Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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March of the Imperials [Imperial Remnant Dominion of Kothlis and Krant]

The Nemesis shook with impacts of torpedoes and missile.

"Captain! Our shields are taking a beating from their bombers. We need to rethink our strategy!" A man said from below.

"Sir, Director Caalgen's ship is inbound. We will be safe." Another guy said.

Darren placed his hands together and looked at the opposing fleet. They were focusing fire on the Nemesis. His eyes were wider than ever. He prepared to give a speech.

"Today. The rebels here destroyed. The Empire will thrive once again! Fire at will. All guns! Fire all missiles! FIRE EVERYTHING!" He shouted.

All turbolasers were fired along with many missiles. They tore many smaller ships apart. A rebel bomber crashed into the bridge of an Arquinten. The ship went downwards exploding. Darren banged his fist on the table in anger.

"Bombers. Destroy the sub-capital ships." He said.

The bombers flew towards the capital ship ready to drop their payload. Proton bombs hit the hull of capital ship tearing it open.
Objective: Rescue Cloning Minister Gu Lan
Location: Felacat
Post: 1/?

Permission to join granted by Space Sean Connery

The Imperial Remnant, at least the latest addition, was moving to consolidate their hold over the space surrounding the world of Kamino. It had taken some doing on her part, but she had learned about a few Kaminoians that had not agreed with the new regime and had fled to worlds in the sector. While Taeli wanted to save all of them, she was personally traveling to the planet of Felacat to rescue the former Cloning Minister Gu Lan, hoping to bring him into the fold for her bioengineering division.

She wasn't detecting any Imperial forces in the area yet, but it was only a matter of time she assumed. The Felacatian people were a fascinating race, probably one reason why Gu Lan had chosen the planet, given their races ability to shapeshift when under duress. A geneticist would want to study such abilities, even when their life was in danger. Her Sicarius-class infiltrator headed towards the planet's main spaceport, receiving permission to dock as she scanned the news and other transmissions from the planet for any signs of where the Kaminoian was hiding.

They were there for him.

Director Caalgen's personal squad of Death Troopers was dispatched to 'tie up loose ends' as the Advanced Weapons Research Director had informed them aboard the Silencer. The former Cloning Minister, Gu Lan, knew too many secrets about the Kaminoan cloning process, secrets that could easily fall into the hands of the Galactic Alliance and worse, the Jedi. These secrets could allow them to begin cloning the perfect soldiers themselves, and easily let them reverse engineer the current Imperial Stormtroopers that were in production and exploit weaknesses that were only discussed in hushed voices on Kamino.

En route to fix this issue; a Delta-class T-3c shuttle leaped out of hyperspace near the planet of Felacat, which was the confirmed location of the minister. Intelligence reports had pinpointed him in a small village several klicks out of the capital city, where all of the bustling trade and starport activity would keep it difficult to hide out when every other arrival could be loyal to the Imperial cause. The shuttle descended upon the planet, which it made a low approach to a small grove within a forest near said village. This was not just an assassination, this was an extermination.

