Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Midnight Inferno | CIS Dominion of Mechis III


Objective: Not A-Mech
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] - [member="Daisy Americus"]

"Scher. Daisy."

From where Scherezade was rushing and dragging Daisy along with her, a figure would appear as if out of thin air. The Jedi Master would materialize nearby, rushing with them after cutting his connection to the White Current. Once the Silver Jedi Order had finished the transition period of leadership, Josh had found himself with a bit more time and had decided to use a bit of it to send a reminder to the CIS, once he had heard about this monster they were dealing with:

You got a friend in me.

To his pleasant surprise, it seemed that Josh wasn't the only member of the Silver Jedi Order to decide to come and help their CIS allies. He could sense them. But for now, they had a monster to take down. If they didn't, there wouldn't be much left of the city. And Josh figured that his combat capabilities would be a sound asset in the battle to come. He would stare ahead at the destruction it was making, as he would draw his lightsaber, Dragelion, from his belt and activate it - the blue blade letting out a hum as he gave a testing swing.

"Shall we?"


Military Tactician
Deathstalker Class corvette in orbit -----> South Tower​
-Aid in evacuation​
-Salvage technology​
[member="Gianna Aegis"] [member="Alar Shysa"]​
-5x Super Battle droids
-2x Droideka("The twins")
-1x Blastomech Droid ("Beep-bang")
-1x IG-86 Sentinal droid ("Stalker")
--1x Deathstalker Class corvette​

Kaross looked to the shimmering holographic battlemap on his ships tactical room. "Chaos", He thought, but did not vocalise. There was so much going on. To see clarity in it would take time, and even a tactically-minded droid like himself would take significant time to find the best course of operation - Time they did not have.

He reviewed his primary goals in this fight. He wished to seek profit and advancement, first and foremost. He was also tasked with helping evacuate - that what what he was being payed for. Fighting in the thick of the battle would only lead to great risk of distruction for his crew - Odds of one in one million, he calculated. Without greater knowledge on the structure of the opposing war-droids, his ship was useless, as it's purpose was swift strikes on weak points. With the time given, if would be impossible to carve a perfect path, but he could send his mercenary band out with himself to aid in the battle near the gates, whilst remotely helping evacuate the starport through his ships droid crew and his comms access.

The ship swiftly approached the planet's surface in the Paradiso area - it was time to make his choices, and he had to calculate carefully yet swiftly. He connected to the 'Emergency Evacuation' channel through the ships comms.

<<"This is Y’ivra, in the South Tower. We’re getting a lot civilians coming in hot from the surrounding areas. We’re clearing the pursuers as fast as we can from here, but folks are going to start bottlenecking at the entrances if we don’t speed the evac up." >>

Kaross quickly zoomed his battleplan in on the area of contention. It was true, the area lacked the nesesary military forces. He would send his band of bounty hunters, The Iron Blades there.

<<"Afermative, Y'ivra. This is Kaross, approaching nesecary area for landing. I shall reinforce you in just a moment - Continue holding up. I shall attempt to clear a safe pathway for lifeforms to transit through. Any other free land troops, join us - any vehicles for evacuation that can be provided would also be of use. Kaross - Out">>

He replies to the message in a deep precise monotone, them connects to crew comms

"Iron Blades, please report to and help prepare drop pods. All other crew, prepare for landing at starport and take in evacuees till maximum capacity is reached. Return to flight when full, and flee to nearest allied planet - Do not wait for me."

He swiftly approached the drop pod and checked that his allies were present.The ship's relative calm had been disturbed. The whizz! noise of droids and computer-systems quickly preparing the ship could be heard by all. Beep! Beep! With a press, and a confirmation, the pod launched. The journey down was fast, and the loud noises of gunshots and explosions could be heard even through the thick metal plating. With a thud, they landed outside of the tower. The door swang open, and Kaross opened up his comms.

<<"This is Kaross - We have landed. Preparing to clear pathway for convoy to starport - where is this bottleneck where assistance is needed?>>

As he says this, his units roll out. Droideka deploy, and dozens of smaller droids are quickly annihilated. Super battle droids begin to systematically take out key opponents one-by-one, aided by a Blastromech and Assasin droid, and ordered by Kaross. At this point in time, Kaross' crew seemed to be fairing well, with only scignificant blow coming to the Super battle droids.


Location: Battlefield
Wearing: Armor in sig
Weapons: Apollo & Artemis. beskad, bandolier of thermal detonators
Tag: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Daisy Americus"]

Fire and death reigned down upon the battlefield where the dar'manda now stood. For the briefest of moments Kaden thought he could smell the distinct scent of jasmine and rain only for it float away again. A smile turned on his lips as he felt his mother's blessing. This was the kind of destruction and fear which she craved and fed off of. It was exactly what Kaden wanted to offer her. His desire to serve his mother as well as the reckless nature of craving the thrill of battle drove him to where a number of Confederates were facing a large mechanized something. Kaden was not sure what it was, but he was aware that it was seemingly responsible for the mess. Kaden would only ensure that it went on for so long before he tried to stop it. Yes, he belonged to a group of people that wanted it destroyed, but what harm was there in ensuring his mother had a proper meal first.

It was as his eyes scanned the carnage being brought upon the field that Kaden's eyes fell on a familiar face. This was one he had never met in person, and yet he knew her. Likely he had driven her to the point of insanity, or near, with the few times his spirit had found her as some kind of anchor to the real world. It was an interesting thing to Kaden then, and in part it was interesting to him now. His curiosity had gotten the better of him, so he stopped his scans and decided to join her, and the other woman with her. Whatever it was they were planning, Kaden would ensure that he was part of it.

