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Faction Nar Shaddaa: Scum and Villainy in Vertical City (Spacer Guild)

Cei Kyros

"Alright, kid. Just don't go too far!" Kyros called out after Finley Finley , "Easy to get lost in a city this big."

The duros shook his head and lit a cigarra before glowering at Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan and Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr .

"Nice, guys. Just hopped off the transport and you expect him to behave like Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser of the Red Light Sector or something. We're all thieves here and one of you owes my pal a drink."

Cei checked his aurodium pocket chronometer. Still time for a couple more drinks before the meet but he should probably check on Finn soon before he found himself on the wrong side of the Nikto Sector or something.

"You sure about that glitterstim, Jerec?" he took a long drag off his cigarra, "I told you. Kid's got slippery fingers."

Of course he hadn't really seen Finley work Asyr over but it would be worth it to see a split second look of surprise and horror on the human's face.
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A Bad Night​
The scrapes and bruises were hard to wash out. Most of the cuts had been seen to already, but nothing had really been done to cover them. Lack of resources, lack of care. There had been a small coven here, with an emphasis on ‘had.’ Amea’s knuckles were cracked, her hair an ever so slightly darker shade of red than usual. This cult of theirs, the one that Jeryc and Amea had stumbled upon by accident…

It was personal. She did not care about the cost of getting here, either monetary or morally. This was a matter she needed to see through, and so far Jeryc had helped plenty with just that. Transportation, leads and a ball plank to throw ideas at. He was there when she lost everything, he understood better than anyone just exactly what they had taken from her.

But this wasn’t about getting the memories back, it was about the dish best served cold.

Amea rounded the corner and into the bar. On her way she bumped into a young man, her arms spreading in frustration as she turned around to look at him. Finley had done nothing to deserve it, but this was far from a good evening. Looking over at the man she sought, Jerec Asyr, her nerves tied up for a second. Three people of note were there, and she knew every single one.

No, it didn’t matter. She shook herself awake again and approached the bar. She gave them all a nod.

“Evening.” She muttered and motioned for the ‘tender.​
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Meanwhile, at Docking Bay 83...

Her crew was all astromechs?

Maybe she was all talk. Maybe he shouldn't trust what he heard, but the droid found himself looking forward to what this ship was like. A trio of droids and a job doing legitimate freight and salvage sounded like a dream come true after being used to run spice and smuggle deathsticks for the cartels -- particularly since ultimately it hadn't done anything to get him out of debt. Instead, the more he'd tried to make it right and escape his debt slavery, the more the Black Sun had dragged him down.

"That sounds... nice, actually," the droid supplied, as a natural break in the conversation arrived just before the two entered into the docking bay. The Baudo class starship rested there, which Nova identified as the Oasis.

An interesting name for an organic to supply a vessel. An oasis implied a fantasy, an escape, a safe place, a shelter in the wastes. Which of those connotations was this meant to be?

As they entered into the Oasis, the boy was presented with the option of selecting a cabin. Apparently, in the back was where the droid corral was located. "No thanks," the afro headed youth answered, when she'd suggested his bringing a charging unit into his room. "I'll just hang out with the droids when I need to charge up, if that's okay."

Organics seemed to treasure privacy when it came to their recharge cycles. In contrast, droid corrals were communal by design. And, to be honest, the idea of socializing with some other droids sounded appealing.

He might be a Human Replica Droid, but it was good to get a break from organics from time to time.

Selecting one of the offered cabins, the droid went inside and allowed the door to close behind him. There was a narrow bed, with a desk and a refresher off to one side of the room. Inside the wall locker, he found a cleansuit that was marketed as one-size-fits-all.

Challenge accepted.

Disrobing, the droid contemplated whether its current clothing was at all salvageable. An honest assessment of which was that it was not serviceable, even if cleaned. Once the boy started to receive payment for his labor, it would be necessary to procure new garments for clothing its frame.

Running himself through the refresher, the droid dried its body and then changed into the cleansuit. Despite the marketing, it appeared that one-size-fits-all was not intended to be representative of Chadra-Fan, Ewoks, or droids under five feet tall. However, he was able to roll the sleeves and trouser legs to achieve a functional, if oversized, covering.

Exiting his room, the boy ventured back to see about the droid corral.

And possibly determine if there was an incinerator appropriate for discarding of his previous clothing.