The craft hovered quietly over the grass, making it wave away from the repulsorlifts madly like a hair in the wind. The squadron debarked by hopping a few meters down to the ground and at that the shuttle disappeared into the sky. Their first order of business was moving to the edge of the forest and beginning their reconnaisance of the village so that they could confirm that the minister was in deed there. Unnecessary murders were not something the Empire looked fondly upon, only if it was justified. They began a their trek, intent on finishing this mission quick but expertly.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
"Thank you sir," Desmond replied to Darren with a quick salute. He reaced to the hangar and he and his squad boarded their vessels. They watched the blue swirls of hyperspace disipate as the ship finally exited from hyperspace. Imediately after wards the ship shook as it impacted with the enemy cruiser and began tearing away at the enemy hull. Large bits of debris passed by and Purge squadron cheered at the enemies loss. Then the vessel shook once more, but this time it was the rebels turn. They returned a tumultuous amount of fire and desmond spotted a small fire breaking into the hangar. An officer raced to desmond and spouted a bunch of non sense. Desmond smacked the man and he seemed to calm "Sir, you are to guard our bombers while they make runs on the enemies capital ship," Desmond nodded then saluted the officer. Purge squadron boarded their crafts and launched. They met up with the flight of bombers and formed a protective diamond around them. That's when the first wave of enemy vessels attacked. A flight of Xwings charged purge squadrons forward element while the more nimble Awings atempted to fly past. While Purge squadrons forward element engaged the xwings its rear element raced forward to meet the awings.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
(Gear and fleet reference first post)
[member="Darren Jarok"] Ξ [member="Baron Morcus"] Ξ [member="Lora Onone"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"] Ξ [member="Desmond C'artyom"] Ξ [member="Travis Caalgen"] Ξ [member="Butch Mahan"] Ξ [member="DT-5981"] Ξ [member="Taeli Raaf"] Ξ

A few systems began to reboot as her ships gained speed as she grew closer to the ground. She had gained most of the systems to keep the ship stable. Spamming the button to power the engine's all it could do was whine refusing to work. "Ughhhh I could slap that man. When I find him." She said venting frustration. The incurious bleeping began to start as sensors came online. The noise was annoying signaling impending doom. If hope existed then now was the time to place it on surviving. The ship was about a hundred and fifty meters or so from the ground. In one last attempt before it was to late she pressed the button to activate the engines. It first spluttered but then powered up.

Pulling back as much as she could the nose of the gunship lifted up in time to narrowly miss the ground. The speed was enough to rip the earth from underneath creating a dirt cloud behind the ship. Sanya pulled against the emergency brakes slowing the ship down enough to crash without destroying the ship. Most importantly not killing her. It slide and skipped across the terrain for a moment till it had came to a stand still. In a sigh of relief she slumpped back taking the front of her mask off. "Geez that was to close." She said to herself.

Checking other systems the shield nor transmitter had came back on line. The engines wouldn't start back up either. Still she had to thank lady luck been in her side. Sanya unbuckled herself and stood up stumbling from the initial shock. Her tail gave some balance as she got a stable footing. The boots of her armor clanked against the metal of the ship floor panels as she walked to the ramp. It could only open half way but enough to get out.
Objective: Rescue Cloning Minister Gu Lan
Location: Felacat
Post: 2/?

Enemies: [member="DT-5981"]

Walking through the various... well dingier parts of the capital, a hooded robe thrown over herself, she had finally pieced together the puzzle of where the Minister was. Apparently, paranoia was running strong because he hadn't been at the main medical facility. The planet might not be in Imperial space yet, but he wasn't going to trust anyone easily because spies could be anywhere. But, in his research, he did need supplies and that was the thread Taeli had been following. Medical observation equipment, gene splicing, bacta and other medicines, and on the list went.

He couldn't get the supplies from reputable sources though, that would attract way too much attention to the good minister. He had been forced to work out a deal with underworld elements to smuggle everything he needed in... but he apparently hadn't learned that smugglers and black marketeers were only loyal until a better offer came along.

"Thank you for the information," she said, passing the credits to the smuggler. 17,000 wasn't even miss-able for her, but that could keep a smuggler going for sometime out in the Rim. A small village several klicks out from the city had been recieving clandestine shipments. Getting back onto a rented swoop bike, she engaged the engine and took off for it, not knowing yet that the Imperials had indeed arrived and conflict would becoming.
The squad had been walking for a good few minutes, silently observing the forest in all directions while they marched towards their objective. They tuned out the sounds of nature but they were always prepared to suddenly hear a twig snapping, the sound of a blaster being loaded, or the growl of a stealthy predator. Several minutes later, they came to the edge of the forest; Three troopers would proceed to patrol the treeline while DT-5981 and two others remained.

