Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Ali Hadrix said:
[member=Captain Larraq]

The dominion we wrote prior to the invasion comprised of the Republic military assisting the natives of Roche in repelling a pirate invasion, fighting off a Sith Lord and ended with the Verpine embracing membership with the Republic. If you want to play us off as the bad guys, you've got to do better than getting all the IC facts wrong.
Let's be honest though.

The entire concept of that dominion was just plain silly and was skewed entirely in the favor of giving the Republic an artificial higher moral ground while they were dominion rushing.

Pirates infesting the Roche system while dozens of huge corporations have personal interests in stability in said systems? Pretending like the Verpine Government can't handle a bunch of pirates and needs the assistance of the Republic, when the Republic has been kicked from one corner of the map to the other by the Sith? It boggles the mind that the Republic still has a running economy, army and navy when ya think about it.

Just saying.
[member=Darell Irani]

I think that's the distinction Lady Kay was making, if I'm not mistaken. The notion that even though a writer has a character that represents a world, like a Senator in the Republic, they cannot officially, OOCly, pull that world from faction ownership without the faction staff putting in a request for it to be done.
I think it goes without saying that if a faction's leadership wants to give away/trade a planet, they're free to.
"The entire concept of that dominion was just plain silly and was skewed entirely in the favor of giving the Republic an artificial higher moral ground while they were dominion rushing."

Honestly, the story was silly. I almost facepalmed when the Sith Lord character raised an army of zombies. It was a terrible story. But at least from what I knew, it's design had nothing to do with any sort of moral high ground. I think the Republic is just expected to run positive, helpful storylines (like our dominion going on right now on Altier helping refugees), so that's typically what we fall back on. I mean, if we don't come up with something exciting to write, we end up with a dominion no one wants to participate in. So we end up with cheesy stories that may or may not make sense in a super realistic setting.

You are more than welcome to help us out designing storylines for dominions if you think ours are lacking. But we can hardly be expected to intentionally make the Republic look like anything other than half-way decent folk when we're designing our narrative. It's good with shades of grey mixed in, but also don't forget that there are a variety of characters involved here.
The Mandalorians are a wonderful culture, but they're very much a monoculture. The Republic is typically a more variable mixture as it contains entire worlds of different peoples, so it stands to reason that even though characters involved in one story may act like goodie two-shoes, others will not.
That's right, you attack a valid military target. Like Nickel One, a civilian station. Come on, you're basically giving your intellectual credibility away like it's Black Tuesday.

I love this idea that world-burning is acceptable when it's Mandalorians defending their own, but they're perfectly happy judging others for accidents that occur while the Mandalorians are stretching their legs into other governments' territories with military forces.
Nickel One became a valid military target the moment you broadcast your position from it, indicating that the Republic had upped its military presence in the system. Whichn by the way, entirely validated the arguments Larraq had made for n invasion in the first place. If you really wanted to hold the high ground and push for a moral victory, you'd have had the Republic Military back off, let the Mandalorians hold the system, and enter diplomatic talks to prevent further conflict.

Instead, you insulted the Mandalorians and ordered the use of questionable actions against a military force that your character would have known were all but immune to.

And as far as you roleplaying the locals... It is done in one of two ways. Either your character represents a faction's government and is interacting with another faction's rep or with a local (neutral) NPC, or (in the case of a planet like Alderaan) the existing local political leaders handle things themselves.

What you did was meta as hell.

Also. For the record.

Waid - Monday 1:03 PM
> You know... to be honest... if Ali (the writer and the character) had the balls to just walk up to the Alor Council and face judgement for her crimes... Olivia would probably just call her Dar'manda and tell her to stay the fuck away from Mandalorian people and planets.

She'd also tell Larraq to shove it and not declare wars without speaking to the Alor Council

Andrew Ryan - Monday 1:04 PM
> because i don't really see the Mandos care all that much about civilian kills

Waid - Monday 1:05 PM
> Andrew. It's not that civilians died...

If you perform a military action against another military or a viable strategic target... and civilians die in the process.... well... shit happens.

But going out of your way to endanger or attack civilians that do not pose a threat, or are not within splash-damage range of a viable military target?

That's bullshit and will be dealt with.

The Tree// Vaudin Miir - Monday 1:06 PM
> I agree with Waid

Waid - Monday 1:07 PM
> She knew ahead of time that the Mandalorian warriors would be in void-capable suits. And she knew that there was a risk that civilians would be in those areas.

And she instructed her people to vent atmosphere anyway, on the off chance that it "might" be effective against the mandalorian infantry.
Darell Irani said:
Untrue. The faction staff of any major faction can always file a request in the Map Updates thread to have worlds of their map territory go neutral. As already stated by Larraq, the Mandalorians did just that when they felt the faction was way too focused on the map game and the drama that comes with it.

Alderaan, Eshan and any other planets can go neutral... the Republic Faction Staff just has to allow them to do so. Or the Mandalorians can invade the worlds and help them secede.

Your call, mates.
lol, no thanks.

I would prefer that the Republic staff do the right thing here rather than having to fight the Mandalorians (we're Echani, we'd have to). Regardless of what people think, Eshan was not always a part of the Republic. It wasn't even on the map until I had it added back in 2013 when I started up a MAJOR faction called The Echani Compact. I ran that faction until I hit a snag in the road, and then turned the world over to its current Queen, Spencer Varanin. That being the case, said Queen is still around, and she and I made the decision to no longer support your Republic for various reasons, as laid out in the IC post I made. So while Eshan may fall into your "sphere of influence" thanks to the map game, ICly, you have no influence there. We joined you to work with you before, now we're leaving you for something better. Them's the facts.


