Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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March of the Imperials [Imperial Remnant Dominion of Kothlis and Krant]

Against the backdrop of the ever present rain lashing dura-glass it would have been easy to loose the sound of the blast door releasing its seal, the great metal sliding effortlessly aside to allow access within the humble office that lay within one of the many domed structures of the native people. Not so easily lost was the clap of high polished boots against ceramic flooring, equally as polished and as reflective as the view window that gave a distorted yet mirrored world against the backdrop of storm.
It was in this reflection that Captain Arul Tarlan saw the face of his superior officer, a much more welcoming sight than to have it face you in these times yet as a member of the Imperial Remnant the monstrous visage demanded respect. Not many could face Aram Kalast and not walk away intimidated after all.

“The shields have been sealed Sir, however several craft have managed to intercept the defences and are proceeding towards the planets surface.” Tarlan gave his report, hands at his side like any good officer ready to keep his posture no matter the current angle of the Director behind the office table.
Aram’s own attention however was less on the interruption and more on the swirling storm that currently covered their little area of the watery world, or so it would seem according to Tarlan’s own opinion. Yet he did answer him, his voice as cool, calm and collected as it ever was when dealing within their own department.
“They knew about the entrance it would seem then.” A hand, the one good one moved to brush his chin in thought, a piercing blue eye frowned against his mirrored form. “Clearly we have had brushes with these insurgents before.”
“We did encounter several agents in the nearby sectors leading up to the attack, however none of seemed capable of a manned assault until the ships departed hyperspace on the edge of the system.” Tarlan enquired with an answer as the agents of the Intelligence Department were want to do. “We did have some communications intercepted, quickly and roughly I might add, but they do all seem to be centrally structured. Maybe the Galactic…”
“They are flying aged models, movements are rough and unorthodox.” The Director interrupted. “They are not the Galactic Alliance, I assure you no gate would have ceased their advance had they decided to move on us. No, we are dealing with something smaller, yet hastily organised it would seem.”
“Hastily sir?”
“Yes, the scattered formations. Independent fighters and the complete and utter dedication towards passing through the planetary shield before it closed.” Aram turned and faced the desk, an image to shift in hologram across a display point from within the centre of the Kashyyyk wood. “We are dealing with a group of people who feel they were forced into action, we played someones hand and that hand got antsy.”
“The growing Rebellion? I though they were just a band of brigands sir.” Tarlan knew little better, Aram had kept the agents currently investigating the rumoured rebel movement very close to his chest due to potential security risks apparently. “Surely they couldn’t have garnered a force large enough to do any real…”
“No not the Rebellion. A part of it? Perhaps.” The hologram formed a symbol, similar to the badges displayed on several of the ships scanned as they passed through the planetary gate. “One particular cell in particular I’d suggest. Whoever controls these men came to Kamino without the orders of their precious Fulcrum, the did so on independent want. Which shows us one collective reason.” He leant closer to the image. “They are getting desperate.”

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
The speeder that was charging her soon came to a crashing halt. Those inside had been shredded to pieces. Other speeders and speederbikes began to rush. Although [member="Lucien Galtier"] looked he was handling it for now. As one of the bigger speeders rushed by her while letting out shots her body went into a quick roll. As the woman came back to her feet her arms swung upwards lifting the speeder before it crashed back down going up into a blazing ball of flames. With attention moving back she bagan to notice the rebels were in retreat. Finally Sanya could complete her mission, but she couldn't leave these men here. If the rebels returned the troopers would be cornered.

Walking over to the man in the floor she held out her hand to help him up. "I can give you two options. I need to secure a fuel depo. No doubt the rebels would have it held down tight. You can come with me and open this asset to your military, or you could stay here for the rebels to return. The choice is yours?" She already knew the answer based on stratigical value. The place they where in now was nothing but ruins. Any value it did hold burned like it's buildings.
Objective: Hunting
Target: Lucien and Sanya
Location: Planet Side Kothlis
Post: 1
OOC: I am here to hunt, PM me or get a hold of me on discord if i am missing anything in my posts. Always open to dialogue. Happy rping all!

[SIZE=20pt]T[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]he[/SIZE] cold humid breeze played with the Duros’ heavy duster’s split coat tails, forcing them to flap uncontrollably in the wind. Kothlis’ air smelled like moldy cheese even to the bounty hunter with his Olfactory organs attached to cybernetic breathing tubes below his large menacing red eyes. Moldy Cheese was not the only scent of the day, this current area was being ravaged with war so the winds brought smoke and……death.

‘Devil’ Anse Talvo, a crafty hunter infamously known for his ruthlessness in the application of the bounty trade. His morality, or lack thereof, held no sway on the hunt which kept doors open for many creative options to achieve his goal. Honor and mercy was for the weak and those lacking enthusiasm. He wasn’t above picking flesh off the bones of the deceased, as long as it paid.

