Theodosia Naphrite
Moff of the Empire
Theodosia gracefully exited the shuttle as a crowd cheered on the arrival of the Imperials. It was not sincere, not in the slightest, but many of the billions of the inhabitants on this planet knew that even hoaxed adulation would ensure the transition from independence to Imperial rule was much easier than it need be. Flanked to either side of the Moff was a long line of Stomtroopers, she walked straight up, carrying an air of confidence, trying to emulate the stereotypical Imperial. Theodosia did not respond to the crowd, but on the inside she did enjoy it, one of the many amenities of being a person in power. Finally, off the landing pad, she sat in a land speeder, escorted by two Z-6 attack speeders, to take her to the temporary operating command center, where she would not command, but spectate the occupation of the planet.
At the TOCC she was met by a General Fours, a balding man with a thin mustache, "Moff Naphrite, I am honored to make your acquaintance, please, come with me to the war room." he greeted. Theodosia spoke as they strode towards the building, "Thank you General, when I was in transit I half thought you and your soldiers would protest a civilian like me being in the loop.' The general scoffed, "You humor me, there is no reason for the military to protest a Moff no less to oversee our operation, besides, we could use the company. The bore of military protocol can be too much to bear at times." As they moved subordinate personnel stood at attention until they passed, no doubt noticing both of their ranks. The door to the war room slid open to reveal three other officers, two army colonels, and a navy captain, upon their entrance, the three stood at attention, General Fours spoke first, "At ease," The general gestured towards the Moff, "This is Moff Naphrite, she will be spectating our operation, she is our superior first and foremost and any orders given by her are to be followed, now lets begin." With that out of the way, a hologram of the planet illuminated before them, the captain began his brief, "Our Naval assets have quickly secured orbit, and customs checkpoints are being set up above every shipping center across the planet, despite some brief attempts of escape by a few vessels, we have complete control of all traffic going in and out of the planet." Next one of the colonels spoke, "In addition to the preliminary invasion force, our units have begun-"
Theodosia perked up at the mention of an earlier group, "Preliminary force? What preliminary force?" The colonel faced the Moff, "The Emperor and a private entourage of Imperial Knights infiltrated the world to root out local rebel elements," Theodosia's face paled with fear, taking a step back in surprise, "The Emperor is here?!" The colonel nodded. Theodosia rubbed her temple, "General, I'm exhausted from the journey, I think I'll retreat to my quarters for now." The general sputtered, "Oh, of course, feel free to join us when you are refreshed and ready for action." With that, Theodosia sped back to the landspeeder to take her to the hotel she had been given shelter at. The Emperor being planetside would require Theodosia to prepare, this man could make or break her career if she ever hoped of becoming a Grand Moff. The sovereign of the Remnant could kill the Grand Admiral and no one would bat an eye, she needed to look her finest, and to have any answers he might require of her, memorized. She would not be caught on prepared in front of the stately [member="Tanomas Graf"].
At the TOCC she was met by a General Fours, a balding man with a thin mustache, "Moff Naphrite, I am honored to make your acquaintance, please, come with me to the war room." he greeted. Theodosia spoke as they strode towards the building, "Thank you General, when I was in transit I half thought you and your soldiers would protest a civilian like me being in the loop.' The general scoffed, "You humor me, there is no reason for the military to protest a Moff no less to oversee our operation, besides, we could use the company. The bore of military protocol can be too much to bear at times." As they moved subordinate personnel stood at attention until they passed, no doubt noticing both of their ranks. The door to the war room slid open to reveal three other officers, two army colonels, and a navy captain, upon their entrance, the three stood at attention, General Fours spoke first, "At ease," The general gestured towards the Moff, "This is Moff Naphrite, she will be spectating our operation, she is our superior first and foremost and any orders given by her are to be followed, now lets begin." With that out of the way, a hologram of the planet illuminated before them, the captain began his brief, "Our Naval assets have quickly secured orbit, and customs checkpoints are being set up above every shipping center across the planet, despite some brief attempts of escape by a few vessels, we have complete control of all traffic going in and out of the planet." Next one of the colonels spoke, "In addition to the preliminary invasion force, our units have begun-"
Theodosia perked up at the mention of an earlier group, "Preliminary force? What preliminary force?" The colonel faced the Moff, "The Emperor and a private entourage of Imperial Knights infiltrated the world to root out local rebel elements," Theodosia's face paled with fear, taking a step back in surprise, "The Emperor is here?!" The colonel nodded. Theodosia rubbed her temple, "General, I'm exhausted from the journey, I think I'll retreat to my quarters for now." The general sputtered, "Oh, of course, feel free to join us when you are refreshed and ready for action." With that, Theodosia sped back to the landspeeder to take her to the hotel she had been given shelter at. The Emperor being planetside would require Theodosia to prepare, this man could make or break her career if she ever hoped of becoming a Grand Moff. The sovereign of the Remnant could kill the Grand Admiral and no one would bat an eye, she needed to look her finest, and to have any answers he might require of her, memorized. She would not be caught on prepared in front of the stately [member="Tanomas Graf"].