I'm Sexy and I Know It


Well-Known Member
[member="Janira Fenni"]

It still does not by pass the fact you are part of the the republic, like my own country we are part of the eu. We have to actually secede via a referendum, and a debate with our current European (friends). Even in the south in america, they had an election before they secede to become the confederates states.
So you need to have some sort of political discussion involving the republic before you do. Other wise rightfully or wrongly, they may decide you fallen to one sith influence, some wrong intel or a dodgy dossier, and invade to remove you and your queen from power. As writer you have no power to stop them, as there is a map game. You fall squarely under republic faction control, and so does alderaan. That is why [member="Jack Sparrow"] and [member="Alyesa Organa"] have agreed to meet, your over playing your hand as a writer. You can not dictate the actions of the rest of a faction, regardless if you think you run a blob on a map. This is why it is called co operative writing, and the bases of terms of that is the board rules. So you like it or not, are members of the republic, there are no rules for rebellion as they where withdrawn. So go to a meeting with jack and Alyesa, and have rp with them with your ic concerns. Then take it from there, as until you have the numbers to join the map game, you are the senator of the planet by faction admin permission.

(sorry really hope that did not come of as a rant, not meant to be, just the facts and the one we all have to play by)
Feel free to invade. We will gladly kill any invaders. In addition, we can then laud the fact that you invaded instead of trying to resolve things democratically (in my first post in the IC thread I said we would receive people who wanted to talk to us but I haven't seen anyone show up).

You can say what you want, Sabrina, but Eshan no longer considers itself a part of the GR. OOCly it remains such, ICly it does not. That is how it is, and you can deal with it. I opened the door for people to come talk to us, nobody has, Kay thumbed her nose at us, so the responsibility falls on the GR.

But we are supporting the NR, regardless.



Well-Known Member
[member="Janira Fenni"] that is your choice, but the fa could say well we having a senatorial election, and your no longer senator you lost, bye.
That is there choice not yours, as you get it for fun to use as part of the faction, not as your own base of power to remove it from the faction.
The board rules simply does not cater for it, it did try but no one took it up, I tired for serono and it was fun, when the rules where there.
We no longer have a senator. I was only a junior senator anyway, so I don't know what you are getting at. Being a senator has no bearing on anything.

I'm not using senatorial status for anything here. I'm using my status on Eshan which is considerable considering I was the leader of the Echani Compact. That plus the weight of the Queen, who is a PC being behind it. The GR is free to be a dick about this, which everything you have said they could do would be considered a dick move. But if they do I will make sure everyone on this board knows it ICly and OOCly, and we will see how you recover from that (you wont).

So feel free to continue, [member="sabrina"]. You are just furthering my negative opinion of the GR.
There is a lot of horse hockey going on in here.

Essentially, I'm hearing people say that what other writers put time into needs to be sacred and not messed with OOCly. I can agree with that and it may actually affect the way I view Eshan and Alderaan OOCly.

Then I hear other people saying that what other writers wrote was silly and therefore should be ignored ICly, to the point where it would offend someone when the government in charge of a place put military defenses up in the face of an invasion that they had prior knowledge of (as per the invasion agreement).

Well, that's just people being people, I guess.

And I do apologize for not being more clear about my meaning when I listed out people as being the Mandalorians. I had intended that to mean those people are where the push to alienate the Republic is coming from. Also, I know fairly well what the Mandalorian have going for them, and I know that at present the Republic is on some hard times. However, a quick look through back posts shows that only IRL months ago the Republic had many active writers and the Mandalorians were the ones in crisis.

Now, I'm no fortune teller, I see no future and only can judge the past from what I read. The thing is, it all goes back to IC actions have IC consequences. I'm not going to tell you to stop your story, but I am going to remind you that fortunes change, and while the Mandalorians have forgotten that the entirety of the Republic was their ally, the Republic with me writing in it won't. Beat us and batter us, but when Mandalore needs help in the future, Khyros will still push to answer the call. It's what the Republic does, though if the Republic is gone, there will be no one between the OS and the Mandalorians, and they out active everyone else.
[member="Khyros Sunblade"]
There will be someone, but that someone is just getting off the ground.

Anyway, I opened the door for people to come talk to us in my secession post. Nobody did. Instead, all I see are people swinging the OOC hammer trying to tell Alyesa and I what we can and cannot do. She and I are veterans of this board and we know that OOCly our world's are still part of the Republic due to the map. We get that. But ICly, we are rejecting the Republic.

Truthfully, the Republic is a membership by application government according to history. If a world wants to no longer be a part of the Republic it can withdraw. Just because we withdrew doesn't mean we were going to turn around and attack you like the separatists did. We just don't support your failed attempt at being a Republic is all.
Do people have any interest in letting the people currently trying to build the Republic back up to what it is supposed to be have a chance at that?

I know this is OOC and IC things are IC, but there is a great deal of hostility towards the Republic OOCly, and down right bullying even, and I find that is not fair seeing as the Republic has a new leadership at almost every level.

I for one feel like I'm being told that because I am new here what I want to create is meaningless, while others should be given the utmost deference just because they happen to have been RPing here longer.

I've RPed online for seventeen years. I was a mod for the Compuserve and AOL rp chat rooms, I've written in Battletech forums, Star Trek forums, independent forums, and now I write here.

Everyone deserves a chance to tell their story without being OOCly bullied. Alyesa and Janira, if you feel that I was trying to do such, then I apologize for not being clearer in my comments.
The question is: is there a process in place whereby a planet can secede? It makes no sense for a planet to secede just because the senator doesn't want to be part of the government anymore. Resign and let someone else take your place. For a planet to secede, there needs to be a formal process in place. If we don't have one, we should figure out how one would be implemented. My suggestion would be to run it like an invasion with a minimum number of required posts and an RP judge deciding the outcome.

This isn't meant to be part of an argument, it's me getting clarification on what the process is.
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