His helmet was strapped to his belt for now, there would be time to fix it to his head properly later. Two lone scars were all the remained of the broken body Kaden had once had. He had been blinded in an explosion, his arm crushed, and somehow everything had righted itself when he returned from the Netherworld save the two scars. Perhaps they would be the reminder of where he had been, and the revenge he still had yet to take. He had stood by Yasha that day, his wife, and she had rejected him and his counsel. Her ear had been twisted by others who did not want was best for her or her people. Kaden would make her pay.

His heavy boots crunched into the ground as he made his way to the fight. The two women were in his view the entire time, his focus on the blonde he recognized. He hoped this was not going to shock her even though he knew it would.

"Forget the legs... you kill a beast by plucking out its heart. Even metal monsters have one. Buy me some time to figure out where it is at."

Kaden nodded to the woman and then put his helmet on.

<<< "This is going to get uglier before it gets better..." >>>

Safira Haran

Tags: [member=Isley Verd] | [member=Nya] | [member=Haastal Verd] | [member=Ardasz Verd] | [member=Allya Vi'Dreya] | [member=Daisy Americus] | [member=Scherezade deWinter]
As the drop ship swooped down to the planet surface, Safira remarked to herself that they were always getting into some seriously stupid chit. From the view port she could see the slow moving titan that tore through buildings as though they were blades of grass. How could you miss it? It stood as tall as the buildings it surrounded, taller even, and against the blazing infernos that spread wildly throughout the city the midnight skeleton of Purgatorio cast it's towering shadow. Each time one of the colossal limbs lifted to cause destruction on the unsuspecting civilians a deafeningly loud rumble followed. This screech of rusted metal that left fear and terror in its wake would likely be embedded in Mechis III's mind forever. There was no denying the excitement that bubbled up inside Safira. Hunting flesh and blood was one thing, but the impenetrable behemoth defence bot now crafted specifically to destroy? It was going to be a wild ride, and Safi was ready.

Quick to rise from her seat as the drop ship touched down, Safira followed Isley and Nya out into the chaos that was Mechis III. Heat from a thousand fires smacked her dead in the face the moment she stepped foot onto the charred surface, but she was afforded little time to think about it as Isley spoke up. 'Ratiin. Right behind you at all times.' She would have spoken the same words back to him, but Isley didn't need to hear them. Out of the three of them he was the true warrior, the mentor and their shadow just as much they were his. Isley's shared heritage with Safira had seen them cement the relationship from the moment they had met. Safi wasn't worried about him. Instead her main concern lingered on the golden haired woman beside her. The woman that had completed their trio and stolen their affections. The woman who seemed to mirror Safira's thoughts just as she lifted her foot to go and join the others.

In the corner of her vision she caught the deathly beautiful gaze of steel-blue eyes which was followed by the ginger touch of Nya's hand in her own. Safira shifted to stand a little close to the sweet tone that whispered in the midst of the chaos, catching the alabaster fingers in her gentle grip as she did. A bell like laugh followed at Nya's words. 'Come on, you know me. If anything at all is going to get me hurt it'll be my own clumsiness.' As she spoke the words she realised they probably didn't offer any comfort like Safira had hoped. But seeing the smile on Nya's face, even though her raven pearls could see that it was forced for her benefit, quenched the real fear of the dangerous situation she was about to partake in. 'Hearing you loud and clear, Nya'ika.' A warm smile found a home on Safira's face as Nya wrapped her armoured body in a fierce embrace. She found the time to squeeze her back and nestle her head into the sweet smelling golden hair that cascaded across Nya's neck. When the embrace broke Safira lifted a hand to run a gloved thumb across the soft skin on Nya's cheek. 'Don't go getting yourself into trouble, we want you back in one piece too.' She warned softly into the quiet, but brief, moment of sanctuary. As they released each other Safi made a step back, heading for the group of beskar clad crusaders that gazed over the battlefield.

'Stay close to the drop ship.' Safira raised her voice a little, winking at Nya as she walked further away. 'And don't do anything we wouldn't do.' She allowed herself one last affectionate smile at the alabaster woman she had grown to adore, before finally turning around to join the rest of the group. Isley was just diving into plan as she drew near to the edge of the gathering. Safira only nodded her head as her helmet came down, the HUD blinking to life as it clipped into place. By now she recognised most of the others who stood in the circle, but there were a few that she couldn't. A woman wearing beskar she hadn't seen before and a woman with piercing green eyes. Responding to the latter's 'tuna can' quip wasn't even worth the breath it would waste getting the words out, but luckily they were off before Safira could debate the idea.

Safira turned her attention to the behemoth titan that stood in their path. From here the task seemed too mammoth for any to take on. It felt like an impossible feat that had astronomically slim chances of coming to fruition. Perhaps if they managed to defeat the thing Safira would buy herself a lottery ticket. When she drew her HUD away from the burning city, it appeared everyone was mostly in agreement. They were ready to take down the giant. They just needed someone to make the first move.
Location: Streets near Dexter Memorial Star port
Objective: Defeat Metal Gear Giant Bipedal Tanks
Immediate Allies: STaCLO
Nearby Allies: [member="Gianna Aegis"] [member="Kiff Brayde"]

The endless maze of tower buildings, twisted metal ruin and rubble was no the easiest thing to navigate, a thick smog and dust layer clouded the air, would probably make it hard to breath for any regular person trying to make their way to safety. Her boot crunched under foot while making haste towards the Star port, comlink still active, listening to the chatter from several other members who had made it top side. [member="Alar Shysa"], some mercenary if she had to guess, was giving a sitrep of the memorial hall, not an ideal situation, it would only be a matter of time before the massive war droid focused their attention on the easy target, they needed to form some sort of distraction o lure them away front he evac point.