"How am I supposed to know if you're going to like him?" The elastic slipped onto her wrist as her hair fell about her shoulders. After walking around for a few hours, letting her hair down felt like a relief. Having her hair up was nice, and wasn't really a strain on her scalp. She was pretty sure the relief was just a response to coming home.

Brrrep doo weeep?​

"Yes, I said him, Reeve. Seemed to have masculine programming so I'm not going to assume anything past that. But you can ask him pronouns when you meet him ok?" She slipped her jacket onto a rack in the Captain's cabin. She still hadn't gotten used to using the space for anything more than a closet, especially when coming and going while in port. The space was littered with other jackets, boots, jumpsuits, hair-ties and just about any accessory Nova had picked up along the way and never remembered she had until she was already out.

Ooooop boo doo sEEee?​

"Maybe? I don't know what his plans are, Blind." She sat on one particular pile of clothing, the one that lay all over the daybed and grabbed a brush, starting to run it through her hair. The Nar Shaddaa humidity would turn her locks into dreadlocks if nothing was done.

Blorrrt blaaaap toOO.​

"No, Fifi, I didn't just blabber at him the whole time. I told him a bit about us and what he was walking into and he didn't flee in the other direction." A chorus of binary droidspeak started again and she sighed. The three astromechs were clustered close around her. They were all excited, but Reeve was the only one really displaying that affectation as it rocked back and forth ever-so-slightly on its treads. "Guys, look. He's somewhere on the ship. If you're so curious, go find him. I'm sure he would be glad to meet you all. I told him where the corral was so...," she trailed off as the lot of them excited the cabin, Reeve in the lead and Fifi puttering behind. "...he's probably on the mid deck somewhere," she finished to herself.

She sat for a second and then had a thought, bolting up from her seat, she quickly got to the doorway and shouted up the stairs. "When you find him, tell him to help sled the rest of the cargo inside. I want to prepare for takeoff in an hour." Some whistling and tooting followed but whether the droids acknowledged her or were just too excited to bother paying attention, she couldn't tell. Nova finished brushing out her hair and exited the cabin to the bridge to start preparations for departure.

Luc's tenure on board the Infinity's Free had been a wild ride compared to the monotony that encompassed his life prior to joining up with Jerec's crew. He might've fancied himself something of a smuggler beforehand, but it didn't take long for Luc to figure out that the veteran spacer had more knowledge on the subject than Luc could ever have dreamed of at the time. Force artifacts were his usual forte after all, and the cargo he'd come to get used to were far removed from the usual cargo he gained a reputation for, well, "forcibly acquisitioning".

Not to say that he was complaining about the change in cargo. The usual cargo which Jerec lined up for them to work varied in its illegality, but at least Luc only had to worry about the occasional crime lord scowering the Rim in search of the spacer and his stolen yet lucrative cargo on occasion rather than it being the norm. Luc had in fact burned a Hutt on Nar Shadaa in the past, and while he did manage to reconcile with his former employer, Luc wasn't dumb enough to trust that the Hutt would not pull a fast one if he knew he was there.

With that in mind he decided to keep a low profile while their freighter was docked on world. Midnight was tucked safely away in the ship's hangar bay while Luc lingered around the ship, engaging in odd jobs to kill time. Eventually he succumbed to a mixture of boredom and annoyance when his droid, the snarky R4 he kept around, refused to quit nagging at him over his comms. Shutting off his comms, Luc exited the relative safety of the ship and made his way towards the Holdout Cantina, a place where he knew he'd find the Captain and perhaps a good bottle of brandy.

It was a fair distance away from their hangar, but Luc knew enough about the moon's streets to make the trip a bit shorter than it would've been. He entered with a grin, his hands resting casually in his pockets as he scanned across the room for any familiar faces. He spotted one so far -- the Captain, of course -- and made his way across the cantina to sit at the bar adjacent to the spacer. "Howdy, Cap'." Luc said with a grin before he called for the bartender and ordered a cold glass of brandy. Afterwards he offered a nod towards the mustached alien, the good-looking woman that Jerec was dealing with when he walked in, and the other woman who looked a bit rough around the edges, but was still a diamond in his book too.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Cei Kyros Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Amea Virou Amea Virou
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Maybe the kid was right. There weren't a lot of people here with clean hands; then again, did anyone? Nar Shaddaa was full of scum and low-lives such as her present company. Still, it felt bad to be stolen from, especially if what was stolen was all one had. If Cei's glowing praise of Finley was valid, there were surely bigger fish to fry than nobodies in a spacer's bar in the red light district.

