Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moonlight Lekku

"I'm afraid for that we're living off the luxury of, well, that." He nodded towards the water fountain with plastic cups in the corner. He made a face that suggested he was fed up of water.

"You know I'm going to enjoy food when we get out of here. Are we going to steal a shuttle or a gunship this time?"

His eyes darted from the couches to the pile of pillows she'd made. It looked cozy, he supposed.

"Er, salted or...Steak?" He said as he found a comfortable spot sat leaning back across a couple of cushions.
[SIZE=9pt]"I figured we'd try to broaden our options and include the Jedi Praxeum." her eyes shone bright, brows rising , "Go big or go home." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Glancing at the chips she considered the options, "Salted."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"We have... Beauty and the Bantha.... The Nexu King.... " her finger went skimming over the titles. " Sith Girls Gone wild...." the last was a joke.[/SIZE]
Trextan rolled his eyes in good spirits at the last one. He passed over the packet of chips.

"I... Brought your order..." He said in a deep voice, mimicking the tone of lines being delivered in a wooden manner.

"Wow there is nothing on this is there?" He replied with a chuckle. He looked to Choli, to the screen and back again.

"The nexu king would be alright I suppose" He loved that film, but he was also seventeen, bringing snacks to a seventeen year old girl with a crude sense of humour and a lot of military commendations. Clearly he wasn't interested in kids films.
[SIZE=9pt]"The Nexu King isn't bad..." she agreed, chuckling as her fingers went curling around the cellophane of the chips. She let it drop between her legs, the bag resting there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"I saw it for the first time a few months ago." came her confession, the teenager going back to read over what other titles there might be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"I don't think the Alliance was really considering keeping up to date with the latest films."[/SIZE]
"Yeah...It's okay I suppose..." He offered tentatively. "I can barely remember when I first saw it." He could remember. It was a happy memory from when his parents had still been together. Jacen had taken them for burgers afterwards.

"Quite a bland list," he observed. There were some comedies on there, but the kind of romcom older people tended to like. Maybe Cho would too.
[SIZE=9pt]"Never thought I'd get emotional over a Nexu." Choli admitted, glancing up with her hazel eyes. They'd reverted to their typical standard hue. Picking up when the color changes occurred with the sway of her emotions was an interesting affair, if distracting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Nexu King it is then." well, none of the Medical staff would have issue if they were caught watching it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"You can pick the next one if you like." she gave a quick press of the holographic screen, selecting the holofilm and then extended the display over to him so he could review it at his pleasure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sliding her legs closer in her crossed legged position, Cho went for her bag of chips and popped the seal open. The scent of salty delicious goodness went wafting right at her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She immediately took a disc and popped it into her mouth; enter a low moan of pleasure and a sudden settling against the pillows at the taste.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Sooo much better than the processed meat they gave me earlier."[/SIZE]
"It squeaks when you cut it doesn't it? That's really odd that." He replied. "Sometimes they claim it's real meat but i don't know why they do to get it like that."

Having the datapad was dangerous. He already knew what he'd pick next from the list, but it wouldn't do for appearances to go straight to his next favourite kids film. There would have to be some mumbling.

"So I told you way too much about me when I was complaining like a brat back at the other hospital. So how did you get from tatooine to Rogues?"
[SIZE=9pt]The first strains of the introductory melody began to play. Choli gave a swivel of her head over towards Trextan, watching how his head dipped forward and his hair seemed to hid the bulk of his face again. The corner of her mouth gave another twitched.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Umm, short version or long version?" she shot back, adjusting her legs so that her right knee came sliding up. Slowly it began to sway from left to right.[/SIZE]
Trextan did a poor job of hiding how much he enjoyed this film. But at her question he stifled his grin and turned to face her. He pushed himself up on his right elbow. The profile of his pajamas pants shifted. The pizza man had hidden the talents for his occupation better in jeans.

"You can do the longer version if you'd like," he offered, grabbing a couple of chips. There was a bookshelf in the corner of the room, but for the first time he noticed a few board games there.
[SIZE=9pt]Like one could even avoid it. What was it again about the size of the pillow? Part of her immediately wanted to comment but she did her best to prevent the drop of her gaze and instead turned to the film. Her short shake of her shoulders, however, wouldn't be missed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"That would require a larger tribute of chips and I don't think you have the means to sate my love of salt and vinegar chips." a crunch in emphasis as she ate another chip brought with it a taste of her sense of humor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"So you get the short version." with her profile to him, she gave a small shrug. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Got picked up from the raider village by Arseneau Trade out in Jundland. They took me out towards the Tingel arm to work by Tash-Taral when the Jedi Academy took note. Jan took me and and then we moved in with Chloe. Wandered the Hydian before ending on Sullust during a routine maintenance run. Ended up staying turning wrenches and somehow they let me fly."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Or more aptly, there were no other pilots during a raid of Lothal and at the time, she'd been one of the few able to fly.[/SIZE]
"I see," he replied. "Now we've established the currency that goes from a packet of merely salted crisps, to a sharing bag or three of salt and vinegar...To pizza.