"Ms Shysa, this is Knight Yumi, me and my companion will provide a distraction away from your location and try to lure the hostile entities away, hopefully when far enough away from the evac point the fleet can order an orbital bombardment and take out some of them, just sit tight and make sure no one panics". Time like this she wish her old squad was around, several members of that crew where quite the explosive experts, would work wonders taking down these things, for now, she guess old fashion force powers and sneaks were all she had. Once again her comlink came to live, a deep but familiar robotic voice coming over the channel, "Roger that Staclo, I'll be with you in a minute, you and me are going to run interference for the evac point, distract and take down as man of those things as possible, see if you can lead them into the same area, then our pilots can take them down with ease".

That was the plan at least ad from experience a plant rarely worked 100% of the time, she was fully expecting something to go wrong one way or another. WIth a large force push he propelled herself forwards and towards the force using droids location, making visual contact with him but a few moments after taking down on of the hostile war bots. "I see you are already at work, good, seems the small one are not hard to take down, but we should still keep an eye out for their weapons, no doubt they pack a big punch".

Macharius Solaire

/// Emergency Distress Call: All Frequencies \\\
"Red Alert! Any CIS commander or soldier picking up this distress call. This is General Solaire of the Denonian Army. We're hold up south of the capital around the space elevator. The droids..." The transmission burst into static for a few seconds. Cutting out some of the message "nearly cut us off from the mainland. We're trying to pull out thousands of civilians to the elevator. I can't hold out for long with what I've got. I need air support, or ground troops, drop an orbital bombardment on their western flank, something, anything to help." Static washed over the message again. "up the elevator to my shipyard. We can't let them take this tower or they'll get the warships in dock." The General paused for a moment before capping off his message more solemnly. "We'll hold on as long as we can."
"Red Alert! Any CIS commander or soldier picking up this distress call..." The message began repeating itself over.
Location: Near Southern Space Elevator​
Objective: Paradiso: Evacuate Civilians - Hold The Line​
Equipment: In Bio Link​

"Kawalski you set that message to repeat. If anyone responds you patch them to me ASAP got it?" Macharius rolled away from his Commsman to rejoin the fight. He didn't expect to be dealing with the droids of Mechis III again. Not after he'd ousted them from the shipyard above them. Tenacity didn't even begin to describe them. The General lined up his assault blaster over the husk of some wrecked war beast. Firing off shots at the waves of droids coming at them. He could only hope someone got the message and would bring help. If no one did, some very hard decisions were going to be made. They still had time. "Get me a report on the eastern flank now!"


C R I T I C A L - D A T A L I N K
Please update your databases for Mechis III. You may be missing important files for this world. Knowledge is power!​
Equipment: Armor, Lightsabers
Objective: Bring it down​
Location: Climbing up the side of Purgatorio​
Tags: [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Nya"] | [member="Haastal Verd"] | [member="Ardasz Verd"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Daisy Americus"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]​
Voph glanced at Allya for a moment as she approached. He deactivated his lightsabers, and tucked them into their sheaths behind his shoulders. He knelt down, scooping up a metal rod from the debris around him. He crouched, igniting the wrist blade on his opposite hand to cut the rod into two pieces. "Clan Verd are all over the place. We're in good hands here. Go see if you can help whoever sent that distress signal." Voph brought an arm up to shield himself from the shrapnel of another blast, and stood, a fragment of the metal rod in each hand. He sighed quietly, looking back towards the droid. "And...if I survive this, remind me to ask her out. I'll know who you're talking about."

And with no further explanation, Voph extended an arm towards the heavens, and sent his grapple line arcing up to catch on the roof of the building. Seconds later, he was on the roof, and sprinting towards the droid. "If you're waiting for a chance, this is it. Hit that damn droid with everything you've got." And with that, Voph lept, and turned. His arms thrust out towards the building he'd just left, sending a massive force wave into it, propelling him across the gap towards the droid. On second thought, this was stupid. But, wasn't any worse than Iokath, right?

Voph turned as he arced through the air, bringing the metal rods up to slam into the side of the droid. He paused for a second as the wind was driven from his lungs. But he recovered quickly. He had to. The metal rods had served their purpose, and were embeded in the droid's plating. He pulled one out, and hoisted himself up to jam it in again part ways up. Using the rods, he began to climb up the side of the droid, having landed on its upper thigh. Reactor was bound to be in the torso, right? So climb up and strip away the armor plating, letting the mandos finish it off. Easy. Right?


Kneeling down into the charred dirt, Achilles glanced up at Ardasz as he spoke. The Mandalorian was....ok. He was a bit older, but he still knew his way around a blaster. When Ardasz pulled his buy'ce over his head, Achilles allowed his helmet to form around his head. He glanced up to the man, arching a brow before staring at the man highlighted in his crimson HUD. "You keep callin' me that, Haas'ika. What's it mean?" Maybe it was just some dumb nickname that Ardasz had tagged him with, but it had a distinct Mandalorian flavor to it. He glanced down at his gauntlet, running a quick systems check on his flight systems. He scoffed when Ardasz spoke again. Kid. He hated being called kid.

