibber, fibber, fibber.
[11:26:13 PM] The Doge: HOW DARE YOU
[11:26:20 PM] The Doge: I'm leaving
[11:26:48 PM] The Doge: I left
[11:26:59 PM] The Doge: I am gone
[11:27:03 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: F
[11:27:08 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: i
[11:27:09 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: b
[11:27:09 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: b
[11:27:10 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: e
[11:27:11 PM] Nyx the Hip Hop Panda: r
[11:27:28 PM] *** The Doge has left ***
[1/12/2016 11:19:54 PM] Cailin [Anija/Callista/Mesh] falls asleep, using Popo as a pillow
[1/12/2016 11:20:09 PM] Cailin [Anija/Callista/Mesh]: hopefully I don't wake up at 4 AM again
[12:28:46 AM] Mark (Draco) tucks cailin in
[8:21:12 AM] Waid: Tucks her into what?

A Hutt's fat rolls?

The hell did you use as a blanket?

[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Darth Vulkan"]
[7:14:31 AM] Smitty-sempai:

That reload drum is something Fable would get Raz for Life Day.
[7:15:24 AM] Anna (Fabula): XD
[7:16:24 AM] Anna (Fabula): Raz would probably get Fable an Artrisian-forged katana unique and interesting sword that has nothing to do with the Japanese.
[7:21:07 AM] Anna (Fabula): "Hey, I figured since you like that wushu stuff...and like...I dunno..."
"...Oh...I'm sorry. Thank you."
"Nah, it's cool. It's just a..."
"...Yeah. Thanks. I'm sorry."
"Happy Life Day."

Amount of blood in cheeks > total amount of blood in room
[7:25:18 AM] Smitty-sempai: Are you kidding? Fable would have a blast with a katana
[7:28:06 AM] Anna (Fabula): I was making a joke about how awkward Raz would be in giving a genuinely thoughtful gift. XD

[7:28:18 AM] Smitty-sempai: XD
[7:28:40 AM] Smitty-sempai: Delighted kisses should smooth the transition!

[7:28:44 AM] Anna (Fabula): The image of Fable going "wtchaw! Whsshoow!" with a katana in her cargo hold when no one was around? Too cute.
[7:29:40 AM] Smitty-sempai: Honing her inner peace an' poodoo
[7:30:26 AM] Anna (Fabula): Raz does her ghost thing. Fable does a clumsy half-spin as she turns around to meet girlfriend-eyes. Paralyzed in sudden horror.
[7:30:55 AM] Anna (Fabula): Blonde shakes it off. "You know, that's not bad form for someone who's used to swinging around a glowtorch."
[7:32:20 AM] Anna (Fabula): Fable is too busy with panic to form words, so "eep. o.o "
[7:32:58 AM] Smitty-sempai: Yeah, her 'spirit warrior' just got blown out like a candle. XD
[7:33:49 AM] Anna (Fabula): She was dueling the demon-king Yoshimatsu okay?!
[7:35:16 AM] Smitty-sempai: XD
[8:57:43 AM] Vilaz, the Gnasher of Nobs: Mythos
[8:57:50 AM] Vilaz, the Gnasher of Nobs: you know what really irritates me?
[8:57:54 AM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: Sand?
[8:58:03 AM] Vilaz, the Gnasher of Nobs: a little
[8:58:05 AM] Darth Cornskr the Shucker: It gets everywhere.
Laura and Tahira negotiate invasion terms:

[7:37:40 PM] tahira_solo: Listen.
[7:37:50 PM] tahira_solo: These are my terms. Deal. With. It.
[7:37:55 PM] Laura (Chevu): hahaha
[7:38:00 PM] Laura (Chevu): NO
[7:38:09 PM] tahira_solo: Mother effer, shut the front door.
[7:38:14 PM] Laura (Chevu): Laura calls an RPJ
[7:38:17 PM] tahira_solo: calls one first
[7:38:31 PM] tahira_solo: bahaha
[7:38:34 PM] Laura (Chevu): Laura second chances
[7:39:05 PM] Laura (Chevu): and quits the site only to return 3 days later like nothing happened
[7:39:12 PM] tahira_solo: HAHA
[7:39:20 PM] tahira_solo: rage quits
[7:39:43 PM] tahira_solo: blocks all friends
[7:39:50 PM] Laura (Chevu): we're obvs the best negotiators in the world
[7:40:04 PM] tahira_solo: obvs
[7:40:11 PM] tahira_solo: throws a tantrum like Kylo Ren
[7:40:44 PM] Laura (Chevu): ooh the Kylo Ren tantrum. that's the final form of invasion negotiations
[7:40:57 PM] tahira_solo: yus
[7:41:07 PM] tahira_solo: I'll be the trooper that slowly backs down the hall
[7:41:33 PM] Laura (Chevu): i kind of want to madchat this
[7:41:51 PM] tahira_solo: do it
[7:41:58 PM] Laura (Chevu): but skype for web doesn't let me cut and paste all pretty like
[7:42:04 PM] tahira_solo: I have nothing to hide HAHAHA
[7:42:25 PM] tahira_solo: I'm going to do this and idc if it looks pretty
[7:42:36 PM] Laura (Chevu): ok :p

[member="Sage Bane"]

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