Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'd like to allow [member="Jack Sparrow"] and [member="Alyesa Organa"] the opportunity to try to hash things out in a private before we keep going back and forth on the issue of succession. Anyway, it doesn't have to be Alderaan remaining under the thumb of the central government, or just leaving. That's a false choice. They could become an autonomous region within Republic space. A Hong Kong inside the Republic. Even if Alderaan does succeed, we can still maintain ties to the system, much like how the EU has economic and security arrangements with some non-EU countries. To me, this is small potatoes. The people behind Alderaan put a lot of effort into doing things with their planet, so I think they should be rewarded for that. Right now, we should be doing everything to keep the Organas happy so that we don't have another altercation involving the Mandalorians, or even the Sith. The latter has a vested interest in keeping up the drama I'm seeing right now.

[member="Ali Hadrix"] If you want to keep playing military, then you must respect the rules of that position. If you haven't already turned yourself over to Republic custody, then you should do it. Otherwise, you're AWOL in my eyes. That alone is enough for an arrest warrant. ICily, I doubt your subordinates will be too keen to protect you either since you have a history of throwing them under the bus to save your skin. If it's true that you participated in the coup as an agent of Lasedri, then you should have been locked up a long time ago for treason. I was sympathetic to your case until that came to my attention. At this point, your selfish actions are proven to be ruinous to Republic and Mandalorian relations. You are part of the reason why they were at Roche in the first place. As a Senator, I have to keep up a public face and say that [member="Captain Larraq"] and friends were in the wrong, but my personal view is that you need to take responsibility for your actions. If you really do believe that you're innocent, then there should be no issue standing in front of a court of your peers to defend yourself. No one is trying to feed you to the wolves here, you just screwed up.

I don't think Sparrow should just hand you off to the Mandalorians. You should be tried in an ad hoc court composed of judges from the Republic and the Mandalorians, and some neutral members supported by both sides. We have a neutral forum for that on Alpha Mae, the Galactic Systems Senate (Space UN).

If you want to keep being a hero though, you could just go on the run, and allow the Republic to denounce you as a means to save face and wash our hands of the issue.

[member="Captain Larraq"] If we got rid of Hadrix and respected the Mandalorian prescence on Roche, would you be satisfied? I think any continuation of military action on either side is a bad idea, and I'm willing to sacrifice one bad apple to see us being cool again. Myself and some other newer members to the government are in trying to clean things up.

[member="Khyros Sunblade"] [member="Janira Fenni"]
[member="sabrina"] icly I do support this and have been rping as the "Queen" since the Echani compact moved into the republic. Anyways I've had a busy weekend with the holidays hence why I haven't posted. Let's look forward to a good story and not get caught up with OOC drama c:
We need to stop reinventing the wheel and present the terms agreed to by the Mandalorians, allow Jack and Alyesa their meeting, and stop jumping at every little thing and turning it into a mountain.

This constant going back and forth and rehashing gains nothing.
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

As a note, We already took Roche. It is under Mandalorian control, and upon Map Update will show in our Influence Cloud. As of the 6th of February in fact. Our presence is fully recognized with a large invasion fleet of primarily corporate assets securing the system, waiting for the nearby Republic Forces to move from the local regions and de-escalate.
[member="Darth Vulkan"] There's no disagreement over that, it's what I meant by recognizing the Mandalorian presence at Roche, ICily. There's some projects that I'd like to pursue with the Verpine and Mandalorians in the future, so I just want to get this business all behind us. Demilitarization in the region will be kind of tricky, because Roche forms part a bend that leads out to GR territories in the mid rim. By the rules of Invasions, are you just trying to grab Roche, or cut us off completely from the eastern quadrants?
[member="Suravi Teigra"]
It was non-defensive de-escalation, meaning ships with long range hyperdrives, massive capital ships, planetary assault vessels, etc.

Basically pulling away any large scale build up that could quickly be used to hit Roche.
This is how you all make me feel right now....
[member="Darth Vulkan"] Okay, something like this? The red zone represents the demilitarized zone, while the blue line represents a travel route the Republic could take to get around it.


