Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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March of the Imperials [Imperial Remnant Dominion of Kothlis and Krant]

The Nebula-Class star destroyer known as The Nemesis, Past the MC80's side. Its shields glowed. Darren growled then smashed his fist on the table. Filled with anger, He yelled out loud.

​"WHY!? We just lost another arquinten!" He shouted.

The Nemesis pulled back from next to the MC80. The turbolasers shot at the frigates chasing the Nebula. Director Caalgen needs to hurry up. The small fleet was now down to 2 ships. Darren checked the map once again. The MC80 was about to be hit by all the concussion missiles on the Nemesis maybe that will break the shields enough for the bombers to go in and hit the engine and create a big enough explosion to hit the reactor.


Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darren Jarok"] Ξ [member="Baron Morcus"] Ξ [member="Lora Onone"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"] Ξ [member="Desmond C'artyom"] Ξ [member="Travis Caalgen"] Ξ [member="Butch Mahan"] Ξ [member="DT-5981"] Ξ [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Sanya climbed out of the half opened ramp squeezing through the gap. She'd fall to the floor on her side and picked herself up. She looked back at the ship that was covered in earth and sighed. Her eyes would scan the area with nothing around but hills a canyon she'd narrowly missed the wall of. She could see a river trailing down in the valley. The water was blue standing out from the red rock. She looked back once more at her ship and held out a hand. It began to shake at first then slowly lifted up from the ground. It's landing gear would finally open out as well as the ramp fully opening. She moved it out to the side on level ground out of the trench it had made. Walking back inside to the cockpit she tried to get the com's working again. It didn't work till sanya slammed her fist against the dashboard. "Shhhkkkk SANYA! Do you read me?" Asuna said shouting down the com's. "I hear you asuna. It was a close one." Sanya said in relief. "What's the situation up there?"

"The rebel ships had drawn their fire away. If we wasn't hidden behind the destroyer I think we'd have been taken out." "Right bring the ships down. I'll need you to pick my ship up. I'll scout the area for a port or somewhere for us to refule. My scanners at back up so I can get a rough direction. How long till the reinforcements?" "About an hour and okay. Also our fleet seems to be larger than we anticipated. Unsure how large till it's arrived. Communication has been cut." "Rojer that see you soon." Sending out a wide area scan sanya found two locations as well as a large battle in the middle of them. She have to pass it to get to one. She got out the ship again and launched into the air with the jet pack making her way to the battle first.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
The escape pod crashed into one of the many jungles of Kothlis, creating a long trail of dirt and destroyed foliage in its path. When the door opened, the area around them was dense with tropical trees, sounds of wildlife mixed with far off combat, and the screeching of the falling Imp-I destroyer. Mahan was the third of the escape pod occupations to exit, following a Naval Trooper and a Stormtrooper to check for any close range hostiles. Other than some cautious mammalians, there were no visible lifeforms. Slowly the survivors of the Allegiance bridge exited the pod, the next highest naval officer, a captain, counted them all. As Mahan was observing his surroundings, the captain tapped on the Grand Admiral's shoulder, "Sir, I have counted all eighteen have survived, of these eighteen, we have five men at arms, four officers, six crewman, a warrant officer, the Grand Inquisitor, and yourself." Mahan nodded, "Prepare for departure, if we have any functioning navigational or communications devices, bring them to me at once. We must find Imperial forces before we happen upon planetary defense units." The captain made a small bow and returned to the pod, searching for any useful materials.