“So Jan and Chloe are the ones who taught you some of the Force and..." He looked over from the film - having become embarrassingly engrossed already - with a look of confusion.

"From a raider village?" He asked.
[SIZE=9pt]A half snort and then Choli took another bite if her crisp. She chewed thoughtfully, watching the creatures burst into song over the newly born king. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]After a second she simply said, "Tusken Raiders." she'd explain, aware that most weren't too keen on the culture or the people. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"I grew up with the Sand People."[/SIZE]
"Wow," Trextan replied. His attention was fully on Choli now. "Grandad used to tell stories of Sand People. He talked about them like... You know... Monsters under the bed. That kind of thing.

"Tell you what, I'll get more in the right flavour in a few minutes. I want to know more about what that was like?"
[SIZE=9pt]Monsters under the bed. Well, he was right; to a degree. It had been a different life, but not a bad one. Choli had learned quite a bit about surviving with Ururrk and the rest of the clan. Most would say she had just been a slave, but oddly enough, that was okay. She had known her place and found out that she took to working with the Jawa clans well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"With what credits?" Choli said with a quip in mild amusement, eating another chip. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Maybe by the time you get back the tribute price might increase to include something other than water to drink."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]We can blame Janes again for rubbing off on choli his rather silly sense of humor[/SIZE]
Trextan chewed on the corner of his mouth. There probably were some credits with his case but he'd been in a rush before. Now he felt bad. He could always put an extra couple of creds in the machine.

"Alright," he agreed. "What do like to drink? I think there were some of your usual soft drinks in the machine." He laid his packet aside, ignoring the risk that she might turn to his if as hungry as she said and pushed himself to his feet.
[SIZE=9pt]Choli considered his inquiry for a moment, then an impish glint twinkled in her eyes. Almost a match to one of the nexu cubs in the movie. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Well... we don't have to just use the vending machine." Yeah the way mischief seemed to play across Choli's face, this was going to be interesting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"They have a mess hall around here. Likely one of those large food compartments and refrigerators..." and it was food that they would have gotten anyways... maybe.[/SIZE]
Trextan couldn't resist this challenge. Not by a long way. The grin spread across his face as he felt a little flutter deep down at that roguish smile she flashed him.

"It beats kids films. But let's not steal scrubs or uniforms this time. I think getting caught in the kitchen probably just warrants a stern word."

He pushed himself to his feet, grimacing slightly. There were still a lot of aches and pains.
[SIZE=9pt]It was getting really hard to keep her focus on Trextan's face. All the more when she was the one on the ground sitting and the teenager the one standing up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She left her own crisp bag beside one of the pillows. If one of the roving nurses or droids spotted them, odds were they get a stern talking to and told to get back to the ward. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"I'll go with you. " she added, coming to her feet. A rub of her arms cause it was cold and then a small stretch of them over her head. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"You need someone to save your skin if you get caught." She teased.[/SIZE]
"Good," he replied with a grin. His hand came up to sweep back his hair again. He likely would have cut it by now if it didn't annoy Jacen to have it long and messy.

The tall stretch make it apparently that Choli was wearing just a thin top. Eyes darted down, back up and then were drawn away by his turn for the door.

"The outer door to the ward is locked now. We can buzz ourselves out but we'll have to tailgate someone back in."
[SIZE=9pt]Choli didn't pick up on the brief dart of his gaze;Trextan had spun about so fast one could make a joke about how excited he seemed on the matter of breaking into the mess. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"That's fine. We'll figure it out," choli replied, threading her fingers through her hair to push the thick mass away. It was always getting everywhere, and at times she'd wondered if she should cut it. But it reached nearly to midback and was a healthy dark color.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"Watch out for the med droids.. and security holocameras " this was a military medical station. Unlike polis massa, they'd likely get spotted moving out. Plus the small bio patches on her wrist that took her vitals were also trackers.[/SIZE]

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