"Yea whatever, just don't drag me down." He stated curtly, the fire in his eyes still breaking through his visor. As Ardasz began to move, Achilles synced their HUD's and comm channels. It only took a second, and in the next he was quick on Ardasz's heel. He moved quickly, his armor giving him free range of motion as if he was wearing nothing more than civilian clothing.

He charged, until they finally found some cover not far from the Purgatorio. Ardasz had already primed his flamethrower, causing Achilles to chuckle a bit. "You know we're just gonna piss it off right?" Hell. That sounded like the most fun the merc had seen in years.

"Bet." He muttered, tapping a button that laid just under his index knuckle. Each of the gauntlets on his wrist produced two miniature flame emitters. "Waitin' on you, old man." Achilles didn't give Ardasz a chance to respond, instead he activated the jets in his boots. Jumping into the air, the boots exploded out a torrent of flames that propelled the man into the air. No, he had a target in mind. As Achilles flew up, he could see the others preparing to assault the giant monstrosity. About time.

He even spied [member="Voph"] climbing along the side of the beast. And in that moment he couldn't help but laugh. "Everyone in the Confederacy this crazy?!" He yelled out to [member="Ardasz Verd"]. Stupid question, of course they were. Achilles struggled to dodge one of the droid's massive hands, attempting to swat him away like a fly. He turned into a roll before flying past the droid's head. As he came back around it's neck, Achilles aimed his gauntlets down at the droid below him. "Let's burn this bastard!" The flames fell from him in a wave of heat and crimson destruction. They washed the back of the droid's head in a fiery hell. As Achilles suspected, it was only pissing it off.

Ardasz Verd



Tags: [member="Haastal Verd"]

"Term of endearment," Ardasz offered in response. "For someone younger." He laughed at the prospect of holding the newbie back, a draconic arc of flame from his own wrist licking at the foot of the mechanical monstrosity. With any luck, it would compromise the metal's structural integrity enough to slow it down or worse.

Unlike the other Verd, he did not favor a jetpack. Ardasz was a small target, but he was not one the beast would soon forget. A fuel cell popped free of his wrist projector and he cocked back the arm, then strode forward into the still burning area of effect to find a foothold.

"Our job is just to piss it off and make sure it's not paying attention to the others," the thick accented Mando called back over comms. "Crazy is as crazy does, what we do keeps the Clan alive on raids and during hunts. Can't speak for the rest of these shabuir'e, though."

With his words, he made it functionally clear that no one outside of the Mando'ade was really his business. At least, unless there was something in it for him or his family to profit from. Ardasz grabbed hold of a warped plate with both hands and began to tug at it fiercely, seeking to rip it free.
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
Location: High altitude above Paradiso​
Objective: Provide air support​
Tags: [member="Kiff Brayde"], [member="Macharius Solaire"]​
Wearing: Flightsuit

The two powerful engines of the Aurum II-class light bomber roared steadily at soaring speed behind her and the bombardier of the starship. She looked out of the slightly tilted bomber making wide left circles high above and around the capital. The beautiful sleek, grey and white colored bird broke through the otherwise dark clouds, dimly lit up by the planets fiery surface. Natural volcanic smoke and ashes were now accompanied with the devestation that the rouge massive droids laid in their path of death and destruction.

They did not hear any of it; the chaos, the havoc, the cries for help. The engines roared in serenity. A faint murmuring windnoise when the air passed the streamlined cockpit and her own breath through the pilot helmet.

The clouds opened and closed in patches below the bomber, showing them ominous glimpses of the ongoing battlefield far beneath them. A concerned sigh left her.

Why? Why were they being held up here? High risk of civilian casualities, yes... But thinking of those things taking lives after lives... They could do alot without risking civilian lives, right? It was a soldiers worst dilemma.

She reached for the radio controls but paused for a moment, hovering her gloved thumb and indexfinger just above the knob.

Did she wanna hear it? She had to!

To which thought she turned the frequency knob and suddenly the transmissions from the troops on the ground violently erupted in her earpiece. The tranquility of soaring through the clouds and yet hearing the orders and shouts coming from the ground were surreal. Two whole different worlds, one what you saw and one what you heard at yet the same exact place. Her blue eyes zoned out for a second behind the dark visor of the helmet.

Suddenly, she were snapped out of it as the radio crackled and opened up a distress frequency.

"Red Alert! Any CIS commander or soldier picking up this distress call. This is General Solaire of the Denonian Army. We're hold up south of the capital around the space elevator. The droids..." The transmission burst into static for a few seconds. Cutting out some of the message "nearly cut us off from the mainland. We're trying to pull out thousands of civilians to the elevator. I can't hold out for long with what I've got. I need air support, or ground troops, drop an orbital bombardment on their western flank, something, anything to help." Static washed over the message again. "up the elevator to my shipyard. We can't let them take this tower or they'll get the warships in dock." The General paused for a moment before capping off his message more solemnly. "We'll hold on as long as we can."

She had heard enough. They were of no use up here. They had to do something!