"I don't think you know what the word 'ethics' means, Asyr," she shot back. Her gaze met Jerec's evenly. Today she was all business, and business seemed to be going well. If Asyr took the glitterstim soon after she gave it to him, he'd probably look back pretty happily about the whole deal here. Kelsie wasn't some kind of stim dealer, but she was pretty sure she could get good stuff cheap around here. She let his offer hang for a moment, before speaking a single word. "Deal."

Kelsie pushed herself to her feet, picking up her drink and taking a sip. "I'll drop it off, when we agreed, credits and stim. Just have my stuff ready for me, 'kay?" With her business concluded, her focus and demeanor seemed to break instantly; the room brightened to her as she noticed some new arrivals. A young man greeting Asyr as captain... and a certain other young woman. She paused for a moment before turning to the bartender, reaching into her coat and producing a small bundle of credits. "My tab," she said, tossing it to him. She glanced at Kyros, before pitching in a few more credits. "Another drink for big man mustache."

After that she wandered over to Amea, sidling up into the seat beside her. "You look terrible," she muttered. "Reminds me of me, when we met. Kinda." Her eyes stayed on the shelf of bottles behind the bar. "I've got a working bacta tank, on my ship, if you need it. It'll actually deal with the wounds, instead of just... washing them." Amea had helped her, once, and Kelsie wasn't one to miss signs of distress.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec's grin faltered a little bit, it's true, but he kept it up. "Done and done. I'll have the stuff ready, Captain Sylvan. Oof, I gotta say, you really put the pair in paragon."

But there was a grim little sadness tucked away in his chest, and he knew he was more of a Burr than a Hamilton tonight.

He shook his head and looked away. The joint arrival of Amea Virou Amea Virou and Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku came at just the right time. "Hey Duke, Amea. Glad you could make it. Meet The Moustache That Talks - that's what they call Cei Kyros in, what is it now, twelve systems?"


"My pronouns?"

The boy's head tilted to one side. An eyebrow slid up along his brow, as a look of confusion crossed his face. The afro haired replicant was seated on the deck, knees pulled up his chest as he'd folded his body inside of one of the droid corral alcoves. The synthetic fibers of his hair stood on end, as electricity passed wirelessly from the charging station to his cybernetic components.

Three astromech units were arrayed in front of him. An 8-bit musical symphony seemed to play, as the three traded whistles and chirps with one another and the newcomer.

It seemed the astromechs had questions about his gender programming, and whether he identified with the gender he'd been assigned at manufacturing. "Oh, there's only a binary option for that with my model," the boy supplied in answer. At another probing chirp, he clarified, "The BB-4001X is a low end model HRD for the brand. Archangel makes higher end models that med-scanners have problems distinguishing, which have much more complex personality subroutines than I do."

A series of whistles seemed to pose a more technical question. Was it possible that he was the first human replica droid that these units had met? "We come pre-assembled as a humanoid frame. At purchase, the owner decides species and one of two genders, after which the soft tissue padding and biofiber covering are applied to achieve the desired aesthetic." There was the whole palette of options with skin, hair, and eye coloration, but no reason to over complicate the description of the production process.

In his case, his original owners had been dark skinned humans. His outer appearance was modeled on their appearance characteristics, to best blend in to their preconceived notions of what family looked like. His face shape, specifically, had been constructed using photographic data from the owners children. "Species appropriate behavioral modeling is applied and vocabulators are adjusted -- boys have a raspier voice, girl models are tuned softer."

That seemed to satisfy the curiosity about him. The one that identified as Reeve gave a low, warbling click that was punctuated by a bleep.

Nova wanted to take off in an hour? Hadn't she said morning? "Oh, okay," the boy replied, the wireless charging deactivating as he stood back upright. Static electricity popped and crackled for the first couple of steps, as the boy's steps grounded him to the deck.

"Let's get the cargo inside then."

Smuggling. Smuggling. Gun running, which was smuggling but with guns. Smuggling. Smuggling. Smuggling. Spice running, which was smuggling but with spice. Smuggling. Indentured servant transport, which was slaving, which was the smuggling of illegally detained people. Smuggling. Smuggling. Smuggling. Smuggling...

