Darren Jarok
The Imp
The Nebula-Class star destroyer known as The Nemesis, Past the MC80's side. Its shields glowed. Darren growled then smashed his fist on the table. Filled with anger, He yelled out loud.
"WHY!? We just lost another arquinten!" He shouted.
The Nemesis pulled back from next to the MC80. The turbolasers shot at the frigates chasing the Nebula. Director Caalgen needs to hurry up. The small fleet was now down to 2 ships. Darren checked the map once again. The MC80 was about to be hit by all the concussion missiles on the Nemesis maybe that will break the shields enough for the bombers to go in and hit the engine and create a big enough explosion to hit the reactor.
"WHY!? We just lost another arquinten!" He shouted.
The Nemesis pulled back from next to the MC80. The turbolasers shot at the frigates chasing the Nebula. Director Caalgen needs to hurry up. The small fleet was now down to 2 ships. Darren checked the map once again. The MC80 was about to be hit by all the concussion missiles on the Nemesis maybe that will break the shields enough for the bombers to go in and hit the engine and create a big enough explosion to hit the reactor.