''Commander, requesting permission to engage targets by the space elevator south of the capital.'' she transmitted to the CNS Resilience. Her voice might have indicated her eagerness, but she tried to keep it as collected as possible. Her whole body screamed to take the bomber into a dive, she wanted to just yell over the comm that they were on their way. After all, this was her first mission within the Confederacy fleet.
ALLIES: [member="Custani Valcho"] [member="STaCLO"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Alar Shysa"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Kathryn Foster"]
Lucrehulk II-class Battleship
~ CNS Redemption
Comfort-class Medical Frigate x5
Diamond Mk II Carrier x12
Nest-class Cruiser x6
Sigma-class Heavy Assault Dropship x8
The message transmitted to the CNS Resilience from Pilot Kathryn Foster was one of the many that the battleship was being overwhelmed with, comm-scan up in their arms with emergency broadcasts and priority transmissions. Jol stood firm at the center of the massive ship's bridge, radiating a calming presence on an otherwise frantic and chaotic bridge. He couldn't help but wonder what Kiff would do were he here, but Jol had been in the Confederacy Navy since its inception, and in moments such as these were when his experience shined the most. "Tell that pilot that her request is be granted, and redirect a Sigma Dropship towards the General's location. If you can, tell him that we don't have any ships in our fleet capable of an orbital bombardment, but the Heavy Assault Dropship should do the trick."

"Yes, sir," one of the comm-scan officers replied as he began relaying orders, typing numbers into his console. As the officer did that, Jol walked forward to peer out of the transparisteel window down to the planet below. A small explosion lit up on one part of the city, and Jol couldn't help grimacing. Walking automatons that could peel fighters out of the sky. . . at the very least, Jol could say that he wasn't in Flight Command right now. His mind wandered, the chaos of the bridge fading into ambience as he wondered what kind of trouble Kiff was getting himself into on the ground below. . .

"[member="Gianna Aegis"], I hear you loud and clear. I'd love to come and personally help, but," Kiff fired a round from his pistol at a rushing droid, melting its insides. He kicked away the now dead pile of electronics as he continued, shouting over the deafening booms and explosions of the battlefield, "there are some pesky attention-seeking War Droids where I am. An Armor division is moving towards the South Tower, feel free to have them blow up anything for you." Kiff keyed off the comm right in time to blast another war droid in its head as it rushed at him from the side. He let the metal chasis fall before grabbing the barrel of his heavy blaster pistol, blowing on the tip of the barrel to cool it off as if he was in some holodrama.

The High Marshal and his squad of commando droids had made a little beeline through the wreckage, destruction and carnage, aiming for isolated squadrons of war droids and tagging the larger ones for bombardment. None of them had heavy weapons, so going toe-to-toe with any juggernaut was paramount to suicide. Kiff's BAW-55 was a gift from the gods, to any extent, its double barrels ripping holes and melting metals in any droid that crossed his path. It was interesting, the erratic behavior of the rogue droids; they seemed to have no coherent cooperation between each other, even to the point that they would attack each other. All it did ultimately was make Kiff's job easier, but still it was no small thing to wonder what would happen if the Confederacy's armies underwent the same sort of unhingement.

  • One Sigma-class Heavy Assault Dropship is moving to the location of [member="Macharius Solaire"] to provide both aerial and ground support
  • Fighters and bombers are targeting larger juggernaut war droids
  • Diamond Mk II carriers are continuing to evacuate citizens out of the Dexter Memorial Starport.
Location: C.N.S Assurance
Objectives: Coordinate Evacuation Efforts and Figure out what the hell was going on with his rank.

"What the Fuck" yelled the apperant Major Cypher Rage. After this mess was over he needed to get his ranks sorted out. But for now he was an acting Vice Marshall until the position became solid. "What's the progress of the Evacuation" he yelled. " The cities around PURGATORIO have been Evacuated," reported his Executive Officer. " Good. All fighters are to prepare for Manuver OUTRAGE ASAP." the Acting Vice Marshall ordered. His allies in the United Galactic Federation had always told him that he should abdon the Confederacy but would he. Absolutely Not. They had even given him a ship to think about it. THE UGFS Bane of Tyranny. The UGF was busy planning a Coup against the New Republic, First Order and Core Imperial Confederation but if he convinced the Vicelord to help them all hell would break loose. Help is all they needee. Should they help them. After this he would talk to High Marshall [member="Kiff Brayde"] and get his opinion. The rewards for help were indeed valuable. Unlimited access to Shovik-Orion Defense Soultions. and Free Production of 15 million Battle droids "Sir all Naval Forces report ready for Manuver OUTRAGE." reported his XO " Good, Open Fire" ordered Raige
Location: Somewhere on the field looking at some big karkin' War Droid rip things up.​
Direct Tags: [member="Kaden Farr"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]​
Close To: [member="Haastal Verd"] | [member="Ardasz Verd"] | [member="Nya"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [[member="Safira Varad"]​
In the Sky: [member="Voph"]​

Daisy and Scherezade were different. Whereas her green-eyed gummy friend found something beautiful in abject devastation, the Mandalorian, found horror. She was all for the fight. For the grit. She said her prayers at night with a wrist rocket in mind. But this? This wasn’t a fight. It wasn’t even a raid. It was a massacre. The crazy-bots that were ripping through Mechis City were acting on senseless programming. They didn’t feel, they didn’t care—It was an extermination.

She also didn’t have Scherezade’s acumen when it came to the Force. Truthfully, had she realized that the auburn-haired woman was smelling people out, likely, she would have been grossed out. She’d been in a men’s locker room before. It was all musky sweat, salt, garbage, and macho despair. No thank you. Noooo thank you at all.

By the time Scherezade started to make her opinions known on the subject Daisy had already reserved herself to the fact that she would follow the more charismatic woman wherever she willed. Though, hearing her fellow Mandalorians being referred to as Tuna Cans really didn’t do anything for her, she knew, that Scher didn’t mean any harm. Not really. It was just her way of describing things.