One of them laid on the ground and brandished a DLT-19x on a bipod, while his comrade brought up a pair of electrobinoculars to their helmet. Their squad leader stood behind them to prevent any flanking maneuvers by an enemy. Staring into the village, the death trooper looked around until he spotted a kaminoan walking out of a small house with a bag full of unidentified tools, possibly medical. "Possible target sighting, confirm." DT-9523 reported, handing the electrobinoculars to 5981.

"Target confirmed, Ex-Minister of Kamino Gu Lan." DT-5981 confirmed, with swift hand movements the squad regrouped. "Sniper set-up will remain here, the rest of us will move in and take out the target, no witnesses." DT-5981 stated.

"Move out in three...two...on- Wait!"

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
He looked at the enemy capital ship. Holes were torn open in the hull sucking out people and droids. Flames began to burn on the enemy ship. Darren smiled then turned around to see a group of shadowtroopers entering the room. They lined up infront of Darren.

"You will board the enemy ship and bring the commanding officer to me. Now go." He said. They saluted then ran to the hangers.

TIE Defenders escorted the shuttle. They landed in the hanger of the enemy capital ship. They encountered heavy resistance from people in the hanger but the shadowtroopers were doing great pushing forward to the bridge.
Theodosia had been resting in her temporary residence, she had undressed from her tight uniform and put on a green jumpsuit a few sizes too large, one of the rare times she ever wore anything without elegance or pomp. She had been calm and peaceful until she received a message from one of the offices of high government in the Remnant, the Emperor himself wanted to see her. From that moment on she was wrought with fear and anxiety. The worst she could have imagined had happened, her secluded appearance on the planet shared with the Emperor's presence had not prevented his beckoning. She feared not only for her career, but for herself. Many rumors had gone around that any who were seen as incompetent, or unfit to lead in the Remnant, would not only be terminated via their occupation, but also their life. However much truth there was to such rumors, were irrelevant in Theodosia's mindset. But she would have to make herself presentable for the Emperor, regardless.

Theodosia took to one of her many crates filled with personal possessions, and extracted one of her many Moff uniforms, one of the formal variety. After taking off the jumpsuit and dressing herself in the dark gray two piece uniform, she donned the black plated gorget, with the Imperial insignia on the neck. Finally she slid on the two black plated gauntlets, the unceremonious belt, and the pair of black boots they were worn with. After redoing her hair to fit the Imperial regulation required whilst wearing the uniform, and a touch of make up, she made her way from her hotel into a landspeeder heading towards Imperial Center. As she sat in the enclosed Imperial speeder, she repeatedly memorized her proposed policies for the planet, Theodosia would have to impress his highness if she was ever to attain the prestigious rank of Grand Moff. The landspeeder reached its destination, and Theodosia exited onto the platform they had landed on. She took a deep breath before entering the former capitol building, unsure of what she was about to experience.

This would be one of her first direct contacts with the Emperor, so she did not intend to give a bad impression. Arriving at what could be considered the "lobby" of the building, she spoke with the officer in charge, albeit nervously, "Please inform Emperor Graf I have arrived, and will join him momentarily." The officer made a short bow, and transmitted the message to the level on which the Emperor resided. Finished, Theodosia waited for the next turbolift, unsure of what she would experience on the other side.

[member="Tanomas Graf"]
Objective: Rescue Cloning Minister Gu Lan
Location: Felacat
Post: 3/?

Enemies: [member="DT-5981"]

Taeli's swoop came to a stop at the village center, just as she saw a Kaminoian walking out of a small house. So her information had been right, she would have to arrange a small bonus to the smuggler in the future. Smiling, she made sure her hood was still up, lightsaber still concealed under her overrobe, before getting off the swoop and making her way over to him. She could see him visibly flinch as an outsider approached, especially one garbed like her. His presence in the Force was cautious, but not giving much else away. He had been a high ranking official for the cloners after all.

"Greetings Minister," she said, giving a small bow of her head in greeting. "Jedi Master Taeli Raaf of the Alliance."