Nova swatted the console. The illumination from the screen flickered for a moment, before the steady, neon-blue glow resumed. The woman spun slowly in the captain's chair, slumped so that her leather pant-clad legs hung well over the edge of the seat and the only part of her touching the backrest of the chair was her head and neck. The hand that had been flipping through the HoloFeed went to idly twirling her hair.

She hated visiting worlds like this, so overrun by criminal activity that all of the advertisements were blatantly criminal. There wasn't a legitimate cargo run, courier delivery, or chartered flight job offering on anywhere on the Moon. Salvage leads were well kept secrets here, and for good reason. Why share? Criminals didn't share. They just took. The listings on Ord Mantell, where Oasis was berthed prior, were hardly better. They had been lucky to find a cargo that only had limited restrictions for travel through Silver Jedi space. And the pay wasn't that great. How was she supposed to keep the ship afloat if there weren't jobs to take?

Her parents had always kept their work legal, even when they pushed their savings to the limit, they never backed down from their moral code. Nova placed her hand back into the holoprojected image hovering over the armrest and starting flicking through the listings again. She didn't want to sacrifice her ideals, but what else was there? The ship had to stay flying. She had to feed herself and power her droids, and her new crew too. A swipe of her hand cleared the menu being projected. Tapping a few keys on the physical console, a new display appeared, one that expanded her job search past Hutt Space.

"Now that's interesting..." Nova read the listing again. And then one more time. She pinched at the words in the display which stated the coordinates and then flicked her fingers towards the co-pilot's station. The navicomputer began making some faint whirring as the computer began the initial calculations for their hyperroute.

A smile grew across her face. They had a heading. They had a new crew member. Things were looking up.


Cei Kyros

"Atta girl," he winked at Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan and ordered another of the same.

Kyros stubbed out his cigarra on the bar and cinched his belt up. The smuggler's hand grazed his heavy blaster. His mustache twitched. He glanced around for the quickest exit. He could feel the perfect time to turn and draw approaching.

"Hey Duke, Amea. Glad you could make it. Meet The Moustache That Talks - that's what they call Cei Kyros in, what is it now, twelve systems?"

He passed the subtle move off as a minor adjustment of his coat.

"And one star cluster," Cei rolled his upper lip like a caterpillar, "Pull up a seat! Any friend of Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr is a friend of mine."

The duros raised a shot glass in toast to Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku and Amea Virou Amea Virou . Even though he'd been ready to blast them both seconds before his pulse hadn't even quickened. Maybe all was forgiven around here after all.
“Captain.” Amea gave Jerec another nod and patted the bag on her hip to indicate that they would most likely talk later about her ‘errand.’ Cei offered a toast to the rest of the group as familiar faces seemed to come in from all directions. Lucien was not someone she had spoken to, despite the fact that they worked together at one point or the other. Call it a need for personal time, or conflicting work schedules on the ship.

“We’ve… Met.” Amea added with a slow nod as she glanced over at Cei. “Although these are better circumstances, to be sure.”

Either way, as they downed their drink it was fair to say that while Amea still housed a small amount of ill will towards the man from their time to Cosm’s Well. But that trip was now a thing of the past, and things of the past belonged where they were. She let Dooku take the invitation as Amea finally found the chance to turn towards the one that had been offered to her personally.

A deep breath swept through her nose before she let out a sharp exhale.

“Right, that is…” She chuckled, nervously, under her breath. “I had to speak to them, it was a…”

Well, Kelsie had seen it too. She was right there and part of it.

“It’s kind of you to offer, Kelsie.” She smiled, despite the evident pain. “But I mean, you know, how am I supposed to acquire all these badass scars if I let them heal up properly?”

It was to put on a good face, downplay the state she was in.

“No, I think you are right. Just need the captain's blessing, and all that. Saw you two making some kind of... Deal? You guys know each other? Because, I feel like one way or the other we all know each other.”