The Grand Admiral began to remove any insignia from his uniform that may tip off enemies of his rank, the other officers noticed, and began to follow suit. Mahan approached the Grand Inquisitor [member="Baron Morcus"], examining a blaster pistol he had requested from one of the Naval troopers, "Grand Inquisitor, from my preliminary assessments, judging by where our escape pod launched and at what point my flagship was in orbit above the planet, we are most likely in enemy controlled territory, but nothing is for certain without a proper map of this place. Our best option is to head south, where an Imperial force has a beachhead on this continent, if they were on schedule. What are your thoughts on my plan?"
Lucien Galtier and the remnants of his platoon stacked up outside the bunker entrance. Six men stood on either side of the door as Lucien placed the thermite detonator. He moved to the right side of the door and counted to three. The door exploded inward sending shards of debris forward at a dangerous pace. "THERMAL OUT," Lucien shouted as he extended his arm and tossed the grenade through the doorway. It exploded two seconds later and the Platoon rushed in. "Check those corners!" Bodies laid everywhere and the walls were covered in a fine crimson mist. Lucien took point and moved forward. It wasn't long before they reached the hall that led to the main bunker. The distant sound of gunfire emanating from an E-Web could be heard and Lucien knew they were close. As they rounded the corner Lucien dove backwards quickly. The enemy had set up another Machine gun emplacement in attempts to slow them down.

It sprayed the wall where Lucien had been by only moments ago and he cursed. He felt another stinging sensation, but this time in his lower abdomen. He peered down at his gut to see crimson welling up and staining his armor. He had been hit. He took the moment to check his leg and discovered it had been blasted too taking off a large portion of his calf. Pure adrenaline had kept him going and at finally seeing the wound he began to panic. "MEDIC!" He cried out and a corpsman rushed to aid him. He rubbed bacta on the troopers wounds and placed gauze over the afflicted areas. His squad Corporal prepared to take command, but in a drug addled haze Lucien managed to stand and lead on.

He lobbed another frag around the corner and his troops charged forth with Lucien only a few seconds behind. Their were four rebels left, but this time the Imperials were prepared. Their point men both carried trench guns and as the rebel attackers ran at them they were blown away by the close quarter guns. They were now only moments away from the Main gun and Lucien felt his eyes grow heavy. He shook his head and carried on. He could not pass out or he knew it would be the end of him. They caught the gunners by surprise and completely obliterated them. Lucien peered out the main gun well and discovered that eight more of his platoon had survived the encounter, bringing his total to twenty men. They made their way to the top of the bunker and flew the Imperial flag high. The Bunker had been taken, but the enemy was sure to rally for a counter attack...

Near: [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Cicero contemplated waiting for help by the escape pod, but it was not guaranteed that whomever came would be friendly. This aside the Jungle beast had begun to prowl and they eyed the dead with carnivorous intent. So, Cicero left them to their delights and moved away from the pod. As he made his way through the Dense forest he groaned boredly. Their appeared to be no one in sight and he was getting muck all over his black Imperial knight armor. But, suddenly he spotted a glint in the sky. It appeared to be another escape pod accelerating downwards at an alarming rate. It took Cicero only a few moments to calculate the trajectory of the descending pod and he decided to greet the survivors.

It would be less boring then mulling around all day and it also might mean something to kill. And Cicero did oh so love to kill. He was walking towards the pod when he discovered a squad of enemy soldiers. While too much for lone Cicero, perhaps the combatants of the pod could help. These poor welps were probably searching for survivors. Cicero would make sure they never found anything again. With the force he caused a disturbance in the bushes nearest the troopers. They turned to face the bustle and as they did so Cicero used it as his chance to close the distance between them. As he fell upon the first trooper he used the force to draw his crimson blade. The man had little time to scream as Cicero cut him in two. The rest of the troopers however did have time to fire on poor Cicero.

Using Soresu form, Cicero kept his movements minimal and quick. Deflecting the bolts and hitting two of the troopers as a result. Which left only Three. Cicero let them run, for the direction they ran in was directly towards [member="Butch Mahan"]'s pod. Cicero merely idly followed. Satisfied he had gotten the chance to kill. But, while his need to murder had been satiated he looked down to discover a gaping whole in his arm. He used the force to ignore the pain and tore off a piece of his cloak and wrapped it tightly around the wound. Hopefully those at the pod would have proper medical equipment...