Just those few words gave him some sense of relief, if the relaxing of his shoulders indicated anything.

"Master Raaf, I must say it is surprising to see one such as yourself on a world such as this, fascinating species not withstanding," Gu Lan replied. "Might I ask why you are here?"

"Why to offer you a job, of course," Taeli replied, smiling as she stepped closer to the minister. If he knew her reputation, then he also knew the company she ran. "Perhaps we can take this discussion inside? It doesn't seem the most appropriate place to talk business."

She tilted her head, something tingling down her spine. There was something off in the air... in the Force... like they were being watched... or something bad was coming.
[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Location: Kant battle site
Post: 5/25
Objective: Crush remaining Rebel forces

As the battle raged on her own ship began to take damage not much but some, damage control teams flew about making fixes as they could. "Continue targeting enemy ships aim for the main reactors to disable them then blow them up. Today the rebels will not come back." Tie fighters flew against Rebel Aces who desperately tried to save the remaining ships. They were slowly moving down to the last dozen ships and maybe two squadrons of enemy fighters. "Begin focusing all task group fire on single ships." She ordered soon the focused fire began to destroy enemy frigates and cruisers in mere seconds as reactors blew and engines were destroyed. Life support systems failed and ruptured hulls hastened their demise.
Darren watched as the shadow troopers lost contact with The Nemesis. They were dead or alive now. No matter what, They failed their mission. It was intense. Turbolaser fire coming from both sides. He thought for sometime. Turning to the officers on the ship, He asked.

"Anyone have any plans for taking that ship?" He said.

The bridge was silent. No-one thought. Darren thought deep once again.

"Take out their engines. Bring the ship behind their capital ship. Tell our cruisers to cover us. Have the fighters engage the enemy fighters. Move out!" He said.

With that people ran though the bridge and voices were heard once again. Darren wished that the naval personnel had bright minds. They don't think deep enough. The Nemesis and the fleet moved towards the capital ship. They moved next to the ship. A big blast of the turbolasers fired upon the ship. Holes began to tear in the hull of the flagship. Flames poured out of the ship. The Nemesis swung around the back of the ship.

"Fire all guns! Destroy those rebels!"
The Death Troopers were cut short of beginning their operation when a swoop speeder raced into the village. DT-5981 raised the electrobinoculars to identify the person on the speeder as they dismounted, general appearance suggested a hooded woman. The electronics in the electrobinoculars glimpsed enough of the person's face to begin running it through the system, what appeared made the man's jaw clench. "Secondary target spotted, Jedi Master Taeli Raaf, confirmed." The Squad Leader informed his underlings.

"We still have a mission to complete, Jedi Master or not. Move out! Scramble your helmets." DT-5981 ordered. The squad rushed from the treeline to up against the rear wall of one of the houses, checking their corners. A felacatian male stepped out of his house, having heard something, but he was quickly dispatched by one of the Deathtroopers holding a vibroknife. DT-9523 tossed a thermal imploder through one of the windows of the house that the cloning minister had been seen entering with the Jedi. Two whole seconds of beeping and a cloud of energy appeared inside the house before it imploded, creating an explosion that would incinerate anyone unlucky enough to be outside.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
Mere minutes after the shadowtroopers had boarded the command ship of the Rebellion fleet did soldiers flood it, with a shocktrooper shouldering a rocket launcher and firing at it, destroying the landing craft and the troopers who were caught around it. On the bridge, Admiral Rann breathed a sigh of relief hearing that the boarders had been dealt with so swiftly. But the bridge rocked not even a second later, with the hull of the Inexpugnable taking searing hits from the turbolasers of the Victory cruiser. "Divert all power from engines to shields!" The Mon Calamari Admiral yelled, and soon enough, a bright blue film appeared over the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser indicating that the shields had been restored stronger than ever. The fleet of smaller ships centrated all of their firepower on the command tower of the Victory cruiser, severely damaging the 'neck' of the Star Destroyer.