So here he was, patiently waiting as the imperial remnant waged war all around him and beyond. There was a bounty on the Imperial Remnant’s military personal, with officers and other high ranking indivuals being of more worth. And what better way to collect, then plucking them off the battlefield itself. Now, he could have been a snake and snatched up some of the already dispatched soldiers and falsely claim the kills as his. But, he had a reputation and in this business… reputation was everything. Good or bad.

Anse from his vantage point, a freshly ruined industrial building with enough accessible height to give him view of a bunker being held by Imperial soldiers. His red hues scoped the potential prey through his Electrobinoculars, easily zeroing in on the officer, [member='[URL=""]Lucien Galtier[/URL]'] . The duros had been in this area for most of the day and this was the first time he had a target in safe reach. Now he couldn’t see much once they entered the bunker and the rebels fled sides from a peculiar scene of space magic being displayed on a swoop and its hapless operator.

The bounty hunter got a quick close up picture of the feline humanoid before she ducked into the bunker and out his sight. “Interesting indeed” He contemplated to himself as he took the visual intel and plugged it into his data pad build into his right gauntlet. He kept a naked eye on the bunker as the datapad took its time running the information against the bounty board’s database.

He looked down to the holograph and smiled. “[member="Sanya Val Swift"] aren’t you a beautiful payday”
The shuttle Darren sent to recover the Grand Admiral has now arrived. Stormtroopers lined up infront of the shuttle same with different officers. The door of the shuttle opened. The squad of troopers would exit along with Mist. Darren stood straight.

"Grand Admiral, Sir. I regret to inform that Kamino is under attack. What are your orders?" He said.

The loss of Kamino will deal a great blow to the remnant. Kothlis or Kamino? Which shall be sacrificed for the other? Darren knew defending Kamino would be the best. He looked towards the rebel fleet. It was thin. Darren needed to know what to do.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
Lucien took the cat woman’s arm and pulled himself off the ground. She spoke of moving from the Bunker towards an fuel depot probably some odd miles from where they were now. If they did this then Lucien and his forces would surely miss the reinforcements that were suppose to arrive an hour ago. But, judging by the conditions of the Imperial fleet and how long it had taken them… He was not sure they were coming at all.

“Alright mademoiselle, We will go with you. Let me assemble my troops then you may lead the way,” Lucien said tiredly.

The battle had taken it’s toll. He was battered and bruised. He had been shot twice now and while the wounds had been healed the adrenaline of the moment was wearing off. Lucien observed the burned out wrecks of the speeders and made note of the bunkers decrepit visage. The whole thing looked ready to collapse the next time anyone even spoke to loudly. His men would be happy to be leaving there. Lucien entered the blown out bunker and made his way to the eight men that were left of his platoon.

“Bien Garcons, we have new orders. We’re moving from this shit hole and making our way to the next objective. It is a fuel depot a few clicks from here. We will have the support of a Jedi with us,” Lucien spat Jedi out like it was a curse.

While this one seemed okay, the Jedi who he had fought alongside with while he served the Republic weren’t always on the same page with what was smartest for he and his men. But, it seemed the Imperials weren’t either. It was obvious they had no other alternative though. It was go with the force user or die in the bunker. So, they packed up their guns and moved out, waiting for [member="Sanya Val Swift"]s orders.

Travis Caalgen

"Admiral, something large is coming out of hyperspace!"
The Silencer loomed over the planet of Kothlis, the star destroyer gleamed in the sunlight projected from the planet's sun, Koth'lar. On the bridge of the Conqueror-class Star Destroyer, Director Caalgen glared out at the rebel fleet as his lieutenant came up to him. "Sir, shall I begin targeting their fleet?" Lieutenant Annix inquired, looking into the Director's eyes for his orders. "No, Vice Admiral Thaxton will handle the fleet. Target the Rebel positions on Kothlis, full power ignition." Caalgen replied, his eyes not leaving the rebel fleet outside of the viewports.

"Yes, sir." Annix said, walking away towards the crew pits. In the void of space, the Silencer angled away from the Rebel fleet and faced the surface slightly slanted. All of the reactors were fully charged, Travis cleared his throat and announced "You may fire when ready." He said, looking down darkly at the surface of the planet.

"Commence Primary Ignition." The Chief Gunnery Officer announced throughout the ship, approaching his firing console and pressing down on groups of buttons that lit up. Various technicians and gunners flipped levers, pressed switches, and twisted knobs. The CGO turned and gave the signal to fire by curling his hand into a fist and sticking it into the air then bringing it down in a swift motion, a technician acknowledged by pulling down a lever that caused an audible drone to sound out in the weapons control room.


Tributary beams blasted down their respective shafts, causing technicians working in the firing tubes to shield their eyes as they converged in groups of eight and appeared a bright green on the concave dish. Larger proton beams were projected from the dish and were funneled into an invisible forcefield, then launched towards the surface of Kothlis where the largest Rebel activity had been reported.