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lucien Galtier"]

She was close to the battle now. The destruction laid in it's awake had scared the land below. Trees fallen scorched black, fire spread across the dry plant life and holes where the earth had been blown up. Many building had also fallen all of them looked like makeshift military barracks. Many defence emplacements had also been set up. A large explosion caught her eye as a T4-B tank began rolling towards the area along with a counter attack of rebels and combat speeders. In moments she became a prime target as red blaster fire started hurling towards her. Taking a dive to avoid it she'd slam into the ground sliding forwards a couple of feet losing momentum till she hit the side of a building. With a grunt and a hard impact she stood up quick to her feet as the sound of speeders came near. As they sped by the back turret began to open fire.

In quick instincts she activated the saber shield and began to run towards the nearest bunker. Quickly hittingn the doors to shut she hasn't realised it was been occupied by the imperials. Their instant thoughts where to point guns. She put her shield up covering her just in case they went to shoot. "HOLD YOUR FIRE! I'm a friendly." She said to try reassure the. "There is about forty of them out there and they wanna kill me just as much as they want to kill you lot. There is also a heavy tank and several combat speeders." She said in a rush of words. "Get me a com and I can order a bomming strike soon as possible." Hopefully that would ease them. She looked at one of them who had sustained major injury. Kolto was useful for so much but it took to long to really work. Her shield would unignight and her palms turned towards them. "You look like you need patching up." Her voice was sincere now as she walked towards the man who was still blessing. "Remove your armor let me have a look. I can stop the bleeding. Be quick we don't have much time."
The Nemesis tipped down towards Kothlis the ship was going to send in the troops on board. The ships were now in the upper atmosphere of Kothlis engaging a small fleet of Nebulon Bs. Alarms blared through the whole ship as men ran through the halls to their stations. The landing craft were now full of troops.

"Try to pinpoint the location of Grand Admiral Mahan. Send a team to collect him. Go." Darren said.

Fighters poured out of the hangers with all the shuttles following. They were zooming to the surface fast. Some shuttles were shot down. One shuttle carried a shuttle with elite stormtroopers on board. They were the ones to recover Mahan.
Lucien eyes were heavy and getting heavier by the moment. If he didn't get serious aid soon he'd be dead and he knew it. Still he couldn't die yet. The rebels were bringing in some serious heat and they'd all be dead soon if he wasn't around to lead the last of his platoon. "Bring that E-web around back" Lucien ordered and with a swift salute a corporal took a squad to do as they were told. They placed the E-web at the rear gun well and immediately began to fire the emplacement. Lucien limped behind the rest as they made their way to the top of the bunker. They spotted the tank and the grizzled Sergeant cursed. That tank would make mincemeat of the bunker and the navy was in no place to provide support.

Then they spotted something else. What appeared to be a peculiar cat woman making her way through an entire gory damn battle field. Lucien knew he was close to death, but he did not believe he would start seeing things. Not yet at least. The rebels began firing at the strange feline and she activated a shield. She made it to the bunker and Lucien ordered his troops to stand down. They were no match for a Jedi.

Lucien limped down stair well into the bunker. The feline was offering fire support from her navy and Lucien rushed to find the woman some comms which he found on a nearby private. He gave her the holo and she offered to heal Lucien's wounds. He had heard of Jedi healing, but never actually seen it performed. He felt he was too far gone anyways, but it was worth a shot. He undressed from his armor and took a seat next to the Jedi.

“Master Jedi, if you can get my men some fire support it would be much appreciated. Besides i’ve had worse wounds,” Lucien lied with a smile “The name is Lucien,”

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lucien Galtier"]

She stood by the man as he unequipped his armor and sat down. "Don't worry. We will get our support. First let's stop this blessing properly." Her hands would hover over the area creating a light blue aura. Her tail would flick and ears twitched as she used the healing ability. "I'm Queen Sanya Val Swift of the Sekallien Empire. Ruler of Sekalus." She said concentrating. It wasn't a title of a Jedi nor did she act like a sith. It was because she was neither, both of them implies belief in the religion. One such belief she no longer trusts.