That’s when things got hairy. She tensed when a bubble of Forcie power protected them from some incoming damage—But again, tried to relax. Her stint with seeing a ghost had really done a number on her nerves. Her friend did her best to put her at ease. Her tone was wry, but indulgent, when she replied via the vocabulator in her T-Visor. “Ah dunno what you’ve been drinkin’ girl that you keep talking about poop shoots but if you wanna take down the big one? Yeah, Ah’m down.”

Essentially, Scherezade wanted to hit it at possible weak spots. Joints.

A familiar male voice caught her attention and she smiled. [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] wouldn’t be able to see it, as she kept her helmet firmly in place, but she was glad he’d decided to tag along. She felt more secure, even with flaming balls of death in the air, when there were friendly, receptive people to help stem the tide of crazy. The Jedi seemed ready to hop into the fray and Daisy nodded her head in affirmation. “We shall, it seems. Keep your head down Josh…You don’t want to lose it.”

Yeah, Daisy knew he was capable. Totally. He just had a little boy at home. The golden-haired woman didn’t ever want to see a day where some sort of looney exploit kept a kid from his pops. There was nothing worse, than being so young, and losing a parent.

Some of the group seemed to be plumb nutty and went off to distract the mech. Daisy hoped that [member="Ardasz Verd"] didn’t lose a limb or two, while another individual, [member="Haastal Verd"], yucked it up.

Good golly, men were coo-coo-kachu.

Just as they were about to turn away from the Crusaders, with [member="Isley Verd"] and Co, another man approached. Daisy had raised her hand to salute the one that seemed to be in charge to signify that they were taking off but her hand stilled. She knew the voice. Knew the face. Her stomach bottomed out and she felt like she might blow chunks. Or pass out. Were the environmental controls in her armor working? Her face felt hot, but more than anything, her equilibrium felt off.

She forgot all about the mega-mutant-mech hell bent on erasing their existence.

The ghost couldn’t be here. He couldn’t. Not here. Not now.

“You’re not real. Go, away.”

She held her gloved hand out over the ground and a rock snapped up toward it. In the same movement, Daisy drew back, and whipped the rock at the ghost [[member="Kaden Farr"]] that was slowly driving her bonkers. If it went through him? He wasn’t real, and she was definitely, should not be trusted to carry firearms.
All Things With Love
Location: Dexter Memorial Starport [Main Evac Area/First Aid Stations]
Objective: Paradiso - Help Evac, Medical, and Call for Reinforcements for South Tower
Allies: CIS + SJO + Friends​

The crimson-haired Jedi tried not to let her apprehensions show. She remained calm, cool, and collected. Even while civilians were being rushed into the first aid stations screaming bloody murder. Some of them had been caught unaware by the droid attacks, and some, were missing limbs. The ones that weren’t yelling in agony…They were lucky, in a way, because they’d passed out from either the shock of the trauma or blood loss. They were running low on pain inhibitors. Very low. To the point where they would soon need to be rationed.

That—Or traditional methods of care would need to be amended.

Gianna hadn’t heard back from the South Tower [[member="Alar Shysa"]] yet. Nor, had she heard anything from her points of contact within the CIS. By the Force. Were things that bad? Her friends, still, had yet to contact her. Just when she thought about making a new comm call she caught chatter from a rather monotone, however, welcome voice. It belonged to someone by the name of Kaross. The Jedi accessed the Emergency Evacuation channel and responded. “Thank you [member="Kaross"]…We’re doing our best down here but the people are scared. The area that needs the most help at the moment is located near the South Tower.”

Others chimed in as well, thankfully, and with each sound off Gianna felt the vice grip around her heart lessen. Her exterior remained calm. Helpful, while her aura radiated peace. No one would realize that inside such a calm woman lay a cacophony of thoughts, that later, she would certainly chastise herself for. [member="Kurenai Yumi"] made a good point. Make sure, that no one panicked.

Okay. She could do that.

Or, perhaps, she would have been able to do that if an Emergency Distress Call [[member="Macharius Solaire"]] hadn’t chosen that very moment to chime in and fill every frequency. Oh, no. Warships? The droids were bad enough all on their own but if they could take control of actual warships? That would be an even bigger disaster. The evacuation shuttles wouldn’t be able to escape if they were taking fire from warships over ground troops. [member="Kiff Brayde"] responded to her previous request and the young woman nodded her head, forgetting, that he couldn’t see it. “Thank you High Marshal. Did you hear the Distress Call that came in from the Southern Space Elevator? This whole operation could go from bad to worse if the droids can somehow access the warships…”

Gia didn’t know that [member="Kathryn Foster"] was already on the case and that she was already in communication with [member="Kiff Brayde"] over the issue. Perhaps, her question wasn’t needed, but the gentle woman couldn’t help but try to help where and when she could.

Her work in coordinating would have to come to a half for a little while another critical case was checked into a nearby first aid station. Gianna followed the medical personnel, and friendly-droids, into the tent and had to squeeze through to get a good look. What she saw, moreover, what she smelled made her want to back away. It was a middle-aged man that was covered with burns so deep that his skin had blackened in areas. Presumably, he’d gotten caught in a fire that consumed one of the buildings deeper in the city center. “Move—Please.”, she commanded, adding a little influence to her voice, and the crowd parted like a stream that met a boulder. She stepped forward and looked at the med kit she had. Not enough bacta for this. Or kolto. Or sterile gauze. Emerald eyes closed as she made the split-second decision. Alternative method, indeed. “I’ll take care of this. See to the rest of the people—Make sure they don’t riot, but, get them on the ships as quickly as you can.”