T h e C r i m s o n F o x
Cei Kyros Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

Finn leaned against a wall near the entrance to the cantina, a girl that seemed bandaged and banged up - Kelsie had branched off from the group staying just within earshot and began talking to her. Jere and Cei continued talking as he saw another enter and approach the group, he noticed Ceis reaction to want to reach for his blaster; but restrained himself. I suppose it’s time I headed back to rejoin the table. He groaned slightly as he walked casually back to them, pulling a chair up just slightly to the side of Cei, as he playfully shoulder tapped his Captain letting him know he’d returned to the group and sat down.
Lucien raised a pair of fingers to his fingers and gave the mustached-man a casual half-salute of sorts. "Nice to meet ya', Mr. Kyros. Always a pleasure to meet one of the Captain's, uh, friends." In hindsight he wasn't sure if that was an accurate way to describe their relationship, but he'd run with it and see where it went. He reached across the counter and grabbed the bottle of brandy and three glasses along with it.

He filled them half-ways and slid a glass down the length of the bar until they magically came to a stop in front of Cei and Jerec. The third glass he brought to his lips, half the contents of the glass missing by the time he sat it back on the bar. "The name's Lucien, but my friends call me Luc. I can't say i'm as experienced as you and Jerec, but I plan on living long enough to have a reputation throughout the Outer Rim"

He was pretty excited to be in the presence of so many cordial and/or familiar people. Having spent his days jumping between the Infinity's Free and the odd job around the Rim that his various contacts threw his way, it wasn't always that he got to enjoy a moment outside the walls of a ship with people that weren't secretly out to stab him in the back. Plus it was a rare moment to be in the presence of two veteran smugglers with actual reputations around the galaxy. He'd take a moment like this over a meeting with a holonet-star any day.

The arrival of the new guy prompted Luc to give him a nod once he sat down next to Cei. Another glass was grabbed from behind the bar, and soon it too was slid across the bar for the man to catch after he filled it with some of the brandy out of his bottle. "Sup." He said, quietly sizing up the man. Looking at him and Cei, then back to Jerec and himself, he quietly pondered on the parallels there to himself.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Cei Kyros Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Amea Virou Amea Virou Finley Finley

Cei Kyros

"Well Lucien but my friends call me Luc," the duros leaned back in his seat and lit another cigarra, "Your first mistake is paling around with this second rate has been."

He jerked a thumb over at Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr then barked out a laugh.

"Hey! Look who's back," he grinned at Finley Finley , "Another round for the kid. This is Finley but his friends call him Finn. He's new to the game like yourself."

Amea Virou Amea Virou seemed willing to let bygones be bygones. That was good. For all their issues he'd hate to have to kill her. Then again she was talking with Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan which could only bode ill for him in the future. He turned his attention back to Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku .

"I don't know if he can make you famous, but stick with Jerec here and he'll keep you breathing. Hutt Space eats folk alive if they let it."

Kelsie already had a snarky comment lined up for Asyr -- something about him loving to say words he didn't know the meaning of -- but she held her tongue. She was, after all, such a nice person. A paragon. When was the last time she lived up to that title? She knew she'd shaken Jerec with her words, but she too was reminded of morality. Maybe to him she was good, but lately she hadn't been doing much good, had she?

Small kindnesses, maybe. Her eyes settled on Amea, regarding her for a few moments as she listened to her words. "I dunno, fair skin is pretty badass," she said with a smile. Scars were easy identifiers. Kelsie had been taught better. It helped that she usually had access to the best medical technology around. A bacta tank was low-level, but it'd be enough to heal the scrapes Amea had racked up.

"For sure... yeah. Making a deal. I set up a meeting with him so we could figure out the details. Needed something, he had it." She glanced around at their newly-forming group. "Met Cei same time you did, I think, during the Cosm's Well trip. Just met Finley and this..." Kelsie listened for a moment. "...Lucien kid."

"I'm more surprised to hear you're crew for Jerec. Y'know, I wouldn't mind another hand on the Razor," she jokingly -- well, mostly jokingly -- offered. "'Course, I'd be happy to patch you up if he's got nothing. Better medicine than this," she tapped Amea's glass, "But I understand if you want to stick around to finish it."

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Second-rate has-been? Relatively speaking, from you I'll take that as a compliment!"

There was a pretty decent crowd here. This whole cantina section was friends and friends of friends. Jerec sort of awoke to the possibilities.

He whistled loud and set up shop at a big table. "I'm playing sabacc. Buy-in's ten."

A deck of cards appeared, and ten OPA talons. Well, eight talons and two wupiupi.

Cei Kyros Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Amea Virou Amea Virou Finley Finley
“This,” Amea said and swirled the contents of her glass with a grin. “Has been some real good medicine when nothing else has been at hand, thank you.”