One of the troops came in with com that would reach the fleet. "Put in seven zero two three and hold it near my face." She said to the trooper. She could see the flesh on the man seal up no doubt going to leave a large scar. "Chshhhh. Who is this?" Asuna said as the com connected and from curiosity. "Asuna I need an airstrike. Lock onto this com. Main target is the tank. Avoid the central Bunker on a rise." Sanya said her orders in a rush of words. "Yes malady the b-wings will be there in five minutes." "I'll have the com left on. Mute your side. Our side will be muted. Keeps the location up." She said before nodding for the man holding it to do it.

"Okay Lucian not much longer now but we will need to hold out for a little while. Your troops your orders." The flesh had fully sealed on his body. "I will advise you to sit back thought. Your body took a lot of damage. With the kolto and my abilities it can only do so much. As a medical stand point as of right now your unfit till you've fully healed. To continue fighting upfront however is your choice, but I recommend against it in case you cause further damage." Her hands pulled away from him and held her hand out towards the door with eyes shut. She began to feel what laied on the outside. "We're been surrounded. Fourteen in the adjacent building to the left. Seven in the one across up high and four on the other side of that door. Speeders are keeping on the move and the tank is keeping it's distance. Other rebels keep moving too." Right now with a lot of life forms to track it was the best she could do.
A black and red lambda shuttle exited the hanger of the Nemesis with a squad of troopers and one special one. The shuttle dodged fire from AA guns on the ground. It flew close to the surface to avoid being locked onto. The troops had one job, recover the Grand Admiral and get him to the Nemesis. The shuttle lowered to the ground then landed in an open patch. The shuttle opened its doors then a group of stormtroopers exited. They had jungle camo armor and speeders.

"The pod is far from here. Lets get there before Mahan gets killed." Mist said.

The speeders zoomed through the jungle towards. They arrived at the site of the crash to find it vacant. Mist get off her speeder then activated her heat sensors. Just as she activated it she detected 18 heat signatures not far from them.

"Their not far from here. They're a quarter mile away. Lets move."

The group was getting closer Butch. Mist was in the trees jumping branch to branch until she caught sight of the group. She jumped from the trees and landed infront of them.

"Grand Admiral, Sir. We have not much time. There is a shuttle waiting to pick you up not far from here." She said.

[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
Objective: Assassinate Archives Manager Xun Ai
Location: Lahsbane
Allies: None known on planet
Enemies: None known on planet
Post: 1

Ashley was on the most important mission she had been given in her entire career with Imperial Inteligence, the rogue Archives Manager, Xun Ai, had been spotted on Lahsbane by a local informant. The details were very limited she was spotted boarding a balloon towards an outlying village less than eight standard hours earlier, there was no time to waste. Her gear was packed, her interceptor was fuelled, and most importantly she wasn't burdened by any mission beyond finding to bottom of the overflowing stack of flimsi on her desk. The trip was short and using a ship from the open market meant that she could fill the roll of a mercenary or a bounty hunter.

17 standard hours later. . .

The engine whined as it started to clog with pollen, a simple fix, she'd just need to pay to have them blown out. Now that she was here she needed to meet with the informant to get any updates on Xun Ai's movemnts.
Lucian watched as the strange witch cat worked her magics and his wounds seemed to seal as if on their own accord. The woman was easy on the eyes and in a different scenario Lucien might have liked to have a private word with her. But, perhaps after he got his men to safety. Right now he had a war to win. Despite the woman's advice against fighting Lucien stood and began to dawn his armor. It sounded as if her fire support was indeed coming. This meant they only had to hold out until then. As the last of Lucien's armor was placed on to his body he felt weak. The adrenaline had left him and now he was experiencing fatigue. Still, he was not about to leave the rest of his squad.

"Je vous remercie," Lucien said in the strange tongue foreign to his world. Despite in all odds she probably would not understand him it was obvious he was thanking her.

