Darren Jarok
The Imp
The Nemesis shook with impacts of torpedoes and missile.
"Captain! Our shields are taking a beating from their bombers. We need to rethink our strategy!" A man said from below.
"Sir, Director Caalgen's ship is inbound. We will be safe." Another guy said.
Darren placed his hands together and looked at the opposing fleet. They were focusing fire on the Nemesis. His eyes were wider than ever. He prepared to give a speech.
"Today. The rebels here destroyed. The Empire will thrive once again! Fire at will. All guns! Fire all missiles! FIRE EVERYTHING!" He shouted.
All turbolasers were fired along with many missiles. They tore many smaller ships apart. A rebel bomber crashed into the bridge of an Arquinten. The ship went downwards exploding. Darren banged his fist on the table in anger.
"Bombers. Destroy the sub-capital ships." He said.
The bombers flew towards the capital ship ready to drop their payload. Proton bombs hit the hull of capital ship tearing it open.
"Captain! Our shields are taking a beating from their bombers. We need to rethink our strategy!" A man said from below.
"Sir, Director Caalgen's ship is inbound. We will be safe." Another guy said.
Darren placed his hands together and looked at the opposing fleet. They were focusing fire on the Nemesis. His eyes were wider than ever. He prepared to give a speech.
"Today. The rebels here destroyed. The Empire will thrive once again! Fire at will. All guns! Fire all missiles! FIRE EVERYTHING!" He shouted.
All turbolasers were fired along with many missiles. They tore many smaller ships apart. A rebel bomber crashed into the bridge of an Arquinten. The ship went downwards exploding. Darren banged his fist on the table in anger.
"Bombers. Destroy the sub-capital ships." He said.
The bombers flew towards the capital ship ready to drop their payload. Proton bombs hit the hull of capital ship tearing it open.