She took off her neoprene glove and lay her bare hand on a spot of the man that wouldn’t cause the patient further pain. “Please, relax. I know this hurts. I know it’s unbearable…But it will be better soon. I promise.”

A soft white light began to emit from her palm. It was warm, welcoming, and anyone that lingered too long would likely be distracted by a sudden sense of peace. Gianna had tried to avoid tapping into the Force for healing at this juncture, mostly, because it wasn’t sustainable. She couldn’t take care of many people in this way without exhausting herself. Until [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] and [member="Jerek Morrows"] arrived though, hopefully, with more supplies and personnel…This was the only option.

One person at a time. In all the chaos, with all the fear that pervaded the area, the Jedi Knight remained steadfast. A beacon of hope, in a very, very dark place. She could do this.

One person at a time.

Current Location: South Tower, Dexter Memorial Starport.
Current Objective: Provide overwatch cover for fleeing civilians.
Allies: [member="Kiff Brayde"] | CIS & Co.


<<“And here I thought you Jedi [[Member="Gianna Aegis"]] weren’t big on the whole ‘try’ thing.”>> She ran a hand across her sweat laced brow, brushing the damp hair that clung to her forehead from her eyes as she tried to take stock of her ammo and current inventory. <<“I’ll see what I can do.”>>

That said, it was a hollow promise. Already Alar knew she was cutting it tight; with each round expended resulting from a shot taken on borrowed time. War Droids might have been limited in their directives, but they weren’t stupid. Already a few chanced blaster bolts had creased the air above her position, scarring the stonework and scorching the railings around her as the droids attempted to press their advance. It was only a matter of time before they threw some heavy ordinance into the mix.

One more round. The rifle bucked, another target dropped. Sparks dancing across its durasteel frame as the light in its receptors abruptly went out. One more round. It was a mantra she’d repeated several times over the course of the last few minutes. Promising herself one more round, then she would move and attempt to relocate to another position around the ailing space port. [Member="Kaross"] and his droids had already joined the fray here, pitting metal against metal, clanker against clanker, and were doing an admirable job of holding the line. With the added strength of the armoured convoy on route, there was little more she could do here in what little time she had left before the tower was truly burned.

One more round. A War droid looming over a civilian brought the virtual farm.

One more round. A second robotic form collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

One more round. A third leveling its assault launcher in her direction. Zeroing in on the tower. The slug taking it high in the joint between neck and shoulder, causing the rocket the veer at the last second and spin wildly off into the open air.

Just one more ro--

The Kiffar gritted her teeth as the ground beneath her shook and trembled. Debris raining down from above as shattered remains of the Tower received a rocket barrage. A second and third hammering home a split second later. Chips of duracrete pinging off the Mandalorian’s armour as she ducked for cover under an archeway, scratching and marring the faded drab olive and brown paint that had been applied to the durasteel plates.

<< “Y’ivra to all units this side of the Port; the South Tower is karked.”>> Alar called as she rose from her prone position, snatching her helmet under one arm and slinging her rifle under the other as moved. There was no time for the canteen or the extra ammo. Not with the ground beginning to crack at her feet - a series of spiderweb like fissures opening up as the tower began to falter under its own weight. << “I’m falling back.”>> Hopefully not a poor choice of words there. << “Recommend anyone in the area do the same. This girl is coming down hard and fast. ”>>


Wearing: Armor | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags (with 'em): [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Daisy Americus"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
Tags (in the area): [member="Haastal Verd"] [member="Ardasz Verd"] [member="Nya"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Safira Varad"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]

"No!" Scherezade almost screamed, turning around as her best friend [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] showed up quite literally out of nowhere. Things had been… Things were not entirely back to normal yet, since she'd returned. There was time she was going to have to spend with him, conversations they were going to need to do, and while here was hardly the place or the time, there was one thing they were going to have to be very clear on, "Sche-re-za-de," she corrected him, giving him a look that he would understand. Scherezade could not stomach having her name shortened in any manner; all the shortings simply reminded her of her grandmother, a woman she was sworn to kill for what she had done to her. Her hatred would have run deeper if she knew just exactly how much that woman had done; but with what she did know, it was enough to feel sick to the core.

They were joined by another man [[member="Kaden Farr"]]. Scherezade looked at him, blinking in confusion. Was she meant to know who that was? It had been Madalena, not her, that had gotten a glimpse of him, and that memory did not exist within her head, nor had Madalena told her about it. But there was something else there, something… Nope, she wasn't going to think about it. Not when there were thousands of mini-droids swarming around the shooting any organic in sight, and not when there was that big-butted not-a-mech they had to deal with.

"It already is ugly," she said with a grin.

Her comment, however, was swallowed up as she realized the feeling emanating from Daisy. "Daisy?" she asked with confusion, looking at her friend, who had… Wait, when had Daisy started using the Force? And why the krak was she using it to call a rock to her hand so she could throw it instead of just throw it at the dude? And what did she mean by not real?!

Well. The man could take care of himself.

Scherezade turned to Daisy, getting her face all up in front of that visor. "Daisy!" she almost screamed again, "the dude is real. You just used the Force. I need you to focus now, Daisilicious. We have a mission to do. And then we can go to Haseria and drink al your brother's moonshine while we talk it out or punch something, but I need you with me for this big not-a-mech's poopschute first, okay?"
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
Location: Above Paradiso​
Objective: Provide air support to general Solaire​
Tags: [member="Kiff Brayde"], [member="Macharius Solaire"]​

The response from the command ship came quickly through the comms; permission granted. Tense shoulders relaxed once again, tense from listening to the chaos on the ground and the distress call that soon had broken through all channels. A light sigh of relief left her before she began to visualize the first attack run.

