The Blasphemer
The Blasphemer, already drenched in sweat under his black garments marched on toward the forgotten ruins, as well as the Mustafarians who one by one began to turn and focus on the foreboding stranger walking toward them. Huddled together, but still covered by the safety blanket of blissful ignorance they stared at the approaching masked figure still a few paces away from them. They seemingly remained somewhat calm, but the planet’s past history with Sith and its recent history with the Ren did not elude them completely. Who could blame them? The arrival of a full-fledged Dark Lord of the Sith would be a statistical rarity on any planet; surely such misfortune could not befall people already so downtrodden. Surely.
They waved and tried to signal him to stop, but Ptolemis marched on like a spirit of reckoning. Some even placed their hands on their weapons and hips, and one of them wisely departed back and away from the Blasphemer’s direction of approach. Tensions rose with each step he took. He could sense a dreadful weight manifesting among them, dragging on their psyche, nudging them away from the terrible presence closing in on them. In a few minutes, two more of the locals turned and began jogging away, simply upon first getting a comprehensive look of the unknown horror that what Ptolemis, now only 20-30 meters away from them. Finally, only two of them remained, and among wails of warning, a helmeted local drew his gun and pointed it at Ptolemis. In response, his durite hilt flew into his waiting clutch and ignited, its blade’s crimson perfectly complementing the colors of the lava planet. Both recoiled simply upon witnessing the ignition of the lightsaber. They immediately turned and ran for their lives. Ptolemis however, still looking for answers or any clues upon which he may build his investigation of the ruins, thrusts out his free arm to seize the fleeing men telekinetically, but then, just as he is about to wrap the chains of his mind around the bodies of these pathetic stragglers, like a lightning strike, a flash of icy cold rolls across his body from head to toe.
There is no need for him to turn toward the unforeseen signature in the distance to know their identity. He abruptly stops, lowers his arm slowly, and verbally says only one word. A single utterance expressed with bile and cruelty.
They waved and tried to signal him to stop, but Ptolemis marched on like a spirit of reckoning. Some even placed their hands on their weapons and hips, and one of them wisely departed back and away from the Blasphemer’s direction of approach. Tensions rose with each step he took. He could sense a dreadful weight manifesting among them, dragging on their psyche, nudging them away from the terrible presence closing in on them. In a few minutes, two more of the locals turned and began jogging away, simply upon first getting a comprehensive look of the unknown horror that what Ptolemis, now only 20-30 meters away from them. Finally, only two of them remained, and among wails of warning, a helmeted local drew his gun and pointed it at Ptolemis. In response, his durite hilt flew into his waiting clutch and ignited, its blade’s crimson perfectly complementing the colors of the lava planet. Both recoiled simply upon witnessing the ignition of the lightsaber. They immediately turned and ran for their lives. Ptolemis however, still looking for answers or any clues upon which he may build his investigation of the ruins, thrusts out his free arm to seize the fleeing men telekinetically, but then, just as he is about to wrap the chains of his mind around the bodies of these pathetic stragglers, like a lightning strike, a flash of icy cold rolls across his body from head to toe.
There is no need for him to turn toward the unforeseen signature in the distance to know their identity. He abruptly stops, lowers his arm slowly, and verbally says only one word. A single utterance expressed with bile and cruelty.
With the mission already being on a short fuse, the Blasphemer turns his head toward the Jedi Master in the distance, with countless thoughts running through his mind. His lightsaber still ignited, he raises his mutilated left hand in front of his face. Hatred, and a desire for revenge begins to envelop him. Noble. First thwarting his plans on Selvaris, then taking over his summoning lair on Wizar II. A Jedi by whom he suffered the most defeats; but he too now had more tricks up his sleeve. He evolved. Or rather, made himself evolve.
His mutilated, three-fingered stump is clenched, and he disengages his saber. Having long forgotten about the locals, he focuses his mind upon the Force, and darts across the scorched plains of Mustafar, into the stretch of ruins that not only offer cover, but secrets of the past he may still be able to steal for himself. His plan is to wait for her among the primal temples, surrounded by the failures of past Jedi.
Still, he has no doubts about the skills of his opponent. She will meet him head-on, without fear, without hesitation. She is one of the purest, most noteworthy of their ancient enemies. So the Shadow Hand accepts the challenge of the Force, and readies himself for a battle with Jedi Master

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