"Men, move that E-web and point it right at that door. As soon as they come in we will give 'em hell," Lucien bellowed

His troops raced to do his bidding and he began to move a little of the rubble to provide more cover. The bunker was quickly falling apart. With stone lying everywhere and smoke poring out of one of the gun ports. Lucien questioned how much longer the small stone fortress would stand. Hopefully long enough for reinforcements to arrive Lucien thought to himself. He took cover behind a pile of rocks and attached his bayonet. He waved to the cat woman once more and began to hand her a blaster.

"I hope you know how to use one of these," He said in his peculiar accent.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Keyan Mastigar

Rear Admiral Gromm Cardan had lain in his bed to rest for the 'night' when suddenly the Indomitable, his Imperial II-class Star Destroyer violently shook. The man leaped to his feet and quickly tightened the boots on his feet while beginning to button up his flag officer uniform. Gromm rushed into the bridge, his jaw dropping in horror as he stared through the viewport to find a massive armada of enemy ships firing on the multiple fleets defending the most important world of the Imperial Remnant, its capital of Kamino. "Give me a status report, Who is attacking us!" Admiral Cardan barked, wheeling around to gaze at his bridge officers who were just as dumbstruck as he was.

"Those are Rebellion ships, sir!" Lieutenant Praxon bellowed from down in one of the crew pits. 'The Rebellion? Here?!?!?!' Gromm's thoughts trailed; "Don't just stand there! Fire back! Launch all fighters!" The Admiral cried, moving for the command console all the while issuing orders to all of his officers. Dozens of fighters streamlined out of the Indomitable as well as from its cousin ship, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, and began wide-scale dogfights against Rebel X-Wings and A-Wings.


Meanwhile, inside the command center of the shield gate that protected Kamino, Imperial technicians and officers alike scrambled to their stations as the klaxon sirens went off. Throughout the Rebel fleet, transports including U-Wings along with escorts dived to enter through a small gap in the behemoth planetary shield that the gate made for incoming trade ships and such with many of them making it through to the surface to attempt to capture or destroy the floating cities inhabited by a plethora of species. Every barracks on the planet had already begun to mobilize to defend their homes.

The Gate Officer almost screamed "CLOSE THE FIELD APERTURE! NOW! NOW!" to the crew, who made up for their puzzled looks by quickly rushing to their respective consoles and simultaneously smashed their hands into a large, glowing red button. Outside in the void of space, large durasteel prongs that held the shield open began to slowly raise while more and more ships slipped through into the atmosphere until finally they cleared the planetary shield which rushed to close the gap and encapsulate the entire planet in a strong, near impenetrable, deflector shield.

The pilots of the stragglers, the rebel ships still trying to make it through to the surface, yelled in horror mere seconds before their ships impacted and were pulverized by the shield. Some had managed to pull up in time, but were swiftly destroyed when TIE Fighters swarmed out of the main hangar bay of the shield gate station to meet the oncoming rebel fighters.


A message sent out to the entire sector could be heard by any ship, Imperial or civilian:

"This is Rear Admiral Gromm Cardan, Kamino is under attack! I repeat, Kamino is under attack!"

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Theodosia Naphrite"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Ashley Myth'rand"] | [member=Erica Yeager"] | [member="Jastor Husk"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Varren Kesk"] | [member="Wilhelm Rehm"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lucien Galtier"]

Sanya watched the man and put his chest piece back on and then he thanked her in his language. She could understand many languages speaking them and writing them was a different story however. "It's no problem. I'm not one for watching people die who I consider an ally." She said in reply. As he ordered his men she got her saber from the clip.