[member="Alyesa Organa"]



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Mantic isn't around until March and I don't have the authority to remove planets, only to add them. So if by that time people are still wanting to pull out, then leave him a message. That's about all that I can do.
[member="Darth Vulkan"] I'm not asking for permission, I'm trying to get an idea of what the map will look like now. There's a chance of that happening, but Roche sits on the outer edge of that bend. We have a line of planets on the inner track.
[member=Suravi Teigra]

"You are part of the reason why they were at Roche in the first place."

Not at all. I believe you're thinking of Keira Ticon. Ali was not a part of anything revolving around Genevieve Lasedri. I didn't even take part OOC, and did not know about the RP details until they were well underway. Ali's only involvement in any of this was to show up at Roche to lead a defense of the station.

"ICily, I doubt your subordinates will be too keen to protect you either since you have a history of throwing them under the bus to save your skin."

I have no clue what you're talking about.

Ali immediately sought to capture the people she was able to identify as directly responsible and secured them for safe transport to Republic custody. The Verpine government is not part of Ali's chain of command, they are not her superiors or subordinates and acted outside of Republic authority.
Captain Macer Heln is the character I created to take responsibility on the Republic side; standing by and allowing the Verpine to commit to their actions. Ali's not throwing anyone under the repulsorbus, she took the responsibility upon herself on behalf of the Republic to take the culprits into custody. And while she'll admit to a failure to identify any faulty judgment in Captain Macer Heln, he also was not her direct inferior so she wouldn't really have any way of being able to know. At some point you just have to trust your soldiers, even if you're meeting them for the first time.

But she's certainly not going to take responsibility for murders someone else committed by acting independently, and neither would anyone else.

"At this point, your selfish actions are proven to be ruinous to Republic and Mandalorian relations."

Again: They showed up with an invasion force, physically entered a Republic installation with a mass of forces armed to the teeth, sabotaged the station itself, ignored attempts to make contact and assurances that their properties and peoples would be left untouched, and when they did make contact, it was to declare they'd be securing the system for themselves by force.
Once they did all that pal, they've ruined relations between the Republic and Mandalore. Not the Republic: Mandalore, which opted for invasion rather than communication and diplomacy. And that's totally cool with me. I like a good fight, as a writer. But don't get on Ali's butt for doing her job the way it's designed.

Ali's job isn't diplomacy, it's warfare. If they wanted diplomacy, the leaders of the Republic should have asked her to stay home or held the Senate peace talks within the invasion instead of declaring that it wouldn't have any affect on anything (seriously, why would you organize a peace talk alongside an invasion, and then declare that the one has no affect on the other?).
So it's not fair to slam Ali for standing up to the Mando's rather than let them walk all over Republic territory for the minute chance of a "peaceful" resolution (which we all know means the Republic surrendering to the Mandalorians).

As for trials, I'm saving the date, but haven't heard an IC/OOC peep from anyone running the Republic, such as [member=Jack Sparrow], who's still caught up writing scenes that take place before a decision on what to do is reached.
So, in case you're wondering why Ali hasn't simply turned herself over, here's the dealy-o:

1) Republic gets a tip off that Mandalorians are going to make a move on Roche.

2) Republic shows up to defend the territory that willingly joined them previous to these events.

3) Ali hands out a set of standing orders for her soldiers only, in one of the command stations of Nickel One. She then heads out to locate and arrest Keira Ticon, whom Ali is tipped off as present on Nickel One.

4) Kol'k Oto, after a brief mental conversation with the rest of the Verpine delegation, acts to vent the hangars the Mandalorian forces placed themselves in. Captain Macer Heln neither attempts to stop them, nor does he even contact any of his direct superiors or Ali herself to alert them to the act in progress.

5) Hangars are vented.

6) Mandalorian characters start pointing fingers at Ali Hadrix. Many sentences about tears and crying are written. It's all very heart-warming.

7) Abigail, of the GA fleet, takes all the evidence transmitted to her and puts out a call for arrest of the Republic's Supreme Commander (no IC/OOC judgment mate, it's a third party character, I get it).