It could be seen by all, a mammoth green beam coming down at speeds unimaginable. It hit the ground with a thundering crack and obliterated everything in a five hundred meter radius; every tree, every rock, every rebel, every tank. It was far away from where the Imperial troops had landed but some casualties on their side were to be expected.

The land battle was over, Director Caalgen had personally ensured it.

[member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Anse Tahvo"]
Admiral Rann watched, crestfallen, as the strange Imperial ship fired what looked to be a superlaser onto the surface of Kothlis where the Rebel forces had been battling with the Imperials. He turned in his command chair and looked at the comms officer who shook his head at him, they had lost contact with all of the Rebellion forces on the surface. "May the Force be with them." He choked, staring down at the planet.

He looked back up and cleared his throat; speaking to the entire fleet he commanded "All ships! Prepare for the jump to hyperspace!". The fleet moved as one, combining into a formation that had been scattered earlier when they were fighting the Imperial fleet. Ion drives lit up as some of the ships, including the Admiral's flagship, successfully made the jump until an Imperial Star Destroyer reverted in front of the fleet, crashing into a Corellian Corvette and immediately destroying it.

Green turbolasers sprung from the Star Destroyer, crashing into the rebel ships. A couple of other Imperial Star Destroyers as well as other cruisers and frigates arrived afterwards to secure the planet for the Imperial Remnant.

Desmond C'artyom and Purge squadron were surrounded on all sides. Their was fire support coming in from the Nemesis, but it wasn't enough. Slowly they were loosing their numbers and all appeared to be lost.

"THIS IS PURGE 3 I CAN'T SHAKE HIM GRAGH-" Desmond heard over his comm and a red explosion rocked his ship.

Desmond's wing man's vessel went sprawling into the void, nothing more than a broken shell of what it used to be. That meant only he was left. All of his clone brethren had died. The three A-wings converged on his six and fired. Desmond masterfully preformed a backwards barrel roll. putting all power to reverse. His fighter skimmed an A-wing as he spun over the flight of fighters and sweat had begun to bead his brow. If he was going down he'd take them all with him. He took aim and fired. Nothing happened his ammo was spent. He cursed vehemently and prepared to do the only thing left for him to do. He activated the twin ion engines for a quick burst of speed and prepared to crash his vessel into one of the A-wings before they could realize he was out of ammunition.

But, just as he was about to sacrifice himself a long blue line amassed in front of the fighters. It materialized into a Imperial fleet and immediately turbo laser raked the enemy. Des had to dive sharply to avoid friendly fire as all three A-wings exploded. Then he heard over the comm a rich Imperial accent

"Purge 1, report to the hangar of the Nemesis, The day is ours!"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
She waited for mans troops to form up. She of course could make the journey alone faster, but she knew that not every fight could be done alone. If the man from before knew this saying his pride would have gotten the best of him. That saying was a single arrow can be easily broken but in a bundle they became strong. Sometimes one person could make a difference. As they moved with caution she could feel everyone was on edge expecting something to happen soon. The trip took two hours but by the time they had got there the fleet was already there. "I think we are late."

As they got closer she could see tie pilots with e-11s. By the looks the ones she had ordered saved had repaid the favor. Even if it did benefit them once the over head fleet had been removed. She'd let Lucien interact with those of his kind while she made her way to the ship. She needed rest from today and they we're protected for the time being. "Well Lucien till next time. Feel free to use the fleets facilities till your people can get you."

Tanomas Graf

The sunlight shined over the Imperial fleet orbiting Kothlis. Director Caalgen and Vice Admiral Thaxton were in the War Room of Thaxton's Imperial II-class along with many other military leaders. "It is quite fortunate that the fleet was able to get to Kothlis before the Rebels managed to regroup. I assume the destruction of the ground forces of the Rebellion was on your part?" She asked the man dressed in white. Caalgen nodded "I find it disturbing how the Rebels were able to defeat both Grand Admiral Mahan's invasion force along with Captain Jarok's follow-up attack when he arrived from Krant. This may require an investigation, I should make contact with Director Kalast about doing so; But first, the shipyards over Kothlis require tending after an exhausting battle, after all they will make a fine addition to the Imperial War Machine." He agreed, he gave a small bow to the Vice Admiral and swept out of the room.

A commodore walked into the room after the weapons director left, making his way for the vice admiral. "Admiral Thaxton, Rear Admiral Cardan reports that Rebel forces have withdrawn from Kamino. It seems they are running back to lick their wounds with their tails in between their leg. The Grand Moff is calling for the council to meet in several hours, he will be deciding who will oversee the Kothlis and Krant systems." He reported, before leaving to allow the vice admiral to think.

The rebels won a battle, but the Empire just won the war.

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