She'd smirk as he went to hand her a blaster. "I'm good. I prefer the accuracy from a blade rather than a blaster." Taking a stride of steps to the door she held up her left arm with her right behind her. The metal began to glow red with sparks moving down. Her hand would come from behind pressing the saber against the door at an angle. Waiting for the glow to align with the hilt she activated the orange blade. Pulling it out she pushed the doors from it's frame crushing the person who was on the other side. In quick action the saber shield activated as torrents of blaster fire vollied towards her. She crouched down bringing the shield verticle so the troopers could shoot over her. She of course used her saber to deflect some of the blaster bolts. Right now she was acting as a blockade till the rebels in the adjacent building was taken care of. They had to hold this building till air support came.
Lucien watched the woman decline his blaster and he merely shrugged. She spoke of preferring her blade and Lucien nodded. The things a Jedi could do with a lightsaber were nigh inconceivable. He personally had seen one cut a whole platoon to ribbons with one of the dang things, so he thought no less of her for preferring to use her sword instead. In fact it strengthened his resolve in believeing that this cat woman was more skilled then he intially believed. He watched her place blade to the door then it suddenly exploded outwards. A hail of blasterfire raced inwards to greet them, but most of it was stopped by the cat woman's blade and shield.

Lucien's men returned fire. The E-web spat a volley of heated death back at the enemy and Lucien heard cries of pain as the commandos found their mark. Lucien rushed forward and stood directly behind Sanya, using her as a shield. He took aim at an enemy rebel and fired over her shoulder. His blast flew true and hit the enemy right between the eyes. But, the rebels resolve was not yet shaken and they charged forward. With bayonets and vibroblades they attacked. Their was simply to many to keep them at bay with blasters and the skirmish devolved into a bloody melee. Lucien spun round the cat woman as a rebel charged her. Galtier shoved his bayonet deep into the rebels gut and fired point blank.

The rest of Lucien's platoon had entered the fray as well. Firing point blank with scatterguns or stabing with bayonets. This would be the force users environment. Here she would find herself at home as the enemy made clumsy swings with their vibroblades at her body. Lucien knew this too and thought the rebels had just made a big mistake in seeking to engage in melee combat. He withdrew his bayonet from the rebels gut and fired from the hip at another only a foot away. The rebel's body crumpled to the ground and Lucien began to give out a feroucious battle cry.

"YEEE OU!" He shouted as the battle frenzy took over.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

[member="Tygen Fel"]​
There mission brief was direct, short and very, very crazy. What else would you expect these bucketheads ? The pay was good. Mandalorians were always expensive soldiers but certainly high quality. The rebellion knew that they could very well be able to swing the balance of power in their favor. Thus on a semi-suicidal mission the crew of the Argo and dozen Mandalorian commandos took to completing.

Reverting back into real space, alarms went blaring as the scanners alerted of the intimidating star destroyer that lingered in space ahead of them. The destroyer had made significant gain away from the hyperspace exit point and the distance they had initially received on their brief had now been doubled. This made this mission even crazier and the whole crew of the Argo knew it.

He contemplated but knew that the more he thought of his next action, the more time he wasted and left the star destroyer move further away making their run with a higher chance of fatality by the minute.

"Shields up, full speed ahead, Holst. Right at that Star Destroyer." Dyre ordered from the co-pilot seat. "Be ready for order to load."

The Argo may be small but it sure as hell was a ship of superior produce.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Mahan was still organizing what men and women he had in his posse, when the squad of troopers arrived. He was quite intrigued by the one using the trees to make her way to the lost group. Upon hearing her offer, the Grand Admiral replied, "Well then, trooper, we shall not waste a single second. The Bothans are undoubtedly approaching our position. If you could track us so easily, then so could they." Turning towards the other officers Mahan shouted, "Onwards men, our rescuers have arrived, and time is short." Turning to the NCO of the stormtrooper squad, [member="TK-4284"] was apart of, Mahan spoke, "I have a few stormtroopers and naval infantry who shall aid you in your mission, they are now under your control." Mahan paused briefly, "But before we leave, we need to destroy the pod, if any information is found it, it could be a catastrophe. Order your men to set it ablaze with your blasters, then we shall leave."

The stormtroopers would ignite the pod without hesitation following the NCO's orders. Mahan looked on at the pod's destruction blankly, albiet pleased that if the Bothans ever found it, any IR equipment or information was inoperable without a doubt. Settled, the group would move on, following this rescue squad's directions to this escape shuttle.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lucien Galtier"]

After those that charged at her died she'd look back with a nod. The b-wings where close. She could hear the whine of the thrusters over the battle due to superb hearing. "It's time to stand back." Sanya stood up and moved backwards making those behind her also step back. By now others would hear the orange ships close in. "Any moment now." She said sounding eager. Across from them the T4-B tank had rolled through a building across from them. Rubble shattered away from it along with a cloud of dust.