They hadn’t known each other for very long but from what Amea had found so far, Kelsie was a pretty good egg. Cocky, but a good egg nonetheless. Someone that you could share a drink with, provided that you were on their good side.

“Me working with Jerec is a long story.” The content in her glass twirled around again as Amea gave the glass a gentle spin. “He’s been there for me, so… I figured I’ll be there for him too. I’ve had people use plenty of words to describe me, but I mean… You know. I’d like to think loyal is one of the more prominent ones.”

And with that she could laugh at herself as if she had actually heard someone call her anything at all. Jerec offered to turn the gathering into a game of sabacc and Amea being the responsible woman when it came to her own well-being naturally turned towards the man and gave a gentle shrug and a nod to say she was in.

“That medical checkup can wait until after this, right?” She said for Kelsie to come along, not really offering the redhead a chance to say no or disappear. Amea took her seat in front of Jerec and put her buy-in on the table.

“Free permission to shoot cheaters if you catch them, right?” She joked — mostly.
Luc grinned at Cei Kyros, a raised eyebrow following his gaze turning to Jerec and then back towards his Captain's old friend. "Oh no, no, Mr. Kyros, I don't plan on letting the Captain help me get famous! I plan on learning from the master at his craft and keep him alive in the process." He spoke up with that youthful excitement of his.

A thumb jerked towards Luc's chest. "I'll be accomplishing that feat on my own." He finished the sentence with confidence, perhaps a bit unfounded but nonetheless his resolve was certain in that regard. Lucien lifted out of his bar stool, the bottle of brandy in one hand and followed Jerec and the others over to the gaming table. "Count me in too!" He reached into his inner pocket and removed a handful of talons as well, tossing them on the table in front his seat.

He popped a glance in Amea's direction at the mention of deterring cheaters in a manner that made him laugh. Well, it wasn't the first time he'd seen it actually come to fruition, but the stakes for this game weren't anywhere close to those few games where the unfortunate cheater got their cranium exposed by being terrible at the art of being subtle. "Can't afford to lose in the presence of such pleasant company~" He muttered, a pair of narrowed eyes accompanied the grin this time around. His gaze lingered briefly in the direction of their female companions.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Amea Virou Amea Virou Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Finley Finley

Cei Kyros

"Careful Luc. There's no liars in this game, just players."

Kyros plopped down into a seat facing the entrance between Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku and Finley Finley .

"Especially that one," he mimed a blaster with his index finger at Amea Virou Amea Virou .

He tossed five talons and an electrum plated bracelet into the pot.

"What's the game? Corellian Spike?" he asked, "Or Empress Teta Preferred?"

There were as many variants of sabacc as there were stars in the sky. The duros produced a pair of spike dice. Spike was among the most popular and probably had the best chance of everyone knowing how to play. He glanced from Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr to Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan .

"This reminds me of that job on Kijimi."

Friends and friends of friends... honestly, she didn't mind. This was nice. Maybe these were all spacer scum, but they weren't terrible, and now she was in a good mood. "Best medicine in the galaxy," she mused. Considering Jerec's offer, she suddenly regretted closing her tab. Whatever. If everyone else was drunk and she was the only one playing with straight senses, she'd win every time. After shooting the cheaters of course.

Alas, she wasn't being given the chance to escape -- not that she wanted to. Amea was one of the few people around these days that she enjoyed spending time with... and even if she didn't like the other woman, Kelsie had told her more than most knew about her past, and that meant she needed to keep an eye on her. Thankfully, she did like Amea. "Don't know him well, so I'll take your word for it." That Quekko-loving smuggler couldn't be too bad if he was giving Virou a hand. There were worse captains. Like Kelsie. She could make deals, but she was still figuring this all out. Maybe she could glean a few secrets about Outer Rim living from the people gathered around their sabacc table.

"Oh, I'm not just waiting for you, honey. I'll be pulling my three-K from Asyr. You picked the wrong game," she said, grinning to the spacer across the table as she pulled up a seat. The woman tossed nine Mon Calamari flan into the middle. They were worth as much as Jerec was putting up.

"Don't you talk about Kajimi. Someday soon I'm gonna go back there and burn the place to the ground," she growled. Bad memories. But enough of that -- it was game time, and Kelsie always played to win.


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