8) Ryan Korr, of the Jedi Order, joins forces with Darth Vulkan together they form a super team of detectives (despite being of drastically different ideologies, Draco having been directly on the ground in the invasion of Contruum and is basically gushing Dark Side Sith the whole time) attempt to locate and reprimand the Verpine delegation and Ali Hadrix.

9) Around this time, Ali is made aware of the hangar venting. She abandons her search for Ticon in order to secure those she knows to be responsible: The Verpine delegation and Captain Heln.

10) Dryan Korreen / Jedarth Vulkorr, the Super Duo, arrive at the control center with Republic soldiers (despite the Jedi having no legal authority over the Republic military as they are IC/OOC distinctly separated), and attempt to take custody of the Verpine. The Verpine agree, but Captain Heln pulls a gun and starts shooting like an idiot (seriously, you don't shoot at Draco Vereen if you want to live).

11) Ali's commandos arrive in time to usher the Verpine out of the control station in the midst of the fighting, pulling the evidence they need before fleeing. They link up with Ali Hadrix, who is briefed on what happened. Captain Macer Heln is just assumed dead at this point, but Ryan actually keeps him alive so he'll be coming back at some point with super bionic arms (the originals which Ryan cut off Count Dooku style lol).

12) Ali and Co attempt to reach a Republic-controlled hangar in order to turn the Verpine over to Republic custody that is not the Jedi (as the Jedi have made false claims of authority and Ali isn't sure she can trust them).

13) Enter: Janira Fenni, a junior Senator with no battlefield authority (confirmed by members of the Senate), who attempts to stop Ali and her prisoners with Echani battle droids. Ali denounces Fenni's authority and scatters her and her forces with some blaster fire, then books it to a shuttle and escapes the hangar with the Verpine.

The rest isn't too important; Ali and Co make it to the Admiral Reshmar's primary battle ship and delivers the prisoners; Ali leaves her own commandos with them as extra guard against any shady business from within the Republic. Also, a pretty sweet starfighter battle happened between Ali and Captain Larraq's alt, which was really fun to write.

In the post battle:

1) The Republic throws together a crack team of negotiators that includes a Senator who's thrown out of the Senate because she's trained to use the Force and a member of the Organa family, who's consorting with Mandalorians and withdrawing their planet from the Republic.

2) The Mandalorians issue an absurd list of demands that only the worst, most cowardly leaders would ever acquiesce to, which, ironically, they do. (Tentatively, of course, they have to be taken to highers, I know that)

3) Those terms are broadcast publicly as the actions of the Mandalorians goes entirely unchallenged throughout Republic territories, not bolstering Ali's faith in her government at this point.

Lastly; currently:

1) Not a single member of the Republic government leadership (IC) has reached out to contact Ali personally regarding turning herself over. [member=Faith Balor-Organa], Intelligence Minister, is actually the Senator Ali reports to as director of GRIM and is directly linked to the Mandalorian events. It would stand to reason she might try to contact her Top Spy.

2) Not a single member of the Republic faction leadership (OOC) has reached out to contact me personally regarding a thread where the aforementioned might take place.

So that's a list of like 130 things, why am I telling you this?

Because those events, those factors, have all culminated in this very strong and overbearing IC sense that the Republic's leadership has no interest in protecting their military commander, and as a military-minded individual, justice on the line or not, she's not comfortable submitting herself to physical custody when the currently unchallenged demand is that she be extradited to the crazies that started this whole thing in the first place. Similarly, there's the entire coup to consider; Ali's not sure who she can trust, and the characters in charge of the Republic might want to keep that in mind.

She's 100% willing to talk to someone, but no one's reached out yet, not IC. I'm assuming someone will after Supreme Chancellor Jack Sparrow concludes his discussions with whoever he's talking to right now.
Sorry, but you can't weasel out of the hangar deal by scapegoating. The NPCs that did the deed were under your direct control, so ICily, you're being held responsible for their actions by almost everyone. Their actions can be interpreted as following the ROE that you laid out for them as Supreme Commander. You have to hop on another account, or anyone can just off put on the blame on some NPC agent when something bad happens. That's not kosher with me from an OOC standpoint.

