[member=Captain Larraq]
I've been writing argumentative research papers for years, pulling quotes out of context isn't going to win you any ground.
Just before the post you quoted, Larraq made this statement in his: "...We will annex this system into our protection before the Republic has the opportunity to bring the Verpine people under heel."
A blatant declaration of hostile intent. You kicked the door down with that one right there mate. So quit whining about the defending military commander boasting to you over the phone, that grew stale two weeks ago, and unless you're insane, is no grounds for continuing a military campaign that will end the lives of countless people.
"Mandalorians only shoot soldiers" is a ridiculous excuse for propagating war across other peoples' borders.
Here's another one that shows the inverse nature of your position in this discussion: "...I fear that even now, the Republic moves to bring Roche under thumb through military force."
The dominion we wrote prior to the invasion comprised of the Republic military assisting the natives of Roche in repelling a pirate invasion, fighting off a Sith Lord and ended with the Verpine embracing membership with the Republic. If you want to play us off as the bad guys, you've got to do better than getting all the IC facts wrong.
And don't attack my use of the Verpine government, the planet was the Republic's. You can't impugn my writing of the Verpine delegation while simultaneously supporting the Organa's right to control an entire planet and successfully secede from it's owned faction.
I don't play host to double standards, so knock it off.
If the Mandalorian faction had wanted to avoid civilian deaths, they wouldn't have started by jamming an invasion force onto a civilian station, ranting about sovereignty and waving their guns about. Your foreign policy sucks. Ali gave you the opportunity to initiate amicable discussion and you ignored her, then continued moving in.
That whole screw up is on you once you decided to show up at all. You don't get to put a gun to someone's head and then claim the moral high ground when someone innocent gets shot in the resulting scuffle. Get the feth out dude. lol
"You attack a valid military target and some civilians happen to die in the attack? Well poodoo. It happens. You avoid it when you can, but don't lose a war because you were afraid to throw a punch."
That's right, you attack a valid military target. Like Nickel One, a civilian station. Come on, you're basically giving your intellectual credibility away like it's Black Tuesday.
I love this idea that world-burning is acceptable when it's Mandalorians defending their own, but they're perfectly happy judging others for accidents that occur while the Mandalorians are stretching their legs into other governments' territories with military forces.
You're done, I can't take any more. This is killing me. lol