With a decisive twist to the joystick, she brought the bomber into a tilt and begun to decend towards the southern space elevator.

''General Solaire, this is confederate bomber pilot Foster responding to your distress call. We're decending towards your location, ETA... 5 minutes. Send us the target coordinates and we'll take care of the rest. Just hold your position.'' she stated, seeing the dark masses of clouds pass by the cockpit and the altitude meter count down its numbers.

''Weapons ready?'' she asked over the ships intercom, the bombardier replied with a short affirmation as the sleek bomber exited the clouds and the world opened up in front of them.

The plan was to go for several precision strikes at still fairly high altitude, avoiding the risks of getting to close to the deadly haywire droids.

Location: Battlefield
Wearing: Armor in sig
Weapons: Apollo & Artemis. beskad, bandolier of thermal detonators
Tag: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Daisy Americus"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]

There was a lot happening around them. The mayhem and destruction did not seem to stop no matter what the people around them were doing. The party was growing, more people arrived, and it seemed the battle was going to continue on for quite some time. However, Kaden had not expected to have a rock thrown at his head.

<<< "What the hell," >>> Kaden shot to the blonde as he caught the rock in his hand. <<< "Is that anyway to treat an ally?" >>> Even though Kaden knew he deserved it. The woman had been through enough thinking that he had been a ghost, so after catching the rock, he took a couple of steps toward her, and offered it back to her.

He shrugged.

<<< "Sorry about all that other stuff before. I was trapped in the Netherworld, and somehow your force signature reached out to mine, or mine yours. I have no idea how it worked. If you want we can talk about it all later, but I can assure you. I am very real... and I am very alive." >>>

Kaden wasn't sure it was going to help, but he looked to the others he was with. Scherezade, he did not know her. The Jedi, he was new to. Because of that, whether it was the wise thing or not, Kaden stayed close to Daisy even though she likely wanted nothing to do with him at all.

<<< "Right so are we ready to do this thing?" >>>


Military Tactician
South Tower -----> Outer tower area to evacuate


-Aid in evacuation
-Salvage technology

Gianna Aegis Alar Shysa
Kaross examined the surroundings. The tower started to collapse in on itself. Debriee flew everywhere as the explosive shells of the guardians bombarded the tower's base. Absolute chaos.
He pulled out a datapad and examined the surrounding combat - He absorbed the new data.

<<Fall back! I repeat. Fall back! Tower is lost - Retreat and continue to fire on it's position. low chance of success calculated without heavy sacrifice-
Loss of life is necessary to reclaim perimeter efficiently - Use of bombardment is advisable. Evacuate the wounded!>>

He communicated this message across the channel, as his droids do the same, taking pot shots at the war-droids. As he runs back, he approaches [member="Alar Shysa"] .

"I concur with your analyses - this area is as good as lost. What are /your/ intentions here now - I believe that reclaiming this area is neigh-on impossible
without the aid of bombardment, and all ships appear to be taken up to reclaim the elevator. There are wounded in the area though. It is possible we could aid
​in said endeavour, however we would be of more benefit to the battle as a whole by falling back and fortifying a new location. I am of the mind that more life
will be preserved if the escape route is left open"


Back at the starport, chaos ran rampant. People, everywhere. And not enough ships to carry them offworld. In minutes, Kaross' ship filled, and flew offworld to the closest evacuation point. Kaross' ride was gone.
Violence broke out in the starport, as people fought for spaces on evacuation craft. Ships filled past their maximum capacity. Shots from the guardians could be heard in the distance. They were becoming louder.
The guardians approached. Some high-power weaponry would be needed.



This mess had gone almost exactly how Achilles had expected it to go. His flames roared from his gauntlets, washing the creature in a torrent of crimson fire. As the flames came down over the creature, it was about as useful as using bath water to kill a Zabrack. The creature roared and reared, it's soulless mechanical eyes looking from one being to another in an anger that a droid should not be able to communicate so expertly. The flames finally ceased and when they did, Achilles turned his eyes to the gauntlet on his wrist. The meter on his gauntlet was completely depleted, showing he'd run out of fuel for his flame throwers.

His HUD beeped wildly as he raised his eyes to see the giant metallic hand flying towards him. "Woa!" He attempted to shift out of the hand's way and mostly succeeded, however his arm felt the hard slap of iron against his phrik plates. His flight pattern was ruined and for a moment he spiraled through the skies with a mad flail. Eventually he regained himself, saving his bones from the inevitable break of the crash.

"Ok, that didn't work." He muttered before turning his eyes to [member="Ardasz Verd"]. The man was attempting to pull one of the flame-warped plates from the creature's side. Achilles flew to Ardasz' side, calling out over the comm device. "Keep it up!" He yelled out. Achilles pulled a small pouch from his waist. It had a few thermals detonators inside, just enough to get the behemoths attention. Stuffing the detonators inside the opening that Ardasz had made, Achilles called out once again. "Get clear!" When he flew away from the beast, he tapped a button on his gauntlet's datapad. The explosion was destructive, so much so that the behemoths left leg was nearly blown open. The mechanics inside were nearly destroyed, many of them protruding from the outer plates. The droid called out with a thunderous roar, causing Achilles to smirk underneath his helmet. "Think we hurt it?" He asked Ardasz.

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