Air visibly began to vent out of it, signaling that their turbolasers had pierced the hull entirely, the Victory cruiser had fought its best against the outnumbering Rebel fleet, but it too fell to superior numbers and tactics as did the Grand Admiral's fleet.


Meanwhile on the surface of Kothlis, the Rebels were fighting hard against the Imperial forces. An AT-AT crushed one of the T-4B tanks underfoot and fired on the retreating squads of infantry until a Y-Wing dropped a deadly proton bomb on the head, destroying it. Stormtroopers and Rebel Soldiers alike engaged each other on opposing sides of a river, dozens dying by the minute. It was a bloody battle for the Remnant and the Rebellion, with neither side having the clear advantage.


[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Baron Morcus"]
Desmond raced forward to engage an enemy X-wing. With Purge two covering Desmonds vectore all seemed to be well in order. Desmond locked on the Xwing and fired. He was pleased when his firing solutions were met by an explosion. Purge squadron and its bombers flew forward uncontested. The bombers began their attack runs and purge squadron flew ever vigilent of enemy attack craft. Proton torpedoes were launched and they gained a deeper hue of fluorescent lighting as they impacted with the Mc80's shields. What amount of damage they did was unknown, but hopefully enough. While Purge squadron was met with some success it seemed the main fleet was suffering difficulties. With the Nemisis taking heavy fire Desmond had to get tactical. If they took out their support ships the elite squadron would be sitting ducks. Still they'd have to hang in their for just a little longer. Surely Caalgen would arive soon.
Lucien Galtier ran for cover as blaster fire rained down around him. "FETH! WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO SA-" KTS59 Never got a chance to finish the sentence as a blaster round smacked into his face. Lucien stopped running for a moment to grab hold of his comrade, he dragged him to a nearby crater and crouched low, so that his body would not be exposed. He rolled his comrade over so that he could see where the man was hit, it became imediately obvious his friend would not survive much longer. The complete front half of the mans helmet had melted and beneath was practically a bare skull. A few bits of plastoid and charred skin clung here and their, but not much else. "K-kill me... Please Sarge" KTS59 Said calmly. Lucien looked in horror and tossed the sod his side arm. The storm commando didn't know what to do. He and his platoon were going into the meat grinder. The rebels had established a beach head and now were pushing the Imperials back harder then before. The rebels had managed to take a nearby bunker and Lucien and his squad had been deployed to take it back... But, the seargent had already lost half his platoon. It was a mess and he didn't think reinforcements would be coming any time soon. So, it was forward... Or be stranded on a hostile world. Lucien flinched as he heard KTS pull the trigger. "OVER THE TOP LADS!" Lucien cried out and hunched low as he began to run. Blaster bolts whizzed by and Lucien felt something sting his leg, but still he kept running.
Desmond watched as the bombers dropped the last of their bombs when suddenly enemy fighters approached from above. The py struck fast and true. 3 bombers went down in the first enemy attack run. Purge squadron swiftly flew to engage. Purge one and two got behind a whole flight of Xwings and opened up on them. Two went down and one became damaged. Desmond flew behind an Awing and engaged the more nimble craft. It preformed a barrael roll just as the chiss aquired a lock and he cursed himself. Des switched to manual fire and began blasting away with short burst at the fleeing craft. It didn't take long for his cybernetic mind to find the correct trajectory and soon the enemy fighter was in flames. Soon after desmond became locked on by the Awings second and he had to perform a high yo yo to avoid the lock. Desmond gained the rear of the pilot and smiled. Firing once again he gained another kill. These rebel pirates were no match for the better trained imperials.
Lucien reached the durasteel walls that made up the front of the bunker along with three others. He lobbed a grenade into a small viewport just ahead of them and it exploded accompanied by several cries of anguish. With a signal from his hand Lucien and squad charged round the bunker and into its trenches. They were greeted by six rebels who had already fixed bayonets. With out having time or thinking to do so beforehand Lucien simply used his blaster rifle as a club. His vission became tunneled and he saw nothing, but the man before him. With a viscious swing left Lucien clobered him in the face. The rebel fell to the ground and Lucien brought his riffle down atop his head. Hard. Another man charged Lucien with his bayonet and tackled Lucien to the ground, atempting to stab the commando as he did so. But Lucien's hands were quick and as the rebel fell atop Lucien, he forced the knife aside with his free hand and with the other he brought his blaster to bare. He fired point blank and the man slumped atop him dead. Lucien forced the body off of himself and got off the ground. His squad had won the melee and were now actually accompanied by others from the platoon.
Cicero moved through the halls of the crashing flag ship boredly. Stormtroopers and naval officers ran to and fro scared of what was to come next. Of whether this would be the end or not. Cicero merely shook his head at the poor fools. He reached an escape pod and realized that ot was full. He took one look at one of the occupants aboard the pod and the mans neck snapped. Cicero grabbed hold of the corpse and threw it out, taking its seat as he did so. The pod jettisoned to the planet below and Cicero smiled at his new friends. When the pod finally landed on the planet below Cicero was dissapointed to find that all of those aboard had perished. The G-force had snapped their necks. So, Cicero climbed out of the pod alone and began to make his way through the forest. He had no clue where to go, but the giant Imperial vessel falling from the sky seemed like a good place to start... Plus maybe he'd get to kill a few rebels along the way.
[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Location: Kant battle site
Post: 6/25
Objective: Crush remaining Rebel forces