While you're claiming that you were lacking direction from the government, did you ever make an attempt ICily to contact anyone? It's a two way street. There were Senators present in that very thread, able to communicate in real time to Roche, you could have consulted with them, your allies, and whoever was your direct superior at the time. I think that would be the Chancellor, because of your special status at the time. Faith was there too if you wanted to give her a ring. I'm not blaming you for the lack of prescence by civilian officials, but I would have excercised more caution in that event if i was in your shoes. We can look at the Mandalorian's behavior as petty, but you did incite them to take action with your posturing, when they were already in doubt about the legitimacy of our government.

I understand that Sparrow has not called for your arrest ICily, but I was speaking in general. In the case that he does, or your usual boss Faith, then you need to turn yourself in, no matter your personal feelings on the subject. It's the responsible thing to do. OOCily, he's expressed the desire to just toss you over to the Mandalorians if you give him the chance. I don't agree with that, instead you should receive a fair trail in a neutral setting.

Did you ever assist Lasedri in at any time during her coup attempt?

[member="Ali Hadrix"]
[member="Suravi Teigra"]
To be perfectly honest, trying to just hand her over and then her go missing and escape won't look good. After all the arguing and fighting with the Mandalorians about not giving her over, all of a sudden the GR decides to after we've conceded and she escapes custody. Read the lines from this side. "Yall let her go and she's gonna show right back up at the very next fight, isn't she."

We agreed on a neutral tribunal, suggested the SSC, specifically Thurion or Coci Heavenshield to conduct it, but are flexible on the conductor of the the tribunal, so long as they are not Galactic Republic.

Go that route. Doesn't look shady when you go "Well, we decided to give her up, but, wouldn't you believe it, she slipped away. Sorry guys. No trial or verdict or sentencing this time."
"You have to hop on another account, or anyone can just off put on the blame on some NPC agent when something bad happens. That's not kosher with me from an OOC standpoint."

What are you talking about?

"I think that would be the Chancellor, because of your special status at the time."

What Chancellor? Lasedri? lol The election had not yet concluded, we didn't have a Supreme Chancellor. There was literally no one filling the slot that I was aware of. And the Senator thread was declared to be unaffiliated/not effecting the invasion, so why would anyone bother?

Besides, like I already stated: A military leader is not going to be expected to wait for discussion with a higher when an imminent threat presents itself, as was showcased when the Mandalorians had already walked through the door.

Sure, anyone could have called anyone, but all you're doing is saying everyone is at fault. Then again, placing blame and pointing fingers doesn't really do anything either, so we're both still null and void.

"In the case that he does, or your usual boss Faith, then you need to turn yourself in, no matter your personal feelings on the subject."

What I feel personally has no weight here, I just outlined to you why the Republic needs to reach out IC. She's not going to put herself behind bars in the midst of a literal military coup when she has no idea who's to trust. "Do the right thing" is a complete bullspit argument in this situation.

"...but you did incite them to take action with your posturing..."

I think you're mistaken:

Posturing: Showing up to an enemy line in force.
Inciting: Stepping over that line.


Warning those individuals encroaching in force what will happen if they continue their transgression is standard operating procedure. They get one fair chance, and when they brush you off, you take action. Are you not realizing that at the time this happened there was a literal war fleet parked outside? Or that Mandalorian forces had already entered the station, and had begun cutting power to reactors and manipulating the station from within? Do you honestly have no idea what was happening at the time Ali tried to reach out and the Mando leaders ignored her?

Mind you, this is before Ali even reached out and warned them to leave.

"It is for that reason that the Mandalorian Clans have come. We will annex this system into our protection before the Republic has the opportunity to bring the Verpine people under heel."

You either sue for peace and let a warring culture decide your fate, or you buck up, give them a single warning, and when that fails, you go for the throat.

"Did you ever assist Lasedri in at any time during her coup attempt?"

It's in my last post here: No. Not even OOC was I in the loop.
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