It's barrel began to turn towards them. In moments several read beams would run across the ground destroying everything outside in it's wake. Dust and smoke piled into the Bunker making visibility low. But when the dust settle. She could still feel a few whome survived. Few of them were in the tank. "Stay here." Her voice was one of authority and seriousness. The saber shield deactivated ad she reached for the second lightsaber. It ignighted a brilliant orange blade much like her primary. Taking a few steps forward Sanya then crouched leaning forward. In a flash of speed it would look as if she had teleported although if they could slowntime down they'd see her running at extreme speeds. Running around the tank anticlockwise her saber would dig into the tracks slicing them apart.

She had stopped in front of the barrel. Inside she could hear one of them shouting to shoot. The right hand raised up two fingers held up before closing back down to the hilt. As she did the barrel crushed as the shot fired making it go back on it's self. Those inside had brrm torn apart by their own fire. Now though she was in the firing line while a speeder charged at her. As it did she stood ready.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Lucien heard the bombers rather than saw them. They swooped down low to avoid enemy AA fire and released their payload atop the enemy vehicle. Lucien let out another cheer as the tank erupted in a gout of flame. Then the Jedi seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. She suddenly reappeared in front of the downed vehicle and went to work on disemboweling the crippled tank. Another series of explosions wracked the tank and this time Lucien knew it was finished. But, a new threat emerged as speeder bikes raced forward to engage the weakened Imperial unit. Lucien cursed. He and his men were safe within the bunker, but the Jedi had left its confines.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Cover me!" Lucien shouted to his men.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He raced to the E-web and ripped the turret from its mount. His men laid down suppressive fire from the gun ports as Lucien exited the bunker. He fired from the hip at the closest speeder. A volley of plasma spewed forth from the E-web and the kick forced Lucien to dig his feet deeper within the ground. His wounds protested at the action, but the commando stood firm. The Speeder's inhabitant went sprawling to the ground as a hundred blast found their mark. The bike went spinning out of control and crashed into the bunker in a crumpled heap. Lucien swiveled round to find another target and let loose another volley of super heated blast. This time the E-web clicked empty after a few short burst and Lucien cursed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He threw the useless weapon to the ground and withdrew his DL-18's. Firing both at the same time he charged the speeder. Through some miracle of the force he managed to shoot the rider off the bike. He closed the distance to the vehicle and mounted it. He had never flown a speeder bike before, but he supposed there was a first for everything. Clumsily at first Lucien began to speed towards the next target. Then as he gained velocity his balance on the bike became more pristine. He found the firing button and let loose. The enemy bike in front of him erupted in a gout of flame and Lucien searched for the breaks. Unable to find them he merely dove off the bike and it wrecked itself into the wall of the bunker.[/SIZE]

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Kamino was under attack.

Early warning systems were going off above Geonosis.

This was not a good day.

Sweat beaded upon the brow of the young noble as he stood upon the Bridge. His vessel, Ronan's Fist had only just reverted into realspace moments ago. Ever since that moment, the comms were going wild with intel - and not a single detail was good. "Priority one is aiding in the defense of Kamino." he growled, addressing his fellow Knights within earshot. "Space Superiority will not be won easy. We'll assault from rang-"

His order was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm.

"Close range scans are detecting a ship coming in at high speed."


"None we've ever seen."

"We don't have time for this...Fire a warning shot and hail them. Demand to know their intentions!"

"Aye sir."

So it was that that the tremendous ISD fired a single shot at the Argo. Its trajectory was intentionally off, and the blast whizzed harmlessly by. Coupled with this warning, a message played over the comm.

"Attention incoming vessel, state your intentions or be destroyed."

[member="Agenor Dyre"]

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