As the battle continued something occured a last push from the Rebels, ships comign from the belt where sensors struggled to get clear signals sometimes. As they came out fighters and frigates all pounded into one of the larger star destroyers. They were pushing into the thinnest part of the formation. She cursed before long she began making adjustments. "Bombers concentrate all fire on the lead frigate aim for engines! Aim for it's missile launchers! The ordnance will blow and tear it apart!" As fire poured in the engines quickly began to go before long one of the star destroyers blasted apart it's missile racks on one side sending it careening into another rebel ship. The blast that came out of it sent pieces everywhere. Growing tired of these rebels she began to look over the remaining formation. "Alright they are using a flying wedge formation All power to weapons fire at the center ship it's reactors unstable for some reason if it goes it'll tear into the center ships!" The sensor readings on the ship indicated previous damage had caused them to surround it.

One of her officers spoke up. "Ma'am but it's just a small frigate!"

"Yet their surrounding it that means whomever is coordinating them now is there! We break their leadership we end this now! I will not lose more men just to entertain their fantasy of victory!" As they fired into it and bombers tore into the smaller frigate it shattered quickly exploding sending the rebels scrambling. As the others got picked off she Watched something odd, Small ships Some SLAMMED into her ship...boarding pods? These rebels were suicidal! As they kept tearing into the enemy ships she heard blaster fire from storm troopers down the hall before too long. They were comign here? She pulled out her blaster pistol.

She looked to her troopers inside. "Prepare to repel the enemy!" The storm troopers nodded and as they called for addtional forces around key locations.Already communications indicated most had been contained this group just got lucky. As they filed into the bridge the storm troopers all checked weapons and soon while trying to lock the door the rebels opened it. She aimed and fired killing one as they came in firing she however unlike some officers charged in with the troopers. As one got close to her she took his wrist pushed it aside before punching him hard then blasting his chest. "GET THEM OFF MY SHIP!" She fired again knocking down two then three then a fourth foe. A fifth before she noticed most were dead. The storm troopers killed the last of them. "Kill them all! Within the next half hour I expect to hear every rebel has been cleansed from this ship!"

The lead storm trooper nodded. "Yes Ma'am! All Squads report to enemy locations send platoon four to engineering and platoon seven to help with the main contingent. "With that they left moving out leaving an extra squad there to ensure the bridge was safe. As she turned the battle was almost over the last enemy ships were a blaze and falling apart. Fighters chased escape pods and shuttles each one destroyed eliminating another foe.

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